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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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A few hours after launching an advance in southeastern Idlib, al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and is allies captured several towns in the region from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

The terrorist group announced that its militants had imposed control of the towns of Sarjah, Ejaz, Rasm al-Ward and Istablat.

The attack was launched by the HTS-led “al-Fatah al-Mubin” operations room in the noon of November 30. The Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL) and several factions linked to al-Qaeda are playing a key role in the offensive.

HTS and the NFL released several images showing their militants’ storming SAA positions in the southeastern Idlib countryside side by side. The militants’ used armored vehicles and rocket launchers in the attack.

The operation has no clear objective. HTS and its allies are likely planning to use the operation as a propaganda stunt to rise their declining popularity in Greater Idlib.

The Syrian Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces responded to the attack with a round of intense airstrikes.

Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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Militants Captured Several Towns Amid Intense Fighting With Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib

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That is disappointing Every thing happens because of Turkey support of terrorists


Turkey support terrorists and Russia supports Turkey….. Very confusing….. Hahaha

Free man

Russia supports Assad. stop lying.

Free man

Do you want proof that Russia supports Assad? Do you want proof that for a long time the Iranian militias are not helping SAA? Or do you want proof that the Iranian regime is busy killing unarmed protesters?

Concrete Mike

GTFO please.

You bring nothing to the conversation here.

Morning dickweed!

Free man

pussy Mike always on the side of the Fanatics mullahs regime. The only concrete you have is in the brain. The other organ is pussy like you.

Free man


Free man

The barrel of a rifle that fires rubber bullets is wide. The video shows a rifle firing live ammunition.

Free man

So take a better look. It’s a standard military rifle that shoots live ammunition for the purpose of killing.

Free man

You are ready to believe anything but the truth. So why did you ask for proof?

Free man

This Twitter account is from 2009. Nothing will convince those who are unwilling to listen to the truth.

Free man


คงศักดิ์ วงศ์ชูศรี

They are CIA pretended as Iran arm forces.ol

Whatever you say, genius (-;

Willing Conscience (The Truths

He just told the obvious truth and you called him a liar, Putin is supporting Erdogan and Erdogan supports the terrorists and the terrorists do attack the SAA and Russia, that’s the truth, not a lie. And then he also added he finds that confusing, and so do I and many others, why don’t you find it confusing too, would you help someone that was helping someone else trying to kill you? And just because the Russians are helping out Assad militarily it doesn’t mean they’re necessarily Assad biggest supporters, I think politically and financially the Arab League has now surpassed the Russians on both those fronts, the Saudi’s even offered hundreds of billions of dollars in reconstruction aid a few months ago, but Assad refused their offer due to the Saudi’s past bad behaviour. So even though the Arab league started off as Assad’s worst enemy, since June last year they’ve probably been Assad’s biggest supporters, especially when it comes to Turkish incursions into Syrian territory, the Russians on the other hand are actually helping the Turks take over even more Syrian territory.

Free man

Russia is the only one who can decide who will rule Syria. And Russia decided it would be Assad. Russia fights for Assad every day. But that doesn’t prevent Russia from having a good relationship with other countries such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia or Israel. Remember Russia is a world power with global interests. What does the sentence “Putin support Erdogan” mean? Putin has contacts with leaders of other countries. Anyone who writes such a sentence wants to discredit Putin.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Syrian people are the only ones who’ll decide who actually leads them, not Putin or anyone else. Russia wasn’t fighting for Assad to remain in power when they introduced resolution 2254 back in 2015, that was helping Erdogan get rid of Assad politically using the terrorists/moderate opposition to do it legally, but Assad refused to accept their crap deal and has been refusing to accept it for more than 4 years now. But just a few months ago the UN offered Assad a better deal and he accepted it the very same day it was offered, 4 years of refusing the Russian/Turkish/Iranian deal and just one day to accept the UN offer. Stabbing someone in the back isn’t what I call helping. You sound Russian but I wonder do you ever bother to read your own governments official statements, I do occasionally, and they never state any desire at all in keeping Assad in power, quite often they even say Assad’s more of a problem than a help and sometimes even say they’d prefer someone more mangable instead. Hell I’ve even read a few that could be interpreted as warnings to Assad to pull his head in, so when you say the Russians want to keep Assad in power I can only laugh, you don’t even read your own official government websites, and perhaps you should occasionally.

Free man

“The Syrian people are the only ones who will decide who actually leads them” – agree, but that will happen when the war is over and Syria is stabilized. Today only Russia is fighting for Assad’s Syria. Without Russian help, Syria will fall apart. do you agree ?

คงศักดิ์ วงศ์ชูศรี

Look flustrates because you are lossing to Syria an Iran Russia.

It is true that Russia wins and Iran loses.

คงศักดิ์ วงศ์ชูศรี

Turkey just begs Russia for help because they have conflicts with US.

Friend of Russia

Every thing happens because of Russia’s fear of Turkey


Russia aren’t scared of nobody.. Absolutely nobody. America are scared of Russia


Second photo from bottom – ISIS members conducting attack together with HTS


They’re all the same only with different names.


Maybe will be more correct to say they are all ones – they only changing badges and colours of helmet depending on situation

Oscar Carrilero

Its always the same. Tactical retreat and terrorist have to hold in unprepared positions and try to resupply them in the open. Easyvtarget for air force and artillery. SAA will retake the villages and continue advance lateŕ.

Free man

There is no tactic here. It is the nature of fighting in this area.

Tudor Miron

It will end in the same way as many times before. Towns will be retaken within a day or two and major losses inflicted on terrorist rats.


Nice the big Idlib operation has already been delayed for over 1 year, because of Russia’s stupid diplomatic ties with Turkey.

Derek Johnson

Putin and Russia is the “big man” in Syria, Assad is in power because of Russia and Putin. Putin is the man … not Assad and Putin can do what he likes.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If Assad decided to switch to the US/EU side he could bring Russia and Turkey to their knees, he could effectively destroy Turkey’s economy in a year or less, and do substantial permanent harm to Russia’s economy in the long term. If Assad ever decided to accept the old Qatari/Saudi proposal to sell oil and gas to the EU, both the Russian and Turkish economies would be hit hard, Russia due to the loss of resource revenue, and Turkey due to loss of transit fees. And Assad can sell the EU a lot more Qatari oil and gas than the Turks or Russia can sell, many EU countries refuse to buy Russian oil/gas due to security concerns, but Assad selling Saudi/Qatari gas/oil would open up all those markets for trade. On top of that the Saudi’s ALWAYS undercut Russia’s prices on the market and lower income revenue per barrel, making things even worse for Russian oil revenue. So I’d say Assad has even more power in the Middle East than anyone else does now, but only if he decides to switch sides, and if Putin doesn’t stop Erdogan taking even more Syrian territory, I think Assad should seriously think about switching sides, at least let Putin know he’s thinking about it. Assad can be a king maker or a king breaker if he wants to, the Saudi/Qatari oil and gas is still there and they’d still love to break into the EU market, so with just the flick of a pen Assad could change the whole world political/military dynamic and turn things completely around. Assad has way more power than you think he has, way way more, Putin’s actually lucky Assad’s such an honorable man, anyone with lower morals would have already switched sides, I know I would’ve by now if I was Assad, Putin’s been acting more like an enemy than a friend lately.

klove and light

and the smart asses here stilöl believe in treachrous ziopnist pig Putin…unreal ridiculous pathtic…..

Putin is a Zionist treachrous pig. NOBODY with a brain can explain how on earth a bunch of Terrorist sunni motherfuckers can beat a army SAA with tanks ,artillery airforce and with the SUPPOSED HELP of the RUSSIAN AIRFORCE!!!! They can because PUTIN is a treachrous Zionist pig…….ERdohan is Moslem brotherhood the ARCH enwemy of the syrian arab republic sinve assads fathers days when they were banned from syria under ddeath Penalty……and for a Long time now, Putin the Zionist treachrous pig has made one Agreement after the other with this arach enemy of syria, who if you know the whole trueh is also Zionist controleld.YES moslembrotherhood is ZIONIST controlled u Dummies. ps. for all the smart asses and Zionist Putin Lovers here….it was NOT RUSSIA that saved syria from ISIS and HTS you Dummies, it was HEZBOLLAH and IRANIAN Ground Forces taht did 99% of the Fighting and dying!!!!

Here is the 100% truth of the BIGGER Picture u donks..

ALL nations that RECOGNIZE the illegal satanic Entity named Israel are part of the satanic Zionist Agenda. A one world Government, with Jerusalem as it´s capital under satanic jewish Leadership. This includes USA, Russia,uk,china,eu etc,…..


Willing Conscience (The Truths

syrialiveuamaps has shown the terrorists/rebels in occupation for 2 days now, the rebels/terrorists began the assault on 29th and captured all 4 villages/towns on the 30th/1st. Two of the groups involved in these latest attacks were the so called moderate opposition, the NFL and the FSA, and both these groups are being represented by the Turkish backed Syrian Constitutional Committee which is now involved in drawing up a new Syrian Constitution. At least they were up until 4 days ago, they’ve actually been refusing to attend meetings since then, so I don’t think it’s just a coincidence this rebel/terrorist assault started just 1 day after the opposition stopped talking to the Syrian government. The Turks aren’t getting their way in the political process now and just doing a dummy spit because of it, LOL, give it a few more days and the terrorists will be sent back to where they started, and then they’ll get the same treatment they always get from the SAA whenever this happens, they’ll be severely punished and lose even more ground when the SAA eventually retaliates. Some things have just become so predictable you could nearly place a bet on them happening, which is good in this case, LOL.

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