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MARCH 2025

Mighty Israel Is Forced To Buy Russian-made COVID-19 Vaccine From Syria: Reports

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Mighty Israel Is Forced To Buy Russian-made COVID-19 Vaccine From Syria: Reports

MOSCOW, RUSSIA – DECEMBER 28, 2020: Vials containing the Gam-COVID-Vak (Sputnik V) vaccine are on display during vaccination against COVID-19 at Branch No 8 of Moscow’s outpatient clinic No 121. Vladimir Gerdo/TASS

Israel has agreed to purchase hundreds of thousands of doses of Russian-made COVID-19 vaccine for Syria under the recent prisoners swap deal, Haaretz reported on February 20 citing foreign reports.

The deal, which was brokered by Russia earlier this week, saw Syria releasing a young Israeli woman who was arrested by after entering the country under unknown circumstances a few weeks ago

In return, Israel released Syrian anti-occupation activists Nihal Almukt along with two shepherds from al-Quneitra. The deal was also supposed to include Dhiab Qahmuz, a Hezbollah collaborator. However, he rejected exile to Syria.

According to Haaretz, the deal included a secret term which forced Israel to finance a Sputnik-V vaccine deal for Syria. Israeli’s Walla News reported that Tel Aviv had paid $1.2 million for the Russian vaccine.

While Russia is yet to comment on the Israeli reports, Syria was quick to deny these claims. In a statement released by the Syrian Arab News Agency, a Syrian source said that these claims are meant to “defame” the deal.

“The fabricated information about a secret term in the exchange process, related to getting coronavirus vaccines from the Israeli occupation authorities, aim to defame Syria and distort the patriotic and humanitarian side of the process,” the source said.

Syria has been witnessing a widespread of coronavirus, with more than 15,000 recoded cases and nearly 1,000 deaths. Despite international support, the country has been struggling to kick start vaccination due to its very limited financial resources.

At the same time, the claims regarding an Israeli-financed vaccine deal may be a propaganda stunt meant to promote “normalization” between Tel Aviv and Damascus in order to distort the last’s relations with Iran.


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Willing Conscience (The Truths

What’s the go here, am I missing the point, surely there must be something they left out, something that ties the dodgy deals, the denials, the outcomes, and the slurring innuendo concerning the Syrian Iranian relationship, into one simple and understandable story, nope, it’s probably still on the editors floor where it was lost. But everyone’s suspicions that the freed woman was spying for Israel may have just been confirmed by Israeli media,

“The woman arrived in Israel on Friday via Moscow and was being debriefed this weekend by the Shin Bet security agency”.

I’m pretty sure that means she’s been working for Israel and not an innocent bystander, but they still won’t identify her, Israeli media says “she left an ultra-orthodox settlement community in the West Bank – biblical Judea and Samaria. The Axios news agency cited Israeli officials who said she previously studied Arabic and had also tried crossing into Gaza”. So she’s either a nut job as the Israeli media reports imply, or a very clever spy, she’d have to be to get through the Golan Heights, a young Israeli girl wandering around through the Druze community without any problems is one thing, getting through the Israel checkpoints and barriers is another. And what about this strange refusal,

“The deal was also supposed to include Dhiab Qahmuz, a Hezbollah collaborator. However, he rejected exile to Syria”,

Why would he reject sanctuary in Syria and prefer to remain in an Israeli jail, only one reason, he’s been collaborating with more than just Hezbollah, so now he can’t go to Syria for fear of possibly reprisals.


What’s the simple answer?

A disturbed orthodox women … wanting out of her community and the pressure of still being single … attempts escape to Gaza and then Syria … some mastermind … she’s immediately caught … lol

She needed enough $$ for a passport and a ticket to start a life elsewhere …


Willing Conscience (The Truths

In the normal world I’d say you’re probably right, it’s just a simple case of very strange behavior by a very disturbed woman, but in the spy world things aren’t always as they appear, so I’m still reserving my judgement for a bit longer. A clever spy sets up a good background story and alibi just in case things go bad, so who’s to say her past history isn’t manufactured and just part of the subterfuge. The 2 women who accused Julien Assange of rape weren’t working for Israeli Intelligence either, or so I was told, but I’m still not so sure we were told the whole truth about that sorry saga either, I still think they were both working for Israeli Intelligence.


A clever spy? She was arrested IMMEDIATELY


Fog of War

” She needed enough $$ for a passport and a ticket to start a life elsewhere ”

And Syria was the best choice ? You’re dumber then I thought.


She’s disturbed … no Jew with any ‘saichel’ would be seeking to escape to either Gaza or Syria … hello?

Fog of War

Yeah, surrrreeeeeeeeeee

johnny rotten

From isisrahell just a certainty, they always lie, even when they say a real thing they do it only to make a bigger lie gain ground, as the scorpion said to the frog: I can’t prevent it, it’s in my nature.


Putin needed to get paid for his ‘time’ … so this is a win/win situation

Russia is the scorpion …

Israel is the ‘sly’ fox … small nimble and a stealthy hunter

Just Me

Pisrael is a shithole mouse and all hype. Soon finito.


Dream … Dream Dream Dream

was a song by the Everly Brothers …



Syria has been witnessing a widespread of coronavirus, with more than 15,000 recoded cases and nearly 1,000 deaths. Despite international support, the country has been struggling to kick start vaccination due to its very limited financial resources.

15.000 recorded cases and a thousand deaths is now considered “widespread”? I know that country is not in normal conditions and there might be many unrecorded cases or deaths, but come on! The number of cases aren’t even %0.1 of the total population. What do you cal the situation in the US which the number of recorded cases is closing to %10?

And about the “international support”. Did the author count the EU/US/Arab League sanctions and embargo which prevents food, medicine and fuel entering the country as some kind of international support? Only a handful of countries are helping Syria get food and medicine. So far one country (Russia) delivered some vaccines and another (Iran) delivering shipments of fuel, while a pack of hyenas are busy stealing Syria’s oil, gas and crops.

Some articles are just jaw-dropping…



Syria doesn’t exist … it’s a failed state


Just like the Zionist parasitic entity :)

Ashok Varma

As if your welfare dependent parasitic criminal enterprise squatting is Palestine is a real success story LOL



$40,000 PER CAPITA

Hasbara Hunter

Does anyone know where the Flu has gone?


Flue has self identified as Covid19 globally since last January , HH. :)

Flue has gone ‘Woke’.

Ishyrion Av

Got scared of covid. Like every other disease. Even a train crash is causing covid deaths today.

Hasbara Hunter

Even Coca Cola & Mango test positive with those PCR-Tests



Mask wearing has virtually eliminated the flu … hello?

Just Me

Pisrael is a third world parasitic shithole.


Frustrating … 84 Million f/kn persians … eh?

Hasbara Hunter

Mask wearing will virtually eliminate the Owner…breathing in your own exhaled air Carbon Dioxide (CO2) all day long doesn’t seem very healthy to me…

Inhaled Air contains: Oxygen 21% CO2. 0.04%

Exhaled Air contains: Oxygen 16% CO2. 4%

Prolonged use of N95 and surgical masks by healthcare professionals during COVID-19 has caused adverse effects such as severe headaches, rash, acne, skin breakdown, and Impaired Cognition in the majority of those surveyed…




Ishyrion Av

I didn’t wear the mask (muzzle) and I didn’t get the flu.






Neither did this guy.


Captain Freedom

And why is covid still here then?


Ask Fauci …. mask wearing / social distancing / hand washing MITIGATES transfer of Covid to one another …. it’s real and must be feared until vaccinations bring it under control

cechas vodobenikov

titz an idiot the Canadian physicist Denis Rancourt has collected nearly 20 studies that show masks, social distancing ineffective


Rubbish … you can’t enter a store without a mask …. hello?

It’s the law …


Canadian physicist? pmsl

So what …. find me ONE … Public Health Doctor/Official that disagrees

Captain Freedom

Apperantly mask wearing / social distancing / hand washing PREVENTS transfer of flu to one another.

But it only MITIGATES the transfer of Covid? Wheres the logic in this….HELLO?


Public Health advice … you do as you please but mask wearing is mandatory in all places of business that are open … (take out only)

I bought a brisket sandwich at Barque on Roncessvalles yesterday … a good sandwich albeit pricey at $14.50 taxes & 10% gratuity included … mask wearing of course

I personally ‘double mask’ … no shots avail either yet in a Toronto … maybe by April ? I’m trying to be patient

Captain Freedom

So you got no clue… enjoy your sandwich while you can and try not to swallow your sweaty masks along with all the bacteria in them. Will be hard to eat if you’ll be paralyzed or havin seizures. btw prepare for synthetic meat, you’ll like it, billy says its for the greater good just like the lethal injection.


500,000 Americans DEAD ….

Fog of War

I though Khazars had high IQ’s ?


I gave you the answer … you can choose to accept it or not

Fog of War

The way I read your response is that group IQ statistics are not valid. So the lack of intelligence must only apply to you ?


YOUR groups IQ is 90

So … one can’t expect much … eh?

No Einstein’s in that group …

Fog of War

I’ll take our Tesla over your Einstein any day. BTW, you dont even know what ” MY ” group is .



PWT ….

Fog of War

DSK eh ?


I don’t play ‘Call of Duty’ … eh?


Our Tesla?

Fog of War

Figure it out.



Mixed parentage … eh?

Mixing is good … it’s all the rage

Fog of War

Not at all. Pure bred like the finest Khazar.

Full stop ….


Hmm … Tesla wasn’t pure bred

So you’re not either …

Fog of War

What mixture was he then ? eh ?


Italian … they’re not pure blood … just ask an Italian … lol

Olive skin = Arab blood


Ashok Varma

Not really, if they were smart the whole world would not hate them. Think about it. Humanity has always hated Jews for their evil.

Fog of War

I practice the ancient Indian art of Sarcasm.

Ashok Varma

With your ugly face a mask is mandatory in public at least.


non sequitur

An Indian talking about ugly?

Captain Freedom

According to the CDC the flu is gone because everyone wears masks and follows restrictions. Also according to CDC, covid just won’t disappear because not enough people wear masks and follow restrictions. No joke

Hasbara Hunter

The more people you test…the more “COVID-19-Infected” you can add to the CDC-statistics…in the Lab tests are multiplied 35 to 50 times…even a rock will test positive that way…

It is a Giant Scam….to Kill the Global Economy for the Great Reset & to Herd the Sheeple…what you simply need is Herd Immunity…

Captain Freedom

If you hear something about lowering case numbers in the near future… thats because they manipulate the Ct value so they can say: “Look the evil cough is going away becuz vaccines and democrat leadership…”


An Austrian MP tested a class of coke, and that was positive. If I have to send a swab in the future, I am tempted to swab my horse :)

Taz T

I had 2 proper tests and 2 instant at work and they were all negative.


I have had none, and don’t want any either.

Whenever I am ill , I prefer not to mix with others anyway.

Fog of War

Comedy gold.


If you mean Covid-19, I don’t know what’s going on over there, but here it’s still taking lives and infecting people with an evolved pattern, increased speed and infecting the younger people as well.

In 4 weeks we’ll have the new year holidays, the same 14 days that the Rohani administration didn’t use the opportunity where everywhere is closed to have a natural 2-weeks lock-down and contain the virus before spreading to all corners of the country. Instead people traveled like there’s no tomorrow and spreaded the illness that Instead our curve %300 up in 10 days.

If the past behaviour is any indication of future moves, they will repeat the same mistake (or maybe it’s not a mistake at all) and unleash the 4th wave on us with all kinds of mutated and hardened viruses, like the British, South African and Japanese.

But, our government didn’t use the virus as a means to tighten its grip on people’s lives. Our only restrictions are not going out between 21-03 (with exceptions) and travel between cities based on the infection rate. Personally I think they are not taking it seriously enough .


In the UK there were 647 flu deaths last year. Over the last decade the flu deaths per year were in a range of 16,000 to 29,000.

The deaths from natural causes in the UK last year were also many tens of thousands less. Treatment for cancers and other serious conditions, et al, were curtailed for most of last year. The long waiting lists for treatment have increased 500%.

Private hospitals were ‘taken over’ by the NHS, and most had few patients. No private treatment was allowed.

The deaths from untreated conditions during the Covid era can only accelerate in the decade to come. That’s the state in the UK anyway.


Our statistics show that in the first 7 months of this year (starting from March 20th to October 21st, 2020) we had about 67,000 more deaths compared to the same period last year (!%35 increase). Considering there are a decrease in the deaths resulting from the traffic accidents, the number becomes more meaningful. This increase has a reason, The official, proven deaths of Covid-19 in Iran from the first recorded death on February 15th till October 21st is ~31,350. If we deduct deaths from Feb. 15 to Mar. 20 (1,433), the proven Covid deaths will be about 30k in that 7 months. We still lack 37k death that part of it might be as a result of Covid-19, but the test wasn’t performed and therefore had no place in the official number, which includes only the proven, postmortem positive test (the same method every country uses). Another part can also be related to lack of some medicines for special and rare or even not-so-special illnesses (there was a shortage of Insulin for a months for example) as a result of illegal and inhuman sanctions.

Corona definitely took a toll but even if we attribute all excess deaths to it, it’s no more than 67k deaths. I think there’s a difference between how we deal with it and how the Empire vassals do. Here only state-run specialized hospitals deal with Covid patients, other hospitals cannot accept Covid patients by law but they perform their regular tasks following guidelines and protocols for Covid. Several times Screening had a great result in early detection and prevention of wide spreading it (even in this case, Google Play and Apple Store removed the apps designed for this -early signs, individual health file, tracing and meeting record, the normal functions of all apps designed for this all around the world but every function with permission from the user and using it was voluntarily- They classified them as spyware), the west certainly did everything in their power to kill more Iranians.

Despite all these, our deaths would be far less if 1- Rohani admin didn’t contradict the Covid task force committee and 2- People took it more seriously.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Thousands of Americans and Englishmen die because they believe in a false god. True believers are protected by Allah and do not need to be vaccinated.


Are you a Wahhabi or just hate Muslims? God won’t protect you from yourself if you behave like a moron, I’m sure!

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

I think it’s tragic that some people still believe in gods and other fantasy beings.

Fog of War

Atheists are delusional and high on their own pompous self importance. You dont need to believe any religion to deduce that there’s something more to reality then we’re led to believe by secular / atheist society .

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

You become an atheist by critical thinking. A religious person inherits a faith. It’s stupidity put in system.

Fog of War

Please read more carefully:

” You dont need to believe any religion to deduce that there’s something more to reality then we’re led to believe by secular / atheist society .”

Even if we ignore the whole concept of ” god ” there is still ample evidence that all is not as it seems. Even Quantum physics lays this out.

cechas vodobenikov

you become an atheist by stupidity “elements of physics are inherently irrational”. M Planck Kurt Godel, along w Frege and Tarski, considered one of the 3 greatest meta-logicians and philosophers of science remained a christian his entire life

Jaime Galarza

Can you prove that God doesn’t exist? Neiher can you prove the opposite, so the rigorous things is to suspend your opinion about it. In regards to people that believe in God, they must be respected and not made fun of.


It is true Frankly, especially in this day and age.


How about keeping this tragedy to yourself as long as nobody here tried to shove their god down your throat?

cechas vodobenikov

more tragic people believe in empirical barbarism

Hasbara Hunter

You sound just like an extremist MI6 Hempher-Wahhabi…a Muslim would not say such a thing…

Ashok Varma

Why more Jewish men are suffering from infertility than ever before?

cechas vodobenikov

covid is real; it seems to be only marginally worse than other flu. nations with strict lockdowns have the greatest attributed pro rata deaths–belgium, France, Spain, UK, etc

Ashok Varma

Most of the dead in the west are old and poor people or minorities victim of racism. However, the Covid death shots have killed more people than the the flu. India beat the covid flu by just herd mentality and has the lowest mortality for a country of 1.4 billion.


Thank you for your info..

Are the majority deaths in Iran from the over 80’s as they are in the UK ?


Anytime. Yes it was, pp to about 2 months ago the majority were +75 and/or +60 with other illnesses. But now the new strains are increasing the number of younger (down to mid 40s) deaths (from a fraction of a percent into 1-2 percent).


IF it was Iran that was refusing to allow medical supplies to reach America or the UK, the anger would have been off the scale.

I applaud the stoicism of your population, Garga.

I can sense the stench of desperation in London and Washington, together with their masters in Tel Aviv.


Thank you. With their inhuman sanctions they pushed us to take matters into our own hands, It wasn’t their intention but they really helped us in the long term.

They are angry now but wait a few months until more good news come out of Iran. Then their faces will turn into something worth paying to see!


I look forward to happier days for the Iranian populace. You have all suffered far too much from zionist greed.


It is simply. The face masks and keeping distance are much more effective against flu virus.

Hasbara Hunter

Can you send me some links confirming your statement? Thanks in advance

cechas vodobenikov

more ignorance from CIA—nations without masks/covid fascism have fewest deaths per capita


Distance perhaps, BUT the zero recorded transmission of Covid after last years mass migrations to the beaches of England last year during the Summer , counter your assertion. As for masks, if you are happy to breath through a damp ‘rag’ for hours that soon becomes a fungi conduit into your body, please continue.

Good bye.

Hasbara Hunter

The Flue always took lives…I’m not saying it’s not real, but in the Past no one was paying attention to it…the Victims never mentioned…Death by natural causes or old age…They created a Big Hype through the media & their COVID-19-Marketing strategy…the Purest Global Mind Control that I have ever seen…Applause for the Cabal for pulling this one off!


It’s very different here. There’s no scare, no lock down, no draconian measures. But we know the virus is real. I know a few how got infected, some lost their lives and some recovered but the whole ordeal (up to 2 months) is very hard and painful, nothing like flu.

Have you ever been here?

Hasbara Hunter

“There’s no scare, no lock down, no draconian measures…”

That is a Good Sign!

Never been to Iran yet…I should go there some day…

Fog of War

There is no damn virus, you folks need to quit the reactionary BS. Its the biggest psyops the world has ever seen.


Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

One does not need any other vaccine than to worship Allah.



Fog of War


Ashok Varma

Unfortunately, most of the brainwashed sheeple in the west are still Denying the Rothschilds Are Behind The Great Reset and Covid scare? Stop, It’s Getting Ridiculous!


Good news you cannot die from cancer or anything now, just Corona.


Frankly, so-called Israel is a pathetic leech on the global system and based on sheer lies and deceit. It is basically a third world aid dependent parasitic entity that had created an aura of being “special” like the US idiotic “exceptionalism”, now both the facades are being blown away. Israel is a threat to humanity and must be dismantled, sooner the better, and the Palestinians regain their lands.

Arch Bungle

Like I always say, ‘israel’ will be gone within 9 years.

It begins with being dependent on it’s enemies.

Now it needs gas from Egypt, water from Lebanon and Jordan, medicine from Syria …

It even depends on Palestinian labour.

Tick tock. Tick tock …

Diana Cornwell

With friends like Putin and the Russians, Israel is here to stay. Along with the Jewish state, Putin is NATO’s greatest asset hiding in plain sight.

Arch Bungle

‘israel’ will be gone in 9 years, regardless of what Putin does.

If Putin truly was an ally of israel he would have handed Syria over to Nuttyahoo in accordance with the Yinon plan.

He would have also kicked the Iranians out. Since he hasn’t he is clearly not a friend of ‘israel’.

NATO is a useless puppet, it means nothing either way.

The real threat to Russia is Uncle Sam.

Diana Cornwell

Putin has carved up Syria for the benefit of NATO and Israel. How many goyim Russians died in Syria, how many Jews died in Syria? You know the rest. Putin works for NATO and by extension, Israel.

Arch Bungle

Putin has rolled back the threat of ISIS against the interests of NATO and ‘israel’.

How many NATO Turks died in Syria, how many ‘israeli’ ISIS proxies died in Syria?

You know the rest.

Putin works for Russia and ‘israel’ works for the Anglo Saxons WASPS running the USA.


https://i.imgur.com/m4uKg0V.png?w=300 Thanks for putting the so-called state of the white Khazars on Arab land in quotes.

Ishyrion Av

What’s your problem with white people?


I have no problem at all with the human race, I embrace the human race, white, brown, black, etc. But when a white man denies he is a white man but Israelite returning home to a region inhabited by non-whites, I have a major problem with it.

Ishyrion Av

Yes, I noticed that jews deny they are white and they say they are… “jews”. Like jews is a color now. As for this invasion, you are right. I personally dislike when I see black people in Europe too, since they are not from here obviously. Do you agree with me, right?


You are not worth a response, what about the whites who invaded North America, New Zealand, Australia?

Ishyrion Av

It is called colonizing. Your answer just puts your communist’s ANTIFA views in the light.


Why are your white Jews in the Arab region and not in your own region? You cannot answer it, can you?

cechas vodobenikov

cornhole rehab going well according to racist drug counselor tratz—it is not recommended to consume so much meth and LSD when isolating from fascist special UK virus

Diana Cornwell

Maybe you could try to argue against what I said just ONCE instead of stringing nonsense?


the problem of you fools is that you are in a parallel reality and dont even know how bad and soon your fall is going to be to talk as if you or nato still matter

Arch Bungle

Diana Cornhole is a hasbara troll pretending to be British.


sayanim imps i know


Yea, she loves the Jews as long as they are on Arab land but will pick up her gun if they tried to create their state in her homeland.


these sayanim will see decline down to collapse of their world and they must continue to worry because we will not forget them

Diana Cornwell

Iran will be destroyed. Tens of millions of Iranians will die and be maimed horribly. It’s the fault of Mollah lovers like you.

Arch Bungle

Iran will remain as it has for more than 3000 years. Iran provided the foundations of western civilisation.

We in the West owe Iran and Iranians the legacy they created.

IF tens of millions of Iranians will die and be maimed horribly it is certain the jewish population of israel will be vaporised.

The crusader occupation state of ‘israel’ will be crushed again as it was many times before, this time for the last time.

It’s the fault of zionist extremist lovers like you.

catalin zt

Are u describing the anglo-jewish island all rotten and smelly full of PAEDOPHILES and capitalist-fascist Sharks up to the brim ? Yeah that one it will be VAPORISED soon under Russian made artificial Suns! Amen!


Oh, it’s our hot granny at it again. You seem even hotter when you talk nasty and dirty like this. What other fetishes are you into?

Still not my cup of tea, but Granpa Cornwell, you lucky bastard!

Diana Cornwell

You’re making me blush, you naughty boy. ☺️

cechas vodobenikov

corny infected by novichok covid vaccine—weak anglos dying like flies—nearly double deaths than Russia w population 70 million fewer your basement must be a happy place


Bring back the white Jew back home closer to you where he belongs. https://i.imgur.com/S01rEdZ.jpg?w=300

catalin zt

Anglo fascist scum said…

cechas vodobenikov

cornhole alias for jaky wohl—new CIA employee at SF


Wow … how stupid can YOU be? pmsl

• Israel SELLS gas to Jordan and Egypt • Israel is a Water Superpower • Israel creates medicine for the World

What a complete bunch of BS …


catalin zt

Israhell creates suffering for this World also sells weapons and death you khazarian maggot spit on u Frankenstein!


Ya missed … eh?

When Israel spits … its enemies know about it … maggot breath

cechas vodobenikov

ditzy titz lies; most Israeli gas purchased azerbijian Israel required to purchase sputnik vaccine—denies it to palestians Israel=super immoral barbarians


Try harder ….


this will not be for russia nor for americans nor for british nor for zionists nor for any outsider to decide and the way the issue goes the zionists will be wiped out very soon


its either eradication or collapse and russia wants its people back fine but it better acts faster since they wont stay

Fog of War

” Like I always say, ‘israel’ will be gone within 9 years. ”

Thats actually part of the plan. The question is , where are they going to go to ?

Arch Bungle

Surely their jewish brethren in America, who control the entire US government will be happy to clear white crackers off the land and dump the Russian jewish settlers there.

Alternatively, there’s always Argentina …

Fog of War

Why should the Argentinians take them ? Additionally, Doesnt Putin consider them “Russians ” still ? I think the plan is to have them return some where else, somewhere much closer to their original homeland. It starts with a ” C ” .

Arch Bungle

The Argentinians will ‘take them’ like the Palestinians ‘took them’ at the turn of the century ;-)


Looks like the joos have been preparing backup colonies …

I have no idea what Putin thinks of the Russian colonist in ‘israel’, but my sense is that he does not want 1 million+ proven assholes back in Russia.

He would prefer them to stay put or F-off somewhere else, exactly why the Europeans booted the jews out of Europe in scores at the end of WW2:


Nobody would take them *willingly* …


‘C’ …… Congo?

‘C’ …… Czech Republic

‘C’ …… ????

Where could they go? The World is awaiting your answer …



What did the people of Argentina do to you to wish them such evil? Once they start coming, they kept on going to Argentina and I am not sure who was in charge of Argentina during those days they did not prevent the huge number of Jews entering their country. Take a look:


Year ………………. JEWS 1900 ………………. 6,700 1910 ……………… 30,000 1920 …………….. 110,000 1930 …………….. 200,000 1940 …………….. 260,000 1948 …………….. 360,000

Source: AJC


America was scared to receive them … take a look:

Department of State, Washington, August 28, 1893. No. 119.]

Sir: I have received and read with attention Mr. White’s dispatch No. 119, of the 6th ultimo, in relation to the present condition of the Israelites in Russia and to the reported enforcement of repressive edicts against them, calculated to result in an increased emigration of destitute people of that class to the United States. The thoroughness with which the minister has answered my telegraphic inquiry of May 18 is commended. The subject is receiving the President’s earnest consideration. It has been for some time evident that the measures adopted by the Imperial Government against the Jews, although professedly a domestic policy directly affecting the subjects of the Czar, were calculated to injuriously affect the American people by abruptly forcing upon our shores a numerous class of immigrants destitute of resources and unfitted in many important respects for absorption into our body politic. The continued enforcement of such harsh measures, necessarily forcing upon us large numbers of degraded and undesirable persons, who must, in great measure, be supported, can not be regarded as consistent with the friendship which the Russian Government has long professed for the United States. I am, etc.,




Arch Bungle

LOL! print that out and paste it on the Apartheid wall!


Coronavirus cases per 1,000 population

USA = 82 “Israel” = 80 UK = 60 Russia = 28 Syria = 1 Egypt = 1

As you can see from the list above, the Khazarian state is heavily infected,

Source: worldmeters



This is what the Khazars had been planning all along:

The Western front, which on the surface appears more problematic, is in fact less complicated than the Eastern front, in which most of the events that make the headlines have been taking place recently. Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track.

The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unquiet areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target. Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon, so that there will be a Shi’ite Alawi state along its coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state in Damascus hostile to its northern neighbor, and the Druzes who will set up a state, maybe even in our Golan, and certainly in the Hauran and in northern Jordan. This state of affairs will be the guarantee for peace and security in the area in the long run, and that aim is already within our reach today.

Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us. Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon.

In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible. So, three (or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, and Shi’ite areas in the south will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north. It is possible that the present Iranian-Iraqi confrontation will deepen this polarization.


Yes, and this is why refugees and economic migrants have been allowed to flood Europe. The khazars that control Europe live in fear white reprisals.

Mass immigration creates tension, and the Khazars have always thrived where there is tension. Even in WW2. Without WW2 the Khazar mass exodus to arab lands was most unlikely to have happened, I think.


Don’t think … it’s above your pay grade


It’s working … Syria is a failed state

Assad must stay



Now even the vile H4Y is active on the board … her act will bore the Russophiles making their day here … eh?

Seems you maggots deserve each other … yelling past each other … never listening … just pissing … eh?

Enjoy her company … pmsl


cechas vodobenikov

self uglified racist titz upset–mommy didn’t break feed enough


Try harder slug



Total cases………………15,094…………………744,513 Total deaths………………….994…………………….5,526 Population……………..18 million……………..9 million

Source: worldmeters


#1 on Planet Earth … everyone is talking about it



Between Oct-Nov-Dec of 2020, it looked like the entity had the virus under control but it then spiraled out of control – and this with all the billions the entity gets from the US and with all the vaccines that came in its direction being god’s chosen people. https://i.imgur.com/WUwyZmh.png?w=300





This is what the coronavirus infections in Syria look like at 7-days intervals starting from when it had the highest on December 18. Considering the country is facing a major tragedy is doing very well controlling the virus.

Dec 18 …………… 169 Dec 25 …………….. 69 Jan 1 ……………….. 48 Jan 8 ……………….. 95 Jan 15 ……………… 90 Jan 22 ……………… 81 Jan 29 ……………… 59 Feb 5 ……………….. 71 Feb 12 ……………… 41 Feb 19 ……………… 49

Source: worldmeters

Fog of War

” Israel has agreed to purchase hundreds of thousands of doses of Russian-made COVID-19 vaccine for Syria under the recent prisoners swap deal, ”

So Chabad Putin did this for money also, not just to please his masters. Good to know.


“Mighty Israel”? The entity ranked No. 17 in military power in 2019 and is now at no 20. In the Middle East, it now ranks no. 5 behind Egypt, Turkey, Iran and Saudi – and this despite the infusion of US billions of dollars and the best weapons.

Ranking in military power – 2019 vs 2021

2019 ……. 2021

1 ……. 1United States PwrIndx: 0.0721 2 ……. 2 Russia PwrIndx: 0.0796 3 ……. 3 China PwrIndx: 0.0858 4 ……. 4 India PwrIndx: 0.1214 6 ……. 5 Japan PwrIndx: 0.1435 7 ……. 6 South Korea PwrIndx: 0.1621 5 ……. 7 France PwrIndx: 0.1691 8 ……. 8 United Kingdom PwrIndx: 0.2008 12 ……. 9 Brazil PwrIndx: 0.2037 15 ……. 10 Pakistan PwrIndx: 0.2083 9 ……. 11Turkey PwrIndx: 0.2118 11 ……. 12 Italy PwrIndx: 0.2139 12 ……. 13 Egypt PwrIndx: 0.2208 13 ……. 14 Iran PwrIndx: 0.2522 10 ……. 15 Germany PwrIndx: 0.2529 16 ……. 16 Indonesia PwrIndx: 0.2697 25 ……. 17 Saudi Arabia PwrIndx: 0.3241 20 ……. 18 Spain PwrIndx: 0.3274 19 ……. 19 Australia PwrIndx: 0.3393 17 ……. 20 “Israel” PwrIndx: 0.3481





against whom would the Arabs/Muslims fear to meet the most?

It’s a rhetorical question … eh?



IL is not forced. They buy under price this shit for arabs. The jews get Pfizer vaccine.

cechas vodobenikov

dumb anglo—phizer has killed more than 3000, now banned in s Africa. in first day inoculations Norway, 50 were killed by Pfizer vaccine…now 30 nations have approved sputnik…zero deaths to date



Peter Jennings

I didn’t know that abducting shepherds could be so lucrative.

A 1000 deaths and 15,000 ‘cases’, with a 98% survival rate, really isn’t struggling. It certainly isn’t a pandemic, given the population of Syria.


Title says from Syria, article says for Syria… Choosing the correct preposition is important, southfront.


Yes, they mean completely two different things.


Get “vaccinated” or stay under house arrest. Led by Israel and Jews.

““There will soon be jobs where, in order to work, the workers will have to either be vaccinated or undergo a Covid-19 test every 48 hours,” Health Minister Yuli Edelstein said on Thursday.

Flanked by senior Ministry of Health officials, Edelstein did not elaborate on which jobs people would be excluded from, but he urged everyone to get vaccinated in order to help bring life back to “almost normal.”

“[The] vaccinated and those people who have had the virus will be able to go to gyms, concerts, hotels, synagogues from Sunday,” the minister stated, as he discussed the impact of Israel’s ‘green pass’ system which comes into force on February 21.

The pass, which will be granted to those who have taken the jab and those who are recovering from Covid-19, will allow many Israelis to take advantage of a Covid-19 restrictions rollback which also takes effect on Sunday.”

– Israel to bar unvaccinated people from some jobs, says health minister –


Fog of War

But Israhell is receiving the Sputnik vaccine from Putin, therefore this cant be a worldwide, orchestrated scam to coral humanity into permanent servitude . Putin wouldn’t lie would he ?


From the article:

“While Russia is yet to comment on the Israeli reports, Syria was quick to deny these claims. In a statement released by the Syrian Arab News Agency, a Syrian source said that these claims are meant to “defame” the deal.

“The fabricated information about a secret term in the exchange process, related to getting coronavirus vaccines from the Israeli occupation authorities, aim to defame Syria and distort the patriotic and humanitarian side of the process,” the source said.”

As far as the scamdemic being worldwide, obviously it is. How different nations have reacted to it is an indication of where they stand on the malevolence scale. Is the Russian vaccine legit and the JWO “mRNA vaccine” a Borg bioweapon tool of totalitarian fascism leading to deppulation and possible extinction? That seems to be the conventional non JWO msm wisdom on what is left of the free internet.

Fog of War

Obviously, Syria will deny this as it makes them look powerless. Additionally, Russia already has a track record of doing these kinds of things. Not to mention that their official ” silence ” is telling. Therefore , I have no reason to doubt the reports.


You have a long history of peddling disinfo here. So your opinion on the topic isn’t worth much considering your credibility deficit.

Fog of War

A very poor and amateurish response. You can do better.


It’s called truth.


Who’s running the scamdemic and Borg great reset? Looks like Israel and evil Jews and Zionists to me.

“The Dan David Prize is an annual Israeli award that grants three prizes of US$1 million each for outstanding achievement.




The Jews gave Klaus Schwab a $1 million prize for leadership changing our world and Anthony Fauci one for public health. Two of the most disgraced miscreants walking the earth.


“Vaccine” or road to extinction?



This is how the scamdemic was created:




“On March 24th the CDC published the NVSS COVID-19 Alert No. 2 document instructing medical examiners, coroners and physicians to deemphasize underlying causes of death, also referred to as pre-existing conditions or comorbidities, by recording them in Part II rather than Part I of death certificates as “…the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID-19 being the underlying cause of death more often than not.” This was a major rule change for death certificate reporting from the CDC’s 2003 Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting and Physicians’ Handbook on Medical Certification of Death, which have instructed death reporting professionals nationwide to report underlying conditions in Part I for the previous 17 years. This single change resulted in a significant inflation of COVID-19 fatalities by instructing that COVID-19 be listed in Part I of death certificates as a definitive cause of death regardless of confirmatory evidence, rather than listed in Part II as a contributor to death in the presence of pre-existing conditions, as would have been done using the 2003 guidelines. The research draws attention to this key distinction as it has led to a significant inflation in COVID fatality totals. By the researcher’s estimates, COVID-19 recorded fatalities are inflated nationwide by as much as 1600% above what they would be had the CDC used the 2003 handbooks,”






– CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds…State, Local Governments Must Act –



– CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds…State, Local Governments Must Act –



there is nothing nothing mighty about the jews in palestine – just a bunch of thieving and murdering and lying parasites who, according to their dna is living off others and the hold on the land they illegally occupy is tenuous at best and they know, like the rest of the world, that they will be evicted to hell by their next door neighbours in a future not too distant – and that will be a day to behold and celebrate – no jews no more.

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