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MARCH 2025

Mighty Israeli Army Abandoned Military Facility, Equipment After Hezbollah ATGM Strike

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The mighty Israeli Army abandoned its military positions, including buildings and military equipment, near Avivim in Upper Galilee after on September 1 Hezbollah had targeted an Israeli armoured personnel carrier ‘Wolf’ in the area with an anti-tank guided missile.

Mighty Israeli Army Abandoned Military Facility, Equipment After Hezbollah ATGM Strike

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Yes, and they had guest on Bloomberg today telling everybody in the US how much everything is under control there. Sure.


No, they meant we got you (USA) under our control.


Death is getting closer than ever to those scumbags! Run and hide like rats!

Tiresia Branding

even dummies escaped… evidently are Made in Israel. LOL


Lol dummies packed their shit and left. Nice one, didnt expect to laugh here today, you sir are a fucking genius.


You’re the dummy ignoring the evidence and sopping up the propaganda.

Tiresia Branding

so you have another cctv video demonstrating dummies are not escaped from barracks but are at their combat seats? :-DDDD


You’re a moron. Grow up.

Tiresia Branding

unofficial IDF military training manual :-D https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81xH9WlMkeL.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

They are hot air. Have you ever met a “Israeli”? They are welfare leeches with dual passports and all a Hollywood myth, which Hezbollah has shattered repeatedly. Just watch the next few years how they are finished. They can only kill and beat-up unarmed Palestinians and steal their lands. That time is coming to an end.

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionists simply have been exposed as weak, scared and cowardly. You are pathetic hasbara RichardD , I had exposed you a long time ago. You are humiliated at Zionist defeat and embarrassed. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f97d98ef2100d1fd59d3f94fc2577c853b8091ccbd661bb92adbba6ffb676a4f.png


What have you exposed? Copy and paste some of it. You can’t so you won’t. Because you’re a habitual liar spamming these threads with disinfo.


Not a good day for you guys.


Who are you guys?

Does pointing out judicial quality proof of Hez propaganda make me a bad guy according to you?


You’re spamming these threads with stupidity.

Ashok Varma

The only spammer is you, unable to see reality.


You haven’t disproven the drive by video. —


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 30


I laughed so much that it actually bought tears to my eyes. Thank you.

Zionism = EVIL

As any grown-up would know that the Zionist scum are weaker than a spiders web and they have just been saved by Russia who warned them to take a limited beating and not to escalate. And with very close relations with Iran now, told both Hezbollah and Iran, who are now in the strongest position ever, not to inflict too much humiliation on the Zionists. As I I have posted many times, the Zionist cowards are good at beating unarmed sold out Palestinians but can take on Hezbollah or Iran.The Zionists are soft cowards living on western welfare and simply can not fight a sustained asymmetrical war against determined, well trained and well armed foes as Hezbollah. The good thing out of the Zionist losses and humiliation is they have been exposed and put on notice. As Sayyed Hasan Nasallah calmly said the next war will be fought in northern occupied Palestine in the Galilee basin. Hezbollah was ready to invade time, but Russia requested them not to invade. The Zionists are pretty much boxed in now and with very limited options.


Israel has lost all credibility with its latest clumsy fabrications. Hezbollah acted with restraint and could have inflicted far worse damage.


haha. this is an absurd comment

Alan Gold

Jews are “brave” only against women and children.


Jews or khazars? O.o

Ashok Varma

Israeli base looks worse than most third world military bases with very primitive living arrangements and even the old APC are from Vietnam era. Indian military barracks are much clear and better organised. IDF is a disappointment.

Ziønist šhill


Black Waters

Correct me if im wrong… but isn’t the Israel military very dependant of mercenaries? Once i saw a video of gaza and a couple of soldiers were guarding a place, both of them were tall and looked like europeans, they didn’t look like jews from there nor from europe, they looked like mercenaries.


They use mercenaries where they need deniability but not for the army. Who’s going to give their lives for them? If they were like Saudis dependent on mercenaries, why would they call everybody -and I mean everybody- for duty and keep them in reserve until old age, plus regular (at least one day monthly) for re-training and practice?

Israelis come in all shapes and colours. Just a fraction of them are from ME and look like locals.

Pavel Pavlovich

Mercenaries from where? Not that I do not believe such a thing but never forget that such mercenaries as you have described might have obtained the citizenship of Isisrahell in this manner.

Harry Smith

They could be Jews. 95% of Jews has no Semitic DNA. And even more. Many Jews have double citizenship and can live somewhere in Germany or UK, but in accordance with the Israel laws, the have to serve in IDF.


Most Israelis look European because they are or originally from the Ukraine area ‘Khazers’ look it up. Most are not ethnically Jewish. All Israeli kids have to do military service when their 19-20 years old boys and girls. The army is conscript and mostly kids with a few long term psychos to show them the way. Of course they will run away from real fighting, their just scared kids that want to be in FB dissing their friends and showing off. Its only the people in power, the billionaires and politicians that want to kill people. Everyone else just want a normal life. The jews are doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to them. Unfortunately for the jews their behavior is going to cause them another round of genocide at the hands of their neighbors, the ones they’ve been treating so badly. .

Lena Jones

IDF: Indestructible Dummy Force.






shared from platosguns.com


It’s all part of the plan, move back so the enemy attacks then you have ally support then you can neutralize the problem.

Monte George

That would be a hopeless plan, as the Hez attack was purely a tit-for-tat retaliation. Not intended to spearhead a larger operation. When Hezbollah does launch a serious attack, it will focus on the destruction of Tel Aviv, Haifa Port facilities, Airports, military bases, etc with a massive missile assault. Ground troops will be deployed after most of Israel has been turned to dust.


There really isn’t anyway that Israel can cut this event that doesn’t make the Israeli military forces look like total cowards. I have never seen a so called “professional” military just leave their posts because of fear from an opposing enemy, well I have but still it is not something that gives off a good image. Many are under the misguided impression that Israel is uber powerful and can stand up to any and all, yet Hezbollah a relatively small group, showed them up and made an entire nation cower in fear over just reprisals.

To the more keen observer, Netanyahu’s recent PR press release regarding this event came off as muted. His facial expressions and overall demeanor didn’t seem to exude confidence, it was more like he was trying (and failed) to hide his shame over Hezbollah’s clearly successful operation. Like before and always, Israel will lie and downplay its losses to further propagate its persona of “invincibility”. Shameful…..just completely shameful.


The attack failed. The crew rode it out by the skin of their teeth. They’re extremely lucky to be alive. https://twitter.com/i/status/1168632155708231682

Ziønist šhill

Is that why they all gave up and ran away from their own base?


I don’t know. Did that happen before or after Hezbollah missed their target and published their propaganda video to try to cover up their failure?

Concrete Mike

Regardless of wether it hit or not, hezb had balls steel to shoot at the IDF orcs.

Casualties dont really matter, intimidation was what this operation was about.

Anyone that stands up to israel is not a “failure”, whether the missiles hit or not doesnt matter its the message that counts..

Drama queen.


It matters when people’s lives are on the line. Pointing out the truth is more important to me than pandering to prejudice.

What if those missile operators were repelling an attack? You can believe that it matters whether they can hit their target or not.

Concrete Mike

Its like bitching abiut mud in drainage stone when your putting mud on top, i dont fucken matter.

Your comparing apples and bananas here, not the same.

This hezbollah operation was to send a message, we see you and can hit you at anytime.

And the second missile hit, you can see the fuel catchjng fire.


Did it? Then disprove the drive by video. The gang that couldn’t shoot straight is a lot less scary then on that hits it’s targets.


Pull up this video on the YouTube site and tap on the screen. Go to the 3 dot settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the video and tap on it. Tap on play back speed and choose .25 and watch the video in slow motion. Both misses are clear as day. The first missile detonated to the left front of the vehicle and the second detonation is to the right rear of the vehicle. Case closed, you lose.

https://youtu.be/PQ20ZuVNQrY ;


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 23


Did that happen before or after the armored truck attack failed?


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 36


It doesnt matter if they missed the target. What matters it the message, Hezbollah are ready to fight and have had enough of Zionist bullshit.


It matters that they can’t hit their target. That’s how people end up dead.


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 33




English Translation:

Video edited. You can see the strange jump of the vehicle. If anyone tried to add credibility to the Israeli version, he was only doing damage. See video analysis:

Rhodium 10

strange jump..strange smoke…I think vehicle stopped and edited video with other similar vehicle filmed past days…driving through cctv


The smoke isn’t strange. It’s exactly what you’d expect under the circumstances.


The video is credible. No one yet has disproven it. The attack was a half mile from the settlement camera. They just edited out the down time that it took the truck to get there.


I don’t read Hebrew. What does it say?


English Translation:

Video edited. You can see the strange jump of the vehicle. If anyone tried to add credibility to the Israeli version, he was only doing damage. See video analysis:

Rhodium 10

Fake image


Is it, where’s the proof?

The first missile clearly missed. Watch the Hez video on a quality big screen. And look at the stills.



Ashok Varma

Not according to all the visible evidence. Hard to hasbara spin on this one.


You haven’t disproven the drive by video.


Where is this taken, supposedly?


Somewhere in the area where I drew the blue box would be my guess. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9c127c318b1372c09f21ce51dd0da2e44e71ecdf32f0032f3eeee795300f0c4d.png


Ok, but it is still speculation, right? I mean israel is the mother of disinformation, so I’d like it thrice confirmed before I trust it.




Pull up this video on the YouTube site and tap on the screen. Go to the 3 dot settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the video and tap on it. Tap on play back speed and choose .25 and watch the video in slow motion. Both misses are clear as day. The first missile detonated to the left front of the vehicle and the second detonation is to the right rear of the vehicle. Case closed.



This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 15


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 26


ברוכים הבאים… Thank you, said Hezbollah


israel is cornered and in being that fairly dangerous. but it will pass and for every passing minute the liberty they enjoy and the space they enjoy (stolen from the palestinians in the israeli ethnical cleansing program) is getting smaller and smaller till the point that the have to embark on vessels towards cyprus. no one, except the dumb americans, will support them or allow them to continue to reside on the land which isn’t theirs.

in fact, since no one needs israel, it must be more cornered and more isolated and finally more deceased so the world can live in peace! vote for a world wide anti-zionist day, to be celebrated here and there and everywhere!


The Wolf crew is extremely lucky to be alive and uninjured after not 1, but 2 near misses. The first missile hit in front of the armored truck. And the second ATGM operator was firing into a cloud of smoke from the first missile detonation and couldn’t see the target.

These were long shots against a moving target. And the missiles evidently weren’t the latest fire and forget top hit version. But you can see from the Hezbollah video that the operators came very close to kill shots.


Your video wont play but even from the Hezbollah video it appears that they missed their target. I figured that is why they didn’t run it until the smoke cleared.

Monte George

I suspect the cameramen stopped filming in order to run for cover from the expected return fire.


Return fire from where?


They had the op set up for video. I’d be very surprised if they don’t have after detonation footage.


I don’t think that Hezbollah propaganda is helping their cause. One of the other commentators suggested in a reply that the IDF has anti missile counter measures installed on some of their vehicles that caused the misses. And maybe they do. But it doesn’t change the fact that the attack was misrepresented as the missiles hitting their target when they didn’t.

The detonation sequence from Al Manar’s own video shows both misses as clear as day if you watch it in slow motion on a big screen.

On an Android device pull up this video on the YouTube site and tap on the screen. Go to the 3 dot settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the video and tap on it. Tap on play back speed and choose .25 and watch the video in slow motion. On a desktop use the instructions below. Both misses are clear as day. The first missile detonated to the left front of the vehicle and the second detonation is to the right rear of the vehicle. –

https://youtu.be/PQ20ZuVNQrY ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOjlX1Frw60

Monte George

The vehicle clearly underwent a secondary explosion (rear of vehicle). Would seem to indicate that the missile hit it’s target.


The secondary explosion is from another missile that came in from the left. The first one obviously hit in front of it and from the looks of it the second hit behind it. Looks like a poor job of guidance to me. I would like to have seen a good hit but I’m not seeing it here. This is poor propaganda.

Rhodium 10

I think that some israeli soldiers were injured…but surely when the 3 ATGM hit the military base!..its very absurd that a fake operation carrying injured soldiers has logic!..Hezbollah have binocular to know what had happened with the vehicle!


The hit was close enough that it may have caused some damage and perhaps some injuries. I will give you that. But it was not a direct hit. Would be nice to have seen the aftermath a little better. I wonder why they didn’t have video from the second missile location?


It was a long shot against a moving target with a probably earlier version of the Kornet that isn’t fire and forget.


You haven’t disproven the drive by video. —


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 35


Thanks. I have since seen the video elsewhere and I concur.


I received more negative comments on this analysis than any that I’ve ever done. So I learned how to run YouTube at slow motion and it just provided more evidence supporting my earlier conclusion.

Monte George

??? The video does not show any explosion! The vehicle appears from nowhere at 0:16 and was unharmed because this vehicle was not attacked (yet?). Who do you think you are fooling?


It shows a cloud of smoke from the explosion to the left of the screen. And then it shows the cloud dissapating as the vehicle drives by about a minute later.

Monte George

The Wolf crew are not lucky. They are dead. How lucky is that?


What proof do you have, the Hez video with no footage after the detonations? The only thing that that proves is that they’re covering something up.


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 32


There is another vehicle that was stuck on the explosion place. Then why the missing frames in the video?


Because the camera is a half mile from where the missiles detonated. And rather than wait 60 seconds they edited that part out.


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 31

Rhodium 10

Why Israel dont show their injured soldiers when the medical heli landed even if they are fakes?…


Does it seem like a bad Hollywood production? The Wolf vehicle is siting still on road before taking off down the road in video? Seems both sides are happy, no need to escalate.


Why doesn’t Hez show the footage after the detonations, because they missed and they’re covering it up?


Fuckers didnt even finish their cereals and matzos, the piss envy must have been unbearable


Israel: “Gotta run, outa diapers”…


Israel should be next after their Yinon plan terrorists are defeated in Syria. It’s time to put the funding and support facilities in place for standing up Palestinian infantry and armored and air calvary divisions and battalions. And moving regional coalition special forces and equipment into the West Bank and Gaza for clearing the IDF and Israeli government out of the occupied territories.

Lazy Gamer

Well, they both should now learn to live with each other


They left their weapons and Talmuds… How did dummies do that??? Lmao


The article title is incorrect.

They abandoned their positions even before the attack lol.

Icarus Tanović

Don’t believw this, must be somw other trick of Zionists…


Israel has come out of this Hezbollah ambush look very weak and clumsy. Israel should have accepted its losses, rather than making up completely implausible versions. The RT crews slipped through the tight censorship net and filmed the utter chaos and fright of the IDF. This is not good omen for the “mighty” IDF.

Ashok Varma

Israel should not act thuggish and start conflicts it can not finish. The days of bombing Lebanon with impunity are long gone. Hezbollah got the point across by direct hit.


and where is the squatters’ troll zionist=evil when all this commenting goes on – usually in the forefront with dozens of comments, lengthy comments at that! troll troll and don’t know his compasssss!!




Israel destroys important missile guidance facility in the heart of Beirut; Hezbollah saves face by hitting an Israeli truck (zero casualties).

As exchanges go, this one was a serious loss for Hezbollah. (putting aside that Israel has also been destroying Hezbollah/Iranian bases in Syria.

You can call me Al


Ceasar Polar

Diapers army.


Mighty Israel….Issuing diapers to their mighty warriors. Not used to someone able to shoot back, eh, mighty Israel? For all their claims, they’re really only brave when their victim is unarmed; Palestine? USS Liberty?


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