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Mighty Azerbaijani Table Stopped Heavy Armenian Rocket

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On October 30, Hikmet Hajiyev, a top aide for Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, shared on Twitter a photo claiming to show a BM-30 “Smerch” rocket that was launched by Armenian forces at the village of Alasgarli in the region of Tartar.

The photo shows the heavy 300 mm rocket nailed into a small wooden table on the side of a road in a prefect manner. A number of nearby chairs also appeared to be intact.

Hajiyev’s photo was criticized and regarded as “propaganda” and “fake” by hundreds of Twitter users. The Azerbaijani official said the rocket didn’t explode. However, many argued that a BM-30 rocket, which can weight more than 800 kg, would have easily broken the table even if it did not explode.

Several Twitter users mocked Hajiyev’s claims by responding to his tweet with edited copies of his original photo. One of the photos featured Arayik Harutyunyan, President of the de-facto state of Artsakh, having coffee at the table.

Azerbaijan claims that the Armenian military has used BM-30 rockets against civilian areas on a number of occasions since the outbreak of the war in Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27. At least four systems of this type were destroyed by Baku’s forces.

This was not the first time Hajiyev was accused of spreading propaganda. In the past, he shared photos showing the remains of Azerbaijani rockets and drones, claiming that they were launched at civilian areas by Armenian forces.


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fake news , Mongolo turdo propaganda 100%

Mr T

get a black men you gay attention seeker.


you wanted to share your wet dream about black men in friday night ? mate it sounds like psychological projection ;)

Random Dude

ahahah, this one is funny

Death to Turks

Surely even you aren’t dumb enough to believe this picture.

Random Dude

you think?

Death to Turks

So why is Azerbaijan publishing fake photos of a missile going perfectly through a table and into the ground?


To show that the armenians are attacking civilians. Unfortunately this is true for both sides. And maybe to show that armenian weapons are unreliable. But I doubt that. They want to win some support on the international stage

Death to Turks

We should be attacking civilians. Azeris are all terrorist scum they all started this war and we will finish it.

Mr T

that is why we need to kill you .. till last men

Death to Turks

Come and do it bitch, you’re losing.



So when will Armenia win this war? How long it will take Armenia to take back the lost areas?

I mean Aserbaidschan lost so many Soldiers on your Video. How will Azeris survive this? How long can Aserbaidschan take such losses?

Death to Turks

Doesn’t matter how long, however long it takes and whatever it takes, your oil refineries and Mingachevir dam are all viable targets currently being considered. Last war was six years and we fought hard and took it all one by one from you and made you our bitches, we are only one month in at the moment.


Wow…so it took you six years, but you lost one third just in one Month???

Death to Turks

Moron we started with 0, nothing, it took six years. Today you’ve had incredible support from turkey and syrian terrorists and Pakistan, drone technology and now chemical weapons, the fight will go on no Problem.


Hmh…Question is, what will change in the next months? Will Turkey stop its support? How many equipment you will still have in one month?

What says your commanders? Look here:


„Last ditch message by Armenian mil commander Arkadiy Karapetyan from Karabakh: the fighting has reached gates of Shusha. Azerbaijan has air dominance. No reinforcements are coming from Armenia. We’re being destroyed gradually. Our strength is almost completely depleted„

Whom shall ve believe you? Or him?

Death to Turks

It will never end. Even when we start killing Turks and Azeris in America and Europe, we outnumber you out here remember, the effects will be felt.


I thought you will finish Turkey and Aserbaidschan? Why suddenly just Turks in America and Europe?

What happened that you changed your mind?

Death to Turks

Everywhere my little fuckface everywhere, total annihilation. Many of your people are going to die in the coming days months and years.



Hmh….maybe you should then first take the lost areas back. You should start with the nearest. Let see what the next week will show my Armenian Boy.

Death to Turks

Send more “special” forces we enjoy killing them as they run scared in the dark.


Oh, more will come for sure, dont worry. This was just the warming up….

Death to Turks

Moron you don’t even care about how many thousands we kill, pathetic


Greek,,, after Armenia we are coming for you.

Death to Turks

You will not be successful in anything. We will keep killing you turk animals until we are satisfied.


Don’t begin yelling GENOCIDDEEE when we come

Death to Turks

It is genocide but it’s no longer 1915. Say goodbye to the rest of ganja for me


What do you think as a greeek you were slaves of Ottomans for five centuries?I mean both your men and women.Your women were in harem and your men were ottoman soldiers.


Hey common dont be harsh to our neighbour… He already seems to have a depression about Turkey. Look he is so obsessed with Turks, that he is posting non stop here against. I like him someway….yesterday he made me really laugh much. It seem he has some psychologic problems, but he makes us laugh at least :)


He is happy to see some dead people in İzmir by earthquake Let him die in pain into our hands


That does not bother or hurt me, really! I stand over it! Because i know what deep inside him the Reason for this is! He has deeeeep Butthurt! He sees Greece situation and what Turkey is able to Develope/Produce while they recieved since 1980‘s billions, what did they achieve? Countries like Romania, Poland and Bulgaria etc left Greece behind in Technology and Defence Industry.

So actually he is frustrated, Envy and desperate!

Death to Turks

I’m gonna stick my dick in your ass


Armenians did the same. Didnt help. Some Greeks maybe think that Europes will come to safe them…. Europes want surely to sacrifice their sons for Greeks :)

They will probably need 2 Weeks till all of them make the Desicion (Even if…Bulgaria and Ungarn will probably not want to…) and then several Weeks till first Troops arrive, if they find enough Transport planes which are flyable like in countries like Germany. As we see in one Month much can happen… And Greece will face Turkeys full might! From Ballistic missiles to Drones to Kamikaze Drones, jets, Hundreds of Thousand of Troops…

But of course i prefer peace. If problems can be settled by Diplomacy the better.


yes come suck our cocks little gypsy


What do you think as a greeek you were slaves of Ottomans for five centuries?I mean both your men and women.Your women were in harem and your men were ottoman soldiers


not really in the ottoman empire turks were the slaves doing all the hard work while Greeks enjoyed good positions doing the logistical and trade


Seems fair Why do you hate Ottomans then


i hate the Turks not the Ottomans,,,Turks stole the Ottomans lands


Yes Ottomans treated them fair. They were in good situation. And now they are one of the most backward countries in the EU. Romania, Bulgaria etc joined later, but have already surpassed them in Technology and Industry.


Albania surpasses Turkey also lol


your woman was the only slave there lol


Of course not. For Turks it is a honor to die for the Country. I am from Turkey by the way. No azeri… But i know that Azeris have the same mentality like us. They are also proud about that. There are enough Turks available for Armenia and Greece together.

Death to Turks

Morons, delusional morons, you all burn in hell, muslim dogs.


Vatan Sagolsun ;)

Death to Turks

Burn in hell fuckface


He is greeek. He knows they are next.


Yes makes sense, actually i thought they have the same strange „understanding“ like some Greek i know from other Forums.


When the war is over and all the filthy Armenians die, I will first come to your house and fuck that bitch mother. :D :D

Death to Turks

Look turk bitch. Look what we do to you in France. We make you our bitch, you taste our shoes. We destroy you everywhere. I’m gonna cut your mothers head off and fuck it.


your end will be the same as this poor greek bastard


Death to Turks

Look, God is killing you in izmir. Hopefully many more turks will die.


Death to Turks

Look turkbitch. Taste our shoes. We beat you into submission.


Death to Turks


Simplekindof Man

Trying to burn and run them out of the forests,like napalm and orange agent in Vietnam.., Truly appalling no mater who does it,shows anger and hatred. Humans are a despicable race it seems.

Death to Turks

The azeris and turks are terrorists

catalin zt

Death to the anglo-jewish SCUM plus their muslim single neuron followers!

Random Dude

let me text that guy real quick. ill let you know.

catalin zt

Let me send u home…. MONGOLIA! BYE

catalin zt

If u don’t go sweet home then mummy Russia soon will nuke u ALL goat lovers to HELL where your beard stupid idol muhammad the PAEDOPHILE resides!

catalin zt

Muhammad the PAEDOPHILE!

Антон С

I remember about similar case in Aleppo (or Idlib) when disgustinп bomb of Asad (gas cylinder actually) crushed a roof and was stopped by holy bed of freedom fighters. Looks like a comedy staged by the same director.



armenians are posting similar things lots of times a day…we keep refuting…another hypocrite here…

Great Khan

Azeri brother STRONK! even table defeat Armeni donkey….hahhahhaa

Антон С

Wanna confess in your own hypocrisy?

Jihadi Colin

Right, they’ve teleportation abilities just like the Russian invisible invasion of Ukranazistan.

catalin zt

The anglo-jewish genocidal coalition against the World and HUMANITY!

Kenny Jones ™

I need that bed

Антон С

Asad took it for own use.)

Death to Turks

God is angry with turk terrorists. He’s punishing you on your stolen land. Death toll only 12 for now in izmir hopefully it rises. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7818882aa7ede0b5eddbd22ea240799e057fb55389dd7bbed63093c91319b20c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cb04d36a112eba58fed533a5b550c6d2ced66446a3a5203c6c039610eac2307e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ea6a9edffc0bfa61a9bdf20dfc8c90010cd8fbc7cf1e80a9b33824b7c9a685e.jpg

Антон С

Earthquakes are often for that region. In 1988th was the famous earthquake in Spitak, Armenia (region of USSR). Death toll – ~25 thousand people.

Death to Turks

izmir is nowhere near Spitak.

Mr T

I remember we delivered help to poor armenions in 1988.

Death to Turks

No I actually I remember turkey blockading assistance to Armenians in 1988. turk scum fuck

Jihadi Colin

In 1988 seven year old keyboard trolls weren’t born.

Death to Turks

Crawl back to your troll cave run by your turkemasters.

Jihadi Colin

Why are you not fighting for you alleged country, Armenia, when its president is begging for everyone to sign up and “volunteers” are “training” with wooden “guns” for “combat”, so desperate is their situation? Why are you just making hollow boasts and stupid threats online?

Антон С

I mean mountain region from Greece to Caspian sea, it’s full of seismic activity. Earthquakes in Turkey and on Caucasus are very often, that’s why i combined them in one region. I know that Izmir is on the shore of Aegean sea.

Death to Turks

Hopefully many more will hit the Turks and many more deaths.

Антон С

If you wish bad to someone, bad things can happen with you.

Death to Turks

They deserve it.

Death to Turks

Turks and Azeris are not human so they are not a “someone”

Jihadi Colin

Leninakan and Spitak, I remember well.

Mr T


Death to Turks

God willing more earthquakes hit them and kill every one of them. I hope their deaths were painful.


I thought of prostitutes who died in the fire in greece

Death to Turks

I’m hoping to see the pictures of dead turks from your earthquake. Hopefully children were among them.

Jihadi Colin


Jihadi Colin

God doesn’t exist.

Death to Turks

Crawl back to your muslim overlords bitch

Jihadi Colin

Try getting your nonexistent god to force me.


i dont know if its fake or not but this is new and real…another armenian air defense system destroyed… do they still have more?… https://twitter.com/ConflictTR/status/1322251593639776256

Death to Turks

We’re not even close to being done. Azeri special forces attempting to go near shushi were neutralized on video, Armenian forces using night vision, the video is posted here.

Mr T

where? tomorrow another day… I give it max 2 days and then it is over

Death to Turks

The bodies do the talking for me bitch.



Kenny Jones ™

This didn’t age well..

Rhodium 10

TB 2 is a flying potato easy to detect and shot down!….the problem is that NK forces have SA-8 which max alttitude range is 5000mts while TB2 can fly 6000-7000mts…all most AZ attacks are Israeli Loitering drones, Guide artillery ( with the support of finger pointer in small drones) and ground to ground missile ( guide by GPS)!…

Shy Talk

“i dont know if its fake or not” ffs, i’ll bet you’ll be at the front of the que for uncle Bill’s vaccine

Kenny Jones ™

Don’t worry, they have endless of those, physical air defense aren’t even used anymore as the drones are being downed through jamming

Антон С

Looks like drilling holes without oil becomes industrial in AZ. May be this video is not real (didn’t happen in reality), but this table and floor was obviously drilled.


Potato Man


johnny rotten

I wonder why such stupid bullshit, if they are winning as they say and how it seems, they would not need such phony and so senseless propaganda, will we understand more about this war of dwarves and liars when it is over?


if armenians were winning you would be cheerleading here as we know…but they dont…now go back to your hole…

catalin zt

muslim goat lover,single neuron, worshipping mohamad the PAEDOPHILE,wanker full time,please stop ur single neuron postings! From Me : Vlad the Impaler or if u want Stefan the Great or if not happy with those Michael the Great! Soon Mummy Russia will send u mongols all to MONGOLIA where u came from! Stop the noise please u single muslim ? lovers ! Inshallah mohhamad the PAEDOPHILE!

Jihadi Colin

Both sides have been using utterly ridiculous propaganda but the Armenian takes the cake. All these days they were claiming that they are winning and now suddenly the Azeris are five kilometres from Shusha?

Kenny Jones ™

They aren’t winning, they just let them advance so their forces are wear out, because the most elite are already gone, and the counter attack will take everything back at the right time, the sky is clear too as the drones are being downed by Russian jamming Only problem is the f-16s for now, but that will be solved by a missile strike on their airports soon

Death to Turks

The azeris love “their land” so much they drop one of the most harmful chemical weapons on the forests. Understand what terrorist invasive scum Armenians are having to deal with.


Mr T

yes it is our land

Death to Turks

So you drop the chemical weapon white phosphor on it hahahaha this proved you are a barbaric invader animal.

Death to Turks

Burning your one forrests with a chemical weapon? Azeris are going to go back to that? Wrong, you are terrorists and we will kill every one of you.

Shy Talk

at least they kept everyone at a safe distance with that warning tape, quarter of a ton of high explosive could cause a lot of damage to that table

Willing Conscience (The Truths


catalin zt

By the race,there are only two (2) races who MUST be DELETED from the face of Earth for Us ALL to live in HAPPINESS, PROSPERITY and Freedom and those SCUM races are ANGLO-SAXONS and JEWS! ALL will be just FINE when this PARASITICCAPITALIST races will be ERADICATED from adult to small baby! They do not have baby’s but future GENOCIDALSTERRORISTS !

Svincius Savickas

Complete fake

Jihadi Colin

That must be one of those sarinbarrelgasbombs that Assad drops in Syria that teleport through intact walls and roofs to land on children’s nursery cots to be photographed by White Hellmates who are somehow never affected by the sarinchlorinenovichok. Yesvichok!

catalin zt

By the race,there are only two (2) races who MUST be DELETED from the face of Earth for Us ALL to live in HAPPINESS, PROSPERITY and Freedom and those SCUM races are ANGLO-SAXONS and JEWS! ALL will be just FINE when this PARASITICCAPITALIST races will be ERADICATED from adult to small baby! They do not have baby’s but future GENOCIDALSTERRORISTS ! AMEN!

Fog of War

And whatever race you are also please.

Jens Holm

Fake or not, they still find unexploted big bombs from WW2.

We still find mines in our dunes now and then. Some still can explode and we explode them.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, what simple idiots, and they’re winning the war.


Table stronk! Azerbaijan stronk! turkey earthquake very stronk! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b3f2f762f32fa92d8e9fcc625eef8dd989550d71ea674b68e084fe700c9c5e1a.jpg

Adrian Bishop

fake news! no wood splinters???? must have a hole saw in the nose!!!!!

Kenny Jones ™


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