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Metabiota Connection, Hunter Biden And Biolabs In Ukraine

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Metabiota Connection, Hunter Biden And Biolabs In Ukraine

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Written by Piero Messina

Marija Zakharova, the Director of the Information and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, launched from her twitter profile precise accusations against Hunter Biden, the son of the US president, and his involvement in biolabs in Ukraine. Zakharova has created a real timeline that explains what has happened in Ukraine since the fall of the USSR until today. A real indictment against the financial elites and the Pentagon’s leaders.

The reconstruction provided by Lavrov’s spokesperson – which was easy to verify by checking the content on open sources – highlights the role of US agencies and globalist finance in having supported the extremely dangerous research projects of Ukrainian laboratories. Here is the text published by Zacharova.

“We can get a rough idea of the US political elites’ involvement in the military biological activity in Ukraine if we rely on open sources as well as leaked documents. Below is an attempt to reconstruct the chronology of this involvement, though not a comprehensive one. There are many gaps in this truly diabolical plan that are still to be filled.

1991 – the US launches the Nunn-Lugar programme for the former Soviet countries to control/eliminate Soviet weapons of mass destruction including bioweapons. The Pentagon’s Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) was named as the programme’s main executor.

1993 – the Ukraine-US Agreement on the Prevention of Proliferation of WMD is signed.

2005 – an additional protocol is signed to the agreement between the Ukrainian Health Ministry and the DTRA on the prevention of the proliferation of technologies, pathogens and know-how that can be used to develop bioweapons. This is the start of the transfer of the Ukrainian military biological potential into US specialists’ hands.

2000s – large US military-industrial companies are engaged in military biological activity in Ukraine.

2005-2014 – Black & Veatch Special Projects, a DTRA contractor, builds and upgrades 8 biolabs in Ukraine instead of eliminating military biological infrastructure, as was originally claimed. One of the facilities, a biolab in Odessa, has been financed since 2011 for the study of “pathogens that can be used in bioterrorism attacks.”

2007 – US DoD employee Nathan Wolfe founded Global Viral Forecasting Institute (subsequently – Global Viral), a biomedical company. The mission stated in the charter is non-commercial study of transborder infections, including in China.

2009 – Rosemont Seneca Partners is established by former US Secretary of State John Kerry’ stepson Christopher Heinz and incumbent US President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden.

2014 – anti-constitutional coup d’etat in Ukraine.

2014 – Hunter Biden joins the Board of Directors of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company.

2014 – Metabiota, a private commercial organisation specialising in the study of pandemic risks is detached from Global Viral. Neil Callahan and John DeLoche, employees of Hunter Biden’s company Rosemont Seneca Partners are appointed to the board of Metabiota. Global Viral and Metabiota begin to get funding from the US Department of Defence.

2014 – Metabiota shows interest in Ukraine and invites Hunter Biden to “assert Ukraine’s cultural & economic independence from Russia”.

2014 – Metabiota and Burisma Holdings begin cooperation on an unnamed “science project in Ukraine”.

2014 – Metabiota, Global Viral and Black & Veatch Special Projects begin full-fledged cooperation within the US DoD programmes.

2014-2016 – Implementation of Metabiota and US DoD contracts, including a $300,000 project in Ukraine.

2016 – US citizen Ulana Nadia Suprun, a descendant of Ukrainian Nazis, is appointed Acting Health Minister of Ukraine. The US DoD and Ukraine’s Health Ministry cooperation programme is greatly expanded.

2016 – an outbreak of swine flu among Ukrainian Defence Ministry personnel guarding a biolab in Kharkov, Ukraine; 20 dead. The incident is hushed up.

2016 – former US Assistant Secretary for Defence

Andrew Weber is appointed head of Metabiota’s global partnerships department.

2016 – EcoHealth Alliance, a Global Viral founder Nathan Wolfe’s structure, is engaged in the study of bat-transmitted coronaviruses at the research centre in a Wuhan laboratory, China.

2016 – the DTRA and Ukraine’s Health Ministry extend the contract after getting approval from the Ukrainian Defence Ministry.

2019 – the COVID-19 mutated bat coronavirus pandemic begins with an outbreak in Wuhan.

February 24, 2022 – launch of the Russian Army’s special operation in Ukraine.

February 24-25, 2022 – rapid elimination of strains in biolabs in Ukraine.

March 8, 2022 – US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland openly acknowledges the existence of cooperation between the US and Ukraine in pathogens”.

Metabiota Connection, Hunter Biden And Biolabs In Ukraine

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To the “Decalogue” of Zakharova some considerations must be added. It is particularly relevant that Rosemont Seneca, an investment fund directed by Hunter Biden, son of the President of the United States, financed (probably with almost 30 million dollars) the US project that involved the construction and management of bio laboratories in Ukraine where viruses and bacteria were being studied for use in the production of biological weapons despite an international convention prohibiting their development and production. invested $ 500,000 in a company, Metabiota, through Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, they also raised “several million dollars from other investment giants, including Goldman Sachs.”

Metabiota is a U.S. Department of Defense contracting company specializing in research into diseases that can cause pandemics and could be used as biological weapons.


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Shoygu has covid

Whatever was in those biolabs it worked, since the Russian conscripts are surrendering en masse, asking to be shot in the peepee.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Rosina
John Smith

Reality and the death of reason.

I kinda get it now, appealing to reason and providing evidence during a full blown cyber/psy ops war, which Russia has lost at the start of its special operation is pointless Their loss in this field spans all the way back to the end of WWII.

Banking on it’s pay off at the end of this Operation-Z is fruitless, look at 9/11 and Iraq (WMD non existent) and other instances where it was proven with facts who did it and why….yet not one single person has been stopped and the same players continue their diabolical actions with great support from players who call them selfs “peace keepers” or “Humanitarians”.

The wests psychological studies and it’s application trump the good and honest intentions of Russia. Let’s face it, who even talks about 9/11 any more, Iraq? Syria and the Gas attack etc etc No one believes in the atrocities of Ukrainian forces, or what the West has been doing to the east and if told they parrot what horrors Stalin/Lenin or another historical figure who lost committed , but what actually has been committed in recent years is brushed away. No one has been held accountable for C-19, we know the players who are to blame.

The Globalist and Western powers (including the EU) simply have to pump out enough Hollywood films, random stupid shit shows like America/Britain has Talent, Who’s behind the mask or what not to simply brush over it. Escalate another self made conflict somewhere far off and people forget.

People are sheeple, they don’t care, they will always take the path of least resistance. They don’t want to know, they don’t care, they only care because of this new trendy political correctness IF and WHEN the media spoon feeds us their iteration of events. See Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan etc.

All in all, the world is truly ready for Alexander’s dream, yet not his real dream, a twisted and perverse version of it: a world without borders for those wishing to plunder it. a map without excavators limits or statutory rights of human beings. Where everything is fake and fabricated to serve those who wish to be who ever they want as long as it doesn’t get in the way of the greedy and powerful.

Let’s look at the LGBTQ+2S : so upset when someone doesn’t acknowledge how they feel internally, constantly seeking reaffirmation from the outside world in order to feel acknowledged and included. The reality is, they are segregating them selfs from the most important aspect of all: their humanity.

You are a human 1st and foremost, your sexuality or sexual orientation is your own business and should only matter to those who love you physically and mentally. It’s no one business but your own and that of your parter(s). But they are so obsessed with outside validation that they forget just how important they are to begin with. A living, breathing human being. This extend to BLM movements, WLM, rich, poor, social position and EVERY OTHER SELF CREATED FACTION.

Peoples need to be different from each other is what drives us apart and is they key focus of any successful psy ops. Psy ops pulls us together when the Ruling elite need us to agree on something for their own agenda. Our society is constructed in a way to keep us segregated and pulled apart into tiny little sub groups. But the caveat is, these sub groups serve to segregate us and push us apart while we believe they glue us together and make us stronger.

Back to Russia and it’s Operation-Z and Western Power Players:

Who fled to turkey? Who robbed Russia off of huge sums of wealth? Who invented privatised Russian economy? You know who. The only reason he isn’t dead is because Vladimir Putin does not want to be another Stalin. Vladimir Putin is a King who unfortunately lives in a world where he is surrounded by men and women who have no boundaries in executing their will. Because after all, they know how to dupe the sheeple. They know how to keep them complacent and separated/segregated by a myriad of both physical and psychological means.

My message to the people and most importantly V. Putin, remember where you came from, remember how you got where you are; and do not underestimate the power of the elite to rewrite history.

Your ideology and dreams for the future will not be remembered, because the information warfare that is waged against you will rewrite everything you stand for.

Only those close to you will remember who you really are, but those will be silenced as the information war is handled by those who have no integrity or honesty. And for everyone of them that gets beaten, 10 more spring into action.

So please,

Take The Fucking Gloves Off

Before nato and west have time to truly organise a physical attack. While the idea behind forcing the west and co to switch to a Ruble/Yuan is an economic win, it will fuel the Psy ops and military mobilisation will be that much easier. Don’t get complacent or wait.

The west is already seeing huge price spikes in both food and fuel, this will rise and rise until hate manifests in the general populations heart, easily directed at Russia, then China and Saudi long before that since their defence structure is imported from the U.S. and purposefully sabotaged not to work, easily countered by the nation that supplies them.

Resources such as Oil are too important, our entire infrastructure is so reliant on oil and gas and it’s power production that wars will be waged over it.

You know what this reminds me off…GoT. Every decent good character gets killed or turned vile. Everyone who you want to be successful because they are good fails…do you know why? Because evil has years to prevail and plan.

But most importantly, they don’t care for the road to victory/achieving a goal because they know once they win they will rewrite it, redirect public attention onto the next America has talent or what ever the fuck ever.

In case of all out war:

The world stage players have killed every ally that Russia could of called upon. By ally I mean the enemy of my enemy can be useful. The word stage players have brain washed their population and their allies population with fictions, righteous propaganda such as Super Hero movies (the hero is always western). It is so deeply ingrained in our subconscious that even when we are the villain of our own story, we are the hero. We do it for our country and way of life, our friends and families, we are the good and you are the evil.

It is shocking.

Iraq? Gone, rubble. Fucking Gadafi the idiot removed his nuclear defence, gone. Saudi? Importing US defence tech that doesn’t work because they sold them shit that was fucked with prior to being exported. Currently punished via U.S. proxies China? Couldn’t give two fucks unless business gets good because of their involvement. Chechnya, by the looks of their involvement so far, I was expecting more. Syria destabilised. I can go on and on, but to be honest, this isn’t my field of expertise a history book would serve you better.

Meanwhile the west has been flourishing on the blood and souls of the dead that still don’t know what exactly they did to deserve a tactical cleanse carried out by U.S. and so called NATO diplomacy.

I am not against the U.S. people, or western people, I want a good and fulfilling life, but the above is fact and how can we call ourselves humans if we let shit like this slide for over 75 years, millions of families and genetic lineages extinguished in the name of Democracy and the so called “Free world”.

I’ll probably get targeted once again for speaking up, so adios!

Last edited 2 years ago by John Smith
John Smith

Amendment 1:

Every Nation under NAT0 is glad that players within the U.S. government do what they do, because they lack the guts to do it, they lack the resolve to slaughter countless of human beings in order to ensure their own nations survival.

Fred Dozer

( in order to ensure their own nations survival). “in order to ensure the GREED of a few”

Fred Dozer

Your comments are, accurate. Especially about taking off the gloves. Russia has used approximately 50 missiles or large bombs a day. The US was averaged 500 a day in Iraq and dropped 3000 in the first week alone. But ! these people (citizens) in Ukraine (a lot) have family and friends in Russia.

Joe Biden

Hunter Biden has syphilis. And then he fucked you… Hunter is a Bioweapon himself 😀

Tom Bombastadillo

Hunter Biden is the Globalists’ achilles heel. Russia is now on to the COVID19 scam and I hope they will be able to clean house. No one where I live in USA is waving any blue and yellow flags, including my naturalized nextdoor neighbor from Ukraine.

Everyone is sick and tired of the lying MSM. “The Empire of Lies”, as Putin put it.


they have poisoned the ukranians that’s why the turned low iq degenerate anazis


Biological weapons don’t work.


When will Russia come out with a statement that the US is completely undemocratic, a full-time terrorism operation, and withdraw embassies?


If they just call out Biden being a fraud, demand the UN look into the stolen election and the political prisoners in DC, watch how much support pops up from the cracks. Most are banned from social media that don’t go along with these scams. Some are dumb and just believe CNN. Very few actual Americans have any idea what’s really going on. No clue about other conflicts, they believe the fake news.


Can someone post her private mobile number, someone needs to let her know that reason has died in the west and the EU.

Those with reason have no arms.

No one is going to do shit about any of this.

This is the reality we live in.

Tom Bombastadillo

The central bank counterfeiting has gone past all acceptable bounds and now the West is beginning to go over the falls of hyperinflation. So I predict huge changes over the next 5-10 years.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

Inshallah hunter and everyone responsible for these biolabs are brought to justice for the world to see


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Last edited 2 years ago by tammymooms.0
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