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MARCH 2025

Massive Russian Air And Artillery Strikes On The Night And Morning Of March 15

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Massive Russian Air And Artillery Strikes On The Night And Morning Of March 15

Russian aviation and artillery of the Russian Armed Forces and the DPR and LPR actively attacked various Ukrainian military infrastructure facilities and different AFU positions throughout the night and morning of March 15.

The Russian command finally switched to the tactic of massive artillery shelling before the troops moved forward.

In a number of cases, fire was opened at residential buildings where Ukrainian military firing positions reportedly were detected inside.

Multistory buildings in Kiev were damaged as a result.

In Mariupol, there are sniper positions in multistory buildings, as well as positions for anti-tank missile launchers. Residents left these buildings.

In Kharkov yesterday afternoon there was also damage to residential buildings.

At night, missile strikes were launched at the Dnipro airport. Damage to the runway and infrastructure was reported.

In Kiev, strikes were carried out against the Artem plant, which produces air-to-air guided missiles, automated systems for the maintenance of air guided weapons, anti-tank guided missiles, and instruments and equipment for airborne aircraft.

On March 14, the Russian Air Force conducted an airstrike on the Impulse plant in the city of Shostka, Sumy Region, Ukraine’s only plant for the production of detonation equipment (primers, electric detonators, detonating cords, etc.).

In 2019, a new production center was opened at the plant, thanks to which Ukraine for the first time in history has established a closed chain of production of rocket weapons and artillery shells.

Last year, serial production of VOG-17V ammunition for underbarrel and automatic grenade launchers was rolled out.

Russian howitzer artillery has been shelling AFU field positions in the Chernihiv region for a long time.

The Russian Defense Ministry has published footage that showed the destruction of the location of Ukrainian MLRSs and missiles to them.


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Great success

Pedo Andy

In one of the most bizarre stunts the puppet Polish, Czech and Slovenian PMs plan on visiting Kiev in pathetic EU show of support. It is war zone and they can be hit from any source. The Anglo-Zionists are using these Slavs for their own evil agenda.

Bugsy Malone

The Kiev railway station needs to be put out of action along with all communications.


Staying behind a 30m long table is a great act of bravery

Johan Tosserstein

That literally makes no sense. Commanders stay behind big desks. That’s how war works.

the end

I wish them a very best possible Russian reception, I do hope that the whole government apparatus will make a trip, not just some walkie-talkie boy.

Johan Tosserstein

They have received their orders. However foolish and pointless. This is price of joining NATO, do what US tells you to do. NATO has not been a military self-defense pact since the mid-C20th, now it is entirely a political structure for US to control (occupy) all the European members and their foreign policy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan Tosserstein

And just like the house of Sodom in Arabia, the vermin rulers of these countries are bought and paid for.


So over near Donetsk, why don’t they just drop a few bombs on the ukros shelling the city? Am I missing something there? It just seems like even a fortified position should be able to just be leveled to make them stop.

Yamil Perez

Because those fortified positions are inside of villages or right on the perimeter. Dropping a FOAB on them would also vaporize the whole village.

Bugsy Malone

TOS needed. Burn the Nazi drug addicts.


They reportedly did last night, tho it’s not documented on southfront yet. I guess we’ll hear more formal news about it later. According to locals they witnessed the biggest air raid and artillery raid near Donetsk thus far.


Shit got real at Avdveevka last nite. This was the hardcore Ukrainian military stronghold in Donbass Basin. It was held by elite Ukrainian 95th Air-mobile Brigade (Paras). That Brigade basically no longer exists, it was gone by morning. Wiped out by artillery, and missile barrages all nite. The Russian’s are making a point. Firstly, the Ukrainian Tochka attack on Donbass civilians was way out of order. Secondly, Ukrainians need to make moves to either surrender or go down with the US controlled Zelensky Regime.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens

Russia need to commence using it’s thermobarics —- that will put the neo nahtzees in their place

Muhammad your Prophet

In other words the Russian army with no possibility of further advance has no choice but to use more artillery to murder as many people as it can. Isn’t that the definition of terrorism, Scooby?


Rich coming from murderous country destroying Westerner like yourself, also Yamil quit trying to change your name, that’s pathetic you loser.

Muhammad your Prophet

The Putin cockroach wants Yamil back because it looks like the racist faggot wants to rape Yamil. What a rapist piece of shit.

muhammad your Pimp

Just like your prophet!


Just admit you’re gay. You. Can’t form a sentence without injecting some type of homosexual innuendo. Truly the sign of a closet homo. But hey, no surprise since you worship the homo Zelensky.

Muhammad your Prophet

Dan the faggy Putin cockroach just decided to come out of the closet. He’s been begging to suck Putin’s cock for a while too. No surprise here.

fuck muhammed

Muhammad the Prophet was a sodomite. btw there is no allah, ever, never and won’t

Last edited 2 years ago by fuck muhammed

OccupyBacon, Yamil, trevor + 100000 gay names, a sick, lonely, cocksucking degenerate sitting in his cesspool basement in Romania, eating turds from his diapers all day long (then farting and burping stinking here from his shithole gay mouth).

Shemale bitch you are not just a lonely, reject faggot insectoid without life, brain or purpose, you also are a hardcore masochist in desperate need of attention, begging to suck everyone cock here. Everyone rapes your throat and piss on your mouth, and you always return begging for more. i guess that gives some purpose in in your miserable, painful existence, soon to be over…

Here bitch, I piss on your tongue- swallow it all.

Last edited 2 years ago by ....
Johan Tosserstein

Zelensky is known as coke addict “actor/entertainer” and Yamil Perez wants to be one of Zelensky’s preferred “male guests'” at the bunker coke parties:


Last edited 2 years ago by Johan Tosserstein
Peppe il Sicario

What happened, they kick you out of the local kiddie school playground offering Scooby snacks to toddlers??

Bugsy Malone

Russia needs to do some serious carpet bombing Scooby doo.


No little buddy … terrorism is an attempt to affect political change by a non state party by means of asymetrical random acts of violence. Like the term “Genocide” and “racist” terrorism has lost it’s meaning to many in the west due to ignorance and propaganda.

Bombing the crap out of an opposing army before attacking is called ‘softening up the enemy’ unless the USA does it then it’s called “spreading democracy”

Muhammad your Prophet

Terrorism is an attempt to destroy Ukraine and murder its population all because Putin the human cockroach is a murdering terrorist piece of scum.

Bugsy Malone

There is no Ukraine Scooby. Only Kievan-Rus, a part of Russia and the treacherous hohol Ukie need to be pushed into Poland forever. Only Russians can live in Kievan-Rus or their allies.

Muhammad your Prophet

And since there is no Ukraine according to Putin the terrorist cockroach, then the lives of the Ukranian people are not worth living. S he decided to murder them like the murdering terrorist cockroach he is. You just explained Putin’s motive for committing mass murder and war crimes.

fuck muhammed

just like that, what is the problem? btw there is no god

Last edited 2 years ago by fuck muhammed
Stepan Bandera in Hell

My boy, my darling boy, that makes no sense whatsoever. You need to try more.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stepan Bandera in Hell

I know I shouldn’t feed the troll but in your case: eat shit and die you stupid animal.


Actually, no one ever called them “Kievan” Rus during medieval times, just Rus(sia). Kiev was just another Russian city.


Oh my … such language. What’s next … you going to call Putin Mr. poopy pants?

It’s one thing to march around like Nazi’s with torches and herding unarmed protestors into buildings and setting them on fire but quite another when you have to fight an actual war against against a real army that can bring overwhelming firepower down on you. Then you get all weepy, go to your safe space and cry ‘terrorism’ and ‘genocide’

Muhammad your Prophet

There’s nothing good to call Putin. He’s just exactly what you see on live TV. A mass murdering terrorist cockroach piece of scum.


It’s OK little buddy … you’re at the third stage of grief … lashing out in impotent anger.

Next stage is depression followed by a resurgence of anger then finally acceptance.

Try smoking weed and playing violent video games … it won’t really help but it’ll stop the constant snivelling and shut you up for awhile.

Last edited 2 years ago by HB_norica
Muhammad your Prophet

The Putin cockroaches are in the stage of third degree burns all over their bodies in Kiev. The can’t be depressed or go to a shrink. Because they’re dead. They’re just human corpses sent by their mass murdering terrorist cockroach leader Vladimir Putin. Am I right, Scooby?

fuck muhammed

what is the problem, there are 10000000 Russian more, btw Allah never existed


Putin! Putin! Putin! The ol’ Anglosphere bogeyman propaganda trope. Isn’t it time you people upgraded? The complete inability of the US and NATO vassals to effect any kind of defence of their Ukrainian puppet has you rattled, but, you know, keep trying!

Muhammad your Prophet

There, there, Scooby. He’s another terrorist. Vladimir Putin is just another mass murdering terrorist cockroach like any other.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
fuck muhammed

and he is coming for pedophile father

fuck muhammed

and he is coming for your mother, your daughter even your ugly aunts… btw… your already know… there is no god

Jesus, your God

Just like your prophet did!


Oh look it’s mr multi troll account.

Johan Tosserstein

No Scooby-Doo, this is a basic doctrine of all military urban warfare. Artillery Branch of Military, heard of it? Name a military that doesn’t have artillery as a major military branch? Now, what has artillery historically been relied on to achieve? To destroy and dislodge fortified positions of the enemy. Take a look at what US Marine Corp howitzers did to Raqqa to dislodge ISIS terrorists armed only with small arms, AK’s and PRG’s. The US Marine units wore out their howitzer’s barrels in flattening Raqqa, and fired more shells than any US unit since Vietnam. Russia meanwhile has an enemy with advanced ATGM’s hiding in buildings, buildings that residents have now left. Because Scooby-Doo, when the Asov Fascists start setting up firing positions in apartment buildings, and hide their T-64’s against residential buildings for civilian cover, the civilian’s actually get and leave the building. Funny that.

Scooby Perez doesn’t know jack shit about war or about how anything in the real world actually works.

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan Tosserstein
Muhammad your Prophet

Yeah, the basic doctrine of every mass murdering terrorist in the world. When all else fails murder the civilian population. Right Scooby? That’s what all the murdering terrorist cockroaches like Putin do?


There are many cockroaches in powerfull positions today. However Putin is not one of them, try switching on your brain for once, it might help.

fuck muhammed

I just realized that you are the same Yamil fuck, the same retard who has sexual fixation with cartoon dogs, hahaha pathetic, you must be from london, munich or california.

St Olaf the Frottigist

You sir, are quite frankly the epitome of the imbecilization of western thought. Quite a feat considering the cesspool that is the Southfront comments section. Your comments are crude, infantile and sophomoric at best and I really have to wonder in your twisted mind if you actually think they have any impact or influence on anyone’s view of events. My guess is you are probably a pimple faced teenage incel living in mommy’s basement raging against a world you have zero control over. The other sadder possibility is that you actually get paid for this in which case you are truly a failure as a human being. Either way you have nothing of value to contribute to the world and will not be missed.

Muhammad your Prophet

Sir, you are the epitome of the Putin cockroaches who watch Channel One like a demented zombie. Either way you only have the value of a vermin cockroach. You are only an infestation.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Yamil Perez Dead

You are the epitome of a monkey turd from Zelensky drugged asshole. An utterly braindead, moronic, worthless NATO-bot gay whore swallowing endless amounts of feces from your demonic masters, then puking even more badly digested excrement from your shithole mouth 24/7. A common cockroach is infinitely more worthy and vastly more intelligent than you mutated fecal virus from Lwow cesspool.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez Dead
St Olaf the Frottigist

Thanks for proving my point. In all sincerity get professional help.

Muhammad your Prophet

In all sincerity retreat the Putin cockroaches from Ukraine and stop defending the Russian terrorist cockroach president. Because you are just a human scum as he is. Thanks for proving my point.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
fuck muhammed

just like your americunt lovers in irak and afganistan, (btw there is no god)


“The Russian command finally switched to the tactic of massive artillery shelling…” The tactic of the ones that donยดt mind with civilians lifes, and the result is even more civilians killed… How many cities or villages the Americans razed for example in Serbia? Or in Iraq? The Russians tactic is to raze everything at the same time that they “liberate” Iยดve not seen Ukrainians greeting them with flowers , even the Russian speaking ones are being killed and even those like less now Russia. One of thesse days I saw a video, I donยดt know if it was Kharkiv or Dnipro, a Woman said, more or less this, I also speak Russian, why are they bombarding us?


Sorry boy, you just don’t understand war and the great global political picture. Russians understand now that those heroine nazi’s will not let out any civilians from urbanized areas and use them as human shields for propaganda purposes. And this is costing them a lot of soldiers. Sadly, very very painful, but they must to stick to the initial plan for Ukraine. And btw, US and NATO used same tactics in Irak, Siria, Afganistan, Vietnam, Koreea, etc….


Yes, the US murder of Fallujah in Iraq, 2004, was another US war crime as depleted uranium ammunition was used on civilians and the defending forces. The health of civilians and the birth defects since then are just another example of ‘American Values.

“In February 2004, control of Fallujah and the surrounding area in the Al Anbar Governorate was transferred from the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division to the 1st Marine Division.”

Yamil Perez

Compared to the U.S. Russians are causing minimal damage. U.S. used pretty much scotched earth tactics. Especially in Iraq and Lybia.


Dresden, Tokyo firebombing Vietnam napalm

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Hamburg, Leiptzig, Berlin…


Try the destruction of 20% of the population of North Korea, according to General Curtis Lemay, who was in charge.

Bugsy Malone

The US and NATO genocidal murderers killed 3 million Iraqis, Afghans, Libyans, Syrians, Yemenis and so on, Russia has a lot to catch up on. They can start by leveling Kiev. Fair enough.


The initial invasion of Iraq didn’t kill that many, it was afterwards. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen in Ukraine. And Russia doesn’t want to destroy any more of Ukraine than necessary for their objectives. Russian view the citizens as their people, it is the leadership they want to get rid off.

Bugsy Malone

The demographics need to be changed like Syria. 20 million Russians already live in Kievan-Rus.


This lie the soviet invaders told the ukrainians already 3 times (in history at least) during the last 106 years, and every single time it was a lie, and ended with hundredthousands and once even 12-14,5 mio dead ukrainians (see: Holodomor). Ukrainians want to live free, the russians should go home, as long as they have legs left to do so.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sรถrenson
Michel LeBlanc

Soviets are not the same as modern day russians.

How stupid are you, the russians suffered just as much under the soviets.

Besides ukraine had a chance at statehood and they pissed it away, just like their legacy of the ussr, they also pissed all that away.

Thats not the people of ukraine’s fault its their leaders.

The leaders let the nazis in and fester for 8 years. Are your surprised with the result???

Were supposed to tolerate 8 years of Donetsk city getting shelled daily by heavy artilery and mortars?

Even yesterday a ballistic missile loaded with cluster ammunition was lobbed at Donetsk city center. The missile was intercepted, sadly one of the cluster pods still detonated killing and wounding many civilians. So what do i tell the children of the old grandma with the green coat? Its the soviets fault grandma is dead now???

No its the ukrainian leadership, its been poisened corrupted by the west. These prositutes dont care about their peoples. Parasites dont care about their hosts.

You should shut your mouth while you still have lips and let the russians clean the mess nato made in Ukraine.

You can return to your basement and worship hitler now you 40 year old virgin incel.


One cannot “see Holodomor” as it is a fiction created by Anglosphere propaganda. The funny thing about it is that the fairy tale was seized upon by the Galicians, who did not experience the famines that occurred in many parts of the USSR in the period in which the Holdomor fantasy was situated.I mean, if you want to say 14 million, why not say a billion Ukrainians dead in the Holodomor.


Please go to Ukraine and tell the people there that communism is great, and that you think Holodomor is just a fiction and their forefathers and mothers did not die due to brutal acts of communism starving people on purpose, but it is all just a fantasy in their heads.

The communists came armed, went from house to house from farmer to farmer and stole all food and money that they, the already poor Ukrainians had saved for the winter. Stalin sold the stolen grain on the world market in order to raise money for building the “mighty Red Army” and the people of Ukraine and also in other parts of the former UDSSR were brutally hit by this. Ukraine was especially hard hit, because it had food and some money too.

After the robbery millions died from hunger !!! Those who were left were often shot, and because resistance was coming from some of them Stalin decided to eradicate them all, and in 1941 he forced them on trains to be deported to the gulags of Siberia. Which was the moment when the german forces broke his lines and freed the Ukrainians. Clyde, you are real know-nothing regarding history. It’s awful !

You never came across wondering why Ukrainians had Soviet Government and Red Army ??? Don t you ?

Last edited 2 years ago by Sรถrenson

That was a big mouthful of diarrhea. Wtf is “ukraine” you stupid asshole full of shit? Mallorussia/Little Russia is the right name, Ukraine means frontier and nothing else. Fake country and fake nation created by Austrians, Germans and Bolsheviks. Soviets rebuilt it twice after Germans plundered and devastated this territory in both WWs, Soviets invested more in their industry and infrastruce than in Russia. Oh poor little Ukies. 14 mil? Ahahah 1400000000000000000000 godzillion haha you fucking imbecile; in reality more Russians died in 1921. under Lenin, Lenin enforced Ukrainization on Russian people, Lenin (and Khruchev) gave them Russian land, Soviet high leadership was full of Ukrainians (not to mention Jews), the only genocide was against Russians. So called “Holodomor” Holowtrolololomor or whatever Mickey Mouse name promoted by Goebbels and Reagan, a famine and a creation of terrorist Symone Petlyuria (instigated and supported by the Brits), they burned the crops and the granaries. You moron should go to hell with him, your brain is already dead.


fritzzz, hans raus, johan, sorensen, the same moronic nazi troll spamming garbage as usual.

Last edited 2 years ago by F U

The Americans destroyed the infrastructure of Iraq in 1991. They always go after the electrical and water systems. It’s the American way. A half million Iraqi children died subsequent to the 1991 invasion and subsequent sanctions. The US is Murder Inc.


If you haven’t figured it out yet the real objective of this war is to drive NATO influence out of Ukraine and destroy Ukraines capacity to act as a NATO proxy.

This war has been brewing since Putin came to power and stopped Russian oligarchs from selling out assets owned by Russian taxpayers to western oligarchs.

It flared up when the Bush the younger tried to woo Georgia into joining NATO to build a gas pipeline through Georgia in 2008 and again when the USA financed and organized a nationalist coup in Ukraine in 2014.

Russia’s big mistake here was not taking out the power grid and cell towers on the first day of the war then continuing the bombing for 45 days completely destroying the country before the ground war like the USA does. What you’re seeing now is Russia coming to terms with their naiveity and using their artillery and air power to full effect.

The maharaja

Somebody gets it right.



(Regarding your question) quote “How many cities or villages the Americans razed for example in Serbia? Or in Iraq? ”

For Iraq I can say:

Fallujah and Mossul are the two most famous Iraqi cities which the Amerikkans nearly totally destroyed, but there are for sure much more which we never hear about in the medias. So be true about it, the Amerikkans are not better, or more peaceful than the russians. It is both not peaceful governments.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sรถrenson

Clearly, Russia goes the extra mile to find and settle conflicts through diplomacy as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd options. The US..? Not so much (cough, cough…).


I mean when Russians gave people the opportunity to lay down their arms, hohols and sympathizers were like, LOL LOOK RUSSIA IS GETTING REKT THEY’RE INCOMPETENT. Now that Russia is beginning to take things more seriously they are suddenly war criminals? Hohols, shills and useful idiots really change their narratives every 3 seconds don’t they. You didn’t lay down your arms, now face obliteration, well deserved obliteration.


Tak siฤ™ musiaล‚o w koล„cu staฤ‡. Po morderstwie w Doniecku rosyjskie wojsko przestaล‚o mieฤ‡ skrupuล‚y do upa.

Yamil Perez

Condolences to the fallen Azovisis operators. May they rest in pieces…

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Someone get me out of here ASAP. Im out of heroin and PTSD is setting in. Need a medevac NOW. FU Langley.

Muhammad your Prophet

Rainbows are shooting outta my arse, I think I can fly us out of here. Trust me, I once got a silver medal on Reddit.

jens holm

Dont insult me today you inbeciles. My mangina is on my period. I will throw you in the head with danish sardines in vinegar. Punks.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining ๐Ÿค—

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿคก

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A Krasnopol a day keeps Azovisis away ๐Ÿค—

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ

Peppe il Sicario

Unbelievable the level of “cuckness” in certain European leaders!!! Croatia’s PM, even though the Tu-141 drone that struck its territory was Ukranian, is blaming Russia for the incident, according to PressTV!!!!!! At this point, dear Vlad, please send some of your Wagner guys, Chechens and whoever, and start taking out the politicians and their Europoodle journalist trash!!! It’s long over-due!

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario
Arzt Injektion

The President of Croatia is a decent man by the PM is a total stooge.

Simple man

Am I the only one who would like to see Russia finally do something decisive here? There’s been hardly any progress for the last week or more. Russia should stop fucking around and start total annihilation of the nazi scum. No mercy mode. Otherwise this will drag on for months.

Muhammad your Prophet

Because the Russian army is garbage. They already tried to be decisive and the Ukranian forces wiped all the Russian special forces out in 48 hours.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

According to Disney news network…

Michel LeBlanc

Right, and how free is the ukrainian army to move about?

Its not, its broken up in a thousand isolated pockets.

You are nothing! Your comrades are as good as dead. All they can do is hide behind old grandmas while they wait for the chechens.

How decisive do you want russia to be?

Crimea river!

Michel LeBlanc

It will drag on for months, as that is how it was planned.

Denazification does not happen overnight.

You dont carpetbomb civilians, you just dont. Russia does not want to kill a million ukrainians. Most of the people in ukraine are retired folks, old people!

They cant fight and they cant run. Your proposing mercilessly destroying all the old people?

No, it will be a slow and long fight, no need to kill grandma and granda.

Some of us still have humanity.


Remember the Gulf war? It took the USA and coalition 45 days of bombing, losing 22 coalition aircraft before a force of over 300 thousand took a month to drive the Iraq army out of Kuwait and destroy Iraqi forces deployed in the desert.

The war didn’t end in regime change it ended in a cease fire.

The Ukraine army is trained and supplied by NATO and has been digging in and hardening their positions in residential areas for 8 years. The Iraqi army was supported by no one and were deployed in the open desert away from towns and villages.

Russia is just over 2 weeks into an invasion that they initially tried to accomplish without an opening campaign of air strikes and artillery barrage in order to minimize damage to civilian infrastructure.

Of course this will drag on for months … The Russians are fighting in a heavily populated area with prepared defensive positions against a NATO trained and armed force getting intelligence from NATO. the nearest equivalent in terms of conditions would be the Russian operation in German territory in 1945 and the Germans didn’t have NATO at their back.

Two weeks into the war the Russians already have air superiority with the main Ukrainian forces pocketed and supply lines under fire control.


Russia has liberated an area the size of Great Britain since the start of the Russian Special Operation to eradicate the US/UK proxy terrorists that control the levers of power in Ukraine.

Muhammad your Prophet

ะ‘ั€ะฐะฒะพ. ะกะปะฐะฒะฐย ะ ะพััะธะธ!

fuck muhammed

So you’re an ukrack bot? well, keep posting your bullshit, maybe SF will send your IP to the RAF, open your windows so that the missile does not break the glass


All the blame for any incidental civilian deaths goes directly to NATO countries. The neo-Nazi’s probably have the building rigged with explosives anyway, ready to detonate as soon as Russian troops do a sweep.


natzis killing natzis…will this civil war ever end?

Gerhard Umlandt



And now the German retards in power have agreed to buy the crappy US F35 flying coffin that doubles as an Under Sea gliding object. It was in the 60’s I think when the Germans bought another useless US fighter jet that was dangerous to fly :)

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

The F-104 Starfighter aka the Widowmaker…


Yeah, the wings on that thing looked like an afterthought.


Mr. Umlandt

That is not true. It is not “german politicians” and the “german chancellor Scholz”. The last legitimate german Chancellors Hitler & Goebbels died in 1945. Afterwards there is no “german politicians” ruling in Germany.

What is now is: The US occupation corporation called BRD (Occupational government in Germany), with its current subchief Mr. Scholz, did an unfriendly act against Russia, as it sent weapons to Ukraine – that’s for sure. An act which might be taken by Mr. Putin as something like a soft declaration of war against Russia BY THE USA – AND NOT BY GERMANY. As the BRD is not Germany. Germany is: The German Realm . Or in german: Das Deutsche Reich. (Eighter in bounderies/borders of 1918 or 1937 according to international law)

The last legitimate Government of the German Realm was eighter, the German Emperor Wilhelm II. Who was forced into fleeing by jewish stimulated communist coup in 1918. They even faked his signiture in order to make the world believe that he had want to leave the country, and did not want to be German Emperor anymore.

Or Grandadmiral Karl Dรถnitz. As successor of Hitler, resp. Goebbels, he was the legitimate one successor, and had also formed a government with which in May 1945 the US,UK and UDSSR forces negotiated, and on his behalf the german Wehrmacht capitulated. He was in charge, until suddenly the US/UK arrested him and his whole cabinet, and illegaly claimed to are now themselves the new government in Germany, and then erecting the fake-government and state-simulation called “BRD”, which is nothing but a criminal US company surpressing and plundering the germans since 1945 and keeping the – confirmed by international law – still existing real German Realm from resurrection.

It is said that the high US authorities in 1949 ordered the following aim to its BRD quislings, quote: “Keep the Americans IN, the Russians OUT, and the Germans DOWN (in Europe). Politically, economically, culturally and so on.

But lets jump back to 1918, when the communist coup forced the then German Emperor to flee the country. After that the comminists illegaly declared that now “Germany is a Republic” and did own rules and lots of criminal stuff. The criminal main fake-law they created was called the “Weimarer Verfassung” (Weimarer Constitution). They tried to play that shit further and further until the germans started rebelling and fighting, and wrestled back the power from the shitty communists, and Friedrich Ebert ordered to shoot all of these red scum. Eugen Levin, Kurt Eisner and lots of other jewish usurpator communist leaders were killed and the power slowly came back to the germans, when suddenly the world financial crises hit.

Again the communists tried to use the chaos to come back and topple the weak german government, and had nearly managed to do so, when the national socialist party appeared, rose to power and smashed the last of that red scum once and for all and reestablished a strong German Realm.

Bad thing was that the NSDAP new rules, were still based on the Weimarer Verfassung. Of course officially these communist constitution had no direct value in Hitler’s Realm, but he missed to put his Realm legally back on the real german foundation, which is the German constituation of 1871 and the German Emperor. So it is hard to say, if his rule and his successors are fully legitimate by international law.

Some call this even a clear sign for him to have been a traitor, who might have worked hand in hand with the enemy – especially US % UK -in order to destroy Germany. But that’s not clear and the fog of history isn t gone, so that today one cannot prove what was really behind him not putting the Realm legally back on the 1871 constitution track.

But what is very clear is that the German Emperor, Wilhelm II, was the legal ruler till 1918.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sรถrenson
Emily Newton

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Last edited 2 years ago by Emily Newton

Ukraine is being abused by the West as a puppet. The goal of the World Economic Forum, which controls most western governments is POPULATION REDUCTION. They want Russians dead as much they want Ukrainians and Europeans dead. Time to figure that out…


It’s white people T.H.E.Y.* want dead – just as it has always been.

*The Hebrews Enslaving You


nazzi scum must live in most nazi nation on earth—USA…..slither to the gringo dictatorship where you murder Assange…Snowden knows where freedom exists

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