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MARCH 2025

Meet The Russian Electronic Warfare Systems Supporting Operations In Ukraine (Video)

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Meet The Russian Electronic Warfare Systems Supporting Operations In Ukraine (Video)

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On April 15, the Russian Ministry of Defense released a video showing some of the electronic warfare (EW) systems currently supporting the special military operation in Ukraine.

The video was released to celebrate the EW Specialist Day, which is an official holiday in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

One of the EW systems that can be seen in the video is the Krasukha-4, which was developed by the KRET corporation to protect command posts, groupings of troops, air defense systems, and vital industrial, administrative and political facilities.

The system analyzes the signal type and impairs enemy radar stations by powerful jamming emissions at ranges of up to 300 kilometers. As a result, enemy aircraft lose their capability to detect targets and aim their precision weapons against them.

Another EW system shown in the Russian MoD video is the Kvant SPN-4, which features a High Power X-Band Radar jamming station.

The SPN-4 was designed to guard against aircraft-based electronic surveillance, including drone surveillance. The system can effectively shield objects on the ground against radio-locating surveillance satellites, ground-based radars, or Airborne Warning and Control Systems (AWACS) aircraft.

The R-330ZH Zhitel EW system can be also seen in the video. The system was designed by Protek for the detection, analysis, direction-finding and jamming of satellite and cellular phone communication systems operating within the frequency from 100 to 2,000 MHz. The system provides analysis and selection of emitters’ signal parameters.

The last EW system shown in the Russian MoD video was the Murmansk-BN which was developed by KRET. The long-range communications jamming system was specially designed to take out NATO and US high frequency military satellite communications. The EW system has a maximum coverage of 5,000 kilometers.

The primary target of the Murmansk-BN is the West’s High Frequency Global Communications System (HFGCS). The system can also intercept communications between warships, aircraft and satellites.

The Russian military places a special importance on integrating EW systems into its operations. This was very clear in the ongoing operation in Ukraine.

Russian EW systems has been reportedly playing a key role against Ukraine’s defense and offensive means, especially drones. According to the Russian MoD, the Krasukha-4 system has jammed 12 Ukrainian Bayraktar TB2 combat drones on its own, so far.


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Hayate kirino

Lol. Why do we get so many drone videos from the ukrainian side then?

That’s stupid

That’s funny

Snake island Ghost

What videos? I haven’t seen a single one for over a month. The first batch of Bayraktars has been completely destroyed without managing a single strike beyond the 2nd day of the war.

Last edited 2 years ago by Snake island Ghost
That’s stupid

There’s a lot of them out there…


If there were, they wouldn’t be crying for more from the Turks, who are not selling them any.

jens holm

In war there are losses. If they didnt work they wold not ask for more.


Maybe they want to pick up the pace on Killing invaders. They probably have lost quite a few drones, they are slow. Russians claim to have downed all Ukrainian drones, plus a couple more then they have.


I hear they are low on missiles for the drones, so they are being used to spot for artillery and distract flag ships.

The US is sending laser guided rockets in the next shipment, rumour has it these are for the drones as Turkey is hesitant to supply these weapons

jens holm

That might be true. USA has some boycuts on the Turkish weapon production.

jens holm

He dont feed his pigions.

Snake island Ghost

>There’s a lot of them out there… Except you failed to link even a single one.

jens holm

Maybee You a should have a new computer or a TV.

Many are on Youtube.

Snake island Ghost

If you’re going to troll online you should probably learn to speak English dude.

Russian ship, what are you sinking?

Not the Boyraktars, the smaller fire correctors for artilery.

Pamfil Military Academy

Turkey play on 2 sides, it’s an old practice for them. They will try to drag all future deliveries for nazi Reich because they know otherwise Russia will start to arm kurds. And if that happen, Turkey is totally doomed. So, they mimic some sort of help to please the US fake ‘gius’ masters.


Arma III Videos that is….


You think about the fake vids from western propagandamedia? https://youtu.be/inBGKQ84S5g

jens holm

Our level is not like Yours at all.

Free media cover is added reflexions about whats comming in and out. We actually learn that and are not cheated as You insinuate.

We get tricked too. But we do have almost unlimited information.

Snake island Ghost

Really, you have access to unlimited information? Maybe start with an English course instead of just parroting CNN rhetoric in broken English. All you’ve accomplished so far is annoy some readers with endless spam and established yourself as the laughing stock of this website among other readers.

Last edited 2 years ago by Snake island Ghost

If you don’t know Jens for long I can understand, but he lost his mind after talking so much shit. I remember when he could write in English. I’m not joking btw.

Pens Holm

Unlimited information??? From CNN, CNN, BBC, CNN, and sometimes even from CNN. Your level? You have no level. You fucking idiot.


Because Ukraine is passing off Arma 3 video game sequences as combat footage.


You see only what Russia allows you to see.


Another piece of junk. Ukranians are now bombing russian territories that were meant to protect by these and other SAMs. None of these works as advertised. Also, add the incompetence of the russian military. That ship was expected to protect itself with s300, but it could not even engage subsonic missiles.


Go back to sleep. Military things are not for TV watchers

Snake island Ghost

Are you retarded or pretending to be? How the fuck are electronic warfare systems going to protect against mortar shells that are placed in a different region of the country?

jens holm

Small and bigger drones are targetfinders. By that Ypu more often can attack the target, before its redeployed somewhere else.

You can knock out morters, if You find them.

You migh reconsidder naming people retardos being someone Yourself. Next time You might ask for his reaons or a link.

jens holm

I am less and less impressed as well.




What? An old S-200 missile landed near Zion nuclear plant and none of their shit worked at all, the missile landed and after the sound, they found out something hit them. The US can’t protect KSA or UAE against Yemen rockets, do you know why? Remember Iran attacking US bases in Iraq? Iran didn’t hit a city or anything but a fuking military base – nothing that the yanquis could do about it but to run and hide like coward terrorists they are (some of them even became Muslims right there and then). So just STFU.


Withdrawing from Kiev was a blunder. You want the West not to arm Ukraine, make Zelensky know he’s about to die. Dude been talking to every single parliament that will bother listen to his B.S and Moscow allowed that. Imagine EU visiting Kiev during an active war, that’s complete B.S

Last edited 2 years ago by Wizzy
jens holm

It was a regular military too early defeat kindly assisted by rain.

Moskva dont decide here. They cant even handle their museum for ineffectiv old ideas and production.

Voldemort *elenskyy

I beg for old weapons every day. But what I really want is the last letter of the latin alphabet back in my name!


Russian EW = 7 to 12 generations ahead of anything similar in Occident as per the Pentagon.


The proof is out there!


There are electric weapons which can harm people in their vicinity and which emit brain splitting sounds, not everyone can hear these but they make people feel unwell. I wonder whether China, with Russia could develop these to use in hostage situations. Although the hostages could be harmed, if it is temporary, then the hostages may be thankful for the deployment of these. Also those who lies on the ground may be less affected and those in BASEMENTS may be affected even less.


A joke, whil they have to use their personal telefoon to get in touch with each other because the three different sort and systems militarise telefoon s do not function and are not interchangeable. Corruption on his best.

Snake island Ghost

Literally what are you even saying dude. I can’t understand your English.


Clowns. Russia had and still has some famous clowns. They love brainless untertainement.

Carl Johnson


jens holm

The country foreign Ukraine is crawling with drones which work.

Many things in Russia seemes only to be found in very expensive pilot projekt.


Was steel factory basements flooded in mariople?


Was Donbas goes back to Ukrotaridstan?

The Saint

Russia doesn’t want to tip their hand too much about their EW capabilities. There are US surveillance planes flying 24/7 sccoping up any signals intel it can find. Russia will not use or reveal intel gathering or EW capability unless it is absolutely necessary, and even then it won’t be the newest capability.

Che Guevara

Am surprised Russia has yet to take out all of the bridges that cross the Dnieper River.


slava russkaya yaytsegolovka!!

Pamfil Military Academy

Military academy here, you nazi US goon shit ! Russia MUST do the following things in the next 3 days, rapidly: 1. Destroy all the Dniepr bridges, rail or road. All the ukronazi reinforcement are already trapped in Donbass. 2. Seriously check the next 2 weeks of weather prognosis. 3. Bombard all the remaining fuel depots, even the previously attacked ones. 4. Enroll the second batch of seasoned volunteers (aprox 100.000) 3. Last check of the multilayered defense STRONG points along frontline. 4. Putin make a last call to all EU whores partner of the US Empire of deception, lies and crimes to stop any future weapon transfer to Ukraine unless they will face a NS1 SHUT DOWN for 1 month. 5. Final check of the 2 axis invasion of the UkroReich

Timmy Temperance

How, then, was a Neptun missile able to sink the flagship of the Black Sea fleet?

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