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MARCH 2025

Mercenaries Reportedly Shooting Civilians To Blame Russians In Kharkov

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Mercenaries Reportedly Shooting Civilians To Blame Russians In Kharkov

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The objective would be to carry out a false flag operation to move global public opinion against Russia.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

Once again it appears that Ukrainian forces and their allied mercenary troops are deliberately generating civilian casualties in their occupied regions. According to local sources, pro-Ukrainian forces reportedly shot at civilians in the Kharkov region. The purpose of such a crime would supposedly be to create a false flag to blame the Russians – something similar to what happened earlier in Bucha. If such reports are confirmed, this will be yet another example of criminal conduct on the part of Kiev agents.

The head of Kharkov’s civil-military administration recently told TV Rossiya-24 that pro-Ukrainian mercenaries had fired on civilians during the so-called “counter-offensive” in the last few days. In addition to killing and wounding innocents, the agents would also be filming the tragedy with the aim of spreading the videos and images on the internet claiming that the Russians would be responsible. In addition, not only murders would be being practiced by pro-Kiev mercenaries, but the cruelest possible acts of torture would also be taking place, according to local administration.

Vitaly Ganchev, head of the administration, said: “The situation is complicated and still alarming due to the fact that those people who were able to get out, say terrible things about what is now happening in Kupyansk and Veliky Burluk. It seems that mercenaries are driving around and shooting people, and all this is being filmed (…) I take it they need to clean up these towns and pretend that it were in fact Russian troops, that they tortured people, [and that is why] corpses [are] lying in the streets”.

There is still no official confirmation from other sources about these possible crimes, but images and videos are already circulating on the internet showing civilians being attacked by pro-Kiev fighters. The Russian government has not yet commented on the case, but apparently investigations are taking place. Considering the recent history of crimes committed by Zelesnky’s forces, it is very possible that this actually happened, as apparently attacking civilians is part of their praxis.

The presence of foreign mercenaries is also a fact that has been quite notorious on social media, with videos showing soldiers speaking in several different languages, mainly English. According to intelligence data reported to the Russian media agency Tass, about 2000 mercenaries took part in the confrontations in Kharkov, most of them American, British and Polish citizens, as well as from other NATO countries.

Interestingly, pro-Ukraine groups have already begun to spread misinformation about alleged massacres of civilians by Russian forces. For example, the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group Information Portal published an article on 13 September titled “Bodies of more civilians murdered by the Russians found in liberated Kharkiv oblast village”. In the text, Russian soldiers are accused of having murdered civilians in the Kharkov region, but the evidence presented seems weak and unsubstantiated, sounding like mere unfounded claims.

In the same vein, CBS News had already published an article the day before entitled “Liberated Ukraine residents rejoice as Russian troops ‘running away’ from key city of Kharkiv”. Unsupported accusations are also made in this text, where the author alleges that Ukrainian civilians lived “more than half a year of hell”. Allegedly, Russian conduct towards civilians would have been rude and anti-humanitarian, with the Ukrainian “counteroffensive” being a kind of “rescue” of the citizens.

However, this narrative seems totally inconsistent with reality when we consider that 5,000 people, including civilians, were evacuated from Kharkov precisely to the Russian Federation. In all territories from which Russian troops retreat, allegations of “crimes committed by Moscow’s forces” arise immediately after the arrival of Ukrainian agents. Western media insist on the narrative that while Russians are in such areas civilians are “oppressed” and cannot report the aggressions they have suffered, but the reality is that the areas occupied by Russians are the closest to pacification. Apparently, terror and chaos are brought to these regions precisely by the arrival of Ukrainian forces.

In fact, Kiev, assisted by Western intelligence, has bet heavily on the tactic of producing false flag operations. The tragedy of Bucha and the bombings on ZNPP were the most emblematic cases, but now there are reports that something in this way is being tried in Kharkov and Izym after the “counteroffensive”. The praxis is the same: killing civilians and transferring bodies from other regions to form a “set of massacre” in front of the cameras. Thus, by releasing these images and videos on the internet, it is hoped to convince western public opinion that Russia is “cruel” and needs to be defeated. With this, Western governments gain more strength to approve packages of measures and continue NATO’s aggression against Russia and the Ukrainian people.

It remains to be seen whether Western public opinion will continue to be so easily deceived.


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let them.. the whole west already hates russia and refuse to think so what is more hate gonna do?

Iron Zion 🦾🇮🇱

We have many brave boys out there helping our brothers overcome the Russian terror. I can vouch that they don’t shoot civilians and this is another fake news by SouthFront to fool the cowards on this forum. The civilians are hugging their liberators. Soon we will take this war into Russia. Watch this space 🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾🇮🇱🦾


The Jewish supremacist fan-boy shouts out to his fellow racist kooks! Yeah yeah!


Not so “supreme ” when the oldest Jewish newspaper reports that of the 900,000 Russian Jews in Israel one third -quote- “have taken their passports and shekels and left Israel “



Pamfil Military Academy

The threat to civilians in overrun areas and the “civilised” world’s collusive silence in the face of Kiev-sponsored atrocities is simply intolerable.

Allied forces can make whatever mistakes and miscalculation they wish and bare the consequences either way but we are all well aware of how Kiev’s sponsors like their protégés to conduct themselves in the matter of civilian reprisals.


Hey Pootin fanboy, Putin likes jewish supremacists. World jewry, whether religious or secular, has an inherently supremacist character. https://t.me/visegradball/254602

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack


Everyone knows it's the Jews.

Is your Mom your Dad’s niece? We all know you Jews are inbred from centuries of banging your relatives. That’s why you look the way you do. But the Talmud teaches that “it is a Mitzvah for a man to marry his niece”. So how about it, any plans for banging your relatives on Yom Kipper?

Buford T. Justice

Give it a rest , Adolf.

Pamfil Military Academy

Judging by the panicked reactions on the ground and the complete surprise evident in all the pro-Russian TG, yes it was by accident. And looking at the map, I don’t really see the potential by a cauldron.

Unless, of course, if 100.000 Russian soldiers miraculously materialize, unbeknownst to all the US spy satellites, and start rushing down from Bielorussia. We can always dream.

Pamfil Military Academy

I$rael per se is not the problem. That concocted “Chosen” racist land is but the cat’s paw for the Khazarian Mafiya and the millenniums old Talmudist agenda of total world domination. Thus was Crimea the chosen location for Neo-Khazaria. This was the reason why Viccious Nudelman, wife to Robert Kagan, a direct descendant of Khazaria’s ruling Kagans, along with Little Georgie of Our $orrow$ and a totally corrupted U$$A Department of State; initiated the Maidan Coup.

Idea behind that was to resurrect the ancient Khazarian Empire in a part of that slave-taking and piratical tribal nation which was destroyed by the proto-Russians, then headquartered in Kiev and the Persians took down the Khazars in ca 1060. We are witnessing a war between the satanist cabal versus the rest of humanity. Russia sees itself as St. George in combat with the Dragon. The underlying factor behind the current war is of a spiritual nature. It is the age-old conflict between humanity and the Demi-urge.

hunter bidé lab pork !

bibi stop taken in the anus its gonna anoid some monkey !!! you always needs brothers ( terrorists ) to be a brave abortion !!!


Time for mobilisation Russia you need to stop these evil thugs now


Next step from special military operation to anti terror where one can bomb the leaders like in Syria the moderate headchoppers

Pamfil Military Academy

Never. Putin have already a well prepared staged scenario role. If you yet not realize that, you DESERVE to be subdue by the JNATO terror organization. That can take a lot of forms, not only military ones, you stupid russian lunatics.


role? as a WEF alumnus? because this is what people is saying on the net


Its a dumb troll that thinks it knows about winning,but yet it has no evidence on hand!


You have a bipolar issue deadset! Headless godless arrogant mongrel bred fool!


for sure they have the justification

but I suppose they are following the cynical path, teaching to the ukrainians the true face of their “beloved regime”

because it is important to remember that ukrainians have been brainwashed during the last 30 years of CIA psyops and a lot of them ( especially the young ones ) see Russia as an enemy

these atrocities can change the perception they have of the ukronazi regime and, most importantly, of their ameronazi masters


Its too bad that Russia does not do something about it?


Look at the 1000 years of russian history. It may take time, but the big Payback will come for sure, like always


Russia just cries. The worst military in the world.


Can’t be the worst as long as the armed forces of the failed Ukrainian CIA project continue to jump into the Russian Cuisinart!


Who? The americunts who were boned badly Hard in korea, vietnam, Somalia and Afghanistan, or the ziokhasarian scum roasted in theyr merkavas by Hisbollah?

V for victory

and do not forget the Azov prison massacre by US HIMARS, oh, it were the russians of course!

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Gee thanks Russia for over stretching your limited and inadequate resources for this military operation and then running away said the local populace/victims.

Buford T. Justice

Good goin , Putin.

Pamfil Military Academy

As someone said in the beginning of the Barbarrossa and now about Ukrainian offensive:

“Russian army retreats victoriously, Ukrainian army runs after them in panic”

The Ukrainians have been able to build a very big armored force with dozens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of vehicles, very well equipped of all supplies (fuel, ammo, food, etc…) from many weeks in the nose of the almighty Russian Air and Missile Force unhindered…

Meanwhile the electricity, internet, phones, gas, bridges, trains, and so on are working in Ukraine as if there was any war at all; OK, well in fact there is no war, is merelly a SMO….

Kadyrov is right

Joe zaza

So why they retreated. This IS what happened when don’t safe your gained position. Any civilian who will die will be à russians fault .


Ok then. Russia and LDNR should declare the Kiev forces and their allied mercenaries all to be terrorists. No POW’s. Shoot them all.

Pamfil Military Academy

I guess you never read Strelkov who predicted many of this. I remember him even in March when he predicted the retreat from Kiev. He also said (in March or April) that Donbass won’t be taken any time soon, probably not in this year. Then he also said that there isn’t much time, Ukr is reconstituting its army and will start significant counteroffensives by the end of the summer. He was consistently saying many times that the involved russian troops are too small for the task.

That does not mean that i was prepared for what happened, though. I remember i could not believe when he wrote that Ukr will regenerate and reequip its army and will be on the offensive later. Personally i thought that all those strikes in depth and the high number of casualties and destroyed equipment will not allow the regeneration of the ukrainian army.

But even if i was not believing him, i was keeping a close eye on him, because i noticed certain abnormalities with this operation, such as that many dual use objects, such as bridges and railways, were never taken out. As well as the decision making centers not touched. And supply rat lines rarely touched too, for example fuel trains directly coming into Ukraine and no one touching them.

To me, it looks there are some dirty deals behind all of this, probably NATO promising not to target and bomb Russia proper via Ukrainian proxies (with the exception of small attacks) in return of Russia not touching ukrainian infrastructure and decision making centers.

"R" Addison

Once again, the deep-state ‘US: hegemonyites’ wants to allow cIAS to infiltRate, by assenting to zionist-Fascist politics, as well as Azov and toRnado Regimnents and teRRoRists! Peace is neveR pRospectus foR us in olde-Republic u.s.a.!


To the victor go the spoils and I’m sure every female the Ukrainians see is a “spoils”.

Florian Geyer

What a surprise, it appears that MI6 and the CIA are again creating puerile false flag atrocities, as they did in Syria and as MI5 did in the UK with the moronic Scripal false flag.

NATO, by association, is complicit with the US, Polish, UK, et al Mercenary murders and the abuse of civilians in Ukraine. When mercs with the morals of the US-trained ISIS are joined with Ukie death Squads as they happily genocide civilians, we are confronted by rabid dogs of war who are a throwback to the butchery of the Middle Ages Crusades.

The UK and US are the drivers of the brutality that is being applauded by the Zionists around the globe.

Slava Rossiya


Russia has satellites that can see a number plate from space why can’t they put these same cameras on the NAZI UKRAINE forces arranging these staged war crimes and then release the footage the same goes for the West as well IF RUSSIA was committing these crimes in OPEN STREETS then surely those same satellites that can spy on everyone in the world can show these forces doing these things and yet all we see from the West is VERY BADLY ACTED SO CALLED WAR CRIMES with images that cant be verified one way or the other.

And the second and BIGGEST fact is that NO ONE has filmed these atrocities when the Russian were in control of the towns, there is still internet access to civilians in these areas BUT IN ALL THE TIME NO ONE HAS MANAGED TO PUT A VIDEO SHOWING RUSSIAN FORCES COMMITTING THESE SO CALLED WAR CRIMES????? AND YET WHEN NAZI UKRAINE FORCES ARRIVE SUDDENLY THERE IS VIDEO FOOTAGE SHOT BY NAZI UKRAINE THEMSELVES you don’t have to be a genius to work out it is NAZI UKRAINE STAGING THESE ACTS. =Z=


I would imagine its not easy. you either have someone on one satellite 24/7 or else go over tons of footage like with cctv footage. Plus the westerners will say its fake and russian propaganda (the irony!!!), like they did with the Mala Rohan Russian POW leg shootings their OWN Kraken guys did!!!

To dumb sheep westerners its always Russia and they take it with no question or need for verification …. but we all know for example in Bucha the day the Russians left a pro Ukrainian filmed himself walking the streets saying everything is calm and well now …. with zero dead bodies in the streets. That video sure as hell quickly disappeared, I have only been able to see it once


That is right. What people miss is that the standard of evidence to prove Russian atrocities to the Western public is just that somebody said so. Whereas if someone gives mountains of evidence of US crimes, they will squint at it and say they aren’t sure it is real.

Buford T. Justice

That’s exactly what US & UK media is telling people , the morons watching and listening believe every word. Projection , it’s the western propagandist’s MO. With a population of dumb shit flag wavers , it works real well .


When they launched their operation, Russia basically gave up on influencing Western public opinion. Soft power worldwide was abandoned for hard power in Russia’s near abroad. So it is not surprising that the Western public has no understanding of why a war started and just believes a simplistic fiction about it based on their understanding of watching He-Man and Skeletor cartoons at the age of ten.


Fake news, Russians obviously took revenge while retreating


Time for the next round of Iskander(s)!…

Pssst… Show us all the dead NATO regulars melted in white ash when you’re finished “BEAR”!… Just like Azovstal!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

NATO regulars are like Ball Park franks. They plump when you cook ’em!


Reprisal attacks on the civilian population to terrorise the people into complacency just as they have been doing in the Kherson region with their under car bomb attacks and assassinations of public officials this is pure terrorism directed by the leadership in Kiev.

Victoryof Theanus

Zelensky fights the bulge of the underwear of soldiers in showers.Wins ambush of the anus and victory of the salad tossing of 2x champion.


We know what they’re up to, they’ll pay for their evil

Proud hindu

1 Jew officer killed in Palestine


I have been warning the next Bucha is coming for days

Pamfil Military Academy

But now will be a MEGA Bucha ! I read many Telegram channels were peoples who can’t flee report numerous crimes, tortures, rapes, vandalism, in Izyum. Already thousands were executed for the so-called colaborationism by Ukro-Einsatzgruppen, and many other thousands simply disappear, some were took for Kiev interrogations/tortures. Shame on Putin the TRAITOR ! Also I must mention that the official statement of the presidential cabinet yesterday was, and I cite: Russia cannot be held responsible for the Kiev regime domestic policy……..” What a fucking jerks !!!!!!

Joe Bidet Is A Senile

Sanctions begin to bite as Putin runs out of red paint for his red lines. Currently Shoigu still has plenty of yellow paint for the stripe down his spine!

No Shiptars, US, and Brits, no crimes!

The same happened in Bosnia back in the 90s. Britain SAS unites infiltrated and massacre hundreds and thousands of Bosnian Muslims to accuse Serbs for doing it! The same old story of a British war dogs, the pure scums of the world!

Pamfil Military Academy

Well, with my decade of living around and with Russians, you can’t tell them Nothin. They are very very hard headed and they will not listen to a foreigner, when it comes to showing them another way of doing things. Nope, the Rooskies will do it their way and that is that. The Ukie HoChiMinh trail should have been closed { destroyed} months ago , And even with their own military fighting experience in the Vietnamese triangle, they obviously understand how that Trail was responsible for South Vietnam’s defeat. The Russian people will get tired of their men dying in Ukraine, but whether they want an end to it or they want a change in military strategy is anybodies guess. Get used to the Russian way – I doubt it will change for you . Spasiva, russian idiots.


You know fuck’all about russians you turd.


This is because the Russians did not know how to bomb an advancing enemy line with planes. Whoever moves the line is the easiest to order a gruesome massacre. But the drunken people didn’t even know that. It would be easier than eating a cookie.


NATO, the North Amerikan Terror Organ is limp and flaccid, bleeding and dangling from the Euro Peon vassal as it is being slowly sliced away from the angloZionaZi empire of shit. As winter settles in and the unwashed, freeZing masses in the EUSSR wreak havoc on “their” leaders, the evil EUSSR will break apart as the €urodollah turd gets washed away in the implosion of the juice bankster ponZi “financial system”. It’s all over bar a few burned Euro peon cities beyond the rump Ukrop belt; Berlin, London, Warsaw?

Washing town will pay the ultimate price if it imagines it can safely sit out another, its third USSAN provoked slaughter in its Euro peon “theater”. The so-called Second World War or the Great Patriotic War is finally coming to an end. This time it is indeed for all the marbles.

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