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MARCH 2025

Massive Fire Broke Out In Egypt’s Shuqair-Mostorod Crude Oil Pipeline (Videos)

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On July 14, a massive fire broke out in Egypt’s Shuqair-Mostorod crude oil pipeline. According to the country’s health ministry, at least 12 people were injured.

The petroleum ministry statement said that a spark caused by cars driving along the road set crude oil leaking from the pipe on fire. According to authorities, the fire was brought under control. The videos from the site demonstrates the scale of the incident:


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Jens Holm

Too often big systems has no good program for everythingg is well procuces and kept in shape. So happenings like this was not an accident but can be predicted.

If I fx go to USA its about the same thing for Corona as well as climate changes. The systems to avoid things are not good enough or non existing. When things happen – and they will, there is no well structured and well educated reserved with the needed emergency equiment.

I partly can understand it for USA. It was created as a high risk country where all mainly were repsaonsible for themselves in the name of that kind of freedom.

But what I dont understand is, that the high productivity and GDP is not voted into a little more safety.

As written before. USA next time will get Biden but they need a Sanders. USA cant develllop ands grow well, when old systems are not compensated/repaired well or replaced by something better.

There are too many of that kind of incidents. Tempting to compare those fx with SDF “staling oil deom themself”. There are many of those Egyprioan incidents a year. Russia has a big one in a river.

Ivan Freely

Sparks from cars driving nearby? BULLSHIT.

Zionism = EVIL

Exactly, like the burning aircraft carrier in San Diego. The new IRGC head said that the Americunts don’t know the meaning of the word nightmare yet.


Egypt is a poor country and totally dependent on aid, going after its infrastructure is a very wise move as it hurts the impoverished US and western taxpayers as they will have to pay for the burnt pipelines and refineries. The MB and Opposition supporters should wage a scorched earth policy.

Brother Ma

Curse the MB dogs.

The Objective

You are the one who’s cursed for being a Zionist stooge

Brother Ma

You can be anti -Zionist and anti- Moslem Brotherhood ,you know. You should try it sometime. It is liberating!

Or are you so happy to have Moslem countries returned to medieval times ,Sharia Law and having chopped heads everywhere?

The Objective

Name one country which adopts Sharia law and its technological progress is rolled back. If this happens it’s usually as a result of the west fighting them secretly to keep the country weak. Alternatively, Iran adopted Sharia though not a pure one, but still advanced despite the war if attrition waged against it for decades. Shari’a is just a legal system. It doesn’t ban studies or science. It encourages it, but with limitations to what practice is allowed. For example, you can’t be allowed to make sex robots in a Shari’ah government.



The Objective

Perfect. See what I mean? Sharia does not impede progress


More like Iranians are smart people, Saudi sharia has sent them back to the camel age.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, if Iran moved away from the theocracy it would be in the top 5 economies. Religion and politics don’t mix, it is recipe for a cluster fuck, but it suits the Zionists and imperialists as it keeps the vast majority of Muslims illiterate and backward. One of the worst mistakes of Mustafa Kemal and the Shah was not to round up and kill all the extremist mullahs. Religion or no religion is a personal choice and can not be enforced. It only keeps people blind.

Brother Ma

I detest Mustapha Kemal but I give credit where credit is due. He actually did put many mullahs to death and curbed the excesses ,brutality and ignorance of the Turks amongst themselves. However ,he used all that to slaughter the Christians previously!

Nevertheless ,I commend the man for trying to be Secular and Turkey did improve in this time.

There is no doubt in my mind Iran would be top 5 if it wasn’t for the sanctions since 1979.

FANFARONE ? Year of the Pig ??

nonsense, kemal did not lead massacres actually he was against hardcore butchers like topal osman, religous pro caliphate extremists and hardliner turanists like enver pasha. He was a progressive, cosmopolite, atheist a child of salonica city well ahead of his time who did not hold any real grudge against the greeks albeit they invaded his country in an offensive adventure during 1919 – 1922. Proof is he respected the greek war flag and prevented his troops of desecrating it, he sent all the greek prisoners of war back, he signed a fair peace treaty after the wars were over and as a result benizelos nominated him for the nobel price. Kemal unfortunately passed away prematurely and the turks proved unable to safeguard his Legacy. They distorted him, made a silly personal cult out of him and finally destroyed his foundation.

What greece needed and still needs is a leader of that level who will check religion, unite the nation and fully align us with european values and mentality

and why do you, an avid xian, even care about secularism ?

Brother Ma

Show me your teacher so I can slap him for you. I do not dispute most of the rest of what you have said. However ,I will correct one thing for you.

It is well known that Kemal arrived in Kerasounta or Samsounta in 1919 and rallied the Turks (moslems) against the Natoves of the land -the Greeks. He slaughtered almost all of them with Topal Osman’s help and THEN at the end of it he had Topal Osman murdered as a rebel against his own rule. He also used other Circassian Moslem irregulars agaisnt tge Greeks and tgen fought with tgem . The Greeks then gave those Circassians free leave to pass through to Jordan.

ALL of the above is documented in many books and archives of the uk ,US , Germany ,France and Russia from people on the ground who saw all this. People who also included Turkey’s allies.

I suggest you ask your teacher why he didn’t let you know all of the above.

Brother Ma

Secularism is not the absence of religion. It is not atheism. It is living life in a measured way by using the good of religion without using the excesses of that religion.

Secularism has been shown to be the best lifestyle for increasing living standards in the world both materially and in political freedoms etc


I 49 virgin sex robots, equal opportunity, want to try one?

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously get real, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan are industrial powerhouses LOL

The Objective

Read the comment well. You only confirmed what I said, not debunk it.


CIA troll?

Zionism = EVIL

ooops, the fuckwit Zionist cunt Sisi is now having fires move closer and closer, first the Americunts morons lost a carrier to pissed off Hispanic sailors and that is still burning and listing with a million gallons of toxic fuel. Let’s face it the Sisi moron overthrew the most popular and only elected government in the history of Egypt and then savagely tortured and killed Dr. Morsi and now with Turkey breathing down his Zionist arse, Sisi is fucked, just watch how the region changes by the day.

Fog of War

Exactly, timing is everything . I dont believe in coincidences anymore.

Brother Ma

Who cares. Moslem Brotherhood sends Egypt back into the Stone Age and as a Christian I am happy Morsi was stuffed.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, Morsi was a progressive man and was lifting the Zionist cunts blockade of Gaza and had opened the Rafah crossing. I am not religious and base my opinions on objective analysis. Sisi is a Zionist and CIA stooge. Morsi won fair and square in the only open election in Egypt. The MB has very strong support in the military even and that is why the CIA cunts vet every officer over the rank of major, after the swine Sadat was gunned down like a dog in open daylight. Sisi won’t survive even though he is protected by Americunt and Zionists.

Brother Ma

I do find you objective and measured which is why I talk with you. However ,we will have to disagree on Morsi and Mb.

I can only go by what I have seen and heard about mb in Turkey ,Qatar ,Libya and Syria and it is not a pretty sight. They appear medieval ,intolerant and not wanting to live in a modern secular world.

I know you will disagree but we can talk about other topics. Lol

P.S. Sisi maybe a Zionist stooge but who isn’t in this day and age? If we were to remove Zionist stooges we’d have to remove Hamas, European and American leaders and what gov would we have for order?

The Objective

You are wrong. We support science and education. But we don’t like materialism replacing people’s spirituality. We place a limit on what technology should do, like banning sex robots and similar dangerous tech to human normalcy. We firecely opposes capitalism, usury, exploitations of the weak, tyranny, monopolies, constant wars, alcohol, prostitution, and anything harmful to our physical or spiritual lives. What’s happening is a struggle between good and evil. Everyone has a side.

Brother Ma

Nonsense. I support almost all you have mentioned and i’m not a Moslem nor Moslem Brotherhood. Everything was fine if you have a moderate capitalism and welfare state like what was normal in the West until The Fall of the Soviets. That is when The us became overly pushy , Globalist and spiritually-bankrupt and vulture- capitalistic.

Being a Moslem or Christian has nothing to do with it. It can in fact be Secular and in fact was built up in a Secular Western World.

In any case ,Look at Saud; Sharia state. An Islamic Sharia state as you would want . Life is shxt there.

The Objective

That’s the problem with non-muslims. You can’t tell the difference between Sharia and hypocrisy. Who told you Saudi Arabia practices Shari’ah? No wonder you misunderstand the whole MB issue. Iran practices Shari’ah better than Saudi Arabia and UAE combined. Only that Iran’s Shari’ah is largely missguided.


Hasbara at its worst :)

Zionism = EVIL

I have traveled across every Muslim state from Morocco to Indonesia and not one sane person wants Sharia, why do you think most of their educated people move to the secular west. Even this “objective” troll lives in the US and he is not that well educated. Sharia is a CIA tool to keep the Muslims backwards and chopping heads.The stupid cunts who push this crappy Sharia bullshit mostly live in the UK and US. I see these hypocrites everywhere.

Brother Ma

I agree. Of course I don’t fear the educated Moslems ,it is the masses that are plentiful and easily led that are the problem. An educated man knows modesty , moderation and tolerance.

Even in Nazi Germany Christian leaders risked their lives and were guillotines to save Jews and Gypsies. We see Christian archbishops etc speak out about mercy and universal brotherhood with Moslems but I have never seen an Islamic leader ,even in a Western country, say the same about Non-moslems.

My fear is that educated smart Moslems will be easily swamped and cowed by Salafist Moslems , as I have never seen any Moslem of consequence publicly speak out against massacres of Christians ,ever.

If I feel this way and i am relatively educated ,tolerant and progressive how do you think the Average Joe feels seeing Natousziostan ” weaponise Moslems”?


You live in the US and troll for the CIA. Cute.


What’s wrong with sex robots, better looking and smarter than some skanks I have dated. BTW, you live in US and post such crap? CIA disinformation eh?

Zionism = EVIL

Thanks, I try to remain objective and look at the big picture and stay above the religious stuff. My point about Morsi was based on the fact that he was anti-Zionist, was improving relations with Iran and also had turned a blind eye to Palestinians arming in Gaza or bringing in food via Rafah crossing. Those were the real reasons he was ousted in a murderous coup planned and executed by the CIA, much like Bhutto in Pakistan or Allende in Chile, who became thorns as nationalists and anti-Americunt. Whatever his religion, Morsi was unacceptable to the Americunts and Zionists. Egypt since the Roman era has never been an independent state. In our lifetime, it has vacillated between a corrupt western installed colonial monarchy of Farouk, then the idiotic pseudo-Socialist Nasser, then the Jew pimp Sadat/Mobarek and then this latest cunt Sisi. Egypt unlike stable visionary powerful states like China, Russia, Iran, Turkey etc never had good nationalistic leadership, but a collection of whores starting with Cleopatra. That is true of most the Arab world.

Brother Ma

I had no problems with Morsi doing those things and approved of them ,it is his pernicious Moslem Brotherhood jihadist Islam I had a problem with.

I thought highly of the Bhuttos and those Us Zio snakes killed him to bring in Haq! Why doesn’t the US like secular moderate Moslem leaders? Hmm?


” but a collection of whores starting with Cleopatra” Cleopatra was not Egyptian

The Objective

No, why exclude Iran if your theory were true. Zionist-Christians are a fierce enemies of Islam. But don’t expect peace as long as you won’t leave us alone. With time you’ll know.

Brother Ma

All right-thinking,moderate ,nonmoslems are sick to death of the whining of Sunni moslems . I exclude Iran because although nominally a Theocracy it appears to be fairly open in practice.it isn’t chopping heads or making trouble . Whereas all the Sunni states supposedly Western and “democratic” field the most headchoppers and in my land! That is why.

As for you. You leave us alone. I’m sick of you butchering ,raping and invading Europe.Pvss off out!

The Objective

Your governments are the ones invading our lands you hypocrite. How many Muslim armies are in your European countries? You wanna know how many European soldiers are in Muslim countries. You deserve exactly what happens when the time comes. Don’t you think things will remain the same. You enjoy your time now, cos when it ends you won’t get it again

Brother Ma

Your stinking moslem armies are in Europe from fifty years ago. You invaded Cyprus in 1974 ,you ruined and butchered Yugoslavia in the 1990s and then in 1999 and now your Turk armies have bases in Albania ,your headchoppers are trained in Bosnia , Kosovo and Albania ALL under Turk,Saud ,Qatari and US /Zio masters.

Don’t try and teach me history before opening a book first.

You are a fool or a fanatic and thus have no place in the modern world. Stay in your Moslem country and shut up if you do not want to be Secular and Rationalist .

The Objective

Is Albania a Muslim country or not? Was NATO involved in these Yugoslavian wars or not. Was NATO involved in Kosovo or not? Is NATO a Muslim organization?

Brother Ma

Albania is a Moslem nation and yes Nato was involved. You have not read my previous posts so may not know. I try to be Rational and fair and have said many times I blame the ZioUsNatoists just as much as I do moslem headchoppers.

Now both Russia AND the US are using Turkey as their Little Cowboy Deputy in Europe and I don’t like it and there are many that see it and agree with me.

Zionism = EVIL

NATO cunts attack on Yugoslavia had nothing to do with “saving” Muslims, actually it was the Dutch cunts who sold the Muslims into a massacre. The Americunt war on Yugoslavia was to be a template to be applied to Russia eventually and use Ukraine as the staging post, but it did not turn out well as the drunk Yeltsin was ousted and China’s rise to the top became too fast. Yugoslavia like the old USSR was a pain in NATO’s arse and taking advantage of Russian weakness post USSR, the cowardly cunts bombed and destroyed Serbia mostly.

Brother Ma


The Objective

Correct. I hope the guy who claimed Turkey is invading Europe will read your comment. I was replying to him cos he mentioned Albania and Yugoslavia

Zionism = EVIL

Good advice to some troll living in the US.



40 years of impotent sanctions and more progress and modernity

Zionism = EVIL

Well, with a secular progressive regime like Bani Sadr, Iran would have been in the top 5 economies by now. But even with the theocracy it will eventually, especially now with the emerging China, Russia and Iran Eurasian superpowers cluster.

Even Zarif retorted to the west: “Pay attention to the global shift in power.” A government spokesman said on June 23 that the Iran-China deal proves the “failure of USpolicies aimed at isolating Iran.” The hardline IRGC noted this week that this is the best time for the deal since the US feels “weak” against China.

Iranian sources have revealed some of the the top-secret military elements of the accord, as covering “complete aerial and naval cooperation between Iran and China” with a key role for Russia. If the final details are sewn up in the second week of August at a meeting of Iranian IRGC officials with Chinese and Russian counterparts, then from Nov. 9, Sino-Russian bombers, fighters and transport planes will be found using purpose-built dual-use facilities near the existing airports at Hamedan, Bandar Abbas, Chabahar, and Abadan.”

Iranian sources add that China and Russia will at the same time roll out new jet fighters for Iran, enhance electronic warfare (EW) capabilities in three key areas: electronic support (including early warning of enemy weapons use), electronic attack (including jamming systems) and electronic protection (including of enemy jamming).

“To counter U.S. and/or Israeli attacks.” The Krasukha-2 and -4 systems are also likely to feature in the overall EW architecture. The Krasukha-2 can jam Airborne Warning And Control Systems (AWACS) at up to 250 km. “One of the Russian air jamming systems is to be based in Chabahar and will be capable of completely disabling the UAE’s and Saudi Arabia’s air defenses, to the extent that they would only have around two minutes of warning for a missile or drone attack from Iran,” one of the Iran sources told the OilPrice.com publication last week.

Simplekindof Man

Probably because of culture, regardless of religion? Don’t forget,Iranians are not arabs,just Islam imposed on them. I agree though,islam has managed to keep most of the trash outside it’s borders,hence no graffiti,filth on TV etc.at least as far as I know.


Iran is also cleanest country in the region and the most beautiful ….



Chinese are now trying to do the same and kick out western trash.

Zionism = EVIL


Brother Ma

True. Iran also had a civilisation which reached heights before Islam ever came to them. The Arabs never did. They were mainly Bedouin desert nomads.

The city Arabs became Jews (some) and Christians(many more) and then both were attacked by Mohammed .So the predatory clannish spirit was emphasized throughout Arab Sunni Islam whereas the Persians were more insulated from this rough tribal Islam.

Simplekindof Man

I guess it says in the Bible “rejoice now,for a human being you didn’t approve of,was “stuffed”” Just kidding,I know religion was always just a pretext. Go on.


Egypt will eff turkey


Like China effed India.


STFU you b@$tard.Go rape @i$h@ like Muhammad did.

Zionism = EVIL

Angry foul mouth filthy Hindu monkey worshipping slum dog :)


China only ate a big American dick, the Chinese don’t stand a chance against the U.S, India and other ASEAN countries who are already mad at them for violating their EEZ.


Depends on whos law of the land? Well Hong Kong has been liberated allready not just by the Commonwealth in 1997 but also prc,tough bikkys cia,eu-epp out!

Also prc has a very long contract lease on one you favorite ports over there,real beauty too,they say,so you can rant along all day,up to you,but in the end if the commonwealth can’t clean the zio hegemons complex fear disorder than by god communsists shall,thus put yet another end to the khazar/nazi insults in incest!

Now their beaut carrier,that was supposed to be ready to conquer china,and the others plauged by corona (many led to believe started by usa in wuhan)? Just saying:

The Objective

I wish it were sabotage. It’s time Sisi pays a price for his brutal and murderous rule

Lone Ranger

Hi Shlomo…

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