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MARCH 2025

Militant Groups’ Commanders And Turkish Officials Discuss Idlib Future In Ankara

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Militant Groups' Commanders And Turkish Officials Discuss Idlib Future In Ankara

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On July 29, representatives of several armed groups in the Syrian governorate of Idlib met with Turkish officials in the Turkish capital of Ankara to discuss the future of the northern governorate, according to the Syrian news outlet Enab Baladi.

One of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) commanders who attended the meeting told the pro-opposition news outlet that the meeting was held upon the request of Turkey. The commander added that the representatives of the armed groups will attend the upcoming Sochi summit, which will be held on July 30 and 31.

Few hours ago, Syrian opposition sources reported that the biggest armed groups in Idlib have united forces and formed a new operations room to fend off any possible attack of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies on the governorate.

Earlier this week, Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad told Russian journalists that the next target of the SAA will be the radical groups in Idlib. Furthermore, opposition activists claim that the SAA is already massing its forces in northern Lattakia and southwestern Aleppo.

Local observers believe that the fate of Idlib will be determined during Sochi summit. Some of the topics which will be discussed during the summit are the status of the key highways and the fate of the radical groups and foreign fighters in the governorate.

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If Erdogan lonely attack on SDF, PKK etc. So this could create problem for Turkey itself.

If Erdogan invade Syria, then all Syrian and allied forces will move towards North due to which a vacuum can generate in South Syria which the US proxies Israel could easily fill as ISIS. Then it could means that Erdogan fight for greater Israel.

As a good, wise neighbour and as a good Muslim Erdogan can play fairly by joining Assad government and then they can expel foreign troops and terrorists from Syria. A strong and a happy Syria is the need of Turkey itself.

Feudalism Victory

Turkey did invade syria currently occupying territory.

Turkey and israel are obvious allies against syria.

Question is can turkey work with syria and its russian ally to guard against kurdish separtists operating outside Turkey?


I know Erdogan intention. He wants to save Syria from US forces and from their proxies but on other side he cannot stop logestic facilities to US and NATO forces for F-35 junk fighters. US have convinced Erdogan that F-35 is a very good fighter but keep it away from S-400. LOL.

S-400 air defence system is much cheaper than F-35. I myself prefer SU-57 fighter jet. On one F-35 Turkey can easily buy one SU-57 and S-400 together from Russia.

Feudalism Victory

Its doubtful turkish proxies are any better.

So does Turkey intend to aid Russian diplomacy or will he fight in idlib?

New Israel is Muslim

Putin’s diplomacy is keeping FUKUS bases in Syria and having the Kurds be autonomous as the Kurds in Iraq, and Putin is for Assad being as weak and disorganized and decentralized as Iraq. Ripe for take over by Israhell.

Erdogan even though an enemy of Assad is much better than Putinsteinowitz.


ISIS, Al-Qaeda, White Helmits and SDF are US, UK, and Israelis. SAA, Russia, Palestine and allies burning them in Syria.

Feudalism Victory

So since you know erdogans intentions what does he intend with idlib? Fight or betrayal and evacuation?


Erdogan is a genius leader. He knows better what is good for Syrian nation because Syria is a baby of Turkey.

Feudalism Victory

Lol what an equivocal answer! To be fair I dont know either.

Seems to me has 2 choices. Go with putins offer of development and indepdence with s400s natural gas pipelines and nuclear reactors.

Or the us offer of empire(im sure they intend to give the sdfs territory to him if he rejects the russian offer) and further rich territories in iraqi kurdistan.

Which is the smart and responble decision? Should be development. But he may be too egotistical to take it.


I personally believe the Idlib will stay and prosper. But there are idiots assasinating people and again trying to stir up conflict between muslims. Somebody really dont want peace. Maybe the Bashar or Iranian mercenaries are trying to spike up violence in order to justify another bloody massacre?

Feudalism Victory

No more justification is necessary to massacre the foreign jihadis running loose in idlib as witnessed by the latest atrocity in suwayda.


If Erdogan wants to develop and prosper his country then he will join Russia and Syria

and if he wants to destroy his country then the US and UK option is available.

Ahmet Karaca

The smartest decision for the Americans is stop threatening Turkey. It will have an opposite reaction then wat you may accept . President Erdoğan has chosen long ago for the Putin card . If anything, the US must do damage control because now you’re president is on a path that will drive president Erdoğan right into president Putins arms . I thought you where smarter but I might be wrong …

New Israel is Muslim

The Shia are the best at fighting against the jew. It is up to Erdogan to ally himself with the Shia resisting jewish occupation of Northern Middle East. The Sunnis in the South are all jew worshipers. Saudis, Emirates, Jordan and Egypt especially.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes hasbara we hear you. any thing else moronic ideas you want to share with us?


Till now I have 12 ‘this user is blocked’ in my view of this page, it’s beautiful and a great economy of mind. What matters, if they go to Sochi it’s because they want to negociate, in 48 h. we will see what came out of there.

Feudalism Victory

Economy of mind or close mindedness? I dont block anybody anywhere. Makes me think of twitter and its shadow blocking. Sad!


Good night Feudalism, in this case, the joy of one it’s the sadness of the other, sorry, but I can’t help it, on the other hand it’s a person wright to don’t waste its own time.

Feudalism Victory

Well far be it from me to tell you you who to listen to! Carry on good sir.

New Israel is Muslim

Turkey is making TAI stealth fighters to be introduced in the mid-2020s.

John Whitehot

except that in mid 2020 not even a fly will be “stealth”, since today is already like that mostly.


To be honest TAI fighter jet will be better than F-35 and F-22.

Ahmet Karaca


New Israel is Muslim

Erdogan is more vocal on being a jew hater than Assad. Next.

Feudalism Victory

Talk is cheap. The essense of trickery is distraction.

Look here! Do something else when the target is looking.

His actions are of a partner with Israel in Syrias dismemberment. I offer no moralizing about it its an observation.

New Israel is Muslim

Assad and Putin are willing to split up Syria between jewamerica/PKK and Assad with a weak decentralized government. That is the plan Putin is putting forward.

Feudalism Victory

Assad has rejected a federal or decentralized structure. Putin has insisted on a politcal resolution to the war and for all foreign forces except those invited by the legitimate internationally recognized government to leave.

So no thats not the plan put forward. If it was he couldve just let syria die and work with a rump state in latakia for an air and naval base.

The kurds are allied with israel because it seems arabs and turks want to kill them and erase their culture. Doesnt mean theyre zionists just allies of necessity.

Promitheas Apollonious

you are wrong about the kurds and their intentions or motives.

Feudalism Victory

That is possible. I reserve the right to change my mind pending new evidence.

New Israel is Muslim

you have no clue what you are talking about if you don’t already know that nearly every kurd is a zionist, a lover of Israhell and a lover of the jew.

Putin can’t kick out FUKUS terrorist camps. Erdogan’s proxies can.

The SDF aren’t budging until they have their autonomous region in Syria and Assad is a weak leader.

Feudalism Victory

The sdf is a bargaining chip to be cashed in when its profitable. Given their talks with assads government in damascus Id say theyre wise to it.

Erodgan promised to take manjib and stopped when the US refused to step aside. So id say theyre as impotent as the russians(and the rest of the world) to force the us military to move.

I will say that I dont know the motive of almost every kurd(or personally any). My opinions are a composite of what ive read on the internet and seen on the news so they could very well be treacherous liars and cravenly beholden to foreign powers. Certainly they arent very loyal to their host states that rule them but Id say there hasnt been much reason for their loyalty to be earned.

New Israel is Muslim

Visit any discussion forum where jews and kurds post. Where there is any kurds, there is a jewish best friend of that kurd, and they tell the jew they are supporters of Israhell.

Kurds are creepy as heck.

There is no wonder why the kurd is the last group in Syria allied with FUKUS.

Assad better watch out, for each kurd is the arm of the IDF.

Ahmet Karaca

Turks are present in Menbic as we speak …It was the US who came with a road map to evacuate the Kurds from Menbic…It was again the US who wanted to work together with us ….Anyhow the last words are not said yet on this issue by the Turks…You will back off from Menbic with your proxy Kurds weither you like it or not.

Ahmet Karaca


Promitheas Apollonious

yes thieves are always louder and more vocal than others, take as example the zionist cousins of the turks, who prefer to let deeds and action, do the talking for them.

Ahmet Karaca

Stupid Greek its fucking the Turks who where the first to offer help in your ancestors country .You call us thieves? On whom or wat are you counting on ? I will learn you something of history: When the Turks wage war , then they will take the devil pow in hell.Quote from Djengiz Khan . So when its commes to a war , do you not realize that we can crush you into kingdom come ? You all are the poorest country in the EU ….But anyhow we will take back all the islands before our coastline…Wait and see ???

Promitheas Apollonious

You have the most worthless army I have ever fight against turk. You also have a jew queer founder and always been kind of slow and stupid. As for the islands are there try and get them and we see what happens.

Feudalism Victory

Its one thing to defend the shores and the mountains. Let the turkish army try to control the seas and skies thats different indeed.

The west stands behind greece 100%.

Promitheas Apollonious

not really. The west is the one who created, all the problems Greece has and especially uk/us and germany but that is another story. I am not referring to the population of the countries but their governments. Same ones who created the problem for syria.

What goes around comes around and it will soon.

Feudalism Victory

Well 100% in a military conflict vs turkey.

Feudalism Victory

Free constantinople!

Ahmet Karaca


Ahmet Karaca

Stop arming them for starters….

Ahmet Karaca

We plan to expel you all .But then again ,you are no stranger to run when the shit hits the fan ….Look to Afganistan. It seems you all can’t even win from a handfull poor shepherds.And then you want to measure up the size of 2 army in NATO??? Spoken of Nato, their was never such a anti-American sentiment in Turkey. Be anyhow prepared to leave Turkey completely, all your 28 NATO bases together. You will say in due time “There was a Turk on internet who predicted this….”.Americans are getting lonely and lonelier as the times pass.We Turks have allies in Syria: Iran , RUSSIA, FSA , The Türkmenfigters. Like you all think to your interests, so do we . When you are not leaving when nicely asked prepare for a never ending war .Don’t think that you are alone with nukes…Or drones…Or any kind of weapon…We are no Arab’s . You mess with us ,we will destroy you all believe me!

David BlackBeard

hahahah u turkish bitch , you say turks have allies in Syria like Russia for exampel , fuck your goatmama , fuck your turkish backstabbing cunt nation … tell me pls from which Allies turks are currently trying to occupie territory ? which allied jet was dowed by cunt turkish ppl ?

Gregory Casey

Downed by Turkmen in NW Syria!!

David BlackBeard

Su24 bomber was downed by F16 of turkish airforce … 1 pilot was killed by turkmen in the air after both pilots ejected from the jet . Su25 was downed from the ground and the responsibilty for iT took HTS

Mustafa Mehmet

fuck you to cunt . low mind person. know s nothing but. Using bad language screw you fuck off moron

David BlackBeard

look mustafa braindead goatfucker …. I’m using bad language because of cunts like you !!! when your brother also goatfucker ahmet karaca , said u turks have allies I asked 2 questions but your motherfucker goatdicksucker brother didnt answer me .. so I’m gonna ask u , how do u want ME to use good language against turks , when u try to occupy territory of the neighbor , when u turks say Russia is our friend and allie and u shoot russian jet .. when u turks say ” we will fight terrorist ” and u fight only kurds … how can people speak and use good language , when Idlib is full of HTS terrorist and u turks do nothing about it and even more trying to safe them … tell me u turkish son of filthy bitch , HOW WE PEOPLE SHOULD USE GOOD LANGUAGE AGAINST turks ?

Mustafa Mehmet

Okay when the time comes you will find out. You think Iran or Hesbollah or Russia Dying for Syria?for nothing all up to Grab something all that. ban language you use.im sending back to yo . Keep your woman’s away from Turk ?

David BlackBeard

yeap , like I expected , sneaky turkish bastard .. I wasnt talking about Iran , hezbolah or russians …Hezbollah doesnt say turks are our friends and then shoot turks .. Iran doesnt say turks are our friends and then shoot them in the back … russia doesnt say turks are our friends and shoot turks in the back …but turks say , russia is friens / allie and then shoot in the back … my point is and I think everyone knows , turks can not be trusted , turks are nation of sneaky traitors . russia is in Syria to bomb terrorist ( also Assad asked russians for help ) and have base in tartus and hmeimim to counter us/nato . Iran and hezbollah are also in Syria because Assad asked them for help and Iran is there to counter israel … and yeah I’m not russian , or iranian or syrian and my girlfriens is clean she keeps herself away from dirt nations like turks )))))

Mustafa Mehmet

yeah yeah dirty filfy cunt. go and wash your foaming mouth Greek bastard .i don’t give a shit about israil .but you can do fuck all about Jew Carry on chewing gum moron

David BlackBeard

haha turkish cunt , I’m not greek )))))) u are just dude to stupid to even understand a logic ))) go shave your moms mustache turkish cunt ))))

Mustafa Mehmet

you act like them,jelly brain go on put your lipstick ? on do not forget black suspenders and red shoes ?

David BlackBeard

is it your sisters outfit ?))) does she also has a mustache like your mama ?

Ahmet Karaca


Ahmet Karaca

That’s so easy and cheap to post things under a pseudonym…Go study a bit more then perhaps you will have the balls to post things under your proper name. Do you in fact now who is your father ? Because with all the shit going on in your country … No ones nows who is fucking who …That’s the result of going thru life without any culture then mass consumption…I pitty you ,because you all have the most poor people living on the streets in the developped world .In my country, I’m not looking only for my own poors but I help refugees for over 33 milyard dollars also … When their is one country that may intervene in Syria that’s us , the Turks…Everywhere where we commes ,the locals say ” What did you all took so long before you came?” You must realize that history itself calls Turkey back to its hinterland…

David BlackBeard

hahahahahahahhahaha my name is David … and Blackbeard was a pirat , he got his nichname because of his relativly black beard … so if I let my beard grow it will also be relativly black and thatts why i’m here David blackbeard , its my choice to name myself here like I want and I dont even give tiny rats ass about your ctying about my name bitch )) I know who my father is , but do u even know which goat is your mother ?)))) so u turks Mongoloids doesnt even that middle east is not even your hinterland , because u are to stupid to know that ))) u have to go back little bit farther to east , where mongols live … that area is your turkish crap hinterland u fucking nomad )))

Ahmet Karaca

Anyhow keep her away from the Turk with his big cock …Otherwise you will find her back in Istanbul ????

David BlackBeard

only turkish whore are in istanbul ))) your sister is proud to represent whores )))

Ahmet Karaca

You ignorant basterd with no sense of any culture …All you can do is insult people instead of coming with true , inherently answers. Yes we did down a Russian jet but the people behind it where afterwards discovered to be Fethullah Gülen traitor members. You now the guy that you love to harbor? But the times are changing fast. Russia does not only sell S400 high altitude defense system ( american system seems like toys besides it).But they will together produce for the all ready waiting country’s all the S400 systems in Turkey. As far it goes about backstabbing, why do you arm my enemy ? Why will you never sell to me a fucking 2 drones when I ‘ve needed them? Who is backstabbing who ? So clean up your language or I will decent to your level to answer you like you deserve…You are arming with 4000 thousand trucks of armament to my enemy and I ‘m the backstabber? You are really ignorent or you’re stupid and that’s not your fault. Perhaps God made you without some necessary screws…The way you talk ….

David BlackBeard

what kind of truth u son of cunt ? how do u want me to not insult u when your gaydogan said , we defend our country bla bla bla thats why we downed russian jet , that wasnt attacking your cunt country and had no ammo on it , because they used it up on terrorist u son of cunt and ofcours gullen is problem lol so son of bastard goat when you say ” you arm my enemy ” ” you – Russians ” and ”my enemy – Kurds ” ? did I understand that correctly ? and If I understand it correctly I hope your fucking mother dies from cancer in pain … because 1. I’m not Russian .. 2. Russians aren’t arming kurds . 3. u have to cry about arming kurds in washington , because they are the one who gathered so called coalition to fight ISIS and support SDF , so u turkish stupid cunt , use fucking google , search it up and u will see how many convoys with arms with american flags on the trucks entered Syria that is being controled by SDF … stupid son of cunt ..


OK Benjanyahu.


Benjanyahu: US and NATO both are evils.

Ahmet Karaca

Rob we don’t need anything from you at least of all advise…We are protecting legally our interests in Syria. For Turkey, this problem becomes a survival issue…So we will act accordingly. Like president Erdoğan says : one day or night you will find us above you all.


Are you benjanyahu here.


PKK and SDF in Syria are using supply and logistic routes through Turkey.

If Erdogan don’t like PKK and SDF then stops these supply routes to PKK and SDF then just with in two months entire occupied Syria can be liberated from US and NATO forces. Blockade them as they have blockade Palestinians and have butchered millions of civilians.

In alliance with US Pakistan has lost 75,000 innocent civilians and US$120 Billions. Obama had wanted to invade Pakistan but China and Russia saved them.


Rumors are reporting that Jaysh Al Fatah is coming back for the Final Showdown!

Ahmet Karaca

Dream on Johnny. It’s the fucking USA who arms those terrorists…Do not sell lies….

Gregory Casey

As Militant Groups’ Commanders And Turkish Officials Discuss Idlib Future In Ankara does this mean Herr Erdogan is about to pull back from Syria? Has Putin ordered his pull-out? Good Idea to retreat methinks & avoid & Turkish bloodbath!!

Ahmet Karaca

Don’t let me laugh…Wat about the American bloodbath….Do you really think that we will allow a Kurdish state at our Southern borders?! Dream on Texas boy….

Gregory Casey

Texas? Last time I looked out my windows this evening, I was looking at the wild North Atlantic!

leon mc pilibin

No terrorists of any description allowed in Syria.leave or be driven out..its very simple.

New Israel is Muslim

Would that include the worst of the worst terrorists:


There are FUKUS terrorist camps all over Northeast Syria. These are worse than ISIS head choppers.

You can call me Al

Their time is coming. Keep the faith.


Their nemesis will come in the fullness of time :)


If erdogan want to save all those filth of terror he can get them in Turkey and give them place there.


Filth of terror? There are no terrorists, even if they are from ISIS does it matter? As long as they dont behead and kill people they are fine. https://youtu.be/78qMIv5HbfE?t=18s https://youtu.be/xt760OW5Jrc?t=40s

Samuel Boas

Does it matter??? Is that a joke? FSA and their little friends are terrorists and need to be destroyed, all of them.


You destroyed enough, there is no need to destroy more. Go destroy yourself instead.

Michał Hunicz

SF should finally ban people providing BLATANT examples of Al-Qaeda and even Daesh propaganda (I mean these guys whose profile pics are with Daesh flags, Baghdadi and send links to propaganda videos or texts).


Where are daesh flags and baghdadi? If you mean the nasheed in the first video, its not original ISIS nasheed but modified one (Ya Junud Al Haqq Haya).


I’d find it more fascinating if anything cuz.


More than a few of them have been deleted in the past month. Or was is just a couple who where changing names? I think Tigrica is trying to tread a fine line here.


I think that most of us are erudite enough to see what these ISIS/Al Nusra Terror supporters are doing and when they become tedious, I just block them.

The followers of the US/UK narrative live in a bubble of lies, those of us who believe in reality that can be verified on the other hand need reference points that destroy the US/UK fantasies.

New Israel is Muslim

Shlomos filled the site with their ISISrahell propaganda. Let me tell you a true story. Back in the Lebanese War in the 80s, the jews massacred Palestinians by the thousands in a Palestinian camp in Lebanon. The world reacted to the mass murder/genocide of Palestinians in outrage.

The jews were taken back at the world reaction, so they tried to reassure the goyim telling them they meant no harm to the surrounding area and the campsite. They did not mean to have so many bullets lodged in buildings. If the buildings feelings were hurt, then the jew apologizes. The jew were only trying to massacre civilians and if the world felt sorry for the buildings, the jews accept responsibility and next time will sniper civilians like they do in Gaza.

From this massacre at the Palestinian camps, the jew decided to create Hasbara, a public relations organization whose mission is to get out whatever lies and distortion the jew wants to get out. This including jews with sockpuppets who say Allahu Akbar! and ISIS propaganda.

Yes, SF should ban all these jews that support Washington based terror groups like ISIS, Al Qaeda and the SDF.

New Israel is Muslim

If there enough world outcry against snippering civilians in Gaza, the jew will react.

“Oh vey, goyim, you told us we cannot machine gun Palestinian civilians by the thousands, so we snippered them, and now you are telling us we can’t sniper civlians in Gaza, gevalt! You will make us come up with a different way to kill Palestinians. We could line up Palestinians in front of the barrel of a tank and see how many the round goes through, is that ok goyim? is that approved? You make us poor suffering jews work so hard. And shells are expensive, there will be a bill charged to the families of the victims shot, they will pay for each round. We jews are persecuted everywhere we go.”

New Israel is Muslim

Proof jews demand compensation from victims they murder:



I know some people from FSA and they are nice people, even if ISIS calls them traitors.


‘I know some people from FSA…’

Did Israel treat wounded FSA/Nusra in your local Moshav-Yatziz public hospital? Seems very long drive from Golan. Still, guess all about demand and supply of available public wards…


Of course, all hospitals in Israel are now full of wounded Nusra soldiers.

New Israel is Muslim

The FSA are not the terrorists, the SDF are the terrorists and Assad may give them everything they want. When the FSA was allied with Washington they were terrorists by extension.

It it time for Erdogan to man up like these former FSA fighters and join Assad to defeat the real terrorists in the Northeast of Syria.


Ahmet Karaca

We will see whom destroys who big mauth…

Tudor Miron

Just look around Syria, Ahmet. If that didn’t teach you a lesson than that’s your problem.

Ahmet Karaca

That’s exactly teaches me the lesson to never ever thrust so called alies…Now for the moment we are for 70 % selfsufficiant about our defence needs. This figure will raise in the future ,not decline.We’ve asked for 2 (!) drones ,for years from our alies. The answer was ,the Senate does not approved it…But we have a old saying: bad neighbors will make from you a house owner…Now we produce several of good , strongly concurrently drones ( for 98 % made in Turkey)and do export them to our real allies. They’ve became the fear in the hearts of our enemy’s and the safety harbor of our friends…

Tudor Miron

Ahmet, I assume that you’re from Turkey. I’m from Russia. I assume when you mention allies you talk about US – right? I will say that US don’t have allies – only vassals.

Ahmet Karaca

Now my friend when I mention allieds I mean Russia not anything else .And I’m by the way not only Turkish. I’m a bipatride citizen of the world.Look at the friendship of our president’s. It’s a far cry from threatening Trump…We don’t care ,it’s their losses. ????


As long as……..you dream.

Ahmet Karaca

He does not dream , you ‘ll will run away , even Vietnam will be a walk in the park.

New Israel is Muslim

Turkey is too civilized to risk, Trump would turn every Turkish city into Hiroshima and Aleppo.

To piss off Trump, work with Assad in a better way than even Russia. Build a strong alliance with Assad and the jew will be:


Tudor Miron

Couple days ago you were actively advocating this terrorists rats beheading and killing people? What changed now?


I advocated beheading and killing people? No way.

Ahmet Karaca

Dont you worry about Erdoğan. Think rather whom you all supporting in Northern Syria. You come from the other side of the globe to make a non-existent Kurdish state? At my border ? When the shit hits the fan ,we will make no difference between foreign fighters ( American) and Kurdish terrorists. We will bury them all in the same pit. You shud worry about that not about Erdoğan…

New Israel is Muslim

use proxies, use proxies, use proxies.

Ahmet Karaca

We already develop nuclear energy sights with Russia. Our money is backed with gold ,more then you can imagine. The Turkish business men had losses over 200 trillion dollars cause of al this war making of a few rich Texas boys. We now there is a big struggle between the Evangelicals 110 million , against the rest of America 220 million. But Turkey will be the first beneficiary in building up Syria. When you start with throwing down allied goverments ( at least you all tried it ), you can expect a boomerang effect at your own soil …. Now the Turkstream energy proyects realized between Turkey and China will make that trains on this route will reach the EU in 11 days instead of a months long yourney on a ship

New Israel is Muslim

I am serious about Turkey going on the Gold Standard. But when you do only make it payable to Turkish citizens and only for deposits and withdrawals to banks. This would stop all jew manipulation.

Ahmet Karaca

Didn’t you hear what happened lately? President Maduro from Venezuela came with thousands of kilo’s gold to Turkey to let it be purified and certified for the global market . I believe he made a big deal with president Erdoğan to a win win situation. When country’s does not have any trust left with all your sanctions politics, this is what you get …


I love Turkish president Erdogan, he is charismatic leader of muslim world because of his support for the suppressed and lambasting of oppressors. May Allah protect Idlib and all people inside, bless Turkey and give them victory.

Ahmet Karaca

Thanks brother..

Feudalism Victory

To hell with isis and their supporters/enablers.

Go the new ottoman empire route at the end erdogan will be blowing his brains out in a bunker.


Well I am worry about Erdogan because he supports and supply a lot of Jihadists, and when Damascus said will go for Idlib then Erdogan starts to bark and defend them, he want to make Idlib Jihadi terror groups an Syrian National Army, WTF man. It is not Turkey it is Syria foreign country, what right he can afford to make national armies in Syria from the most filthy Jihadi terrorists like HTS-Al-Qaeda, if he is so concern about them he can take them inside Turkey and even add them on Turkish Army payroll. As for the Kurds who cares about them, they are like monkeys they don’t let the one branch until they get a grip on the other. When the US don’t need politics in Syria the Kurds are done, the US is there supporting them so for they to get a bigger peace of the cake.

Ahmet Karaca

As far as Idlib goes: Turkey does not want a second migration wave , simply because it can never handle another 3 millions more, from Idlib because their is more then 3 millions of inhabitants still living in Idlib. So we go where the problem is caused to deal with it. When this is Esad we will eliminate him with the same ease as we did in El bab , Afrin ,… Really we are no Arabs , you don’t want us as your enemy….


3 million are living in Idlib = really man was this something you said. LMAO now you make me laugh. Syria had 17 million people, but too many fled maybe more than 6-7 million which makes Syria today max 11-13 million people and you are saying that in Idlib are located 3 million people, c’mon man.

Mustafa Mehmet

send them back to Israel.

Ahmet Karaca

He already does … We have 4 million refugees…Howmuch you have : 1 or perhaps 2 …people to do your bidding…We are beeing hospitality people from far in history .My culture teaches me to help the people in need. Your sense of culture is jounger then the baklava’s that I eat as dessert.???

Rüdiger Preiss

The end of Idlibistan is near …

Ahmet Karaca

Do not sell cheap talks … Show some courage…You all are a lot of cheap talks and no fucking balls ?????

Manuel Flores Escobar

Erdogan only wants his Idlibistan dogs to be used as a metal meat vs Kurdish forces in case of offensive in East Syria like they did in Afrin!..nothing else!….of course all olive oil and wheat from idlib are for Turkish!

Ahmet Karaca

What did you think Speedy Gonzales?

Manuel Flores Escobar

I am not mexican stupid!..therefore i am thinking you are stupid beside terrorist…

Ahmet Karaca

Sorry you’re from US without a doubt from Colombian decent…But does your heart not bleed when you see your race , children, beeing separated from their own parents….?Their was a 6 year old who was raped in their camps. You now wat they said against the 6 year old girl? That it shud take it’s own “responsibility” so she would no more raped in the future…My God a 6 year old child…Shame on you and your racists politics America . I do have shame instead of you against this child…Basterds…

Manuel Flores Escobar

I am from Spain stupid again!

Feudalism Victory

Not every child with an adult is a parent. Human trafficers will pose as parents. So dont believe everything you read on the fake news media.


These terrorists can discuss whatever they want. SAA-Russia-Iran-Hezbolah will recover this land soon. Turkey is an invader country and must go back home. All terrorists in Idlib must be eliminated.

Ahmet Karaca

To start with the biggest of them all …. Why do you arm terrorists ypg or PKK? In our eye you are no longer a trustworthy ally. So go back from where you came from otherwise we will force you as back to America…


Here’s a good question. What country promoted death and destruction in Syria. With Jihadist and arms, money pouring in from the north? Hmm, it seems you are taking a long time with this question. :DDDD

Ahmet Karaca



OK, it was a multiple choice question. And who else? :)

Ahmet Karaca

Turkey will not rest until all traces of ypg,PKK and co.will be erased from our southern borders…When their is one country rightfully there ,then its Turkey. I even don’t mention the attack’s on soft target’s by the terror groups on civilians on Turkish soil. You will probably see it before I do , because I’m already old but be confident that there will be no one left there besides the original peoples whom are living in Turkey now as refugees…And we have all this shit to thank our “allied” friends…When you colobreathe with my enemy , you cannot be my friend, only my enemy no.1.

David BlackBeard

idlib is going to see some hardcore action no matter what this goatfuckers discus in turkistan … Hmeimim airbase gets targeted by UAVs from idlib , so Russia will make them pay for those attacks … turks doesnt want to see SAA / Russia / Iran / Hezbollah getting in action in idlib , but they were to stupid … they gave green light to those goatfuckers to attack russian airbase … thats a big mistake … RUSSIANS should say , to make SURE that our airbase stays safe from attacks WE WILL CLEAN Idlib .

Ahmet Karaca

This goatfucker will proudly fuck you to when the times comes ,shithead …

David BlackBeard

thx turkish cunt , thx for admiting that your pathetic nation is goatfucker nation ….. good goatboy )))


Seems to me that we have a former subject here with a deep inferiority complex hiding under an Anglo Saxon name.

Ahmet Karaca

Sencer brother , it’s the same old song when cornered by good argument’s then they start insulting people . What did you expect from a nation without decent culture and history…All they now is killing and destroying…But this politics makes them the most lonely country ( besides their masters the Zionists) on the planet . Other country’s see also what’s happening… When you trade or anyhow get contact with American’s, you get at least robbed from everything. After the luthing they will bomb you to kingdom comes…We saw this to much to ignored it.And now were talking the same language with them like they do to less fortunate states.

Carol Davidek-Waller

Turkey does not get to decide what happens on Syrian land. New terrorist mercenaries and old who have not yet killed each other will be given the choice to surrender or be destroyed.

Gregory Casey

I absolutely agree with you!!

Ahmet Karaca

Turkey does not get to decide ? Who is then , is it you that has 4 milyon refugees , the decider smart lady ? Explain it to me because I’m ilettered on those subjects ????


idlib full of bastards…..backed by bastard country number 1 turkey…..a land full of pigs that dont eat pig.


Ahmet Karaca

You even do not have the balls to put comments with your own name potcracker2588 … We don’t eat pigs but you all do not like something else then pigs…Who is here then the daddy of pigs ????

Richard M

Video of the conference has just been released! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8A6V40LLrI

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