The scandal of exhaust fumes shows that the USA regulations are not as bad as chancellor Merkel is. That is why opponents must not any lowering of standards quality fear.

Photo: A Merkel Monday by the Congress of Journalists in Berlin. /DPA
Originally appeared at Deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten, translated by Albu Dumitru
German chancellor Merkel has advertised for the free trade agreement between USA and Europe and referred to the VW exhaust fumes. We’ve reluctantly heared of the case of VW that regulations on the exhausted fumes are not that bad as well, stated Merkel Monday by the Congress of Journalists on the “Zeitschriftenkongress” Publishers‘ in Berlin. Merkel added further that the adversaries to such agreement have not fear for a reduction of the present standards in protection of environment and consume. Nothing that we have now in Europe will be lowered.
Moreover it’s a big chance that in both economic areas in certain regions one could defines the standards while in others it can’t get around so easy any longer. This would improve the competitive position. We could do a bigger mistake than Europeans if we block in this point and are not prepared. The adversaries of TTIP, among them the trade unions and the groups of human rights and environment protection, fear that a reduction of European protection standards and more possibilities for the big corporations, could impose measures to their interests.
However Merkel must even at home faces the opposition: the president of Parliament Norbert Lammert has threaten with a rejection in Parliament.