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MARCH 2025

Might Russia Initiate The Use Of Nuclear Weapons?

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Might Russia Initiate The Use Of Nuclear Weapons?

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Written by Eric Zuesse

U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media and think tanks are constantly using the phrase (or equivalents) “Putin’s threat to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine”as-if Russia’s democratically elected President Vladimir Putin (whose job-approval-rating by his fellow-citizens is — and long has been — vastly higher than is that of America’s President) ever DID actually threaten to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. But it’s all a lie by the U.S.-and-allied regimes, because he hasn’t. The U.S.-and-allied regimes lie routinely, just as they did in 2002 and 2003 about “Saddam’s WMD,” and they’ve been doing it nonstop ever since, unapologetically, boldly — insultingly, to their public.

For an example of a think tank that pounds away on this lie as being a truth, consider the U.S. Government front NGO, “Arms Control Association,” which hypes the danger that Russia will initiate a nuclear WW III, by its arguing, as their Senior Policy Analyst, Shannon Bugos, mumbled (and stumbled, with her obvious difficulty reading her pre-prepared text) the U.S. empire’s case, in a 12 October 2022 youtube presentation, “Putin’s Latest Nuclear Threats: What’s at Stake and What Can Be Done to Walk Back from the Brink?” She says (though cleaned-up by me here, in this transcription from her droning delivery, which dripped and dropped with evident contempt of both Russia and Putin) starting at 1:50- in:

During a ceremony marking Russia’s official still illegal annexation of those four regions, Putin emphasized that Moscow will do everything it can and use all the forces and resources at its disposal to defend Russia. These two more recent threats by Putin carry with them greater concern. The September 21st threat expands the scenarios in which Russia will contemplate nuclear use, and the September 30th threat exacerbated concerns of nuclear use as Russia confirmed that an attack by Ukraine in those four regions annexed by Russia equates to an attack on Russia, and [that] if such an attack is viewed as a threat to Russia’s territorial Integrity by Moscow, then Putin may think about using nuclear weapons.

She repeatedly referred to “Russia’s illegal annexation” of Crimea, Donbass and — more recently — two other (adjoining) historically very pro-Russian southeastern regions of the former Ukraine — areas where the Obama-coup Ukrainian Government‘s imposed illegalization of use of the Russian language, and its outlawing of these regions’ main church, the Russian Orthodox congregations, and the Obama-imposed regime’s other extreme indignities against the residents — had made intensely reasonable these regions’ casting aside Ukraine and embracing Russia. She entirely ignored the indisputable and undisputed illegality of Obama’s having seized Ukraine during a very bloody U.S coup that had been in its planning-stages by the Obama regime since at least June 2011; and, so, whether or not Russia’s absorbing those four regions into Russia on the basis of plebiscites that Russia held in each one of them and which voted overwhelmingly to support such an annexation, was ‘illegal’ in any real sense (other than America’s constant propaganda against Russia) is debatable, at best.

As regards Putin’s — and Russia’s — strict and clearly enunciated Governmental policy on the use of nuclear weapons (of ANY type, including ‘tactical’), here it is:

The conditions specifying the possibility of nuclear weapons use by the Russian Federation are as follows:

  • a) arrival of reliable data on a launch of ballistic missiles attacking the territory of the Russian Federation and/or its allies;
  • b) use of nuclear weapons or other types of weapons of mass destruction by an adversary against the Russian Federation and/or its allies;
  • c) attack by adversary against critical governmental or military sites of the Russian Federation, disruption of which would undermine nuclear forces response actions;
  • d) aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is in jeopardy.

America’s is far cagier, and far less specific. In fact: leading U.S. experts on the matter have stated that the reality in America is “exactly what one would expect to see, if a nuclear-armed state were planning to have the capacity to fight and win a nuclear war by disarming enemies with a surprise first strike.” After the U.S. Government and media blatantly, consciously, evilly, and intentionally, lying about “Saddam’s WMD” in order to ‘justify’ invading and destroying Iraq (and with there being so many similar instances of such vileness, by U.S. Presidents in both of America’s corrupt billionaire-controlled political Parties), how can anyone but fools trust the U.S. regime again? And yet it pontificates against other countries that are nowhere near to being so extremely dishonest, evil, and destructive, throughout the world. It’s clearly the world’s champion in hypocrisy. That’s not an emotional statement; it is the clear historical FACT about America after World War II.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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What of the accusations that the voting in the 4 regions was done so under duress? It’s hard to verify the validity of the ballot when you have the opposing faction on your doorstep with weapons and intimidation throughout the local population. Of course, you could hardly expect any better from Ukraine, but you can’t expect the world to take Russia’s word for it.

Israel first

Russia should not use nukes. And they wont unless Putin dies and his replacement gets wild. What Russia should do is send a demolition crew to blow up Britains undersea gas pipelines. To get even.

Nose, Nose

Demolishing those precious transatlantic data pipes should be much more effective than just cutting of the UK’s pipeline based supplies.


Russia should use nukes because it have it. There is no logic having a tool and not use it. Not only cities are target for nukes, an intersection, road cross, a frontier… nukes are great to create a wall, that last some years. Not using nukes is a mistake and a waste of lives and energy.

Last edited 2 years ago by GREATWARRIOR

“Russia should use nukes because it have it. There is no logic having a tool and not use it.”

BS , simply BS

Chinky madoo

Nobody will use nukes, everyone is too scared to be the first, isn’t this the truth of the matter?

Ultrafart the Brave

Word on the street is that nukes have been used multiple times in multiple locations around the world since those original two in Japan all those years ago.

There’s some evidence that nukes have been used in Iraq, Yemen, Indonesia, and let’s not forget the very strange physics associated with the pancake collapse of the Twin Towers in 2001.

The scaling down of the raw power and radiation footprint of these devices brings plausible deniability. 75 years is an awful long time for development and refinement of nuclear weapons technology.


Definitely was the truth until Obama threw his lot in with Ukrazis. & its lots scarier to be second. You have to realize that Biden & Hunter are up to their necks in corruption in Ukraine, China and who knows where and his pride & joy boy wouldn’t last a day in prison. Blinken’s a goose-stepping ideologue who’s on a mission & Sullivan is on the same page with them for reasons I never came across but obviously shares psychopathy with all the others. Neocons don’t think rationally and have been convinced by some kooks, somewhere that they actually can launch and chicken Putin won’t respond. Maybe they never heard him rightfully say that there would be no point in having a world without Russia. I’d never want our military to take over but I hope they’ll tell Biden & his crew of idiots to f off when the time comes. & I hope they’ve made it clear to Putin that they will.


Nuclear exchanges are routinely computer simulated the US may see some advantage or opportunity for now.Russia’s RS-28 sarmat, 3m-22 tsirkon, Kh47M2 Kinzahl and Status-6 weapons should take away any advantage the West may have miscalculated and they will exist in increasing numbers in the future . It should be clear by now Russia has no desire to initiate a nuclear war except in self defense as such a war would be horrible beyond description . The US/NATO regime are reckless and irresponsible to an extreme degree in the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine.

Zionist Slaves of America

The 2003 illegal war of agression based on deliberate lies about WMDs was the biggest blunder in US history which costed us tens of trillion$$. George W Bush was the best president in Iran’s history. He removed Iran’s nemesis, the Sunni Ba’athist Saddam regime and delivered Iraq to Iran on a silver platter and opened the Persian landbridge from Tehran into Iraq, Syria all the way into lebanon and the Mediterranean. Slava Bashar Hafez al-Assad.

End Ukraine once and for all!

Why nuking the bastards when you can FOAB the bastards?

Tommy Jensen

The Russians are pussy footers who love to sit in meetings and chat about everything. Making reports and issue declarations.

We Americans act, and thats why all computer simulations show we can win a short quick limited nuclear war. It will cost lives but it is worth it because America is only doing it for peace.

Master General

Obviously, you have taken too many blows to the head to be posting such idiotic things.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

There is no such thing as a short limited nuclear war unless its a scam war. Just like your scam pandemia.

I have heard about such a computer simulation resulting in the impossibity to fight in the Finnish winter. And USSR won that war for real back in ’39. 😅 Cut the computer crap.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Just like the 500000 children killed and million others crippled for the “democracy” in Irak? After USSA gets in an area there is never peace nor prosperity.


Please, start this war once for all


russia has the best, largest and strongest multi layer air defence system in the world, dozents of nuclear armed subs with dundrets of nuclear warheads, snorkeling around the world, also nearby the us coasts and dozents of mobile nuclear icbms changing theyr positions a few times daily. there are not such computer simulations with such results and the us morons can either win a short nor a full scale nuclear war, because of all of that. but in the other way, a few pre emptive nuclear strikes on washington, brussels, london and telaviv may solve many of the worlds problems at once.


Difference is even if the above cities have had disappeared the West will survive. There is thousands of cities more prosperous and with better infrastructure than Washington, London, Brussel or London. Russia without moscow would be finished…


Telaviv not London twice


Why would you mention that putin is ‘democratically’ elected? So is Kim in Korea so was Stalin? What is your point? Western democracies and democracy in russia are not comparable.


Just cut the brits off of the underseacabel. It will kill britain as a financial center.

Tommy Jensen

That means Russia is prepared to nuke Ukraine which are a people with their own ancient culture, language and homeland.

This is unprecedented considering the Geneva Convention and the Rules of International Order and the International Rules of genocides.

But it has comes to that. Russia refuse to give Crimea freedom and gay rights plus they continue to keep all Ukrainian and Crimean women under suppression.

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