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Militants Are In Panic As Syrian Army Mobilizes Forces Near Al-Ghab Plains

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Militants Are In Panic As Syrian Army Mobilizes Forces Near Al-Ghab Plains

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is mobilizing its troops around the militants-held part of the al-Ghab Plains in Greater Idlib, the North Press Agency reported on December 22.

An unnamed source in the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL) told the agency that the army deployed new reinforcements in the Jurin camp and the town of Shat’ha in the northern part of al-Ghab Plains, as well as in the towns of Tangera, Amqiyah, and Shulin in their southern part.

“Syrian regime forces have been mobilizing for weeks in several areas in the al-Ghab Plains region,” the source said.

Earlier this year, the SAA and its allies liberated the southern and central parts of the al-Ghab Plains after a fierce battle with Turkish-backed militants.

The militants are now concerned by a possibility of the new SAA advance in the al-Ghab Plains. These worries are reinforced by the fact that Turkish forces maintain a very small presence in the region.

The NFL is not the only faction present in the al-Ghab Plains. Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the Turkistan Islamic Party and several other al-Qaeda-affiliated factions are active there.

Any SAA attack on al-Ghab Plains will likely be a part of a large-scale operation to reopen the M4 highway. The highway links the port city of Lattakia with Aleppo city, Syria’s industrial hub.

HTS, the leading force in Greater Idlib, is deeply concerned about a new attack on Greater Idlib. Fearing a full collapse, the terrorist group arrested on December 22 at least 20 people who were promoting the reconciliation with Damascus in the town of Ma’arrat Misrin.

The situation in Greater Idlib is far from being stable. Turkey’s failure to implement the March 5 agreement with Russia may soon force Syrian government forces to take matter into their own hands. The militants are clearly worried of a such development.


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Mr T

This time Russians and Iranians will not able to save you alawite army.

The Turks want revenge and round 2. They have improved their AD and drones… mass slaughter .


You’re drunk. Go to sleep

Laurent Parodi

Why don t you simply block people like him?

He who laughs last laughs best

Freedom of expression. You might not agree with what he says, but it’s his right to say it.

Laurent Parodi

He is not expressing an opinion he is spitting awful propaganda like a troll would do. I don’t want to waste any time with trolls. Trolls do not want do discuss they are just here to pollute the forum.

Black Waters

But we know that he’s spreading propaganda, the thing is… these CIA trolls and Ml6 cannot tricks us anymore, they may try new things, but the same tricks ain’t working, also, they are pretty obvious.

Laurent Parodi

True but just reading their shit makes me feel uncomfortable. Trying to debate with them is a waste of time because they will just ignore any thing you say. So I decided to block all the trolls. Trust me I have been enjoying the comment section a lot more since I started blocking them.

Black Waters

Well, that’s the point, it’s called psychological warfare, it shouldn’t make you uncomfortable because it’s complete nonsense what he says, but some people feel this way, my answer could be: be a man. Problem solve.

John Wallace

So do as I do , ignore it and go to the next comment then he has no influence .

Steve Standley

Yes. There are a number of resident trolls commenting on SouthFront works, and you’re right, there is no point in responding to ridiculous, unintelligible, and inflammatory remarks.

Porc Halal

Yes, it sounds nice looking from western perspective… but looking from muslimsperspective this is somethig alien, non-understandabe, from another planet…in his society, dominated by a fucked up ideology, “freedom of expresion” is forbiden , even considered as blasfematory

John Wallace

So by him being exposed to freedom of expression by answers too his comments teaches him that maybe there is another point of view or he drowns in his own bullshit.

Porc Halal

Correct, I did it long time ago in the case of this fucker…

John Wallace

What does blocking do. Nothing. All it does is prevent you from seeing what he wrote but everyone else can. What’s the point. Either don’t read it , ignore it or refute it. If you block all those you don’t agree with where does your ability too confirm what you think is correct is actually correct where all you read is exactly as you believe.

Laurent Parodi

I block trolls I do not block people who think differently and argue about it with an open mind. Talking to people with different opinions is interesting talking to trolls is not.

John Wallace

I was going to say fair enough but I see you have upvoted yourself :-( so I won’t bother.

Porc Halal

?? his fucked up ideology does not allow him to drink alcohol…he’s just another brain washed muslim …

Arman Melkonyan

NATO and America are backing Erdogan and the Turks. More importantly, so are Putin the Jew and the Russian goyim. This is a trap to kill more Syrians. http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2018/02/trump-putin-kosher-nostra.html?m=1


Putin is 100% russian orthodox,thus Get Thee Behind Me Satan,Jesus Is Lord:

Arman Melkonyan



Caylie Jordan





Obfuscated google URL being posted here! Be careful what you click.

The link above is NOT a google link, it leads to baidu.com. A Chinese site.

cechas vodobenikov

miss t sniffing gypsy arman

He who laughs last laughs best

Get the popcorn ready. The Turks cannot use the surprise effect like they did the last time….

Laurent Parodi

If a new operation will start it will depend on the air defense units the Syrian army will be able to deploy in that area. With enough tor and Pantsir the Syrian will be able to shield themselves from the drones. With the close air support provided by the russian air force (SU-34, SU-24 and SU-25) the Syrian should be able to make a breakthrough in a few days and gain more territory.


Pantsir and Tor need to be a part of an integrated air defense/surveillance system, along with electronic attack and countermeasure systems to negate drones and the guided artillery.

Laurent Parodi

Ideally yes but that is the main problem with Syrian air defense the lack of a real integrated air defense network. For perfection you could also add satellites and awacs. But we would be talking about the Russian air defense network not the Syrian.


Russia can provide an integrated air defense using the S400 platform along with NEBO M radar system. Pantsirs and Tors can be coordinated with long range radar to have a clearer definition of the threat.

Arman Melkonyan

Silly you are. Putin has been protecting the Muslim terrorists for years. Every time the Syrians were about to overwhelm them, Putin had the Jews or the Turks bomb and kill the Syrians. Prepare to watch more Syrians die for nothing. This is a trap set by Putin the Jew and Erdogan the Freemason tool.



Putin is 100% blooded russian orthodox,geta life!

Arman Melkonyan


Arch Bungle

Some crappy blog.

Arman Melkonyan

Why Putin and the Jewish oligarchs are TRAITORS to Russia? Read and learn: https://anonhq.com/checkmate-central-bank-russia/

WHY do Putin and the perfidious Russians (just like the Jewish Bolsheviks themselves sold Russian oil for American dollars even at the height of the Cold War!) STILL sell Russian oil for the fake and ILLEGAL MONEY (According to Article 1, Section 10 of the US Constitution) the Americans create out of thin air for FREE, thereby GIVING AWAY Russian oil and propping up America’s main weapon, the PETRODOLLAR? Even the RUSSIAN PRAVDA says it: https://www.pravdareport.com/russia/129285-central_bank_russian_economy/

WHY the gold bought by the Russian central bank does not belong to the Russian people? Because the Russian central bank is controlled by the Rothschilds and takes its orders from the City of London.  This was WRITTEN into the Russian Constitution under Yeltsin and Putin NEVER changed it and NEVER nationalized the Russian central bank despite having ostensibly dictatorial powers.

Yeltsin CHOSE Putin as his successor because Yeltsin thought Putin was an idiot (a “cipher” as Yeltsin put it):


Arman Melkonyan

Why Putin and the Jewish oligarchs are TRAITORS to Russia? Read and learn: https://anonhq.com/checkmate-central-bank-russia/

WHY do Putin and the perfidious Russians (just like the Jewish Bolsheviks themselves sold Russian oil for American dollars even at the height of the Cold War!) STILL sell Russian oil for the fake and ILLEGAL MONEY (According to Article 1, Section 10 of the US Constitution) the Americans create out of thin air for FREE, thereby GIVING AWAY Russian oil and propping up America’s main weapon, the PETRODOLLAR? Even the RUSSIAN PRAVDA says it: https://www.pravdareport.com/russia/129285-central_bank_russian_economy/

WHY the gold bought by the Russian central bank does not belong to the Russian people? Because the Russian central bank is controlled by the Rothschilds and takes its orders from the City of London.  This was WRITTEN into the Russian Constitution under Yeltsin and Putin NEVER changed it and NEVER nationalized the Russian central bank despite having ostensibly dictatorial powers.

Yeltsin CHOSE Putin as his successor because Yeltsin thought Putin was an idiot (a “cipher” as Yeltsin put it):


cechas vodobenikov

u gypsys always begging and crying

Arman Melkonyan

Moron, What am I begging?




thank you so much

Arman Melkonyan

You are always lying claiming I’m begging something when I’m clearly not. So I have to say you are an unabashed moron.

Bill Harzia


Budi Tjahjadi

Yes! good site

Arch Bungle

Remove Kebab.

Arman Melkonyan

Putin is a Jew and Erdogan is also a crypto-Zionist. Both work hand in hand for the Jews of the City of London. Putin and Erdogan together protect the Muslim terrorists in Idlib. Putin and Erdogan just imported 2000 of them to Karabakh. Putin the Jew transported millions of the Muslim terrorists in air conditioned buses to Idlib. The Jew-ruled Russians are protecting the ISIS Jihadis. They could have killed them all with a few fuel-air bombs years ago. Morons, Tell me why Putin moved Jihadi psychopaths for free to Idlib instead of killing them. Obviously Russia is succoring the Muslim monsters. Poor Syrians. They are so stupid they still believe Russia is their ally while Russia enables the Israelis to bomb the Syrians at will. Everybody: Spread your collective legs for the Jews. You like it.

Rhodium 10

Poor Armenians…they thought that with Pashinyan in power France and NATO would support Armenia vs AZ and therefore AZ would not risk TNP gas lines to EU!….Poor Kurds they sold his lands in Northeast Syria to US coalition..and later they were betrayed for them allowing Kurds and SAA to enter there!….Poor terrorist…they thought that Erdogan sultanate&USA&Israel protect them…but they have been expelled of all provinces…they will lose sooner or later the M4 Latakia-Aleppo…anyway to keep terrorist forces there protecting M4..means to expose themselves to constant SAA&Russia artillery and air attacks…it is the same that to serve for practice exercise in “military drills”….


Ra’ra’ra you are full of sht,you can’t even fight your way out of any turkish brothel yet the odds are so far against you have to resort to devour the truth well you can’t no ever shan’t because as always and as history proves,Putin to be a victim of ww2 led by your incest fascists of the goymz,chances are a p00f because p00fs have the knack of lieing their asses off,geta life!

John Wallace

Now who would be stupid to fight their way out of a Turkish brothel where there are hookers and hookahs. Fight to stay in may but to get out , nah , no way mate.

Steve Standley

I can actually visualize this guy Arman’s stiff neck and red face as he throws his anger around the comments section. He has zero poise. His opinions are predictable, and he doesn’t seem to be capable of amending his opinion in the face of obvious truth. lol

Arman Melkonyan

Right, Putin is your hero despite the fact that he even betrayed the Russians of Donetsk. Don’t amend that because…you can?

Arch Bungle

You realise that if Putin had not put his foot down Azerbaijani forces would be raping your women in Yerevan tomorrow?

Don’t worship God. Worship Putin. God did noting for you. Putin decides whether Armenia lives or dies.

Arman Melkonyan

Putin is a little Jew errand boy working for the Frankist big boy Jews of City of London: http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2018/02/trump-putin-kosher-nostra.html?m=1

Arch Bungle

Not according to the evidence.

Just because he doesnt jump when Pashinyan says jump doesn’t make him a jew.

Maybe you armenians should stop electing cucks for leaders?

Arman Melkonyan

All lies, and all because Putin is a Jew who works for the City of London Talmudic Freemasons: http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2018/02/trump-putin-kosher-nostra.html?m=1

Putin sells Russian oil for American dollars just like the Jewish Bolsheviks did at the height of the Cold War! This is TREASON because it amounts to aiding and abetting the (supposed) American enemy by propping up the Anglo-Zionist petrodollar by effectively backing the petrodollar up with Russian oil!

No, Putin did not nationalize the Russian central bank like he promised ages ago. No, Putin doesn’t sell oil only for Euros. Putin sells more Russian oil for dollars than any other currency. (Note how Russia and China do not disclose what currencies or exchange systems they use in their oil and gas trades.)

IF ONLY PUTIN REQUESTED PAYMENT FOR RUSSIAN OIL IN RUSSIAN ROUBLES, the Rouble would shoot up in value tenfold and the dollar would lose much of its value, thus SOLVING THE RUSSIAN FOOD PRICE INFLATION PROBLEM and greatly boosting the wealth and prosperity level of all Russians.

But Putin is a JEW and a TRAITOR to Russia. Read it from the horse’s mouth, the Russian PRAVDA itself: http://www.pravdareport.com/russia/129431-usa_russia_central_bank/





Arman Melkonyan

I almost upvoted you. You’re too crazy for your brain.

cechas vodobenikov

alman now in tent in Erevan

Arch Bungle

You must be Armenian.

Is your nation tired of giving endless blowjobs to Uncle Sam and NATO yet?

Arman Melkonyan

Tired of dealing with little Jewish shits like Putin, surely. How’s the weather in Tel Aviv, or Ankara? Same shit: http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2018/02/trump-putin-kosher-nostra.html?m=1

Arch Bungle

Well Uncle Sam and NATO, your favourite sugar daddies, are both jew controlled shits so clearly you Armenians have not tired of a daily kosher shagging.

As for tel aviv and ankara, I put them in the same shitbucket as Yerevan

Assad must stay

Thats right militants RUN!!!!!! ahahaha

Mustafa Mehmet


John Wallace

Yes Assad must go to Idlib and tell them to lay down their weapons and rejoin Syria or get dealt to.. Good idea for you to think of of.

Jens Holm

Thats makes no sense

John Wallace

Of course it makes no sense to you because you are too dumb to understand what I said or why. But of course you never make sense so what is one to expect from you..

Jens Holm

I do understand Your unrealistic crap. I and the world has known Assads for decades and understand what will happen.

Syria is no state. It hardy ever has been since Assads and the Naathists took over and even before that it wasnt with or without the French.

Even before that it was in imprtan corner of the Ottomans, before that great part of the northern åparts was a part of Mongolia and before that parts were Cfrusader states and before that it was was a part og the Christian Greek world.

So the big mistake was and are, that the the northern part of the landscape Syria was added to Aleppo, Raqqa and Siabykir province adding Turkmens as well as Kurds.

In the southern part there also are big problems. Ypu must be blind if You can see the onlyproblems are not Israel, which only uis an arificial adding but also as fact.

So I write for its barking madness making no sense to try to unite the artificial state Syria and by that it should be split up in fx 3 smaller states. I dont care for theur names. They could be named Emirates, Sultanates or whatever.

The other solaution would be split ups in 3 or 6 area having local independensies in local matters taking and spending 50% of the tax themself by local parlamenets – And by that Damaskus was Capitol for the bigger things just as many other states has it.

Fx Our upperparts like hospitals, motortways, Internet, realation¨s to others such as EU, UN and Nato as well as defence are for Our Capitol parlament.

So I want local unificication fx as we see now in at least 3 areas and not some evil barking mad for own purpose Assads to take over. They have whown no crediility for that apart from stealing oil and gas from the rest building roads and pipeline for it.

John Wallace

Who did you get to write this Jens because it certainly is not the same as all the drivel you write. Is this Jens version 3 dayshift .

Arch Bungle

They work shifts at the entry level hasbara troll factory.

Porc Halal

Nah, it’s Jens … I can tell this with 100% certainty … in the same way an Egyptologist can tell if a mummy is fake or genuine.

John Wallace

Go and learn and UNDERSTAND English before you make comments on that that you do not understand.



Jens Holm

Accordin incidents and 25% isnot even in the Country, Your % must be related to alcohol or something.

For decades Assads and the Baathists has shown, they are not even able to control themself.

Arch Bungle

English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?

Jens Holm

Better then You.

Aditya Julian Fadli


Adi Tya

I advice!

Jens Holm

Candy and two teachers might do it.

Jens Holm

If You send SOS the menthal hospital might find You again.

Arch Bungle


Jens Holm

You understand it well.

Presenting Yourself as motherfucker is a high level? Maybee its a high level, where You are.

Low then must be fatherfucker, childfucker or goatfucker.

Arch Bungle


Maz K

Apparently not! It’s “Better than you!” not “Better then You” and “you” doesn’t start with a capital letter. Although this is written down and you could argue it’s not spoken, were you to speak it, you’d still get the middle word wrong!


Assad must go East of the Euphrates to clean the US Roach infestation from there. The Spirit of Assad must go to Al Tanf to separate the weed from the chaff and expel the USA Infidels from there! Insallah!

Jens Holm

Thats no spirit but smell.

Hard times for the Russian oblask

Arch Bungle


Arch Bungle

Did you know “Kemal Father of the Turks” was a jew?

Turks are nothing but the slaves of israel.

Jens Holm

Nothing is wrong with Jews.

Some Noah and Wife should fix ME again.

Arch Bungle

You’re a moron. Neither Noah nor his wife was a jew, so go fuck yourself you imbecilic alcohol washout.

Maz K

Yes correct – they love to lick Jew arseholes and clean the butt-holes clear of shit and lick their boots clean as well, and foreskins if the had any, but they still like that… and then they pant like the bitches they are at the Zionists’ feet and wait for more. And Mehmet the Turdish b!tch is the expert at that.

Maz K

You’re a cocksucking bitch of erDOGan, Mehmet, you c*nt!

Mark M. Nobelman

Just another clickbait article. The rebels have no control in Idlib but TURKEY that window for an offensive is gone when the turks put in a whole mechanized division earlier this year

John Wallace

They have been saying for months the SAA are building forces here or building forces there so expect an advance soon.. Still waiting , Is it different this time ?. All I can say is maybe before Xmas .. not this one but the next. When did Russia – Turkey agree on a ceasefire , almost a year ago when people were saying the war will be over by Xmas .. Well it is sort of apart from a little shit here and there. Is Turkey going to leave now.. Don’t think so.. Is the SAA going to expel them , certainly not without Russian support. Is Israel going to attack Syria again , of course as Syria can’t stop them and too weak to pose much of a threat to Israel. Is America going to leave Al Tanf and the eastern oilfields. Only if you believe in Santa Claus. But I will check in everyday and see if anything has changed and think that there are a lot of Syrians are alive today to celebrate Xmas or whatever Muslim event that would have been dead had the ceasefire as unpalatable it is had not happened.


I think we don’t even see half of what goes on in the backroom, which is understandable as it probably wouldn’t go down well with the general public.

Jens Holm

I agree. I allow me to see Assads dont has those troops and has less ans less of them and most of them are in tired and traumatized versions.

…An the Jihads is about the same.


I think the only way for Syria to make an efective offensive given the current state of affairs, would be if Turkey goes to war with Greece


And the lgbtq lobbyists of soros will blame putin for allowing turkey rail towards asia,too bad for cia!

Jens Holm


cechas vodobenikov

CIA /turkey tribes splintering into BLM villages and poverty

Proud Hindu

Russia wasting resources while america gets all the treasures lol.

Arch Bungle

Russia has infinite treasures.

The Americans run a global, loss making military that will lead to bankruptcy.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Behind the scenes HTS has just had a major blow and is now in peril, the US refused to accept them as a political organization and has decided to keep them on the terrorist list, so resolution 2254 is not going to be a “possible” option for them despite their recent good behavior, now they’ll have to fight alongside the Turkish backed forces if Assad attacks them. That could be both good and bad news for Assad, if Russia helps him fight the Turks and their proxies it’ll be good news, if they don’t it’ll be bad news.

Will a new operation here definitely be trying to reopen the highway and implement the new Russian/Turkish agreement, I suspect not, the Russian 5th corps were here a few months ago but now they’ve mostly all left. Now the 5th corps is mostly split between the southern areas stabilizing the anti Government and anti Iranian protests there [8th brigade], or they’re in the central and eastern deserts fighting Isis [25th division and the Isis hunters], so unless they’re about to return or have already secretly returned to Hama/Idlib [that’d be hard], they won’t be involved in any upcoming operation here, and they usually would be. On the other hand Assad himself desperately wants to start an operation in this area, so he may actually be the driving force of any possible new assault Early last year and several times since then he’s said he wants to liberate this area as soon as he can, he needs more food to feed the people and desperately wants this prime location back so he can do it. At the moment it’s practically a no mans land with both the Government and the terrorists stopping any of the others followers from putting it to good use, so an operation to liberate this prime food bowl is of utter importance to Assad, the people need more food and more businesses.

Before the US refused to accept HTS’s latest proposal I would’ve said HTS will most likely stay out of any fighting the SAA starts down here, but now I’m not so sure that’ll be the case, the latest development will actually make HTS more reliant on Turkish military support and beholden to their demands. And as I continually keep pointing out, HTS hasn’t been fighting the SAA for most of this year [since March], but the moderate opposition forces that Turkey supports [SNA, FSA, FSA, SLF, NFL], haven’t stopped fighting the SAA at all. Assad doesn’t want them fighting alongside each other again but this US refusal means they might now.

So if we do get an operation starting in the near future lets see if it reclaims the M4 highway, that’s a huge goal and very hard to achieve without major efforts and problems, but if it starts and then stops with the recapture of the Syrian food bowl, we’ll all know it was just an operation to reclaim what Assad actually promised he’d reclaim. And even though Assad didn’t expressly say he “promised to liberate this area”, he did for all extent purposes promise that he would, in fact the only word he left out was “promise”, but everything he said was a actually a promise to liberate the Syrian food bowl. I prefer to trust what Assad actually says over media speculation, they speculate a war in this area must most likely mean an operation to recover the highway, but no officials have ever announced that, on the other hand Assad’s announced several times he wants to liberate this area as soon as he can. So it’s a matter of speculation versus a promise, so when it comes to deciding what any new operation here is going to be about, I prefer to trust a promise from Assad over media speculation.

I’m also going to speculate that this new refusal from the US to HTS demands will also possibly force Assad to negotiate a new agreement with HTS, circumstances have changed and as I said earlier HTS is now in peril, and sadly we all know a cornered animal is always a much more dangerous animal to deal with, so good luck president Assad.

cechas vodobenikov

EU pays turkey 6 billion more euros to destabilize Syria so that their HTS sociopaths can be paid…why would they be anxious? they are eager to meet 70 virgins in Tel Aviv when they are eradicated by SAA, Iran, Russia

Maz K

What 70 virgins??? WTF are you waffling on about?

Mark M. Nobelman

Just another clickbait article. The rebels have no control in Idlib but TURKEY that window for an offensive is gone when the turks put in a mechanized division

Proud Hindu

Nothing to see here desert peple killing each other

Maz K

Then STFU you Hindu dog and get back to raping your girls and women, throwing acid on their faces, and urinating and defæcating in the streets…

Arch Bungle

I think I’ll go have a big juicy cow steak for christmass dinner.

Shia man

I thought there is no reasonable people in turkey. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wLhuJX-EkUI

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