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MARCH 2025

Meloni Confesses There Is “A Lot Of Fatigue” With The Ukrainian Conflict After Being Pranked

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Meloni Confesses There Is “A Lot Of Fatigue” With The Ukrainian Conflict After Being Pranked

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Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

Russian comedians commonly known as Vovan and Lexus, played a prank on Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. In a telephone conversation, they posed as a senior African official with whom Meloni felt comfortable enough to make certain revelations that she might not have otherwise in a public setting.

Despite saying otherwise in Parliament and making public statements, Meloni is heard saying in the 13-minute audio of the call that there is “a lot of fatigue” on all sides regarding the conflict in Ukraine.

Although released online on November 1 by Vovan and Lexus, the call, with what she believed was a senior African Union official, dates to September 18, the day before the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Her office later admitted that she “had been deceived.”

When asked by the prankers about Russia’s war in Ukraine, Meloni responded in English and said:

“I see that there is a lot of fatigue, I have to say the truth from all the sides. We (are) near the moment in which everybody understands that we need a way out.”

“The problem is to find a way out which can be acceptable for both without destroying the international law,” she added.

The situation generated strong criticism and even concern from politicians in Italy. This is the case of former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who was in office between 2018 and 2021. For him, the telephone conversation is a “failure on a global scale” and revealed that “government security protocols can be circumvented and hacked” very quickly.

Despite this, the former prime minister said on social media that the content of the conversation was more disturbing than that.

“What is even more unacceptable is to discover that our Prime Minister is speaking about the conflict [in Ukraine] in a manner completely opposite to that which she has recently used in Parliament. She provides a completely different description of the conflict from that which she presents to Italians, public opinion, and people’s representatives. She recognises that she sees no other way out other than negotiations and that this is the only solution to a conflict that could last for years,” he said.

According to Giuseppe Conte, the current prime minister revealed that she never told Italians about the conflict, which has increasingly lost support from the West in the face of corruption and the failed summer counteroffensive.

“She continues to send weapons to Ukraine and promote this military escalation endlessly, but she realises the need to find a solution through negotiations that protect the interests of both parties. However, above all, she admits that she still cannot find the courage to present a different position for Italy […] This cowardice costs the Italians, the Europeans, but, above all, the victims, whose number, unfortunately, continues to grow,” wrote the politician, who leads the opposition 5 Star Movement.

Yet, despite the criticism from Conte, Lexus was rather quite complementary towards Meloni.

“Unfortunately, unlike her, many European politicians behave like some kind of programmed robot and express points of view that are only voiced in their own circles,” he told Reuters.

Without mentioning the audio clip directly, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his nightly address on October 1 that Europe was a continent of “cooperation, not disagreements.”

“I am confident that Ukraine will make our Europe stronger than ever, and we are working actively to remove any obstacles to our accession to the European Union. “I am also confident that no matter how events unfold in the world, among our partners in the United States and elsewhere, unity will prevail. Unity, not division. Unity, not calls for isolation,” he added.

In a much more direct manner, Mikhail Podolyak, an advisor to Zelensky, claimed on X (formerly Twitter) that European fatigue and willingness to negotiate a ceasefire was “absolute propaganda fiction promoted only by authoritarian regimes similar to the Russian one.”

This is a ludicrous claim since Meloni’s statements and many of her European colleagues are clear and decisive.

Yet, the question must be asked of why Italy continues to pledge full support to Ukraine, both military and financial, for as long as the conflict lasts. Until September, Italy has already sent more than €1 billion, which cannot account for how the amount was spent, and at a time when a migration crisis grips the Mediterranean country.

In the call, Meloni revealed, “I have got some ideas about how to manage this situation, but I am waiting for the right moment to put on the table these ideas that I have got.” Since the call on September 18, she has yet to reveal “how to manage this situation” or what that “right moment” will be.


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modded again! try again!!

the deep understanding and tireless intellect of today’s leaders is so reassuring. just knowing that we can all sleep safely at night with these people in charge of our lives is priceless.

G. Saviano

problem is that quality’s standards in europe have been americanized. some examples include: pop culture demoralization of society, lack of quality of education, etc — which have always been fundamentally subversive. this is part of why jews were kicked out of so many countries. they erode the moral code and standards of excellency to subjugate countries and control them. italy is a major cia/nato/masonic hub and we see the erosion of italian (societal) fabric.

G. Saviano

the same is true in all western europe. national identity, ethics, excellency standards have all been eroded. all countries are losing autonomy over national politics and policy. many politicians bribed or threatened or killed for not following washington/brussels dictates. the best politicians can do is perhaps “make mistakes” to expose degenerate self-harming agenda?

Professor Burton

this is why musk calls soros an enemy of humanity, eroding the very fabric of society. i am afraid it’s true. globalists are continually weakening national culture and peoples to enslave them (further.)


soros (et al) are market barrow boys who have accumulated enough money to influence political, economic and cultural change. musk is no different, particularly with x, he is at best an approved ‘alternative’ (he isn’t ) in this world of vying ‘philanthrocapitalists’. the biggest problems remain 1. the gullibility of the populace and 2. the corruptability of politicos, without which these types couldn’t operate.

Professor Burton

can’t really compare the two. soros is a representative of the neo feudal system he is almost at the top of the power dynamic. he is an executor of the trojan horse ngo’s & globalist control machinations that do colour-revolutions and economic warfare/ currency manipulation, etc — he is a tool of the globalist subversion ruining the world. musk is merely a highly-opinionated corporatist by comparison.


musk represents a ‘counter gang’, to paraphrase the western colonial playbook, but his power base is growing (transhumanism, eugenics etc). not so long ago soros was little more than a market speculator, but things change.

of the two musk is ultimately more dangerous, not least because too many ‘savvy’ people don’t see him as dangerous – the gullibility factor. only yesterday the uk pm was quoting musk verbatim, following a personal meeting on ai. go figure!


both are dangerous. but i agree, soros is a different class of animal altogether. apart from the ngo’s, he also funds/controls thousands of western politicians and judges. this is perhaps the most dangerous aspect of the subversive anti-democratic influence he wields.


politicians, judges, and government officials***


sorosian powers while extensive are waining, along with his neoliberal acolytes. his is the old globalist dream of manipulating tangible geo-political, judicial, economic and cultural domains. it is the solid, rational ‘material world’ still understood by boomers/gen x, but increasingly unimportant to later generations embracing concepts (woke, climate, trans etc) that remain unfathomable to even their parents.



musk is growing his power base in this supra-global ai ‘matrix’ of ‘shared individual realities’. orwell’s concerns wither away, along with the institutions so corrupted by soros. are we also seeing the end of conflict as a barbaric $$ ritual of asymmetric bloodletting? an end to territorial sovereignty? r.i.p. patriotism, morals, ethics, religion and family values – buried under the rubble of countless colonial wars-for-profit that those same values were always used to justify.

Last edited 1 year ago by B.F.Finlayson

that’s not at all accurate. the modern iteration of the yankee-cowboy war is in full swing, with musk and the digital colonizers of the mind on one end and the old speculators from the industrialized petro-driven economy on the other.


soros built his wealth as speculation/ currency and securities trading — but he is very much involved as a neo feudalist technocrat. for one, he’s a major donor to politicians and judges which he also uses to buy government appointees in other government agencies, etc etc. his anti-democratic subversion knows no ends e.g. also includes moles in intelligence agencies so please, everything said was actually correct

Professor Burton

indeed, at the very least both musk and soros are technocratic agents of the neo-feudal corporatocracy/ oligarchy. except that as mentioned, soros is more involved in globalist anti-national world-event manipulation.


please, no, it wasn’t. musk is not just a “highly-opinionated corporatist”. that’s a ridiculous statement, and thus, so is yours.

jens holm

thats too. in ukrane they even were allow to have their local names and their language were deranged too.

the contrast to globalisme his fx is ussr dominant evil big brothers makng a non devellopment zone. they never took well of they proletars. they still dont.

and whan other take over the ruins giving options, we are blamed for that too.


i feel fine about most of it and live here.

and yes. usa dont started ww2 and took over from the many collapses.

my grandparents and well as parents were happy.

you ignore it was much worse before 1945 fx poor and job as well as colonies.

jens holm

chapter 2 also not dstroj:

now almost all used computers and a lot of translate. your simple usa dont exist. you blame world you blame eu, japan many others an even china for improvement.

if you are a russians you denied those very good options for ussr and co just as stalin did. fine with me, but dont blame us jews included.

we will never decline to old levels. we has been there. thats why some many eminated – jews included.


cia’s first major operation was the rigging of the italian elections in ’48. gladio followed. no room to breathe since 1922. post-war, the empire cultivated the fascists and their colleagues in organized crime for the last eighty years.

G. Saviano

there is most definitely an unsavory, unholy masonic alliance in italia between oligarchic crime families, titans of industry, foreign intelligence services, globalist bankers, etc, which is the real (shadow) government affecting policy. italian crime clans have control of drug trade in west-europe which historically makes them useful for clandestine collaboration with intelligence services during wartime

jens holm

i partly agree.

very much is selvmade own traditions soap. as many others they need soap and some hard work.


melon has beautiful melons! haha


soros meat-puppet meloni, treacherous lying shill in the mussolini fascist tradition of her party, is a disgrace to once proud italians. urupp no longer exists as the evil eussr looks more and more like a scene from passolini’s “salo, 120 days of sodom”. scholz, sushi riceeater, macron, meloni..


4 fascist, scum libertines as urupp burns. the depravity and sickness eating through urupp as euro peons celebrate the rape and depravity that the chosenite monster inflicts on the children of palestine.


this only proves that a western politician will tell the truth either when he/she thinks that the microphone is turned of, or when they get pranked into letting their guard down….

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