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MARCH 2025

Mexican Cartel Hunts Down Police Officers, Kills Them In Front Of Their Families

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Mexican Cartel Hunts Down Police Officers, Kills Them In Front Of Their Families

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In Mexico, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) has started its own policy of terror.

The extremely violent organization has begun hunting police officers in their homes, abducting, torturing and ultimately killing them.

The cartel kidnapped several members of an elite police force in the state of Guanajuato, tortured them to obtain names and addresses of fellow officers and is now hunting down and killing police at their homes, on their days off, in front of their families.

The CJNG has declared war on the government, aiming to eradicate an elite state force known as the Tactical Group which the gang accuses of treating its members unfairly.

“If you want war, you’ll get a war. We have already shown that we know where you are. We are coming for all of you,” reads a professionally printed banner signed by the cartel and hung on a building in Guanajuato in May.

“For each member of our firm (CJNG) that you arrest, we are going to kill two of your Tacticals, wherever they are, at their homes, in their patrol vehicles,” the banner read, referring to the cartel by its Spanish initials.

Guanajuato-based security analyst David Saucedo said there have been many cases.

“A lot of them (officers) have decided to desert. They took their families, abandoned their homes and they are fleeing and in hiding,” Saucedo said. “The CJNG is hunting the elite police force of Guanajuato.”

Guanajuato has had the highest number of police killed of any Mexican state since at least 2018, according to Poplab.

Between 2018 and May 12, a total of 262 police have been killed, or an average of about 75 officers each year — more than are killed by gunfire or other assaults on average each year in the entire United States, which has 50 times Guanajuato’s population.

The problem in Guanajuato has gotten so bad that the state government published a special decree on May 17 to provide an unspecified amount of funding for protection mechanisms for police and prison officials.

“Unfortunately, organized crime groups have shown up at the homes of police officers, which poses a threat and a greater risk of loss of life, not just for them, but for members of their families,” according to the decree.

“They have been forced to quickly leave their homes and move, so that organized crimes groups cannot find them,” it reads.

State officials refused to describe the protection measures, or comment on whether officers were to be paid to rent new homes, or if there were plans to construct special secure housing compounds for them and their families.

“This is an open war against the security forces of the state government,” Saucedo noted.

This is in response to Mexico’s “hugs, not bullets” policy.

Hugs, not bullets. That has been a cornerstone of Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s policy toward the country’s murderous drug cartels. Eradicate poverty, and eradication of the cartels follows, he has insisted.

López Obrador campaigned on trying to deescalate the drug conflict. Since taking office in late 2018, he has avoided openly confronting cartels, and even released one capo to avoid bloodshed, saying he preferred a long-range policy of addressing social problems like youth unemployment that contribute to gang membership.

Its suffice to say that the policy that began in 2018 has more than failed.

Former U.S. Ambassador Christopher Landau said in April that López Obrador views the fight against drug cartels “as a distraction … So he has basically adopted an agenda of a pretty laissez-faire attitude towards them, which is pretty troubling to our government, obviously.”

The cartel’s impunity is getting more and more gruesome, as authorities are failing to curb them at all.


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Israel is an Apartheid Regime

The USA should invest its billions into Mexico rather than in “Israel”. Soon the cartels are going to come into the USA itself.

✡︎ Millennial Holocaust Survivor ✡︎

Actually we’ve trained and armed military and paramilitary forces throughout Latin America thanks to US influence in banana republics like Mexico, Colombia and Brazil. Gotta keep those Latino brownies serving our global network of business, just like Palestinians serve our G-d-given business of returning from Europe and Russia to Zion. We’ve a diverse new world order, cartels aren’t discriminated, they’ve never been since the Opium wars.

Last edited 3 years ago by ✡︎ Millennial Holocaust Survivor ✡︎
JC Denton

Obrador outlawed GMOs. Obrador bad guy!


“Hugs, not bullets.”

jens holm

I love hugs and so does my kurdish boyfriend.

Peter Jennings

Breaking down these cartels in Mexico has long been the order given from washingtub. The ensuing chaos then weakens the country, causes poverty, and allows washingtub to pick up the pieces left over from the chaos, take over the business of supplying drugs, and infiltrate and use South America gov’ts for their own ends.

The problem caused by some cartels will never be solved. Just as the mafia problem in america was never solved. Most of the current parasites in gov’t have family links back to the good old days of the Opium trade.

One thing is for sure. Hypocrisy is still with us.

Fog of War

” The problem caused by some cartels will never be solved. Just as the mafia problem in america was never solved. ”

Saddam would have solved the problem very easily.

L du Plessis

military martial law is the first step…

Lone Ranger

Cartels are CIA run. CIA is getting black funding through drug money, plus they push the Monroe doctrine. As long as Mexico, Central and South American countries are a mess they can do with them what they want, socially, economically, militarily. Until you cant keep the CIA out of your country drug cartels will stay, that simple. They learned their torture technics at the School of the Americas at Fort Bragg by the way…

Last edited 3 years ago by Lone Ranger

Nothing new here! Back in 2010, in Cocula, Mezcala…basically the Guerrero State, cartels constantly went after police and mayors of cities that dared to target them. They would cut their heads off and hang the bodies by their feet from a bridge. I know as I worked in the area for a little while. Needless to say that no money was enough for me to stick around.


Mexico is screwed since Yankees stole half of their country in 1849.


LOL where is the picture of the banner ? I live in Mexico this is a Lie to get attention from Southfront poor mods 3 days to we shut down send us money for more lies we been ban from all medias even our own home town .get a real job I know Diablo From Russia i will find you .

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