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MARCH 2025

Media Accuses Syrian Army Of Using Chemical Weapons After Militants’ Defense Collapses In Eastern Ghouta (Map, Video)

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Media Accuses Syrian Army Of Using Chemical Weapons After Militants' Defense Collapses In Eastern Ghouta (Map, Video)

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On March 11, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces split the East Ghouta pocket into two parts and fully isolated the Duma district after they had captured the strategic district of Mudayrah, according to the Hezbollah media wing in Syria. Following the liberation of Mudayrah, SAA and Tiger Forces units reached the SAA positions around the Armored Vehicles Base.

Currently, the Jaysh al-Islam militant group is besieged in the Duma district, while Faylaq al-Rahman, Ahrar al-Sham and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) are besieged in the rest of the East Ghouta pocket.

According to Syrian pro-government sources, this major breakthrough will allow the SAA to negotiate with Jaysh al-Islam face to face. This means that a peaceful solution in Douma is more possible now as Faylaq al-Rahman and its allies have sabotaged all the previous peaceful efforts.

Only minutes after the SAA advance, the Qatari al-Jazeera TV claimed that the SAA had attacked civilians in the Irbin district in the western East Ghouta pocket with “chlorine gas”. As usual, the Qatari channel didn’t provide any evidence what so ever to support its claims. Moreover, several Syrian opposition sources didn’t release any reports about the supposed “chemical attack”.

Over the last three months, militants in the East Ghouta and the mainstream media have claimed that the SAA have used chemical weapons against civilians dozens of times. However, they have never presented any real evidence. Even the US acknowledged on one occasion that it got no evidence to support these claims.

The recent Al-Jazeera report is likely nothing more than a propaganda stunt aimed at providing a media cover for militants. Some opposition figures believe that only a US military action could save the besieged the militants in East Ghouta.

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andy l

These claims are getting tedious now – maybe we need to translate the boy who cried wolf into arabic.

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

Also teach them the word Oxymoron. See my comment below.


Oxymoron or, Ox-moron.

jerry hamilton



Those that make US, NATO and Israel friends will be great losers.

John Whitehot

the chemical allegations yes.

but the news is great nonetheless.


Yes pro Trump terrorists have forgotten the chemical attack this time because they are busy in packing their luggages. LOL


Erdogan does not want any new state of US, NATO proxies close to Turkey with in 1000 kms. Turkey have started operation in Iraq as well dismantling the US and NATO proxy state in Iraq. US can create these new states on their own land.

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

Great news. Any gassing would always also kill SAA army personnel. So The claims are termed Oxymoronic meaning the one who claims it is a hopeless moron.

John Whitehot

“Any gassing would always also kill SAA army personnel”

There is no gassing. The only gassing is the one made by jihadists on civilians to blame the SAA, but they do it well far away from any possible real witness.


One more gassing… Happens when they eat beans … Not so toxic, but extremely flammable!

Rüdiger Preiss

This is laughable at best




genial news the djihadists from goutha oriental are dead!! et aljazeera quatari media cry baby!!!


Well done Tigers. Now just take Harasta town to secure the division and then start from the East of the south part of the East Ghouta to liberate it.

Mehdi Ali

well done SAA go ahead and clean the filth


Unity and a good strategy lead a country to win from a supper aggressor.

Patricia Murrow

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Erdogan does not want any new state of US, NATO proxies close to Turkey with in 1000 kms. If US and NATO create their proxy state near Turkey then Turkey will dismantle it, as Turkey is doing now in Syria and Iraq. If US wanna create these new states on their own land then Turkey have no problem but not in Middle East. ——————————————————————————————-

Maxime St-Jacques Canada

No no no, Turkey will leave. Turkey doesn’t acept M. the President Al-Assad to govern the way (he) did while Turkey borders full of terorists. We all the world support a resolution that will help the solution process. Before the end, Turkey will give back Assad’s former lands in order to conclude territorial arrangments with Syrian democratic, Irak Democratic and the Transfor of the polliticians will be on paper truth.

Cheryl Brandon

Viva La SAA soldiers

David BlackBeard

so next move should be cutting Harasta district off …. messige from tiger forcses and SAA to harasta district bitches BEND OVER !!!

Michał Hunicz

ZioWahhabis triggered.


Cruise missiles against Syrian Army positions has just been launched from the Mediterranean Sea. Unfortunately, it lost its way to the bottom of the sea haha

John Whitehot

they’ll probably tell that they were “cruise torpedoes” that will activate in due time and hit Syria when they less expected he he he LmaoLols.


It is impressive how the media so quickly and uncritically take over the propaganda of… terrorists!

paul ( original )

Well rehearsed lies are easy to repeat, so not as impressive as it might seem.


Impressive ? This is normal, there is nothing to impress about it .


Like this: https://twitter.com/BBassem7/status/971511758497042433

jerry hamilton

Ha ha ha. A doctors face mask is just perfect to defeat the effects of gas. They really do think we are stupid.


They do John and they also believe their own lies , which makes the situation very dangerous indeed.

In the UK the government and cops cannot get their ‘story’ right about the ‘ chemical attack’ on the traitorous Russian spy. They are considering four places now where he was supposedly attacked BUT when he and his daughter found them on a park bench frothing from their mouths , only a standard ambulance response was actioned :)

It has all the hallmarks of a False Flag where they ‘Jump to Conclusions ‘ too quickly as per their narrative.

Military grade Sarin/VX takes minutes to kill and a droplet the size of a pinhead on the skin can do that.

jerry hamilton

Hmmm… The White Helmets have had some dealings with Sarin gas in the past. Lucky for them that they are immune to it.


Yes Jerry. Sarin is rather like having a bad cold or flu. After one gets better this a build up of immunity :) :)


Reports said only US actions can save the militants… ha .. if US is to attack Syrian SAM will shoot them down plus Russian SAM and planes too. US is out of bound in those areas .

It is only a matter of time even US areas would be taken care of.

Ricky Miller

I agree but also feel that Russia really can’t respond or even threaten forcefully until after the election next weekend. If the Empire wants to provoke and pressure in a dual goal effort to push back on Syrian government gains and to affect the Russian election than this is really the last week to target both birds with one stone.


Why are they relying on kuffars Americans ? I though “God” was on their side ? XD.

Tudor Miron

Rats and their nato advisers are farting loudly from fear of SAA/RuAF strikes while al jazeera scum is trying to spin it as a gas attack. In fact it was, but it was commited by headchoppers. It wasn’t dangerous, just stinky.

John Whitehot



Great news and a hero’s welcome for the SAA and its allies, the forces of liberation

Rodney Loder

Trump has smartened up, the FSA is now rarely mentioned as a ethical outpost, and the sermons about chemical attacks have become a mare’s-nest, taken over from Christ walking around his followers giving out the same fishy story from a seemingly small paper bag, is al-jazeera feeding their starving audience on mother’s milk, straight from the grapes of wrath Saudi Arabia, I pity the poor mother.


Chemical attacks propaganda begins to be counter-productive.


Southfront STILL cheering the turkish death squads in Syria after Assad demanded the UN act after Turkey invaded. Southfront hopes you have the memory of a GOLDFISH and forget the Turkey planned and executed the plan to shoot down the Russian jet, with the assistance of ethnic turks in Syria. Southfront hopes you have the memory of a goldfish and forget that Turkey funneled most of the ISIS men and weapons into Syria and allowed ISIS to send back into Turkey everything they could steal, including the oil.

But Southfront is merely respecting a Kremlin instruction to lionise Turkey at this time. In every other forum, the most foul racist nonsense is spewed suggesting the kurds “deserve” to be exterminated. This is how you get played when you forget all concepts of morality, and think supporting Putin is no different from supporting your local football team.

East Ghouta is NO NEWS, since it would have been trivially cleaned up years ago if Putin had only allowed this. But he didn’t- ask yourself WHY?

Now Britain is on the verge of a massive anti-Russian operation, including the absolute sabotage of the World Cup. And Putin the zionist is going to allow Russia to take another horrible blow full in the face. MI5 wouldn’t have carried out this false-flag if they were not 100% certain of Putin’s limp-wristed response. The Deep State now considers that it has a complete handle on Putin, and that he can no longer be a hinderance to their plans.


You see a picture poorly. Clear glasses …

Tudor Miron

“East Ghouta is NO NEWS, since it would have been trivially cleaned up years ago if Putin had only allowed this. But he didn’t- ask yourself WHY?” Do you even read what you post? How some one can be that dumb to think that someone will buy this BS? You guys remind me of drying paint – same level of entertainment and intellectual substance.


Turkey enters twice Syria (Euphrates Shield op + Olive Branch op) because of your backstabbers kurds. Russia attacking Turkey for YPG that fight Assad will be the dumbest move ever.


This is so low level propaganda. You are from Israel, you are a Zionist migrant. You have no right to talk. Fo.


“including the absolute sabotage of the World Cup”.

Wow, that’s going to make the earth move. The Brits will lose anyway. :)

jerry hamilton

Thank you so much for posting here. If I ever feel low I just read one of your posts and I am happy laughing hysterically. What would we do without you and velocrapter.


Maybe, al-Jazeera meant TAF used Chemical weapons in Afrin as YPG Militants defence collapse and are forced to retreat into the city




Whereas in the real world where it rains, snows and the sun shines we have this reality :-


But I suppose that in the Orwellian fantasy world of US/UK narratives that the US Coalition if Terror will say ‘the Syrians now have chemical weapons because they found them’ in a US terrorist warehouse :)

Tudor Miron

Yeah, they (MSM) will never say much about this https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/retaliatory-rebel-mortar-attack-kills-and-injures-scores-in-damascus-pictures/ because when needed they see headchoppers as freedom fighters :)


Their quality of work has sharply declined after Russian intervene. I guess they realizes that none of their civilians care all that much since they all buys it that the terror happens because radicalism.


Haha..yes they are using WC Net or Mr.Muscle…


This is going to be the big lie for the duration. But the big truth is there is NO MOTIVE for the Syrian forces to use chemical weapons. The only beneficiary of these attacks are the invaders and they make these charges to provide political cover so the USA can burn up more of your money.

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