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Militants From Same Turkish-Backed Group Clash Among Themselves In Syria’s Al-Bab

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Militants From Same Turkish-Backed Group Clash Among Themselves In Syria’s Al-Bab

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Late on April 25, militants of the Turkish-backed Sultan Murad Division clashed among themselves in the town of al-Bab in northern Aleppo.

Opposition activists said two units, one led by Abu al-Taib and another one by Fadi al-Diri, clashed with each other near the youth housing complex in al-Bab and near the Abu Zindin crossing with government-held areas south of the town.

“As a result [of the clashes], at least one personal was injured,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said in a report.

The UK-based monitoring group hinted that the clashes may be related to the Sultan Murad Division’s illegal activities. The group’s militants are allegedly involved in the smuggling of goods and illegal materials to both government-held and Kurdish areas.

Such conflicts are an ordinary development in al-Bab. Last month, Ahrar al-Sharqiyah clashed with the Free Syrian Police, a law enforcement group also backed by Turkey. The conflict lasted for around a week and claimed the lives of several militants, including Ahrar al-Sharqiyah security chief.

Turkey doesn’t usually intervene in these internal conflicts, likely to avoid demonstrating that it prefers one group over others. By doing so, Ankara likely seeks to maintain balanced relations with all of its proxies in Syria.


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Icarus Tanović

That’s very good for start.

Jens Holm

Its very frustrating having no income.


Terrorist-mafioso factions in Idlib are sponsored by foreign NATO and Gulf states – and supplement these wages by criminal syndicate activities – looting/kidnapping/arms trafficking/’taxing’ civilians for utility and infrastructure use/stealing and stockpiling food supplies to price gouge civilians, etc, etc. Is it any surprise that competing terrorist-mafioso syndicates erupt into open conflict over spoils?

Jens Holm

No surprice, Thats what I wrote.


Then call a spade a spade – they are terrorist-mafioso’s.

Jens Holm

Spade is fine too.

Maybee You should wonder where those people has learned their activity and why.

Before any fighting the unimplyment rate if Syria for men were 50% and much more for women. The Corruption was skyhigh and the Baathists had papent sand ownership of all oil and gas – well 50%.


The Muslim Brotherhood were always the basis of the armed opposition in Syria – rural based fundamentalist Sunni’s who ideologically oppose the secular Syrian state and have done so for many decades. Many armed opposition factions were headed by Muslim Brotherhood members and affiliates who had long histories of direct conflict with state and prior conviction records for anti-state activities. The CIA started making notable contacts with Syrian branch of Muslim Brotherhood through mid-late 2000’s – when a major drought was affecting the country’s economy and particularly impacting rural employment. The CIA wrote report that the drought and its impact on rural sector where Muslim Brotherhood had strongest base in conservative Sunni areas presented an opportunity for US to sponsor and foment internal dissent and anti state activities within Syria through Muslim Brotherhood proxy agitation.

Jens Holm

I know all that very very well and even has maps for it.

But Hafez, Bashir and the Baathists has had so many decades to give the religios ones something better then religion.

You must reecognize almost all opposition actually has things in their programs, which are correct and needs. So You make them incorrect or gone.

A very very good one is having no job. Who is to blame for 50% of men – and many more in % women being unimployed. The Goverment.

And being poor and maybee having left the dry land being urbanized hardly with a low poid job and a small 1 roomer does it. They would love to be proud supporting a family and een try hard already.

Thats the one Assads virtually has sold to anybody offering a sallery. And the only organized ones are by hardheaded Sharia. It doesnt matter for those men and boys some religion is added. They work, they obey as loyal to the ones, which feed them.

So the Assad mistake is not to invest in needs such as very usefull educations from the lowest level and into agriculture reforms and at least some more of local industrial production. Even that kind of production just below making cotton and clóthe by it in Raqqa can compte with import, because the saleries in Syria is very low.

And the contrast also are very visible and well known. Obvios the oil and gas money only reach smaller part of the population and by big corruption but also a lot of corruption to the lowest levels, because the corruption grabbers not even get taxed.

A Goverment takes care of its people and include them. I only see the opposit of what we do. We do pay and invest in unimplyed. Many actually rem,ain in the new kind of jobs and for good reasons feel them include. hey are included. Therefore they also are loyal or more loyal.

Right and obligations for men and women is same thing. If Syrian PMs can propose early childmarrige to old men, because the parents of the girl then gets their money for raising her to a “bad” slave, its very visible, what should be moved a little by a little.

Those PM proposers was right in jail for several years if it was here. Girls and women already hardly has any right. And now old men mibling girls by chocolate and nice clothe should be allowed to marry them too.

Where are the girls already raised for sale in this.

But Assads has no change there too. Not all muslims and for that matter Christians are like that at all, so silent reforms at least to what the Choran says are possible.

The problem in that is that so many cant read the Holy Choran at all and many woemen cant read anything at all.

We see it here in Denmark. Muslims arrived here learn Danish. We have translated that book into a modern and traditionel version as well as it goes. By that girls atleast can decide, what the Choran says and that includes You dont have to be guarded by a man 24/7.

It also improve the child and manhood for the other gender. They can choose at least some, because the old ones at least has to listen and understand. Listen seemes to be a very new thing for so many “old sheiks”.

Thats how I see it. Baathists are not Governess for all living there but act like privleged owners of private property. You can name it “New Feudalisme”. Facts are its very semilar to the Zars being replaced by “If You are a Communist in the Cremlin style” or not.

And I dont care about what CIA or for that matter Mossad did. The main thing is, what Assads didnt do for decades.

And if You go back in time there, I also remember KGB and Russians armed the PYD communist Kurds in Turkey. Maybee that was the reason USA helped the Johadist antigones.

I also will allow me to say, that USA and we supported the non Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt but they got Mursi and then back to just a new military Leadership. So You might consider how much is USA and how much Assads and others fertilze or give poison.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It reminds me of a recent James Bond movie where the villain tells Bond what his mother taught him to do to to help eradicate rat infestations. She put a bunch of rats in a barrel and then closed the lid, and then after a while the rats begin to starve and turn on each other, eventually one rat turns cannibalistic and begins to kill and eat the other weaker rats to survive, and then after that cannibalistic rat is the only rat left in the barrel, she takes off the lid and releases it. Then that rat starts killing and eating all the other free rats it finds, and it does it because it’s developed a taste for tender rat flesh and doesn’t want to go back to eating nuts and berries. I didn’t think rats could become carnivorous but I liked the way the villain told the story, and I couldn’t help being reminded of that story when I read this article.


The perfect form of pest control … rats killing rats.

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