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Militants’ Attack On Syrian Army In Southeast Idlib Turns Into Failure. Several SVBIEDs Destroyed

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) repelled a large-scale attack, which was launched by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), al-Qaeda groups and Turkish-backed factions on December 28 afternoon.

The attack, which targeted the towns of Jarjanaz and al-Tah in southeastern Idlib, turned into a major failure, according to pro-government sources.

The sources claimed that HTS and its allies lost dozens of militants and loads of equipment in the course of the failed attack. Two suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (SVBIEDs), which attempted to attack SAA positions in Jarjanaz and al-Tah, were also destroyed.

Militants' Attack On Syrian Army In Southeast Idlib Turns Into Failure. Several SVBIEDs Destroyed

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

In an attempt to hide their failure, HTS and its allies said the attack was “a large raid,” claiming that dozens of Syrian service members were killed or injured. These claims were denied by pro-government sources which stressed that the SAA sustained no serious losses.

HTS and its allies attempted to take advantage of the poor weather conditions in Greater Idlib, which grounded both the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS).

However, the terrorist groups didn’t take into account the fire power of the SAA artillery. According to pro-government sources, the artillery force played a key role in repelling the attack.

Despite their failure, HTS and its allies may launch more attacks in the few upcoming days. The terrorist groups are in desperate need for any “victory” after losing more than 40 towns to the SAA earlier this month.

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Haha jihad looses once again!


They better start packing up for Libya, since the regime change project in Syria is over.


In Lybia is the same than in Syria.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Except Egypt is a large military power (as is Turkey, but distance is the key factor for Turkey) and isn’t going to let Turkey be successful in Libya.


” However, the terrorist groups didn’t take into account the fire power of the SAA artillery.”

Artillery is the God of War, and Russia is expert with artillery.


Russia is an expert in war, as nazizios or zionazis know.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

So are the SAA now.


Shhhh….. type quietly before the Jews start posting ;}


Zionists aren’t Jewish, zionists murder Jews, you ignorant tosseur.

Marcus Porcius Cato

We can only hope that Jews and Zionists slaughter each other to the last person.

Fog of War

Will never happen, they are two peas in a pod. Did anyone ever notice how ” atheist ” Jews justify Israhell’s existence by saying that it was given to them by God ? Crazy logic huh ?


Nutten Yaho is a zionist, the jews voted him in, same shit ashole!


I told the rest of you to type quietly! Or did someone drop a penny ;}

Concrete Mike

Hah suck on that Wohl!!

Your moderate rebels got their ass kicked again!

Gary Sellars

That is Wohls great dilemma. So many things to suck, so little time. Where does one start? LOL!!!!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Marcus Porcius Cato

“HTS and its allies attempted to take advantage of the poor weather conditions in Greater Idlib, which grounded both the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS).”

It appears that the weather also prevented Azi Herskowitz’s Zionist Balloon Corps from dropping its banana peels on the IRGC troops in Jarjanaz (don’t say there aren’t any IRGC in Jarjanaz – that will only cause Azi’s feelings to be hollowcosted to pennies on the dollar). Instead, the banana peels landed squarely in front of the HTS SVBIEDs, causing them to slip helplessly out of control in the mud and crash into each other.


I’d imagine by now the SAA would be watching the weather forecast with interest

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The SAA have lost the monkey on their back, no loss after a big win this time, the SAA saw them coming and they were ready. :] I feared the worst when I saw that the rebels/terrorists were counterattacking, but now I’m pleasantly surprised, I could get used to this. :] What’s this mean, I think it means the SAA are no longer trusting the rebels/terrorists to refrain from hostilities, and also expect them to attack at any time and launch counterattack no matter what the circumstance s are, if it’s ceasefire negotiations, bad weather, holiday season, or anything at all, expect an attack at any time and you’ll be ready for it, perhaps that’s what their motto should be. Go SAA go, keep those refugees heading north, don’t even let them rest for a minute.

God (xmas edition)

If they succeded on Syria, Iraq would be next, let’s not forget what turks want https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fa50ea23568bea1599c9676512e50eb5373a77766937f8035b8779e715e10b1b.png


Unlikely to the extreme “they didn’t take into account … artillery”. They (the opposition-fighters) simply probed the SAA defences. Good call to do it under adverse weather conditions too. The SAA barely repelled them due to superior fire-power. Let’s see what’s next. Certainly, it is advised for Russia and their proxies to take the initiative.

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