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MARCH 2025

May 5 Tragedy with Superjet-100 in Moscow (Possible Reasons, Consequences of Passengers’ Behavior)

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May 5 Tragedy with Superjet-100 in Moscow (Possible Reasons, Consequences of Passengers’ Behavior)

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A Superjet-100 [Aeroflot flight SU1492] plane with 73 passengers and 5 members of the crew onboard crash-landed in flames in the Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport on May 5.

So far, Russia’s Investigative Committee has confirmed that 41 people died in the crash-landing and fire. Authorities opened a case into an aircraft operation safety rules violation, which led to the deaths of “two or more people.”

According to reports, fire engines were deployed on the spot some two minutes after the plane crash-landing. By that moment, the fire reportedly engulfed the entire tail end of the jet.

Order of events based on official data and reports in the Russian media:

  • The Superjet-100 took-off from Moscow on 18:02 (local time). The SU1492 is the flight between Moscow and Murmansk. The supposed flight time is about 2h 30m.
  • The aircraft requested an emergency landing shortly after the take-off and returned to the airport on about 18:30 (local time);
  • According to some reports, the initial reason of the emergency landing was that the crew had expiriences communication problems. Another version is that the reason of the need to return to the airport was a lightning strike, which hit the aircraft.
  • The Superjet-100 did not land during the first try and had to make a second attempt to land.
  • According to some reports, the engines fire happened after the first failed landing. Aeroflot confirmed that the engires catched the fire after the landing, but did not provide much details. Reportedly, even if the fire appeared in the air, it did not spread notably.
  • Existing photos and videos allow to suggest that the plane catched fire after as a result of the crash-landing. The plane reportedly jumped-up 3 times, its chassis broke. The fire expanded as a result of the contact of the plane with the strip and a supposed fuel spillage [the SU1492 was in the air only about 28 minutes and reportedly saved more than 60% of its fuel].
  • The fire engulfed the entire tail end of the jet. According to reprots, this became one of the main reasons of the casualties.

The main fire outbreak was reportedly caused by the crash-landing after the chassis had broken. If this is confirmed, this would be not the first time when the Superjet-100 expirienced issues with the chassis. In October 2018, the Superjet-100 [Aeroflot’s flight between Moscow and Hanty Mansijsk] returned to Moscow because of issues with the chassis.

Issues with the Russian civil aircraft industry are widely known. The ineffective management is among the key reasons of this situation. Another factor is an illogical system of the execution and control of contracts, which have the state behind them. A low level of control from the law enforcement system also impacts the situation.

May 5 Tragedy with Superjet-100 in Moscow (Possible Reasons, Consequences of Passengers’ Behavior)

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An ordinary situation is the Russian civil aircraft industry:

  • The state or a state-linked company signs a contract for planes, their maintenance and spare parts, and make payments in the framework of the existing subsidies and other state preferences;
  • If a contract is signed in the end of the calendar year, first payments [after multiple checks and approvals] are often made not earlier than in the end of the first quarter or the start of the second quarter of the next year;
  • The bureaucracy on the side of the producers leads to further delays and contractors receive funds event later;
  •  Monitoring institutions are often demanding the producer to stay in the schedule rather than to keep the high quality of the production.

This is a general example of the situation, which is common for many Russian companies linked to the state. This may not be linked to Sukhoi and its production. However, this is a widely-spread issue in the Russian economy. Furthermore, monitoring institutions often have no will and real practice of quality control of products and services provided by key enterprises of the Russian economy. There is a chance that this is the reason of technical issues with the Superjet and the MC-21 airliner [failure to deliver planes on time because of the lack of the needed middle-term planning].

We hope that authorities will find out the real reasons of the tragedy and  this situation will lead to changes in the managing system in Russia’s government-linked corporations.

According to reports, one of the reason of the high casualties in the May 5 incident was behavior of some passengers. The exit was reportedly blocked by people who, in violations of demands of the cabin crew, were taking their bags and items from overhead bins. This reportedly blocked exit for people in the tail end of the jet.

These reports remain officially unconfirmed and it remains unclear how this situation influenced the final casualty number. Nonetheless, this kind of actions (blocking of the exit by people taking their bags and items) can be occasionally observed in flights of Russian companies.

May 5 Tragedy with Superjet-100 in Moscow (Possible Reasons, Consequences of Passengers’ Behavior)

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May 5 Tragedy with Superjet-100 in Moscow (Possible Reasons, Consequences of Passengers’ Behavior)

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We express our condolences to people who lost their relatives and loved ones in this tragedy. We believe that this incident should lead to an in-depth investigation and a comprehensive analysis of the reasons and consequences of the tragedy as well as the system issues with the management of Russia’s aviation industry.

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Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Toronto Tonto

Your gunna need um .

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

You too ;)

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Are you celebrating the deaths of 41 human beings? Disgusting!


What is wrong with you?

Luke Hemmming

it could have been worse had they been flying in a boeing 737 MAX


Why sherlock?


Because those aircraft don’t make level landings, they dive into the ground.




Because TWO if the Boeings crashed with weeks , and there were NO survivors . The design fault was known to Boeing , who tried to ignore it.

Toronto Tonto

Normal Russian landing except we have survivors , maybe a little maintenance could help . Don’t give us the garb about lightning .


Lowlife like you could not care about the victims, instead make jokes about them despicable kike perhaps we should make jokes about your ancestors being oven roasted :)


If only that was true, Lol.

Tudor Miron

You are lower than a cockroach. I feel sorry for you not being able to develop into human being. Such a miserable existance.

Toronto Tonto

All the crew got out ?????

Toronto Tonto

No I am not Russian

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

If you had your way there would be NO survivors to give witness and evidence. I see what you mean. Disgusting! Do you ever fly, Tonto? Lot’s of things can go wrong.

Toronto Tonto

More so in Muscovy .

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Gee, where’s Muscovy? Are you another ignorant Yank or their slave farting on the internet?

Toronto Tonto

99 percent of Russians cant read never mind a map .

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

You must be the ilk that thinks that thinks Russians are the “untermensch”, right? Well, your Master Race and the 1000 year reich sure got a mighty kicking by the Russian and Soviet “untermensch” in WW2, didn’t they?


You really are disgusting. Do you even realize that each of your posts garner just more sympathy towards Russia – especially in the context of this article – and a hate towards Western people that you inadvertently represent by using the Canadian flag in your Avatar. Is that your goal? Having read your comments on this site for a while now, I can just imagine how the pro-Russian side smiles each time you post – you just encapsulate everything that people say is wrong with the “West” so beautifully – a true gift to this site!

Toronto Tonto

We can see from the photos how much Russians care about anything but themselves . Russians hate the west because they are told to , our fun and rich lifestyle is not what putin and pals want you to have only they can live in Miami .


And the stupidity continues… I guess the irony of your response just went right over your head. Whoosh!


The most likely reason is an American terror attack. Boeing is in trouble, so make the competition look as bad as you. Expect an Airbus plane to crash within the next month or two.

Dagmar Henn

Same line, different angle – the war between Airbus and Boeing lasted 40 years, and Airbus won. Looking at the profits a monopoly might generate, none of the two should be underestimated.

I put my bet on Airbus. They wouldn’t let Sukhoi steal their victory.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

a tragedy, could have been much worse though RIP to all who lost their lives nothing but condolences to them and their loved ones

Jacob Wohl's Nose

pilots managed to bring the plane down barely scraping the engines which still started a massive fire but if they had done so differently, the engines may have exploded and no one would have survived this could have been much worse


I believe that the older SU-100 use SNECMA and other western engines and that was the reason the US barred Iran from buying them. Russia should use its own engines.

Tommy Jensen

Russia dont have any quality engines. Only their rocket engines goes.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

What? Rocket engines? I thought Russia didn’t produce anything? Space Shuttle and Boeing Max aren’t exactly pinnacles of human achievement, are they? RF military engines are so good that the US has to sanction the buyers. I wonder how else US junk will be sold, eh?

Rhodium 10

Superjet engines are 50% Russia..50% made in France..Powerjet SAM 146…for other side Russia have the PS 90 made in Perm (Russia)…it is the modern engine of TU 204 and IL 96..along these past years many western engines have exploded on air…remember Northwest airlines(P&G) and Qantas ( R&R engines)…


That’s very true. The skilled pilot is a hero.


RIP to the victims smoke inhalation is very scary dangerous deal just a few inhale of smoke and lights out, very tragic If only they had all evacuated without panic, but it was chaos and total panic

Toronto Tonto

probably the same rude idiot Russians I saw in cuba .


Did they post articles without proper grammar also?

Toronto Tonto


Balázs Jávorszky

Unos listos, otros tontos.


please go back in time to Treblinka and join your ancestors spare humanity the burden


Dont worry, this explosion is not as tragic as Gaza or Idlib and doesnt deserve as much attention as the civillians in Gaza or Idlib.


This account (JHK) definitely belongs to a Hasbara team. They are using a relatively new tactic (negative defence). Recently I have seen it in Persian media too. It’s not hard to recognize them.

Rest in peace, prayers to the victims of this tragedy, condolences to the affected and people of Russia.

Tudor Miron

Yes, this creature’s (gfk) nature is self evident.


For example hasbara will ignore Gaza bombings like how assheadists ignore Idlib bombings.

And when cars run through idf soldiers, we Gaza supporters cheer, just like when that fire started in kikerael.

So Im not exactly cheering about this civilian plane, but Im making a point as a Gaza Idlib supporter. asshead is dropping his crude bombs from helicopters again.

And the old hasbara strategy was always to divide Sunni and Shia, but the new hasbara strategy is to join AIIB BRICS etc and then infiltrate and overwhelm assheadist opinion against Turkey Sunnis and Rebels, and turn it into a secularist vs fundamentalist split.

asshead might become a secularist cuck like rohani tried, but even Eastern Orthodox and China know the poison of westerners, that they can never be trusted.


And even though Iran supports asshead, even Iran will never go beyond its Islamic nature, because that would be apostacy, but you western assheadists who arent even Muslim dont even care if asshead becomes a Muslim Apostate (the sufyani(la).

Already asshead sent his army and they were swallowed in bayda, which is a subtle AyatAllah(swt), that western secularist assheadist cucks dont even realize or care. Thats why I say theres no difference between you and zios, and my proof is on f7ckfacebook, just like its happening on disqus.

But none of you care, so this is where my point will come back to you, regardless of how you ignore it. AQ is americucks worst nightmare. Thats why we arent allowed on f7ckbook because of hasbara reporters who have infiltraited assheadists.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Is it crystal meths of hookah, dear???


F7cking brit.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

In your deranged state, it is you who are about to reproduce with yourself, dear. Maybe, you have the affliction of “Bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran” McCain. Better get yourself checked up as soon as possible, dear!

Promitheas Apollonious

r u looking your self in the mirror while you write jewish worm?


Just say that you arent a Muslim or Muslim supporter, and automatically you are a jew.

Islamic Prophesy is that only two camps will form. If you dont believe this then obviously you are the camp of the jews.

And Gazans relate to Idlibi Im quite sure.


Agree. It is a standard technique for the real hasbara workers to impersonate someone else, but this fake Nusra fighter rooting for the Palestinians in Gaza really takes the cake. Ten points for creativity, but it is still hasbara fake. Lol.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Do you ever fly, JHK???


F8cking brit.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

I feel sorry for you dear, so full of hate. Try some more GMO foods, dear!


JHK only flys when he is as ‘High as a Kite’. Or should read as ‘Kike’.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Spot on!


So horrible thing. It is a very good thing that some people managed to get out of it and save their lives. Condolences to the families of the ones that died in this horrible tragedy. RIP to those that died. May GOD give some peace to their families. SAD. :(


Rest in Peace! No one can convince me that this is an accident. Every tragedy that has taken place in Russia for the last few years has been a well planned and performed sabotage. Those who can not fight like men in real battles are the ones behind every crime that has taken lives in Russia. God will deal with them sooner or later!

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

I wonder about the content of the “President eyes only” reports about the RF crashes. Then he has to think of ways of avoiding the ultimate global inferno.

Lazy Gamer

Lesson here, is if one is seated at the back, better be prepared for fire emergencies. I am intrigued if everybody at the rear died from the fire or were some able to crawl/roll/jump away? Feels like somebody is showing that Boeing isnt the only one with problems. So rent more boeing planes anyway? lol That “lightning strike” is suspicious.

Tudor Miron

Lightning strike was reported by the crew (according to news) as a reason for emergency landing.


But there are Russian reports that some stupid people blocked exits by trying to get their hand luggage from overhead bins.


Sad loss of life. RIP.

Tudor Miron

Sad day for my Motherland. One the other hand – am I the only one who has a feeling (upon reading) that this article’s author hates Russia?


Sadly, the Zionist brainwashed western mindset is totally Russophobic and they are doing the same to the dumbed down populations of old Soviet bloc. Ukraine, Poland and Romania are leading the anti-Russia campaign in Europe while Azerbaijan and Georgia fanning hate in the Caucasian region.

Promitheas Apollonious

nope you are not the only one. What make me wonder is who is the one who chose this articles and clear them for viewing here.


The other week Southfront mentioned that they had some Ukranian’s who wrote some of the reports. They will likely be negative toward Russia.

Promitheas Apollonious

you can be negative about every one and everything provided you are correct in your negativity. lately Sf is promoting zionist propaganda and articles as this one.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The line seems to be that Russia is not up to producing its own planes and should leave it to the US/EU big boys. ALL the Russians from production to maintenance should be thoroughly investigated for ANY foreign links to Boeing, Airbus and the US embassy in Moscow. It is time the US embassy (and the RF one) should reduced to one man and his dog. They can do all the talking at the UNSC and Putin-Trump phone.


Yeap, I got a general sense of “deja-vu” or rather “deja-lu” or “deja-entendu” when reading this article too, Against Russia Yes, but also something more of a supremacist attitude too familiar within media contents about those parts of the world the West admonishes …


What do you expect from the zio-mafia especially after losing in Syria and now Venezuela? SF is no longer an independent voice. Look, if they openly demonstrate hatred and frustration with Russia it means that Russia is doing great. So sorry for the lost lives.

Toronto Tonto

Everybody hates the shitthole that to this day changes borders by gun .


You hate NATO too!

The Farney Fontenoy

The author did not pledge allegiance to glorious Soviet motherland & did not blame evil capitalist empire for bad plane design! Absolutely they hate Russia!

Toronto Tonto

who does not dumbazz.


Ukranians supply SouthFront with some articles , as stated bt Southfront a few weeks ago, Tudor.

The tragedy was a one in a million event, that demonstrated the skill and bravery of the Russian crew. I was shocked to see the result of the fire.

Toronto Tonto

Most of the globe hates Russia because of the invasion of Ukraine and the killing of 13000 people , the support for putin will destroy Russia .

Tudor Miron

You and the little bunch of ukro nazy have nothing to do with “most of the globe”.

Toronto Tonto

The only Nazi today is in Russia .

Tudor Miron

Really? Which country is this? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/79ddaf87ac557650d093de87abafb9cd18a30814c86b714483ce94693ba13704.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8007d21fde11c7bd9ec0252d2699f726d4676caa7c60cdb9c07e7e0fff355e3f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/221fe521e6c4d4c9be21fb1f06773fa8dd9cb91ebf15372e9357a247c7bc88c1.jpg

Tommy Jensen

I got out with my luggage. Whats your problem? The other passengers behind me also took their luggage but they were too slow and would have done the same bad thing to me. They would have eating me as cannibals to save their shitty lives. It was me or them. Luckily for you guys I saved myself.

Balázs Jávorszky

“Issues with the Russian civil aircraft industry are widely known. The ineffective management is among the key reasons of this situation.” Perhaps this is true, but apparently the difference is not quantitative. Russian jets aren’t falling from the sky in greater numbers than other planes, and regarding ineffective management, the F-35 program has no peers. Actually this single program is a healthy antidote for any rumbling about Russian corruption and management.

“There is a chance that this is the reason of technical issues with the Superjet and the MC-21 airliner [failure to deliver planes on time because of the lack of the needed middle-term planning]” It has nothing to do with middle term planning. The composite wing structure had foreign parts, and sanctions shut that off. Russia had to develop a domestic alternative. That accounts for the cc. 2 year delay. This is actually common knowledge.


The pilot stated that the plane was struck by lightning that damaged the electronics.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Heartfelt condolences to the families of the dead and hopes of a full recovery for the survivors. There for the grace of God, go I. I believe that the crew survived. They will be most helpful in finding the cause, so soon after the VZ fiasco.


Typical Western contempted, patronizing and apathic reaction to any tragedy in other parts of the world that they always exploit to present the rest of humanity as second class humans,

An event like this when 40+ lives are lost, almost on live television, there is shock, and in normal situations you expect compassion, and emotions towards the victims and their families,

And so Southfront what is the thing with pointing fingers in all directions (… and to the Russian Economy of all places !!!) before “fakely” condoling with the families ?

Well I will tell you, I have grown to identify when someone is manipulating people’s emotions and feelings at a delicate moment of their lives, to achieve some shaddy goals !

Your article, starting off well to an accurate account of events before slidding into attributing the responsibility for such a tragic event to the STATUS OF RUSSIA is a lack of empathy at best, and self hate or trolling at its worst, in any case it is anything but an impartial journalistic analysis.

The author must be western (as attitude and not skin tone) or taking inspirations from them to write this pseudo-analysis piece of crap, because it is their trademark to identifying an issue and generalizing it to present it as if those ills are what the whole nation is about (need examples ? I would run out of space but consider Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Africa …).

For instance when the author takes the issue of execution of contracts and present it that “THIS IS A WIDELY SPREAD ISSUE IN THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY”, I am no expert about the Russian economy, but in brief I know for a fact, Russia’s economy could of course do better, but it currently is doing way way better than most Western economies, besides, I have never heard that the crash of the boeings are the failures of the US of A economy !

But the most telling is this : “…Nonetheless, this kind of actions (blocking of the exit by people taking their bags and items) can be occasionally observed in flights of Russian companies”, Well, the funny thing is I regularly fly and I always get blocked in the aisles by people taking their bags and items, and I have never flown on an russian airliner nor been to RUssia. What do you expect, everyone is selfish even in moments of tragedies, and … it is not a Russian thing !

My first take is this : Even by admitting the shabby theories of trauma management by a human brain/soul/mind, you get the shock, you try deny the new reality, you get angry, you start bargaining … you get to settlement of some sort. And surely this is a tragedy for the families of those who died in that plane ; Oooh but let me guess you people are trying to prevent people from reaching settlement with this ?

My second take is this : I am from a part of the world that is always bashed, painted in all sorts of malign lights, so I have grown to read between lines and identify the attitudes from the West and other supremacist people that lead to some of us being labelled as : – monkeys, – terrorists, – third world dwellers, – second class citizens, – untouchables, – cochroaches, – shitholes people, – infiltrators, – etc. So when I read this, I can’t help but to notice that with this article, authors here are trying to make us into settling for the fact that we cannot have articles showing for instance the pictures of the victims, telling us some of their stories so we can properly mourn them ?

So we can’t percieve these victims as people just like me and you, so we don’t have more sympathy and compassionate responses ? Why ? Funny enough, We are flooded with such contents tragedy strikes in Paris or some other “Western” place. Or do you guys think people in Russia or other parts of the world don’t deserve such a treatment ? why wouldn’t they ? for they’re second rank citizens ?

Anyway, I always visit Southfront for coverage of wars, and don’t expect tender-hearted contents, But lately it is as if you’re trying to diversify your contents to attract the other section of the readership (from Western mindsets) as well ? Or is it the other way ? Trying to sell us the old crap which made us seek alternative sources such as SF in first place ?

Anyway, an alternative world is now a reality, with or without alternative narratives in the media whether mainstream or so-called alternative.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Excellent comments. The whole body shakes and the mind shudders at the thought of how those unlucky people died. And the pain of the burns of the survivors doesn’t bear thinking. Meanwhile, Southfront “Editor’s choice” unleashes this anti-Russian RACIST fart on us. No mention of the Russian fifth column and calls from Langley Virginia. The CIA boys (the MH17 creators) would never do such things, would they, so soon after being made a laughing stock in VZ. Now at least 100 people and their friends and families in RF aren’t laughing, are they?

Rhodium 10

We dont know what happened and western media talk about tecnical failure or Passengers and their luggage….but could be just pilot error or computer made in USA failure as all avionic are western made company

Rhodium 10

We dont know what happened…but all avionic of Superjet have been made in western company not Russian..

The Farney Fontenoy

I have no idea where anyone is seeing an anti-russian bent in this piece, it states logic, fact, and makes an educated guess of causes based on available data! Y’all are behaving like a black lives matter riot, just cause no one’s kissing your butt doesn’t mean the whole world is your enemy-a lot of you are every bit the snowflakes who are ruining the world.


That’s the problem with Western ‘news’ broadcasts these days.

The newsreaders give their bosses opinions, rather than waiting for the results of investigation.

In other words, the Western MSM broadcasts propaganda in the hope that repeating the lies will create an enduring narrative.


Maybe something to do with the Western avionics fitted to the plane?

It is an international venture after all.

chris chuba

I suspected as much but a modern Jet is designed to handle lightning strikes https://www.travelandleisure.com/travel-tips/airlines-airports/why-planes-can-survive-lightning It conducts electricity to its outer skin and then throws it out into the air through its tail antenna, think of a duck letting the water run off its feathers.

The Jet obviously had an electronics failure of some sort which interfered with the pilots operations, at the very least it confused them enough to where they could not get an agreement to dump the excess fuel.

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