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MARCH 2025

Meet Moscow’s “Liberal Opposition”: “Activist” Detained For Calls To Abduct And Murder Police Officers’ Children

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Meet Moscow's "Liberal Opposition": "Activist" Detained For Calls To Abduct And Murder Police Officers' Children

Vladislav Sinitsa. Click to see full-size image

On August 4th, Vladislav Sinitsa, also known as Max Steklov was arrested by authorities in Moscow.

The representative of the Russian “liberal opposition” went to Twitter and complimented the “valiant defenders of the law” on their happy family photos. He did, also, include mentioning that some of them had geolocation turned on and that it would probably be “fitting” for their children to not appear at school one day. In stead of going to school the children would “take part” in a snuff film, which then would be sent to every respective police officer’s home in DVD format.

This is the individual who was arrested, as well as his Twitter post and the charges he is being accused of from a Moscow court.

Meet Moscow's "Liberal Opposition": "Activist" Detained For Calls To Abduct And Murder Police Officers' Children

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His calls for this “liberal activity” were following alleged “police brutality” on August 3rd when protesters took to the streets in Moscow in an unsanctioned protest for the second straight Saturday, the first being July 27th. Naturally, MSM turned the news into a massive event that signified the fall of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and so on.

In fact, the protest on August 3rd was attended by approximately 1,500 people, which for a city the size of Moscow is more or less enough to hold a barbecue and share a few drinks among friends.

The protests were organized by unregistered opposition candidates for the Moscow City Duma. These candidates failed to collect the needed number of signatures to particiapte in the election. Now, they call this a sign of the  government opression.

Meet Moscow's "Liberal Opposition": "Activist" Detained For Calls To Abduct And Murder Police Officers' Children

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Meet Moscow's "Liberal Opposition": "Activist" Detained For Calls To Abduct And Murder Police Officers' Children

Click to see full-size image

In response to the media campaign, specifically in British media, to present the situation in a completely different light than what it really was, the Russian Embassy in the UK published an official comment.

“First of all we would like to note that the numerous illegal protests which  took place on August 3 in Moscow had nothing to do with democracy or freedom of expression. It becomes clear that the goals of protesters were anything but ensuring their voters rights. Many of the protesters do not even have an idea who the so-called opposition candidates actually were. It also looks absurd that people not living in Moscow are fighting for the political rights of Muscovites. Furthermore the persons wanted in connection with the extremism propaganda as well as 150 young people who had long been evading military service were found among the participants of the illegal rallies. It also proven that foreign citizens participated in the Saturday rallies, for provocation purposes only.”

Furthermore, according to the statement it was showing that nearby, in the Moscow Central Park of Culture approximately 90,000 and upwards people were attending a music festival, not too bothered to express their support of “Western-backed democracy.”

The US Embassy in Russia even warned US citizens to stay away from the protest “given the possible size of the protest and the large police presence.” The massive amount of 1,500 people in a city of approximately 13 million is, indeed, worrisome.

Regardless, the US Embassy didn’t stop there and also alleged that citizens’ rights were not respected. This, too, was answered in the Russian Embassy in the UK’s statement mentioned earlier.

On the Russian side, the press service of the Interior Ministry said that approximately 30 minutes after the protest was set to begin about 350 people in attendance on August 3rd. 30 people were arrested for disrupting public order during the unsanctioned protest.

“I was told that there were four minors in one paddy wagon, but I don’t have information yet where they were taken. When I understand where they are, I will understand. They were detained at Pushkin Square,” said Yevgeny Bunimovich, children’s ombudsman.

The deputy head of the working group of the Public Chamber of Russia on monitoring the implementation of citizens’ electoral rights Maxim Grigoriev said police officers who are protecting the unauthorized rally in Moscow behave correctly and do not lend themselves to provocations.

At the end of the protest, the Interior Ministry reported that 1,500 took part and around 600 people were arrested for disturbing public order.

The first unauthorized protest was held in Moscow, in front of the City Hall on July 27th. It was organized by failed candidates for deputies of the Moscow City Duma. They were denied registration for the elections due to the presence in the subscription lists of the names of dead people and other serious violations. During the unauthorized rally, 1074 people were detained. The Investigative Committee opened criminal cases on the fact of these events in relation to attempting to organize mass riots and attacks on government officials.

In a shocking turn of events (at least for MSM), the Moscow City Hall actually agreed on a time and place for protests on August 10th and 11th, so that those who wish to rally can do so.

“So, welcome! Protest, speak out, state your position and, I repeat, achieve your right only by legal means,” Leonid Polyakov, a member of the Human Rights Council under the President of Russia said.

Following are some videos of alleged police brutality, who only present several seconds and no context or background of what actually led to the altercation, as is customary for the high-level reporting work of MSM.

Yes, police brutality is expressed in several people trying to lift one up and then one hitting them with a baton on the leg.

Imagine what the outcry would be if the protesters were subject a response similar to somewhat recent events in the US or the UK.


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The Russian state apparatus, the Kremlin and frankly the russian society, has been too tolerant with these vermin. Sending them to jail for 24h is no punishment but works only as a badge of honour. They should be treated as what they are-foreign agents.


If the degenerate would have raped and murdered few children that don’t have relatives in the Russian state apparatus, SF wouldn’t have give a shit but when the Police State relatives are threatened, every slave feel the need to lick their assed.


In all nation states, police are the bureaucratic service sanctioned to enact the standing laws, and accordingly have a privileged legal status as the first line of state defense. Ergo, when you attack the police, you attack both a privileged, and formal, representative body of the state apparatus. No reasonable, or sane, individual publicly threatens the children of serving police officers without understanding the grave legal consequences of such behavior. This response is hardly ‘typical oriental slav culture’ – rather, it is a basic principle of all modern nation states that their formal police representatives receive protection to full force of the standing laws. Try making such deranged and public threats, in US, or Columbia, or France, in India, or Algeria, or Alaska, or Israel…etc, etc, etc, and the outcome will be the same.

Incidentally, your comment indicates a deep animosity toward the entire Slavic ethnic group – which reveals a great deal about your prejudices and personality.

Harry Smith

You can make such threat in Bulgaria, country of living for bacon. You know, the most progressive and technology superior state in the world.


I can’t be upset on you because you’re only jealous now

Harry Smith

ROFL! Next time I would consider Bulgaria as option for vacation.


A lot better than your shithole

Harry Smith

If we’re speaking about the weather – yes, I would prefer 15 degrees hotter and more sun. If we speak about quality of life, your country is not a wise choice.


You don’t know where I’m living and I don’t know where you are living and I don’t give a shit, for me you are an exhibitionist Russian that licks Putin ass on the Internet


Another criminal who threatened the children of the Inspector of the International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA in Iraq, in the United States he became secretary of state. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6b0dc91834478e071f154ca0b1b2ad3965d4f06d517c433df67fffa44cc3dbf8.png

David Parker

Pompous is Secretary of State and doing a fine job of making the world believe we the people of the United States are as arrogant as he is. Bolton, the war monger who avoided Vietnam, is “National Security Advisor”.


“No reasonable, or sane, individual publicly threatens the children of serving police officers…” Ok then a reasonable sane individual would, then.

“in US, or Columbia, or France, or India, or Algeria, or Alaska, or Israel…etc,” – In all those countries the outcome would be the same as if the children of a civilian were threatened online or offline.

…And Alaska is still US yet ;)

stupid is as stupid does

“Alaska is still US” so they would be shot first by police, than asked questions…


That’s why Russian army is afraid to go there

stupid is as stupid does

How much “Russian army is afraid” you must ask German NAZI – SS troops who left very long shitty trail behind, while running away to save their lives from Russians.

For the rest, it is still to early for Russia… not yet time to liberate Alaska…

Tony B.

What kind of horseshit is in your brain? Alaska was SOLD by Russia to the U.S. A fair and square deal on both sides or it would never have happened. Long before the days of mining the world’s underground for gas and oil, etc. Control your foolish prejudices and stick to factual matter. There’s plenty there to expose without getting juvenile.

stupid is as stupid does

Tony I am not warmonger. Russia has plenty of land as it is. Russia is richer than US in resources (despite US global racket and resource grabbing all over the planet). Only insane lunatics would want nuke confrontation or even more wars that we already have ( Wars thanks to U.S. (aggression’s) mainly though). So no worries. I’m just giving a lesson to your shithead compatriot.

Tony B.

I’m by myself up here, not working with anyone.

stupid is as stupid does

Sorry buddy. Nothing personal. Normal people with good intentions should be always all on the same side. But unfortunately that’s not how it works in life. We are all stuck trapped with our tribes, to share their destiny.

Tony B.

When you really understand the cabal’s system of “owning” all sides of everything and introducing false issues so no one ever notices that THEY ARE THE TRUE ISSUE, most people, who fall for one of the many false divisions, all desert you, from whatever side. Most would rather play the game they have become a part of than throw it away and fight the CAUSE instead of its many created SYMPTOMS. Gives the cabal, which is destroying the world, a free, straight, road to its end agenda, total enslavement of mankind for the devil’s desires.


Your initial sentence makes zero sense. What is your point? The cited individual’s actions were clearly unhinged – publicly threatening the children of serving police officers – and Russian authorities responded entirely appropriately. In your initial comment you actually tried to make an ethnic and cultural slur, from an entirely appropriate state response to public threats and incitement to violence against state officials – you wrote ‘typical oriental slave culture’. Which indicates an awful lot about you, and your dreary prejudices.


My mistake, my initial sentence makes zero sense, indeed. I meant they could threaten civilians and retired officers children since you felt the need to specify they were active duty officers.

When a law doesn’t specify what is prohibited then is permitted and I don’t think the law specify that the children of authorities are more important than the children of the tax payers. But in fact they are, the more corrupt the country is the bigger the difference. What’s the ethnic slur I did use? enlighten me!


Alas, you’re really scraping the barrel with this attempted comeback.


What ‘come back’ ? you caused me of an ethnic slur, I suspect that you confuse the words ‘slave’ with ‘slav’.

Ooga Booga

You’re wrong there. If the motive is to threaten police, it would be aggravating in most courts. If you punch a cop it’s worse than punching a taxpayer.


If you punch a cop while actively doing his job, yes because you are preventing exercising the law but from what I understood the scumbag threatened their children – that should be equal with threatening anyone children. I know it’s hard for authority worshipers to understand, I can explain again if you want.

David Parker

Cops do not know law. At the very best they will know “the code”, which is not law. At the very least they know what a magistrate and their chief will tolerate. in all other cases, they regard everywhere they go as a free-fire zone knowing they control the narrative and have immunity from prosecution. The worst that can happen to a cop is a paid vacation until the news dies down.


That’s a fact!

Tony B.

They are taught now Mossad tactics. American cops used to shoot, if they had to shoot, in the leg or arm to stop the person but Mossad concept – which fits today’s courts – is that if you kill the person there are no costly trials or court hearings.

David Parker

Only in the present corrupt “court” system. In fact, punching a cop should carry no more penalty than punching anyone else. If fact cops are immune from prosecution and I would guess about 99% of them are petty enough to take advantage of this. It has been my personal experience that cops react to every situation with violence except for blacks and antifa, who can do no wrong in the eyes of zionist media. You think the cops are hard on blacks, you should see what they do to whites who quote law to them.


Props to you good sir, people here tend to love the cops no matter what since they hate the individual freedoms.

Tony B.

What you are expressing is defacto in the U.S. today but it is NOT the law. By law cops are “peace officers” and held to a higher strickness of action than citizens in general. That said, for half a century now American police have been Mossad trained to terrorize, to kill, to humiliate. It is a fact that too many police departments are only too happy to hire ex military MPs, APs, etc. Most of those men were the retarded rejects in the military not able to do any thing useful.


You’re right Jewish, even Hitler thought like you, that the Slavs are a lower barbarian race.


No, I said slaves not slavs, I think I’m partially slav myself


I think you’re a good guy, you know I talk about policy non races.


24 hrs in jail for the cupcake pictured above will definitely give him a new perspective. lol

Ishyrion Av

I think he’s gay and might like it in prison :)))

Harry Smith

Little survey about Russian prison cast system. To be homosexual in the Russian prison is pain and suffer. https://avtonom.org/en/news/belorussian-prison-untouchables-prison-hierarchy


they may like him in prison :)

David Parker

Not sure Bubba has been locked up in Russia. I think they do things the old fashioned way, they beat the living shit out of fags.


Somebody seems to be overly scared of these few protesters considering the number of law enforcement sent to counter

Harry Smith

Well, when these few idiots at June 27 closed the Sadovoye circle, one of the main transportation roadways of the Moscow, even other opposition leaders asked police to kill the faggots. You now, if you close the ring in only one point, the whole ring stops. So August 3 more law enforcers were summoned just to protect the fags from the people, if the will try to close the main road again.


Close it or not drivers get stuck there anyways. Never ending traffic problems of Moscow cannot be solved by law enforcement. Well you have a point, it would be troublesome if Putin’s convoy gets stuck. But on the other hand his convoy creates more traffic than those demonstrators.

stupid is as stupid does

Putin bigger problem than demonstrators? So you suggest teleportation for Putin or jogging down the road instead…bicycle maybe? Whatever. One dose of anything anti-Putin and everything will go just fine. Curses against Putin the Evil One seams to be the universal and only panacea for decadent, bankrupted West and their followers. Yet Western civilization was never more clueless and more precarious about their own future…

Harry Smith

Putin is their god. Evil god.

stupid is as stupid does

I wouldn’t be surprised to see Putin’s efigy on the right side of their beloved Beezelbub during the Black Mass and pedophile orgies that follow after that.


I am not suggesting anything. I am putting the problem out there. Moscow traffic problems are not mine, and frankly I am not as much interested in it as others:)))

stupid is as stupid does

I see. “Moscow traffic problems are not” yours. Actually they are yours just sufficiently to notice Putine menace to that traffic. But still not enough yours to see that protesters (from illegal manifestation) might be doing something against the law in blocking that traffic? As long as the U.S. has any influence to that (or any other traffic), there will always be some problems for all those countries. Like traffic in Hong Kong fr. example. While traffic in Paris will be OK even if Yellow Vest’s block traffic all week in the center of Paris. You will not of course ” put the problem out there” for such protest. Because it is not Russia and Putin involved.


France and Hong Kong (for now) are civilized countries that don’t see their citizens as enemies. That is the difference. And they are comfortable enough with their governance, not to be scared to lose it.

David Parker

Oh sure. However every collection of scum who call themselves “government” are merely parasites who maintain a system of living from the labors and entrepreneurial risks of others. In case you haven’t noticed, the good people of Hong Kong have been demonstrating en masse for months now against “their government” which has agreed to extradite to China whoever the Chinese “government” says to hand over.

David Parker

You got that right. The only answer is for we the people to obey God rather than the US deep state who tell us they are God. Yet people would rather believe that electing a different set of puppets is somehow going to end Zionist control of the US military, eliminate the Zionist federal reserve system, and repeal all the socialist robbery programs the Zionists have put in place to impoverish working people.

Harry Smith

Putin convoy on the Garden Ring? In fact you, volens nolens, just uncovered the reason why USA paid opposition f*cked up. More then 60% of arrested, at not allowed demonstration, are NOT Moscow inhabitants. Even Putin must think twice if he wants to close the Garden Ring. Everyone who lived in Moscow more than a month, does know the importance of the Garden Ring for the central Moscow traffic. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garden_Ring


Hmmmm someone got angry:))) Someone is personally invested in this:)))). Always happy to hit some nerves, call me anytime:))))

Harry Smith

Hit my nerves? Dude you are mega overestimate your capabilities. Find a good psychiatrist for yourself until too late.


roger that Mr. “Smith”:)))

Tony B.

This sort of thing is usually run by CIA, MI6, Mossad or all three together so the cops need to keep them from artificially exploding it.


you are saying that foreign intelligence agencies have that much influence within Russia?

David Parker

Judging from past performance, I have no doubt. MOSSAD pulled off 9/11 with the CIA and FBI looking the other way. The CIA has resources – billions from controlling the drug market that is completely invisible to any government auditors. MI6? Maybe they provide tea with sexual entertainment. It is sad to see Russia is so vulnerable. Putin was KGB, it seems he could do something to whip the FSB into shape.


Thanks for info. Didn’t know that Russian counter-intelligence was so weak.

Tony B.

Yes. It’s basically Rothschild cabal influence which means all the national and regional “intelligence” spy outfits as well as the manipulated young people. The Atlantacists – led by Medvedev – actually control more of the economy than Putin. Russia DOES have a Rothschild central bank, which is a heavy anchor on any economy.

David Parker

Sexual perversion is an attack on everyone. God created us male and female. Pretending to anything else is destructive of society. That is exactly why God commanded sexual deviants to be stoned to death by the entire community the moment they went public which is absolutely an attempt to pervert the rest of the people and destroy the very minimum of social order. No such display is innocent: It is rather an insidious attempt to distort reality, introduce chaos, and destroy Christianity – civilization.

Black Waters

Typical U.S financed extremist.

Harry Smith

He is Ukrainian, born in Russia. His second name “Sinitsa” is pure Ukrainian, while he used in his nickname second name “Steklov” which sounds pure Russian.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

He’s probably a faggot.

Harry Smith

He is. There are more photos of him at the unofficial Telegram channel of the law enforcers. You know if a jackass calls to kill your children you will be very interested in getting more info about the person. Some guys there already said, that it is no really matter how many days you’ll spend in the jail, but much more important how you will spend these days. Taking in consideration the complete intolerance for homosexuality in the Russian prison subculture, it will be better for this guy to commit a suicide.

Saso Mange

indeed. Russians should deport him to Tel Aviv, gay capital.

neil barron

Geezus this reads of the likes here, the commies running amok under the antifa flag. Except here the city leaders and such are one and the same they don’t let the police break up the criminals.

neil barron

That wasn’t police brutality the jackass was resisting arrest big difference.Take note of his legs locked around bike frame assholes. People with brains don’t resist arrest or basically being asked questions. What follows is their own stupidity.

Harry Smith

Just little more photos of it: https://cont.ws/uploads/pic/2019/8/5%20%2842%29.jpg https://cont.ws/uploads/pic/2019/8/6%20%2835%29.jpg

stupid is as stupid does

100% fag, just by posing. LGBTQ shyster.

Saso Mange

disgusting little bitch… I would not let him watch my dog and he expects to became politician in Moscow? Man this is funny.

David Parker

This is a sexual deviant by choice. He should have been stoned the moment he went public with his demonic obsession. Maybe he knows Obama better than Michelle does.


This “thing” have nothing human in him.. only outer resemblance…


and a fag sissy also , at least from the pictures

Saso Mange

Who is that faggot? Guy looks like total idiot. I feel bad for saying this as i usually avoid making such observations but cmon, no wonder he picked the name ”Max”.

Tudor Miron

What I hear from people around is that police is way too soft with this trash trying to instigate maidan in our country.

Tudor Miron

This pidor is so dumb that he doesn’t even realise what is awaiting for him.

David Parker

This is a drop-out from Antifa. A new Lenin wanna-be, a Che Guevara looking to take everyone’s lunch. Protest, take over the police and military, build a new Cheka to kill all opposition, and you’ll never have to work for a living.


Love the eyes on this clown. He looks like he is thousands of miles from reality. :P



David Parker

Trust a fag to attack children. The insanity of sexual perversion is a grave threat and that is exactly why God commanded sexual perverts to be stoned to death by the entire community the moment they take their insanity public. Such a display is not innocent, it is an insidious attack on civilization itself, it is a demand that reality be abandoned for chaos.

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