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MARCH 2025

Mattis: Russia And Nuclear Threat Key Challenges Of United States

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Mattis: Russia And Nuclear Threat Key Challenges Of United States

Jim Mattis. FILE IMAGE: AP

US Secretary of Defense James Mattis believes that Russia and “the nuclear threat” are now key challenges for the United States. He also pointed out tensions with China, but noted that this is a political issue, which can be solved.

There’s also other challenges out there as well, but in terms of urgency, I’d say North Korea. In terms of power right now, it is probably Russia and the nuclear threat. And in terms of long-term political will, it’s China.

But China does not have to be a threat. We can find a way to work together with China. We’re two nuclear-armed superpowers and we’re going to have to learn how to manage our relationship, and I do believe we can do that,” Mattis stated during a speech to cadets at Virginia Military Institute on September 25.

Mattis’ statement once again shows an aproach employed by the Washington establishment employed towards modern Russia. While the US cotninues claiming that Russia is the responsible for the tensions, in fact the US political leadership are contributing to the further escalation of this conflict.

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Promitheas Apollonious

They begging, for their ass once more to get kicked and this time, it will not be as the others wars they started and lost running back home with their tail between their ass cheeks. Because the war it will follow them into the land they stolen and destroyed.

Keep pushing your luck and please dont stop until you get what you wishing for so you understand practically what means be careful what you wishing for.

Zo Fu

??? Screaming from the darkness ? ????

Tudor Miron

They = US in this case.

Promitheas Apollonious

no asshole from your mothers bedroom and bring the water and oil I ask you she is dry and in pain.


Dear South Front: There is no actual news here, and you simply blamed the US for the conflict. If you want to keep writing the way you are (and stay in business) you’re going to have to re-label everything that says “analysis” as “opinion.”

Zo Fu




Promitheas Apollonious

so you are a hasbara jew error boy. all of your kind, remind me of the whores who trying to hide it, but the joy dont allow them to. congratulations moron.


Do you even read before you go off half-cocked?

…or is this what you are like without your medication?…or perhaps this is you with your medication? Whichever it is, you look stupid.

Which word was it that confused you? “analysis” or “opinion”?

Don’t bother answering. I already know that your answer will be ridiculous.

Promitheas Apollonious

read what, that you agree with the other jew boy here?


I was right. Your answer is ridiculous.

Promitheas Apollonious

now now dont get upset because your single cell given you out. As for whose ridiculous, I let the posters here be the judge and jury. I am sure after all the jerking off, you did here, that you are of the ones who get paid not in shekels but in drugs.



Promitheas Apollonious

before you yawn hasbara wipe the foam from your mouth and try not to blow a casket.


…caskets are buried and not blown.

Promitheas Apollonious

empty head caskets do blow single cell. now I know you are a hasbara you go on my fuck off list. My curiosity is answered.




Sure there is, US military realizes that its military forces are inadequate to deal with Russia, as neocons push them for a hot war. The weapons outlined by Putin on March 1st places US military a few decades back in “catching up” with current Russian technology and weapons.

Zo Fu

The most stupid think on the world is underestimate opponents. US military forces are capable enough to destroy whole the world 20 times. What they can’t do is destroy China and Russia and protect USA at the same time. The only problem is, thaht US army obeys idiot neocons, who overestimates US army and underestimates Russia and China and are calculating 1st strike scenarios. This is the problem. How to kill neocon idiots in Washongton and their 1st strike ambitions and don’t destroy whole the world during the process.


US military forces are not capable of destroying the world 20 times over, their conventional forces cannot fight a major war with a peer power, and their nuclear triad’s capability are diminishing as each year goes by and Russia develops the S500 and Nudol anti ballistic missile systems, while US blows hot air and allows its triad to become downgraded.


What rubbish. This article is a report based on Mattis’ latest public remarks. Those remarks are provocative and obviously anti-Russian in nature. Ergo, for a Russian orientated strategic website this is notable news. Note: South Front does not require unsolicited publishing advice from the dreariest of US/Israeli trolls.


You really should stop peddling your hasbara lies and deal with facts not Zionist disinfo packaged as “analysis”.

Ukraine – Jew world order coup and ethnic cleansing, 1 million Ukrainian refugees in Russia

Georgia – “A ceasefire in 1994 ended the worst fighting, but tensions continued to simmer in the two breakaway provinces, which remained technically part of Georgia. Home to different ethnic groups, the Ossetians and the Abkhazians, they had been autonomous earlier in the 20th century, after the Russian Revolution, and they wanted their autonomy back.”


Syria – Jew world order regime change attempt, 500,000 dead, millions injured and displaced.


Stay in business, how about you, doing this for handouts from your Rabbi. Why haven’t you got a real job, or a woman?


Are you copying my antics or are you throwing out insults? Yes I have these things, although I do miss the Army and I repeat I’m not remotely Jewish (although I know you don’t care becausr you’re addressing an audience).


You know in Vietnam, it was safer to fight the North Vietnamese, than fight with the American army, totally frightened amateurs. I heard the same thing about the Korean war from old vets.


US and Israel both have no future.

Zo Fu

Mattis is not in position talk soft. IMHO the whole US idiocracy is trying talk harder then Halley, Bolton and other chimps, that were placed by Soros, Rothschild and other gloal “elites” as etalon for the others. If somebody doesn’t stick to script, he is replaced / sued / harrased / killed / whatever. That’s how idiocracy ruled by idiots works.

stary ujo

Hands off from Russians geriatric uncle Mattis !


This is the fate of the Russian nation. We shall always be the no.1 threat to the superpower of each era.

In 18th century we were the major problem of the Swedish empire. We ended them.

In 19th century we were the major problem of both Napoleonic and ottoman empires. We ended them

In 20th century we were the major problem of the Nazi empire. We ended them.

In 21th century we are the major problem of the American empire. Guess whats gonna happen ;)

Promitheas Apollonious

you have it wrong a bit in your mind though I do agree on historical fact you mention. amerkans never been a super power. Their masters and creators try with everything they have to make them a super power, in the real sense but unfortunately every where they went to play super power have their asses kicked along with their allies.

As for what is going to happen now is 52 new countries very soon?

Tommy Jensen

THIS time it will be different. THIS time we will succeed ;-).

Promitheas Apollonious

destroying your self’s definitely. You are very good at that.

Zo Fu

of course they are. 1st WW – already winning, but implementing bolshevik’s revolution and Lenin, killing milions and pay reparations to Germany 2nd WW – signing treaty with Hitler, killing thousands during Stalin’s purges and totally unprepared for German attacks, kiling 20 millions possible 3rd WW. USA speaks like enemy, acts like enemy, smells like enemy, but Putin talks about fucking “partners” and prevent Russian army to self defend.

Russian – masters of killing themselves. Like lazy bears sleeping in cave, which is already in fire.

Promitheas Apollonious

no hasbara you did not understand what I say and how I mean it. As for your conclusions and what you wrote it only shows you to be very uninformed and sounding like a mentally challenged single cell.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Yes Sir, well said.


US and Israel both are fake states and both dream to rule over entire world. Therefore, US and Israel are the main problem.

Adrian Costa

russia and its nukes is a threat to the usa only if the deep state is trying to sow “discord” around the globe.

Promitheas Apollonious

no they are a threat period. Unless of course amerkans go to their knees and start doing what they do best. SUCK…………. the lolly pop and ask for forgiveness.

Tommy Jensen

America is friend with the fat lamb China, we can always work it out together with China. China knows America and America knows China with respect.

In reality despite political differences we both admire each other, because we are both rich, business minded and intelligent people who can profit and make deals with each other. USA and China are the same, we are brothers! But who is troubling is Russia! Russia with its aggression, brutality, bad ass behavior, refuse to play by the rules, always in opposition, always requiring more, always seeking to take over US superpower like a poddle who got hold of a supersonic gun and now think its a lion. Russia is NOT a lion! HitlerRussia is the real danger for world peace! and also a jeopardy for America´s peaceful and close friendship with the fat lamb China.

China and USA can and will resolve this little problem together, for world peace.

Promitheas Apollonious

self flattery in this case is not going to work. maybe is time you stop overdosing and go to a rehab if you can afford it. In any case stay away from drugs you beginning to lose it big time.


You sound like a Russian, not American.

You can call me Al

He is what is know as a TWATY, a small Country in never never land.

Tommy Jensen

twatty ;-)

Promitheas Apollonious

A group of Twaty girls who may or may not be whorish in appearance.




Eehm…I disagree…I think America first becomes Isolated… because they Sanction the Whole World which means they can only do business with themselves soon…America will find a very difficult future ahead because the rest of the World became a little bit tired of the U.S. & Israeli Wars for the Elite & their Khazarian Banksters…and their 210 trillion Dollar Debt ain’t doin’ good either…need sum reliability right? Otherwise Stocks, Bonds & Treasuries become worthless just like the Dollar…

Carne João Pasta

What kind of drugs are you on?


It’s good cop bad cop. China plays the good cop, Russia the bad cop, but they are partners, and both plan to destroy the American empire. Also others are rallying to their flag, many countries fear America, but nobody likes America.


South Front, you misquoted Mattis.

What you should have written was, “James Mattis believes that the US and “the nuclear threat” are now key challenges for Russia.”

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