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MARCH 2025

Meet Ships Entering Service With Russian Navy In 2019

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The Russian Navy will get new submarines and surface ships in 2019 within its re-equipment program, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said during a teleconference hosted by the National Centre for State Defence Control in Moscow on March 5.

According to the Defense Minister, two nuclear and one diesel submarines will enter the Navy in 2019. At thesame time, the surface fleet will be receive frigate Admiral Kasatonov, corvette Gremyashchiy, large amphibious ship Peter Morgunov, small missile ships Mercury and Ingushetia, patrol ship Dmitry Rogachev, minesweeper Vladimir Yemelyanov, five combat boats and 20 support vessels.

Admiral Gorshkov-class frigate Admiral Kasatonov started sea trials in December 2018. She is the second warship of this class. Admiral Gorshkov-class frigates displace about 5,000 tonnes and can develop a speed of 29 knots. They are armed with Oniks and Kalibr missiles and the Poliment-Redut air defense missile system.

Meet Ships Entering Service With Russian Navy In 2019

Admiral Gorshkov-class frigate Admiral Kasatonov. IMAGE: oko-planet.su

Large amphibious ship Peter Morgunov is the second Ivan Gren-class ship, which the Russian Navy will receive. The warship was laid down at the Yantar Shipyard on the Baltic coast on June 11, 2015 and floated out on May 25, 2018. Ivan Gren-class large amphibious ships displace about 6,000 tonnes and are the largest surface combatants built to date. The previous Project 1171 ‘Tapir’ large amphibious assault ship of the Russian Navy displaces 4,300 tonnes.

Peter Morgunov has a crew of 100 personnel and has  an airstrip and a hangar for the helicopter on board. She can carry 13 tanks or 36 armored vehicles or 300 men. The warship is armed with one AK-630M-2 “Duet” close-in weapon system, two AK-630M slose-in weapon systems, two MTPU 14.5-mm machine guns and the Igla anti-aircraft missile system.

Meet Ships Entering Service With Russian Navy In 2019

Ivan Gren-class large amphibious ship Peter Morgunov. IMAGE: hybridtechcar.com

Gremyashchiy is the first corvette of the class. In fact, this class is an advanced development of the Steregushchiy-class corvette. Gremyashchiy-class ships are large multipurpose corvettes, designed to complement Steregushchiy-class corvettes in service with the Russian Navy. They have a notable habitability for higher endurance missions and are capable of launching cruise missiles. They displace 2,500 tonnes, develop speeds up to 27 knots and have an operating range of 4,000 nautical miles at 14 knots.

Meet Ships Entering Service With Russian Navy In 2019

Gremyashchiy-class corvette

Small missile ships Mercury and Ingushetia, mentioned by the Russian Defense Minister, are two new guided missile Buyan-M-class corvettes. They both can carry Kalibr cruise and Onix supersonic antiship missiles. An important fact is that the small size and displacement of Buyan-M-class corvettes enable them to operate within inland river systems, including traversing the Moscow Canal which allows them to deploy to various seas around western Russia.

Meet Ships Entering Service With Russian Navy In 2019

ILLUSTRATIVE IMAGE: Buyan-M-class corvette

Dmitry Rogachev is a large Project 22160 patrol ship, which is currently passing sea trials. Ships of this class are primarily intended for duties such as patrol, monitoring and protection in open and closed seas. Their armament includes the Kalibr cruise missile and a 76,2 mm dual-purpose gun.

Meet Ships Entering Service With Russian Navy In 2019

Project 22160 patrol ship Dmitry Rogachev

Vladimir Yemelyanov is an Alexandrit-class mine sweeper. Ships of this class can use the most advanced sonars installed both on the ship and remotely-operated and autonomous submersibles and feature an automated counter-mine operation control system. They are also capable of using traditional sweep armament. They have the world’s largest monolith fiberglass hull manufactured by the vacuum infusion method. Vladimir Yemelyanov is the third in the series and the fourth that has been laid down.

Meet Ships Entering Service With Russian Navy In 2019

ILLUSTRATIVE IMAGE: Alexandrit-class mine sweeper

Regarding the submarines, which the Russian Navy is set to receive in 2019, they are likely Borei II-class nuclear ballistic missile submarine Knyaz Vladimir, Yasen-M class nuclear attack submarine Kazan and one Improved Varshavyanka-class [Project 636.3] diesel-electric attack submarine. According to earlier reports, Improved Kilo-class submarines Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Volkhov are set to enter service with the Russian Navy in 2020. It’s possible that one of them may enter service earlier.

The Borei II-class can carry up to 20 Bulava SLBMs. Bulava SLBMs are each armed with six to 10 nuclear multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle warheads yielding 100 to 150 kilotons apiece, as well as 10 to 40 decoys.

Meet Ships Entering Service With Russian Navy In 2019

Borei II-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine Knyaz Vladimir

Yasen-M-class multipurpose nuclear-powered attack/cruise missile submarines are reportedly quieter than the lead Yasen-class boat. They are built with low magnetic steel to reduce its magnetic signature. The Kazan is fitted with eight vertical СМ-346 complex (3Р-14В) silos for submarine-launched cruise missiles as well as ten torpedo tubes for firing Kalibr supersonic cruise missiles, P-800 Onik over-the-horizon supersonic anti-ship missiles, and an improved variant of 533-millimeter Fizik-1 homing torpedos.

Meet Ships Entering Service With Russian Navy In 2019

Yasen-M class nuclear-powered attack submarine Kazan

The Project 636.3 is an improved version of Kilo-class [Project 636] submarines that features elements of advanced stealth technology, extended combat range and the ability to strike land, surface and underwater targets. Submarines of this class are mainly intended for anti-shipping and anti-submarine operations in relatively shallow waters. They are armed with 533 mm torpedoes Kalibr/Club land-attack cruise missile, anti-ship missiles, mines and surface-to-air missiles.

Meet Ships Entering Service With Russian Navy In 2019

ILLUSTRATIVE IMAGE: Varshavyanka-class [Project 636.3] submarine


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The true power or Russian military above all is in her missiles. Not so much in the platforms (that are also important) that carry them.


The true power of the Russian military is the soldiers, the sailors, the pilots and the technical personnel which designs and builds its arms, ships and planes.


Sounds nice as slogan. Unfortunately in modern wars, heroics and human factor in general are not as decisive as they used to be in the past. And they getting less and less decisive (even though very important) Example: Yugoslavia was incessantly bombed for almost 80 days from safe distance by 20 NATO countries…. In situation like that human factor can’t do much


i agree with Jako! All 1st world nations can claim what u just claimed! But Russia has the missile advantage!


i agree!


Russia needs to ramp up ship construction since locallly developed gas turbine engines are showing positive results, more Gorshkovs and super Gorshkovs can be built along with the Yassen M sub and an array of other nuclear and diesel powered subs.


This is not only gas turbines problem.(turbines were problem imposed bu Ukraine, resolved quickly) That problem is resolved already. It is other things…problems of some lost know how in building very big ships due to the decades of crisis in shipbuilding industry ever since Gorbachev days. Look what happened with Kuznetsov or with many delays in overhauling of Admiral Nakhimov and plenty of others examples that show situation in shipbuilding is not exactly good. Even though it gets better. It will take some time to put things in place. Much bigger problems are really absence of modern equipped shipyards with enough experienced personnel. And Russian budget also is problem. Because Russia must help that those shipyards to restructure and modernize. And to acquire enough qualified and experienced engineers to overcome that know how gap of building very big ships. Russia must also give to those shipyards enough work, enough ships to build.


Russian shipbuilding and maintaenance of its fleet saw its worst days in the 90’s and early 2000, Russia is a land power, however to be able to project its power worldwide it needs a fleet. There are currently 4 major fleets, Baltic, Black Sea, Northern and Pacific fleet, that need greater number of ships and armaments. Russian ship building industry needs time and recuperate and integrate newer construction technologies, develop new shipyards able to handle large tonnage ships, modernize and expand the existing ones. Russian shipbuilding industry is coming back, the shipyards will stay busy since the navy will need to undergo significant modernization and expand its number of active ocean going vessels. Russia is a little timid when it comes to building Lidder destroyers, the nuclear power plants are available, and working on Nakhimov and Peter the great will give them ample experience in handling larger ships, they need to learn as they move forward. As far as the budget, there are some restraints, however, Russia’s economic curve is pointing upwards and they can allocate more money for naval construction.


“the shipyards will stay busy since the navy will need to undergo significant modernization and expand its number of active ocean going vessels”

I don’t agree . There is ,serious glitch with all that. Russia is about to finish soon with corvettes (that are doing at the moment the most ) Once they finish the corvettes and with some frigates that are left there will not be really enough work for all shipyards that are doing only smaller ships. Because in the near future the biggest orders will be concentrated on big and very big ships and not all shipyards can do them. Also I am not optimistic with the budget because Russia keeps cutting military budget even in the year of the positive GDP growth and biggest savings ever made in the Russian budget through growing gold reserves and growing cash reserves…

For the rest I agree…I have said more or less the same.


Russia has a lot of older ships and for the Russian navy to leap into the 21st century it needs a lot of new ships small, medium and large. The Buyan M corvette built at Almaz shipyard in St Petersburg, grossing 1000 tons (7 units) needs to be built in larger numbers not necessarily to the same specs, maybe 2000 tons displacement or more with longer sea endurance, capable operating in the Arctic and Baltic and Northern fleet, i’d take 20 of them.

Steregushchly corvette 2000 tons displacement built in St Petersburg ( 6 units) can upgrade the class to a more muscular ship measuring up to a frigate at 4000 tons. What better experience than working on smaller ships and gradually building larger ones in the same shipyard?

The Grigorovich class frigate with a 4000 tons displacement built at Yantar Kaliningrad (3 units) can gear up for super Gorshkovs or something in between, i’d take at least 10-15.

Gorshkov class frigate with a 5000 ton displacement built in St Petersburg (1-2) can gear up for super Gorshkovs, I’d take 10-15 units.

Besides the above, there is need for a destroyer with ASW capabilities in the 10,000 ton range, tank landing ships, helicopter carriers, the Lidder destroyers, supply ships, Oilers, specialized ASW ships, minesweepers…..etc.

Russia needs at least 200 combat ships distributed throughout their four fleets supported by a strong submarine force. The small ship yards have to be modernized and expanded to produce larger tonnage ships (where it makes sense)


Buyan M corvette has alemost same displacement version a true blue water version corvette and it is called Karakut- Project 22800 Slightly smaller but with more autonomy (15 days)and with “Pantsir-M” introduced as new upgraded weapon first on them. They will build more of those Karakut’s (for Mediteranean sea and Baltic sea i suppose) than Buyan’s which are brown navy ships.

Whatever Russians decide I hope to see much more ships above 4000 tons I don’t know about more corvettes because Russia has great need and more urgency for bigger ships (frigates) above all plenty of destroyers and some cruisers as well. The most of the old Soviet ships that need replacement is in that range

Grigorovich class frigates are sold to India(because of the turbine problem) with the complete transfer of know how. I doubt that they will continue with that upgraded old design. Even though those were the ships Russia was building the fastest and they come quite cheap. They are for navy something like SU-30 is for air-force.

YES Gorshkov class and Super Gorshkov class I am all for it !! And I really do HOPE that they will speed up lot building of the Gorshkov’s because those excellent ships could become true backbone of the Russian navy! I hope that they will make plenty of them for all 4 fleets to get some. Of course Super Gorshkov class will go mostly for Pacific and Northern fleet and probably for Mediterranean sea (Black sea fleet) Project 22350M Super Gorshkov frigates are destroyer size 8000 tons! They are planing “at least” 15 Gorshkov and Super Gorshkov frigates! “According to him, the Russian Navy planned to purchase at least 15 frigates in basic and upgraded versions.” http://mil.today/2017/Weapons62/

Another (Russian source) limits Super Gorshkov on only 6.5 thousand tons https://iz.ru/news/668261

For the rest I agree and have nothing to add.


The point I was making is that smaller naval yards can evolve from producing low tonnage corvettes to frigates and light destroyers and stay busy for a long time. The newer facilities in the Far East are meant for larger tonnage ships. Grigorovich tech base and know how at Yantar ship yard could produce super Gorshkovs.


OK The problem is that Navy can not accommodate shortcomings of the shipyards to get the ships they maybe do not need or are inadequate in any way for them… They have limited budget and they want the best possible ships from that limited budget. When one pays the money than one hopes to get best bang for buck and not some bad compromise. Things that sound “common sense” maybe are not so easy to put in workable practice Maybe that they can not be an option whit which everybody would be satisfied for some reason.

One makes design of the ship based from requirements and not from opposite direction! Building house from the roof is not good idea always.

I hope that you are right about Yantar ( that is great shipyard ) and Gorshkovs combo. At the end whoever does them those ships must be built much faster….


I have friends in Nikolaev Ukraine, they say many of the former ship workers there are being hired in Russia (real Ukraine). Unintended consequence of the coup. That is where the big ships in Soviet times were built.


True all that also for the other defense equipment building firms like missiles, gas turbines and such …Many went to Russia. But still even with Nikolaev former ship engineers,workers, technicians etc. Russia still lacks experienced naval engineers and highly qualified experienced personnel in that sector . Long period of crisis in the sector created brain drain and plenty of experienced naval engineers went to the pension also and new ones were not hired due to the fact that ships were not built and Soviet know how was lost. Now they must “repair” what was lost and it takes time and resources. Also they are equipping few shipyards for capacity to build very large ships to replace Nikolaev.



Tell ur story to 65 yo russians who want to retire! The Russian public health system is disgusting! Roads are the worst i have seen in the world! (by far) And if they do retire, the money they get pays only for their rent and not enough for food which is why u see a lot of Russian elderly eating out of bins and why most die shortly after 65!

Having said that, am i suddenly a “Russia hater”? If u think that, how so?

Are u going to say “Well, if russia doesnt arm itself well, then the west will take them over and they wont have a country left, they will all be dead from war instead of the common flu”!

Is this what u are going to say?


There is money for everything, Russia is not burdened by serious debt and has many options to negate the existing external debt.

“””Tell ur story to 65 yo russians who want to retire!””” Retirement age will increase gradually from 60 to 65 by 2028. Many Americans will receive social security benefits at 66.5.

“””The Russian public health system is disgusting!””” How is it disgusting? Because the Russian healthcare system is not free market oriented ballooning the profits of the insurance companies, hospitals and drug makers, and making doctors insanely rich? US bloated health care accounts to 5-6 trillion dollars of the 19 trillion dollar GDP. Russians get good medical care from a system that is not designated to milk money to make others rich.

“””Roads are the worst i have seen in the world! (by far)””” Really? Maybe you need to drive on I-5 and other roads in California and other states in the US to really appreciate “worst” in infrastructure.”””

“””And if they do retire, the pension they get pays only for their rent and not enough for food which is why u see a lot of Russian elderly eating out of bins and why most die shortly after 65!”””

That is your slice of molded boloney, most Russians by retirement age should own their homes or apartments, and pensions are one aspect of their income, I am sure they saved money maybe made some investments …..etc.

Russian life expectancy is averaged at 71.5 years while US life expectancy is 78.6 years. Life expectancy is a relative measurement, quality of life in old age is what counts. You have seen the Russian WW2 veterans at various ceremonies looking very energetic and full of life, while US older population having consumed GMO foods are encumbered by obesity, excessive medical drug intake, dementia, loneliness…..etc.


Ive been there twice! i have Russian friends also! i actually like Russia! But the bad parts i know too!

Russia NEEDS to spend on its military, i know this! But because of that, the people suffer! An honest russian would tell u the same!

Besides Moscow and St petes, the rest of russia is a shit hole! FACT! Outside of these 2 major cities, the average wage is $200 per month! Rent is about $150 per month for a shitty one room apartment!

U do the math!

Then u walk out of ur soviet era apartment and u smell piss and shit as u are lowered down ur elevator that uses rope and can only carry one person at a time! u hear the sqeaking of the pully as it turns

then u are hit by the smell of piss and cold!

then u walk through mud and ice with shitty little yellow buses that also smell of piss

Roads have giant holes big enough to drop ur fridge into

Drunks are everywhere at night, people use remedies instead of going to a doctor ($100 to pay for a doctor out of your spare $50 for the month to eat and live and travel)

i saw women who looked like models, wearing high heels loooking amazing who would then turn left into their apartment building that was worse than the one i saw my friend lived in!

listen to me…. dont fucking compare russia to the USA! doing that is a massive contradiction!

have u been to russia? have u??

if u have then u are lying!! if u havent then shut ur fuckin mouth cos u dont know what u are talking about!

Between 2007 and 2016 russia has improved a lot! But its still a shit hole!

Name another country who’s population is decreasing!!!! Name one!


“””Outside of these 2 major cities, the average wage is $200 per month! Rent is about $150 per month for a shitty one room apartment! U do the math!”””

The average wage in Russia is about 38,000 rubles a month. Where do you get your numbers from? Why are you quoting me dollars when PPP calculation is taken into account the ruble buys a lot more in Russia than the dollar buys in US. Rents vary from provinces starting at 6,000 rubles to Moscow 15-25,0000 rubles

“””Russia NEEDS to spend on its military, i know this! But because of that, the people suffer! An honest russian would tell u the same!”””

It is corruption and neoliberal policies established by the west during Yeltsin’ tenure that is hindering Russian development. Aside from that all, you have the economic war and sanctions imposed by the west. You are rather clueless.

US ability to convey a rich image is because of its printing presses that churn out fiat money. It’s like me starting with 10,000 dollars and going in my basement every night to print money and eventually become a multi billionaire.

Talking about shit holes in the US, you can start with the west coast squalor, poop apps, gangs, sanctuary cities, decaying road infrastructure and overall degradation of human character, complete reliance on drugs and other chemical inducements to make it through the day.

I lived in a communist country, it was not a shit hole back then, i went back a few years ago, there was some development and improvement, the cost of living was high in comparison to wages since EU integration.


“outside of these 2 major cities the average wage is $200 per month” Do u understand???? REEEEAAADDD!!!!

in Moscow rent is about $500 per month (for good place) St petes is about $300 to $350 per month (for good place)

Average wages in the major cities are much higher! Around $500 to $800 per month in moscow Around $400 to $700 in st petes



I WAS THERE!! i fucking lived there for a month with a friend! i get my info from russians living in moscow and st petes!

i know what i am talking about!

next time READ carefully before u reply!


“””outside of these 2 major cities the average wage is $200 per month” Do u understand????”””

Says who? I have GDP figures that say the average wage for a Russian is about 38,000 rubles a months. It’s like saying the US average income per capital 55,0000 a year then go in a depressed area and average income is 25,000 or less and claim that is the norm outside of major metropolitan areas. There are a lot of industrial hubs throughout central Russia and Far East that pay good. Maybe you need to get your info from people living in provinces outside of the major metropolitan areas.

What happened to your pathetic argument that provincial Russians would lead better lives if they spent less on defense expenditures? Do you know what neoliberal policies are? Do you know what corruption is? Do you want to hear a joke about corruption during Soviet times?

I do not need conjecture laced with profanities from someone who finds fault with defense spending, while ignoring corruption and a system established by Americans that tied up the entire Russian constitution and nation to the Fed and the US Treasury. Is that what your friends in Moscow and St. Pete are saying? Are they atlanticists? Maybe Putin needs to revise the constitution and give the Fed and other central banks the finger, and pursue policies that are conducive to Russian interests and life without external interference and their minions.



Jacob Wohl

too bad the US Navy is still hundreds of ships and carriers ahead

Robert Ferrin

The problem with that of course is the poor quality,to be honest it sucks.!!!


I see they are all tucked away nice and safely from Russian missiles.

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