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MARCH 2025

Media Pivots Back To Covid – Prelude To A Ukraine False Flag?

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Media Pivots Back To Covid – Prelude To A Ukraine False Flag?

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Written by Gavin O’Reilly exclusively for SouthFront

Over the past month, both the mainstream and alternative media worldwide have focused on the Russian military intervention in Ukraine, launched in response to almost nine years of Western provocations since the Euromaidan colour revolution saw the democratically elected Moscow-friendly President Viktor Yanukovych overthrown and replaced with the successive pro-Western governments of Petro Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, whose eight year long war on the breakaway Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, involving the use of neo-Nazi paramilitaries such as the Azov Battalion and the ethnic cleansing of both Republics’ predominantly ethic Russian populations, would act as a catalyst for the Russian Federation to intervene militarily in its Western neighbour – with attempts to resolve the situation peacefully by Moscow over the past several months having ultimately amounted to nothing following Kiev’s refusal to implement its’ side of the Minsk Agreements, which would have granted Donetsk and Luhansk a degree of autonomy while still remaining under Ukrainian rule.

In the past week however, the corporate media, has noticeably, in lockstep, switched its focus back to COVID-19, specifically the new ‘BA.2 variant’, and the positive tests of high-profile figures such as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jen Psaki and Doug Emhoff, husband of US Vice President Kamala Harris  – media attention which has not been seen since multiple countries worldwide simultaneously dropped all restrictions at the end of January, during the highly coincidental timing of the World Economic Forum’s Davos Agenda virtual event.

This sudden coordinated pivot back to the Covid mainstream media narrative, one that was  suddenly dropped in a similar lockstep fashion two months ago, raises many questions, and with the recent confirmation by current Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland – herself instrumental in the original Euromaidan regime change operation – that US-funded labs in Ukraine were developing bioweapons, as well as allegations by the White House that Russia is planning to use chemical weapons as part of the current military operation, there is indication that the sudden media switch to Covid may be used as a means to clear the stage for a deadly escalation in Ukraine – a false flag chemical attack or lab leak, blamed on Russia by the West, and used as means for NATO to launch a ‘No Fly Zone’ over Ukraine, clamoured for by current Ukrainian President Zelenskyy.

Indeed, the staging of a false flag chemical attack as a means to encourage a US-led military intervention is a tactic with very recent usage by Washington’s Neocons.

In 2017, the Syrian Arab Republic had been in the grip of a six-year long regime change operation launched in response to President Bashar al-Assad’s refusal to allow Western-allied Qatar to build a pipeline through his country. Unlike Libya however, subjected to a similar regime change operation at the same time and overrun and destroyed in the space of eight months by Western-backed terrorists, Syria had been successfully able to withstand the similar Western-backed onslaught launched against its territory, thanks in part to interventions by its’ allies Iran and Russia, which would lead to the regime-change lobby taking reckless measures.

On the 4th of April 2017, a false flag chemical attack would be launched in the Syrian town of Khan Shaykhun, resulting in the then-US administration of Donald Trump launching a cruise missile strike against the Syrian government-controlled Shayrat airbase three days later, the first direct military engagement between the West and Damascus since the regime change operation began, though one that just stopped short of the full-scale military intervention that the Neocons had hoped for. Undeterred, a similar false flag attack would be launched almost a year to the day later in the city of Douma, this time resulting in the US, Britain and France launching air strikes against Syrian government targets, though again stopping short of a Libya-style ‘No Fly Zone’.

Now with the near inevitability that the stage is being set for the same script to be played out in Ukraine – possibly around the end of May when the World Economic Forum is due to hold its’ first in-person summit in two years – the world must prepare itself for the possible consequences, as even a ‘limited’ strike against Russian military infrastructure, similar to what happened in Syria, would result in the gravest consequence of all – World War III.


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Vlad the invader

Has anyone seen my Schoigu?

He was supposed to organize my victory parade in Kiev!


Why are you in a rush ? Take it easy now its time to denazify Mariupolj and Donbas, everything in its time, everything in its place. Yesterday there were tons of photos and videos of dead nazis in the streets, apartments, all around the city … I heard AHMAT SILA !

Vlad the invader

But what with Kiev, it was taken 4 weeks ago!

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

The hubris laden Zionist controlled so-called West must understand that, to Russia, Ukraine can never be just a foreign country. Russian history began in what was called Kievan-Rus. The Russian religion spread from there. Ukraine has been part of Russia for centuries, and their histories were intertwined before then. Some of the most important battles for Russian freedom, starting with the Battle of Poltava in 1709 , were fought on Ukrainian soil. The Black Sea Fleet — Russia’s means of projecting power in the Mediterranean — is based in Sevastopol, in Russian Crimea. Even such famed dissidents as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Joseph Brodsky insisted that Ukraine was an integral part of Russian history and, indeed, of Russia. Ukraine is the heartland of Russia’s living soul and nationalism and there will be no compromise. These are principles steeped in history and non-negotiable for Russian populace. People familiar with the region will know western aggressive meddling and control over a weak puppet government in Kiev will not be palatable Russians and large parts of Ukrainian population linked to Russia.

Vlad the invader

Bah, I didn’t want that Kiev anyway!

When you meet him, tell Schoigu I want to see him!


He’s pissing in your soup whilst you’re wasting your life on here

Vlad the invader

But but, butt?!?

Bah, when my generals are dead or incompetent, send me my Chechen mate, general Tushaev over!

Tushaev!! Tushaev?!?

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Shoigu was just on TV and has been in Russian Ukraine for the past two days.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Mary

Nobody wants Kiev. Nobody is even striking the heart of the city. Nobody is taking combat close to Kiev, just yesterday, the Russians withdrew from some positions around Kiev. They want combat outside the city. The mother of all Russian cities (Kiev) will not be destroyed, unless absolutely necessary.

Ashok Varma

Russia will certainly win, it already has won global support. Indians hate the racist Ukrainian scum who abused our students. JAI RUS!

Ashok Varma

Another reason is that the majority of the world supports Russia. India cancels UK delegation visit after public backlash– media London is trying to persuade India to take action against Russia amid the Ukraine conflict

Vlad the invader

Only 140 nations of 193 condemned the invasion, errhh war. No, special operations.

I’m with the majority, see?!

Ashok Varma

90% of the world supports Russia, a few tiny racist Eurotrash don’t count. LOL.

Vlad the invader

I really need people like you in Russian army right now.

You can play with big toys, honest! You no older than 65, right?!


You dumbass. UN is a US lackey organisation. Most of those states are vassal states or weak states who doesn’t dare to go against their emperor US. China and India are not bowing down to US warmongers blackmail.

Besides how many people of those called “sovereign” countries support the sanctions?

Do people of the west really support higher inflation with fuel, energy and food prices skyrocketing? The Western democracy is fake. It’s all about controlling controlling the sheep’s 🐑 like you.

Last edited 2 years ago by DSB88
Vlad the invader

Yeah, tell me. I so screwed up with Ukraine. Schoigu told me we get Kiev in two or three days!

Now I dunno what to do. Soldiers dying, recruits had to be removed. My generals relieved or dead. My economy sanctioned to oblivion. Shit, wanna join my Russian army? Need people like you now!


During the month the losses of the Ukrainian troops amounted to about 30 thousand people, including more than 14 thousand – non-returns and about 16 thousand – sanitary – the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Russia has lost 1351 soldiers, 3825 wounded.

It’s looks like it’s the Ukrainian Nazis who need your help. Go join them Nazis. You could be a good asset.

Vlad the invader

Oh, beautiful, I like your dreams! You are hired as general right now!

Finally I can fire stupid Schoigu! Ha!


6 billion people didn’t impose sanctions, the measly 12% western bubble is on its own and suffering mighty hard because of their own sanctions. Everyone else in the world (the other 88%) is watching and waiting to dump the yanks and the dollar

Vlad the invader

But Modi and Xi didn’t vote for me! These traitors!

Xi even sends humanitarian aid to Ukraine!


You dumbass. UN is a lackey organization controlled by US empire. Most of those states are either US vassal states or poor and weak states who doesn’t dare to go against their emperor US. China and India are not bowing down to US warmongers blackmail since their people in Ukraine was subject racism by Ukrainian nazis who refused to let them be evacuated. Some them were even taken by Azov nazis as human shields.

Not only Chinese or Indian people but also people of other asian and african states were subject to western and Ukrainian racism. You could all see that for yourself in the rascict western mainstream media.

Besides how many of the common people of those called “sovereign” countries support the sanctions that infact are a double-edged sword?

Do people of the west really support higher inflation with fuel, energy and food prices skyrocketing? The Western democracy is fake. It’s all about controlling the sheep’s 🐑 like you.

Last edited 2 years ago by DSB88
Mattie J

141 votes in support of USA, however most of them refused to implement sanctions Mexico and Brazil the largest countries my populations.

35 countries abstained and 5 voted against

those 40 countries that abstained or voted “no” counts for 57.6% of the worlds population

So even if the US have the majority of countries behind them, Russia have the majority of the populations behind them

The only countries in the world that have sanctioned Russia are US allies. 5 eyes, EU, NATO, Japan and South Korea


And marshal islands lol


Even NATO is divided, with Hungary, Croatia and even Bulgaria not in favor of any military support to Ukrainian Nazis.

John Wooh

140 nations and which of them are free ?

Vlad the invader

When I’m finished with Ukraine those 140 countries will be next. Free, bah, who needs that!

Hungary Guy

60% Population hasn’t imposed any sanctions. More than 90% still trading with them, anyway. Take ur 4th booster

basement in US embassy in poland

india should consider taking over australia with china and split it with half to india and the other half to china. racist australia has only 25 million people. that is the ultimate justice for what the racist anglos did to india and china. with populations both countries have, each country can move 50 million people to australia to populate.

Last edited 2 years ago by basement in US embassy in poland
Hungary Guy

Has anyone seen Zionsky? Local nazis are upset with him, he let Azovnasis die in Mariupol.

Vlad the invader

Apropos, has anyone seen my bitch Schoigu?

He was supposed to send me advisor Tschubais, where is he?

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

SLAVA ROSSIYA! Russia will liberate Kievan-Rus

The Khazar clown Zelensky should have bothered to read the history of the great Russian Slavic and Scythian warrior people starting from the sunny day on the Volga in 862 AD when Price Rurik sailed down and established Kievan-Rus of two very powerful Nordic and Caucasian Scythian tribes and picked the majestic Siberian bear as the symbol of the future SUPERPOWER. He observed, at face the Great Siberian Bear appears very playful, somewhat disinterested but always an overpowering presence and has deadly and vicious ferocity when protecting its domain and cubs (children). People admire the Russian bear and its natural authority

Vlad the invader

You say you can organize my victory parade in Kiev?! Great!

Not sure where this Schoigu went, probably playing with little green soldiers under my table again.


he was on the TeeVee yesterday and today holding meetings

Vlad the invader

Oi, finally a sign of life!

What Do you mean that’s old footage!

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

DPR Tv showed him inspecting front-lines. Mariupol has been completely liberated now. Russian flag over the steelworks and port areas. Looks like most Nazis either changed into women’s clothes or were beheaded by Chechens.

Vlad the invader

Where my ships gone, Schoigu?!?


Shot by Stalin. Correction by Putin, actually is there difference between the two?

Vlad the invader

A difference between me and my soulmate? Let my generals think about that in the Gulags! Ha!

Timmy Temperance

Well, the Johnson and BIden keep saying that Russia is going to use chemical weapons and that doing so will have disasterous consequences. There must be a reason for this.

Vlad the invader

I no have recruits enough, what I’m gonna do when I ran out of missiles and bombers? Let’s go back to good ol’ times!

Sorry for farts, I have gas!

Timmy Temperance

I don’t know what you are proposing smelly guy, but I think I will take a rain check.

Vlad the invader

I’m no smelly! I’m trusty ol’Vlad!

My gas doesn’t smell!


Vlad? Who is that? One of your imaginery friends?

Vlad the invader

I’m your great leader, good ol’times with me!

Wanna join my Russian army? Need everyone! Armenia is threatened too now!

John Wooh

Hey troll u aint even funny, just a pathetic poor retarded looser piss off!

Vlad the invader

He, you dum… smart enough to join my Russian army!?! Wanna join?

You no older than 65, right?


the Poles are going to steal the western rump of Ukraine – or try to – it only remains to be seen whether the Russians allow them to or not. Polish TV is already running a map of what the future ‘Ukraine’ will look like. A slab in the middle with Kiev, the whole East will be Russian and the banderite rump of Galicia back in Polish hands as the feeder for NATO and the US to try another Syria style failure/fiasco.


There are Polish language signs coming up in Lviv and other border cities. and other western cities, supposedly to help refugees, but Poland will annex some areas of rump Ukraine and that will be fine with Russia as its changes the demography and rids the region of troublesome Catholics.

Last edited 2 years ago by James

What consequences if not their deaths? Let this happen, I think it’s time.


They want the option open. And maybe there will be a false flag. Those are free basically. But to conclude that this will mean a no fly zone is far fetched. Can they afford it more now than they could 2 weeks ago? What makes this guy think so?

Ashok Varma

As over 90% of the world supports Russia and everyone hates the Ukrainian racist Nazis, even the Bilderberg MSM has failed in promoting Russophobia.

Vlad the invader

Yes, trusty Kim is still with me! India and China are pussies!

Russian army needs dum… smart people like you now, wanna join?

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

You mean 90% of the world’s cockroach population.


No its the remaining 10% who are cockroaches, you probably included.

Last edited 2 years ago by Destrollyer

A British ITV report even showed the pervasive influx of racists, Nazis, fascists and social misfits into the Ukrainian military and police. Putin was right to some extent about cleansing the place.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

No, it’s 90% of all the world’s vermin that supports Russia. It’s not just the cockroaches like you. There’s other different vermin.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

And then you wonder why no rational westerner even supports the racist Ukrainian Nazis?

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

It’s not like they have a choice. They can only watch the Putin cockroaches for so long before they realize that the Russian army is garbage. They can’t capture any Ukranian city without destroying all of its residential buldings with artillery like cowardly demented cockroaches. The atrocities committed by Putin the terrorist cockroach are very visible and well documented by now.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot
Vlad the invader

Those stupid people in Cherson still protest against me! Why can’t anyone play by the rules of trusty ol’Vlad anymore?!?

Timmy Temperance

Biden is planning to visit the Poland Ukraine border. Perhaps they are hoping that a rogue Russian will target him there. It is a miscalculation however, because if WWIII does break out Biden is not getting back to the US. The hypersonic missiles can outpace Airforce One.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

The supreme target is regime change in Russia, Ukraine is just a pawn in the game – or worse, mere cannon fodder. Pepe Escobar article MAKE NAZISM GREAT AGAIN. SLAVA ROSSIYA!

All eyes are on Mariupol. As of Wednesday night, over 70% of residential areas were under control of Donetsk and Russian forces, while Russian Marines, Donetsk’s 107th batallion and Chechen Spetsnaz, led by the charismatic Adam Delimkhanov, had entered the Azov-Stal plant – the HQ of the neo-Nazi Azov batallion.

Azov was sent a last ultimatum: surrender until midnight – or else, as in a take no prisoners highway to hell.

That implies a major game-changer in the Ukrainian battlefield; Mariupol is finally about to be thoroughly denazified – as the Azov contingent long entrenched in the city and using civilians as human shields were their most hardened fighting force.

Meanwhile, echoes from the Empire of Lies all but gave the whole game away. There’s no intention whatsoever in Washington to facilitate a peace plan in Ukraine – and that explains Comedian Zelensky’s non-stop stalling tactics. The supreme target is regime change in Russia, and for that Totalen Krieg against Russia and all things Russian is warranted. Ukraine is just a pawn in the game – or worse, mere cannon fodder.

This also means that the 14,000 deaths in Donbass for the past 8 years should be directly attributed to the Exceptionalists. As for Ukrainian neo-Nazis of all stripes, they are as expendable as “moderate rebels” in Syria, be they al-Qaeda or Daesh-linked. Those that may eventually survive can always join the budding CIA-sponsored Neo-Nazi Inc. – the tawdry remix of the 1980s Jihad Inc. in Afghanistan. They will be properly “Kalibrated”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace
Vlad the invader

What does that mean Mariupol is still not under control? What you are doing there?

When I say flatten the shit out of my brothers and sisters, I expect a torn city.

And send me the stupid general who approved the air strike on the theater! What a mess!


Your brothers brought down the theater. Can you imagine Azov Battalion will cease to exist? Isn’t that weird?

Vlad the invader

He, that’s the only thing my incompetent generals managed to do after four weeks.

And still Mariupol is resisting! Need generals to die for me, wanna join?

Black Russian

America hides behind the Weaker Minion countries to take shots at their Enemies. They are using Ukraine as human shield. (Now you see where the NAZI Ukrain Soldiers learn tactics. I can’t respect this.

Russia / Putin holds his hand up and Fights what comes at him. I can respect that. Much respect. Slava Russiya!

Hungary Guy

NOT interested in Covaids PsyOp. Still un- jabbed, pureblood after 2 Years of coercion, psychological warfare, blackmail & co. “If u try to force anything on me- I’m not going to run away anywhere. I will kill U.”

Florian Geyer

I am still a Pure Blood as well.

Well done.


Me too. In a few years these jabbed ones will die out anyway. Especially the ones who got 3+ of them. The ones who stopped on time might still live it through, but wouldn’t be good for their health either way.

John Wooh

I didnt even made a test ;) since the plandemie the so called intro of the great reset.


The US has never been able to encounter a large loss of life in one battle and remain in the fight be it at Chosin Reservoir or Beirut. If one US carrier is sunk with a hypersonic weapon killing 6000 it would drive the US to a diplomatic solution quickly.


yup thats the way it is going to go down but we know that the US political classes are as dumb as dodos, their only policy is keep doubling down, however in this situation I believe they will continue to fight Russia to the last Ukraine, Pole, German until at some point the even dumber EU wakes up and realises what they are doing (that may never happen looking at the sheer cluelesness of every single EU leader)

basement in US embassy in poland

us lost 56000 troops during the 3 years of korean war, about 19000 troops killed per year. us sued for peace and hence the current ceasefire. us even threatened to use nukes on north korea to get the ceasefire. us would have been driven out of korea had north korea had nukes those days.


Guys, buy rubles, it’s a good investment.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge

Ruble is appreciating fast as both China and India are backing it. Russians have already set up an alternate SWIFT with China. India will trade in Rupee-Ruble swaps. The dollar is looking like toilet paper as even the Aussie went up 4%.

Hungary Guy

Gold, rubles & monero. Stll the best offer- if you have around 100k: estate (ranch) in South America


“Why” THIS (https://theduran.com/putin-911-not-inside-job/) was said?… 2 years after the coup in Maidan that got us to where things are now in Ukraine when he knew the Truth and carried the water for them them all those years before staying silent when he could have made his most important statements in the well of the UN Security council that would have denied the existence of “The Richard Lugar Center for “Health” thereafter?…


Why do they all promote the NASA Lies? The entire “space program” is a LIE.


Bring it on! Russia will smoke Western jets with S400 and shoot down crappy Patriot missiles which were an embarrassment in Syria being shot down by old version of S300 and Russian EW. Biden really seems to want an even bigger embarassment than the one that he’s got and NATO now confronting complete failure of their 75yr formation by running away from the Russians at the first ever time of asking seem to want a second bite at the cherry in order to rescue something from their embarrassment .. maybe the whole idea of Poland grasping the rear end of western Ukraine? The West are pathetic, sowing death and destruction just to try and create the illusion that they gave the Russkis ‘a bloody nose’.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Russia has over 10 batteries of S-500 Prometheus which is in a totally different league and is being deployed in Belarus and soon Don Bas. It will take out any NATO jet before it even gains altitude. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


That thing is nuts. A single one of those would unironically be able to deal with the entire Polish Airforce which consists of 48 antiquated f16s.


It seems that RU missile systems are good mainly vs large and slow aircrafts. Like vs their own awacs plane in Syria and MH17 in Ukraine.

President Vladimir Putin

MH17 was deliberate not an accident by ukrops. US on the other hand had twice incidents TWA 800 and Iran Air 655


Ehh… Maybe they try one, maybe they don’t. They’ll definitely focus all the propaganda they can to try to cover their asses on the covid crap, especially since they are caught dead to rights running all of those biolabs (which just so happen to literally and factually produce things like coronaviruses, among other pathogens), and since it is known to be a fact that they were actively doing so at the exact moment that the pandemic began, in any number of 300 or so locations across the entire planet… Plus, their Ukraine project is dead in the water… So, there’s that…

Gary Golf

US and UK produce high-level cheeeeese.


Also, I have to ask Americans to be honest with themselves here. Really take a step back and think about this stuff, please. The Pentagon is not your country, it is an independent organization operating from inside your country, and that is most certainly not the same thing and it is not un American to point that out or realize it. The NIH, is another organization which is also very much not your country. It is an organization operating from inside your country. Not the same thing.

Vlad the invader

I’m operating from inside my country, honest!

President Vladimir Putin

Russia aint your country anymore son. Try Pooland.


Apparently the Pentagon is the one sane department right now in the US. The State Department seems to want a war, the generals know what it means.

President Vladimir Putin

Kiev Oblast of the Russian Federation. Nuff said. Its happening guys.

Jean Luc

I would say its the exact opposite. They wanted to ignite WWIII didn’t work so they are back to Plan A soft kill genocide bioweapons aka jabs.


Girkin-Strelkov, openly declared the failure of the “special military operation” in Ukraine


He is a nobody tho. Aside from that I don’t believe anything out of the mouth of compulsive liars.

Lance Ripplinger

I wouldn’t put it past the deep state globalists to instigate a false flag in Ukraine. Only this time, god forbid this does happen, WW3 could very well start. Russia has every right to defend its interests, and preserve its country and people.

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