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Mike Pompeo Congratulates Syria For 9 Years Of Deaths And Chaos

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Mike Pompeo Congratulates Syria For 9 Years Of Deaths And Chaos

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On March 15th, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo congratulated the Syrian people for beginning their “peaceful protests” nine years ago.

Pompeo congratulated Syria for the beginning of a 9-year-and-still-going tragedy.

He immediately received a very suitable response.

The “peaceful protests from the start” which saw 120 and more security forces being killed, among other issues are quite showing of how it all began.

If the “Bloody Assad regime” didn’t prove as resilient as it apparently is, the entire Syrian territory would be in a state of constant chaos, under a terrorist threat, with both ISIS and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, among many other militant groups attempting to consolidate power over a larger piece of the country. There would be no actual statehood, similarly to what was happening in Libya when the “revolution” won and Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar’s forces are currently attempting to reverse the results.

Meanwhile, on the 9th anniversary of the beginning of the attempts of the US to carry out a regime change in Syria, Russia and Turkey began their joint patrols along the M4 highway.

Russia’s Defense Ministry said Turkey and Russia carried out their first joint patrol mission along the M4 highway, adding that “the patrols’ route was shortened” after militants used women and children to block the way.

Ankara has been given additional time to ensure the safety of troops taking part in joint patrols, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

Syrian “opposition activists” said residents blocked the highway with burning tires near the village of Nairab on the southern edge of Idlib in rejection to patrols by “Russian occupation forces.”

On March 14th, The Idlib offices of the humanitarian Syrian Arab Red Crescent group were ransacked by the al-Qaida-linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.

The United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross condemned the offices’ takeover, saying items were stolen or destroyed while Red Crescent members were detained and harassed.

“Activists” in Idlib quoted a statement of the so-called Salvation Government, an arm of HTS, as saying the move against the Red Crescent was because of corruption among its members.


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Fatty McFat-Fat speaks!


Please God he gets COVID

Zionism = EVIL

We can only hope, but I am firm believer in karma.


It can take 50 years but it’ll always come

Lone Ranger

While Pompeo is a piece of trash, you should never ask God to put harm on anybody.


Point taken


Dude, Pompeo puts harm on people


So let us not be like Pompeo then.


Why does he get a free pass?


His free pass will expire soon.

Karen Bartlett

He doesn’t. Pompeo’s going to hell.


How do you know? Hell does not exist, nor does paradise. So he needs to pay while he’s around.

Karen Bartlett

How do you know?


Nobody has provided any evidence, neither the scientists nor the Church.

So, tell me, how do you know they exist.

Karen Bartlett

Because when I was younger, after being an atheist for three years, and nearly ruining my life, I told God that I would chance it and believe in Him. But i”d only believe about Him what He caused me to know was true. I would not believe any preacher or priest. He started showing me His presence in my life (He took me at my word), and I started having dreams about Him. I still do. And He’s very kind.

Paranam Kid

I am happy you were able to put your life together, and wish to enjoy the fruits of that for many years to come. Signed: FH ;-)

Karen Bartlett

Well, thank you!

Occam's Razor

Good thing we have you here to explain it to us… after god explained it to you.?

hore ten

Be a better man than mike.


A snake in the grass is better than Pompous Pompeo :)


It’s pretty safe to ask god because god does not exist.

Lone Ranger

Yes He Does.


What makes you say that?

Lone Ranger

We are here arent we. Nothing gets created out of nothing. Especially not fine tuned complex systems like the Univers or life forms. There are no atheists on a falling plane…


Who says we got created out of nothing? Ever heard of the Big Bang (no, I don’t mean a gang bang) and evolution?

As for there being no atheists on a falling plane: how do you know? Have you been on every falling plane?

Lone Ranger

What was before the Big Bang? Like I said nothing gets created out of nothing. Why is cosmology, physical laws, and quantum physics fine tuned? I dont believe in evolution. Life forms can adapt to a certain point but complex systems wont form out of nothing. They calculated that even in case of a simple protein not even a DNA the chance that it would randomly create itself is 1 to 200million, thats like winning the lottery 4 times in a row. It simply wont happen. And we ade only at protein level, no DNA, no cell, no complex life form… People who say everything is just by coincidence either lying or dont know what they are talking about. Trust me in a time of need nobody is an atheist. Most atheists belive in God they are only angry at Him for childish reasons. Look up fine tuned Universe, also look up holographic Universe. Have a nice day.


Of course you don’t believe in evolution since it runs counter to the fairy stories you believe in.

Trust me in a time of need nobody is an atheist.

Who are you to tell me who to trust, esp. someone whose comments show he believes in fairy tales instead of in science?

There is no god, there is no proof there is a god other than the bible, written by a bunch of pot-smoking village elders who were looking to fill their empty time while waiting for death. Throughout the centuries their stories were manipulated and changed numerous times by their successors for various reasons, incl. political ones.

So yes, continue having your wet dreams about your fairy tale and that paradise waiting to receive you. I hope you’ll be let in and that there is enough space after so many billions of people applied and were let in.

Goodbye cowboy, and don’t forget to put in a good word for a sinner like me. LOL.

Lone Ranger

I will pray for you. God Bless.


Many thanks. When we finally meet in paradise we can shake hands and have a beer together, or don’t they have bars there? Never mind, you have not been there either so you cannot tell me.

Occam's Razor

Life is cruel sport for whatever maker you wish to believe in.

Zionism = EVIL

Wait till the corona chaos hits the moronic gun toting Jew spooked Americunt ignorant arseholes. Mazal Tov!

In Exile

We are under the thumb of the Jew make no mistake but their grip is weakening.

klove and light

spot on

Lone Ranger

“We lied, we stole, we cheated” Mike “dirtbag”Pompeo 2018

klove and light

sooner or later……it will be the 99% Screaming ” we hanged the jew, we burned the jew, we scattered the ashes”


cowardly bigot.


Normal political USA behavior.

Saso Mange

That broken narrative.

Simon Ndiritu

Such nonsense can only be expected from a 13-year-old retarded kid. What is wrong with westerners nowadays?? If Pompeo represents their ‘brightest’ how are the rest??

klove and light

all These Folks in “higher” positions are either Born zionists ie. zuckerberg or jared kuschner or Bernanke or harvey Weinstein etc……..or are blackmailed by zionism , most of times due to sexual Habits ie.. small Kids…………………………………….Modus Operandi of satanic zionism

best example ofcourse jeffrey epstein…….he literally helped zionism Blackmail hundreds!!


epstein was probably the best sting operation ever and the friggin jews got them, te elite, over the barrel and dictated the terms and conditions for a continued happy life.

Karen Bartlett

He was appointed, not elected. But that may not be saying much, either. The elected ones are full of lies before election and after…are full of lies.


All it takes is one stupid move from Iran against us from Syria, and the IDF will crush both the SAA and IRGC in an all out war. Gantz today can officially start forming a new government and remove Bibi, now it’s only up to him to decide when to do it. traitorous Bibi goes to court and then to jail, afer we finish dealing with the virus outbreak, we will start teaching our enemies a good lesson, Gaza first.


The destroyed merkava tanks in lebanon along with hizbollah fighters disagree. You can’t even defeat the cowardly Hamas, how are you gonna fight an army that defeated terrorist organizations that were directly supported by 3 continents? Do you live in a separated world?


Hamas will stop their rockets and obey us like a good dog, or we will wipe them all out in Gaza with Thermobaric munitions. They have no where to escape and will be roasted, if Hezbollah makes any move while we deal with the terrorists, then we will make sure Lebanon will be vaporized too. Mercy time is over Arab, we are coming to deal with you the proper way.


Yea sure LOL. Still can’t forget how the same things were said in 2006, and how it turned out LOL.


On 12 September, former defense minister Moshe Arens spoke of “the defeat of Israel” in calling for a state committee of inquiry. He said that Israel had lost “to a very small group of people, 5,000 Hezbollah fighters, which should have been no match at all for the IDF”, and stated that the conflict could have “some very fateful consequences for the future.” Disclosing his intent to shortly resign, Brigadier General Ilan Harari, the IDF’s chief education officer, stated at a conference of senior IDF officers that Israel lost the war, becoming the first senior active duty officer to publicly state such an opinion.

IDF Major General Yiftah Ron-Tal, on 4 October 2006 became the second and highest ranking serving officer to express his opinion saying that the IDF failed “to win the day in the battle against Hezbollah” and said on Israel Radio:

“We did not win this war, and it is proper that those who directed it should take responsibility”.

cechas vodobenikov

obvious—hizbollah humiliated Israel in 2006….candy cane zion resembles an ugly girl…seeking attention w bombastic (self loathing narcissism) nonsense


Go take your meds dude, IDF don’t scare nobody


We don’t need to scare anyone, we just need to do what we do best, i.e killing terrorists.

good american

Pretty sad that children scare you

Karen Bartlett

Israelis ARE the terrorists.

Simon Ndiritu

You sound crazy bro, you over simplify things which may indicate the shallowness of your understanding. You have been telling us that Gantz will form the government for the last several months while all indications are that your cousin bibi may die in power like Mugabe. You also assume that IDF can fight and win across the region which has no plausible basis especially after the little expedition in southern Lebanon in 2006. Your mighty US may crumble under its failing financial markets before firing a single round at IRGC, which has illustrated that it can react to every US, UK move. You need to be more analytical at least to uphold the intellectual nature of this site.

Zionism = EVIL

You are trying to engage with a Jew PUNK who lives in mommy’s basement and has warrior wanking fantasies. He is quite funny.

Simon Ndiritu

The Guy is openly delusional, for whichever reason. I admit it is of no use reasoning with him


I tend to be very direct, maybe I should post a link from today: https://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/Gantz-arrives-at-Presidents-House-to-receive-mandate-to-form-govt-621147 If he succeeds (I’m sure he will) to remove Bibi, then everything you wrote above will be put to the test. I for one, sure hope he orders an operation to crush Hamas for good.


fuck off jew – jews are not required in today’s world and thus the world will be grateful when you all, like lames jones congregation in 1980, suicide yourself out of existence.

Zionism = EVIL

Jew PUNK lol

klove and light

pompeo fucks small Boys.like so many men in high positions in the USA..best example is lindsey graham…he is getting blackmailed for decades by zionists….that he is fucking small Boys aint even a secret in congress no more…..when bibi says “jump”..lindsey asks ” how high master?”


sure some of the people went out on the streets told by the yankeecunts to do so, but most stayed home and did not listen to the siren calls of the white house and where are we today – the white house is continuing to cause distress to the syrian people and will do its utmost to keep the country in a permanent state of misery and starvation and no healthcare. no shame in the white house or pentagon or cia. just the usual corrupt criminals feathering their own nests.

Karen Bartlett

Yep, yep and yep.

Rob Centros

Pompeo is a fat-ass puke. It’ll be a red-letter day when this greedy moron chokes on his own lying bullshit.

Boameooo Services

Everything that is not going well with USA, is it caused by Putin.

Have you asked yourself, how did you get here ?

So if Putin or Russia was doing things that was NOT in the interest of their people (Russians), then that will be what the USA wants or will deem good for it.

Well, how does this logic progress the USA. ????????

If you keep blaming others of problems you have, when are you going to pay attention to your issues. ??

Out of the many issues that USA has, let me just ask one question

How much money are you going to spend on policing the World, I believe over 700 billion and it is Putin who is asking the US Congress to approve that money to be wasted ??

Where has the ONLY IF policy taken the USA.

1. Only if, Putin is not the leader of Russia, the USA will be heaven on Earth

2. Only if, Saddam Hussein is out of power Irak and Irakiers will be heaven on earth

3. Only if, Taliban is out of power, Afgans will be doing great.

4. Only if, Iran is this or that, the world will be god knows what

5. Only if, the Hutis of Yemen are ????, then this, this, this

6. Only if , we stop North Stream Two, then we Europeans will have energy security

7. Only if there is change of government in Ukraine, then they will have the standard of living like Western Europe

8. Only if , Assad is gone, Syria will be who knows what,

9. Only if Trump is not President, the USA will be, who know what.

10. Only if Huawei 5G is not developed, the world will have the greatest and safest other, alternative

Everything is ONLY IF this or that is not the issue, then everything else will be just fine.

Well good luck with ONLY IF, rather than solving once own issues.

God Bless USA.


Dude, the US is the most barbaric country in history. Imagine how the rest of the world will treat it once that power is taken away


It will be the kindest to treat the US like a Leper colony I think. :)


Georges Clémenceau:

“America is the only nation in history which miraculously has gone directly from barbarism to decadence without the usual interval of civilization”.

cechas vodobenikov

William Appleman Williams demonstrated that amerikans have always blamed others for their own failings…the British anthropologist, Geoffrey Gorer: amerikan parents lie to their children—their children lie to their parents…it’s expected” found tat amerikans invariably take credit for their successes, but always blame external forces for their failures…nothing changes in the USa

Simon Ndiritu

You already demonstrated their issue well, its narcissistic binary thinking. Their mind can only accommodate 2 options


Mike Pompeo doing his job. By the way, all of them, the whole lot is garbage

Karen Bartlett

Totally agreed.


No, it’s not his job, it’s his hobby.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikans, like their leaders and diplomats r becoming less competent, more childish, more stupid…something observed in all collapsing empires


Very true.

AM Hants

No doubt he is competing with Albright for the ‘Nobel Genocide Cheerleader Award’

Albright who thought the deaths of 500,000 babies, toddlers and children was well worth the price. There again, what would you expect from a ‘Planned Parenthood, full term abortion’ supporter?

How many have been slaughtered in Syria, to keep Pompeo happy?

How many Christians in Syria were first in the genocide queue, Pompeo supports?

Is Pompeo a dual citizen politician?

Karen Bartlett

Evangelical “Christian”.


Jew ?

Karen Bartlett

No, I think Pompeo is an Italian name. Probably far removed from his Italian roots. But he’s an evangelical “Christian”, hence a Zionist.


OK, Thanks.


Far from his Italian roots, maybe, but very close to his Mafia roots.


Pompous is a Zionist Evangelical Christian, as is Pence as well. A wannabe jew.

AM Hants

Wondered if Pompeo was Christian, in the Blair variety, or dual personality. Knew Pence was a satanist singing from the Christian hymn sheet.

For some reason, I always muddle photos of Pompeo up with recent images of Harvey Weinstein. Now with the zimmerframe included, I just can’t take Pompeo seriously. Apart from him being a good advert for the GM food industry.


I don’t know if he is a wannabe Jew: remember, Jews will be destroyed when the Messiah returns, or so e believes.


Congratufknations cia wankers! How does it feel to be smashed out of european oil market mr 100% fkn well never,ever fekn cia vulture! CIA HAS AIDS!



Poor fatass cia poompeow,wont be using that pitchfork for a long while hey,fk no!

Karen Bartlett

I guess that guy on the left (Sponge Bob) has a square butt. Hahahahahahaha!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Yet the Syrian state is still in tact you fat worthless piece of skin Pompeo.

Karen Bartlett

Pompeo: piece of trash showing his true “colors”.


Pompeo is a bloody war criminal

chris chuba

9 yrs ago there weren’t even accusations of ‘barrel bombs, airstrikes, and chemical weapons attacks’ until the Gulf States, Turkey, Israel, and the EU declared an illegal war against the Syrian people.

Karen Bartlett




Dušan Mirić

Great statesman. Pyroman.


Cut of Pompeo’s fat arse as well. It would stop him thinking.



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