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MARCH 2025

Militants In Eastern Qalamun Hands Over 37 Battle Tanks, Many Other Weapons To Syrian Army

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On April 20, members of Jaysh al-Islam in the Eastern Qalamun region handed over loads of heavy weapons to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the freamework of the evacuation deal that was reached on April 19, according to Syrian pro-government sources.

An officer of the SAA told SouthFront that 37 T-55, T-62 and T-72 battle tanks were among the heavy weapons that had been handed over to the SAA. Most of these tanks were captured by Jaysh al-Islam during a series of attacks on a large ammo depot of the SAA Republican Guard in 2013 and 2014, according to the officer.

Militants In Eastern Qalamun Hands Over 37 Battle Tanks, Many Other Weapons To Syrian Army

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Militants In Eastern Qalamun Hands Over 37 Battle Tanks, Many Other Weapons To Syrian Army

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Militants In Eastern Qalamun Hands Over 37 Battle Tanks, Many Other Weapons To Syrian Army

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The SAA also recovered more than 15 Syrian-made Maysalun unguided artillery rocket along with a launcher and reload vehicle. The Maysalun rocket is a copy of the Iranian Zelzal-2 rocket. The Maysalun has a range of 210km and a heavy high explosive (HE) warhead.

Militants In Eastern Qalamun Hands Over 37 Battle Tanks, Many Other Weapons To Syrian Army

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Militants In Eastern Qalamun Hands Over 37 Battle Tanks, Many Other Weapons To Syrian Army

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Militants In Eastern Qalamun Hands Over 37 Battle Tanks, Many Other Weapons To Syrian Army

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These Maysalun rockets were reportedly captured by Jaysh al-Islam during an attack on an ammo depot of the Syrian Missile Force in 2013. Jaysh al-Islam fighters had launched a rocket of this type on the Syrian capital, Damascus on February 23.

According to the SAA officer, other weapons including large numbers of anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs), mortars, artillery rounds, Grad rockets along with military communication equipment were also handed over to the SAA.

Militants In Eastern Qalamun Hands Over 37 Battle Tanks, Many Other Weapons To Syrian Army

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Militants In Eastern Qalamun Hands Over 37 Battle Tanks, Many Other Weapons To Syrian Army

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Syrian pro-government sources said that most of Jaysh al-Islam fighters will join the pro-government Nation Defense Forces (NDF) instead of withdrawing to the opposition-held areas in northern Syria.

According to local observers, for the last three years these fighters have been a mostly neutral force and have not even followed orders from the Jaysh al-Islam leadership. Most of these fighters also cooperated with the Syrian Intelligence against ISIS in the period between 2014 and 2017.

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caps lock syndome?



Richard M

Excellent news. Now let them prove their change of heart by fighting on the front lines against Daesh and HTS!

Nigel Maund

Agree with the use of additional experienced soldiers; let’s see how they perform.

John Mason

No weapons, maybe just a pocket knife.

paul ( original )

Yes not a high trust situation I think.

Trut Tella

Ehh, I can see how even a very committed hadji is going to have a change of heart when it is shown that he is fighting only for Israel, and the perverts in Saudi Arabia. Good on them for coming over.


This really is one of the best good news stories that have come out of Syria in a long, long time. These militants by the looks of it wised up some time ago and made the right choice. Still, it would be important to give them all the facts about the treachery of their divorced partners.


Some FSA members are Syrians. The White Helmets/HTS/Daesh members are from US/UK/France. Their main purpose is to weak Syria to protect Israel. For this they have started 2014 Gaza Israel war to show these fresh footages to the World population that Assad have done this to their own people in Syria. The Syrian Chemical attacks shows were also badly flopped. Even they did not wait for investigation and attacked Syria without UNSC mandate. We wanna attack the Assad’s Syria before investigation. What the f*ck talking about. You should bring peace instead of bringing more chaos to a war torn country.


Trump have f*cked Kim Jong Un. Now world will see another Palestine and Syria in the world. Mr. Kim is young and he wants some American girls.


Lets see what Kim Jong Un gets from this partial agreement. Perhaps you may not be aware that North Korea has been seeking a peace treaty with the USA for decades without any response from the USA. Now Kim has his intercontinental missile and a nuclear weapon capacity it seems a treaty is on the books. So it may be Kim’s hard stance and weapons has won him a treaty but lets wait a little longer before this is settled. By the way North and South Korea under NKs new leader who is more independent than his corrupt predecessor, have been making up already and they had a joint Korean team for the Winter Olympics. Clearly Kim was wise to threaten the USA mainland which has now capitulated. Perhaps Iran would be better off developing a long range nuclear weapon too.


Frontlines…to correct their mistakes a little… and not to get caught in a crossfire all of a sudden, if they change their minds again….you want to keep a possible Enemy in Front of you…

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The reason why they never used all the tanks is they lacked the manpower and technical expertise to maintain them or use them. Can’t use ignorant Wahhabi and Salafi mercenaries to fight in tanks.

Richard M

Good point! Which it is why it is so important to keep FUKUS’s (France, UK,US) and SHIT’s (Saudis, Hts, Israel, Turks) “advisers” from providing the expertise to their puppet Orcs.

Nigel Maund

This is good news and further weakens the Globalist “Deep State” position in Syria which can only be beneficial to the SAA. The capture of many anti – tank and GRAD missiles may come in useful when Globalist forces need to be confronted at some later date. The T55 and T62 battle tanks are virtually obsolete, but can be used in well defended “hull down” positions as artillery. The T72’s can be upgraded.


Off to the NDF with them…

Michał Hunicz

“most of Jaysh al-Islam fighters will join the pro-government National Defense Forces”

Very wise choice rebels, you won’t regret this!

Al kuffar

Now that is an actual deradicalizing programme.


If that is correct, Syria has learned from the US mistakes in Iraq where they kicked all the Sunni’s out of the army, and they went off and created Jihadist groups.

Mustafa Mehmet

which government? irani??. or. Russia ?? or hisbullah?? Asad. just little pussy can’t do f….c all but. gas his own people.

Siste man tar med sig flaggan

Traitors can never be trusted… capture their families and send the fighters to the frontlines.


The defection of the indigenous rebels/terrorists to the SAA is most welcome and they will have seen at first hand what the US Coalition of Terror has intentionally bought upon the citizens of Syria.

We are now at a stage where the US and Israel have been forced to expose themselves due to the defeat of their IMPORTED gangs of violently insane killers from all over the globe who are using medieval terror to subjugate Syria. All of this of course is necessary for the US/Israel, because in is easier to make deals with a patchwork of criminal warlords than a nation state that wishes to remain sovereign and not kneel to the US/Israel.

The Saudi’s and the other Gulf States are of course the cash cow for all of this. Both by paying the warlord gangs directly and paying the ‘ Buy American/UK Weapons Tax ‘ to ensure the continuation of Saudi/Gulf State medieval dynasty’s . If the Saudi’s et all to not pay this protection money to the US the CIA would start a Regime Change Project in their countries where there is already great and justified civil discontent.

The Syrian Government narrative to reunite the indigenous factions within Syria should surely be the now obvious full exposure of Israeli and US aggression within Syria and the need for national unity to combat that ?


Tanks also possible imports from Bulgaria.


The Middle East should Unite All Indigenous Factions…Just to make Sure they Create a Powerful Block against Western Imperialism… Kick Those Lying, Cheating, Treacherous, Massmurdering, Satanic Psychopaths Out of your Countries for Once & for All…!


Great job Syrian intelligence


nice wellness caves in the future


good news novells arms for SAA!!

Roger Snellman

Sure would have liked to have one of those T-72 Tanks. Jaysh al-Islam must have had a ball driving. them around. Come on admit it, who here is not jealous of them? SAA sure got the better end of that deal.

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