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Militants In Idlib Are Not Complying With The Ceasefire: Russian Foreign Ministry

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Militants In Idlib Are Not Complying With The Ceasefire: Russian Foreign Ministry

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Large armed groups of terrorists in Idlib, Syria, refuse to recognize the Russian-Turkish agreement, and were able to rearm with external support and take counter-offensive actions, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Information and Press Department said.

“In the de-escalation zone in Syrian Idlib, large armed groups of various Islamic groups are concentrated, including Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and Khurras al-Din, which continue to use the ideological principles and terrorist methods of Al- Qaeda.” The mentioned organizations, incidentally, refused to recognize the latest Russian-Turkish agreements on the introduction of a ceasefire regime in this region,” the Russian foreign ministry told Interfax.

The Russian Foreign Ministry noted that “in the ranks of the jihadists grouped there, there are many ISIS members, including those who were evacuated at one time along the “security corridors” from other regions of Syria.”

“The militants of the terrorist groups took advantage of the respite, recovered, reequipped, including thanks to outside support, and are now taking counter-offensive actions,” the Foreign Ministry underlined.

Meanwhile, sources close to the Syrian Arab Army reported that there was infighting between the Jihadist groups in Majdalya in Idlib, over letting Turkey patrol the M4 highway along with Russia.

The first joint Russian-Turkish patrol of a section of the M-4 highway in Syria was cut short due to militant provocations, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

According to the Russian side, the provocations were planned by radical gangs not controlled by Turkey. To hinder the patrol, the terrorists tried to use civilians, including women and children, as a “human shield”, the military department said.

The Ministry of Defense noted that the joint Russian-Turkish coordination center decided to reduce the length of the patrol route to prevent incidents that could cause civilians to suffer.

According to it, “the Turkish side has been given extra time to take measures to neutralize terrorist groups and ensure the security of joint patrol of the M4 highway.”

Joint patrols should not only ensure the safety of the movement of civilians along the M-4 highway (Latakia-Aleppo), which is important for Syria, but also become a guarantee of preventing the resumption of armed conflict in the region.

So far, it’s not proving effective.


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Jens Holm

Its very typical for the whole quagmire. The big ones dont include the ones, which for good and bad reasons are the victims or their own victims.

That goes for SDF very much too. They have had very big safezones in Afrin and SDF and worked hard to take out the few fighters left there.

Even so thats not important. They are not even invited to meetings for the future because Assads and Turks are allowed to block that.

Erdogan and Assad has no solution. We see their grotece version right here.

Its the wrong people running Russia, USA, Turkey and Assad and for that matter Iran and Hesbollah. I might add Israel too. They have their own as usual agende, which is not nice as well.


No liberal moron the wrong people used to run russia + usa like clinton and gorbachev,fkwit! The notion is simply really,give notice as to why and whom are asking for the epic flogging? What I really like about the world best leader this century to say the least,proved you wrong and no matter what you say,what you do there with ye fake bummy chummy facist rant,yous are too weak to ever change anything,than christ there are others whoms power is within virtue, wouldn’t trade it for billions either,asl yourself if there was such a true god,do you not think he don’t gove a rats arse about you,your kweers and all your hake tyrant wannabe flogs economys This is what I mean,too many ultra low iq ungratifieds,too many kweers,not enough evidence, No,the truth is you and your kind are not nice people at all,absolutely arrogant head up ye asses YOU AND THE OTHER FLOGGED ARE ATLEAST 3-4 STEPS BEHIND,I’M ONLY ONE,dig it!

Karen Bartlett

CIA/MOSAD trolls have claimed “first comments” on this post, except for you, Jimi. And you’ve got more guts than all three of them put together!.


I noticed that trend and they very well do,I don’t know if these fellas are in it so deep,there’s no other way out,or just decieved by their salary peers in the wake?

The agenda is disinformation,nothing new,then they accuse the just if he don’t play in their petty moves(so predicting nowadays) Yet they still just don’t get it, Personally I dislike liars accusing the just,people like that refute my respect and because they won’t allow me to respect as civil human beings,how on earth can they ever be in the position to respect themselfs civil,let alone one anothers? Just saying.

Karen Bartlett

Yes, I don’t think they have self-respect, otherwise they wouldn’t be working as paid trolls for terrorist organizations such as Hasbara (Mossad) or the CIA.

Boris Kazlov

Don’t worry too much about this troll, he is a known LGBTQ CIA asset.

John Wallace

If that is the class of their assets no wonder they re losing. I think he escaped from the circus and ended up in a rodeo .

Concrete Mike

Well who else someone with a mickey mouse arts degree?

Ricky Miller

It’s not up to you who runs Russia or anywhere else for that matter. And as long as Denmark enables things like ongoing American violations of the UN Charter and the overthrowing of other governments your whole county should stfu. Really, you can’t loan arsonists your good name and give them money for fuel then complain about the management of the fire department. Not with a strait face.

klove and light

this is getting more and more pathetic……Putin is literally thinking we are all Zionist brainwasded Dummies…

Quote from above “The Russian Foreign Ministry noted that “in the ranks of the jihadists grouped there, there are many ISIS members, including those who were evacuated at one time along the “security corridors” from other regions of Syria.”

no shit assholes, what a fucking surprise!!!

and for the 99% bibi cock sucking Zionist pig Putin Lovers here……….read the last part of the above quote

“including those who were evacuated at one time along the “security corridors” from other regions of Syria.”

that is what i have pointed to since 2017!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and WHO was the motherfucker who made These “evacuation Agreements” in aleppo,in douma,in quintra etc……. PUTIN……and with whom? with HTS and the othwer head Choppers……and where were they EVACUATED(after beiing totally surrounded by SAA) to??????????????????????????????

IDLIB IDLIB IDLIB:::: and since 2017 i have written About this either 1. tremendous lack of intelligance and neglicence OR 2. treachery

my main LOGICAL Point was Always this: why let your ENEMIES , that YOU have surrounded and cornered in( as in aleppo, douma,quintra and dozen other places), evacuate to another place, were you will have to start all over again and fight them again!!!

it is treacherous Zionist pig Putins plan for the satanic Zionist Agenda to move Forward and weaken the resistance in the LONG RUN!!!

you Dummies here dont paly Chess, that is obvious. YOU dont win a Chess match with your first 10 moves!! it is a game of strategy and feints….and Putin with his Zionist Brothers are masters at that game!!!

Putin you are a treacherous bibi cock sucking pig




Of course “militants” are not complying with ceasefire, simply because they are paid by Turkey to spread terrorism in Syria and assessinate as many honest Syrian soldiers as possible. If they stop fighting they simply get no money and become “jobless”… They are so pathetic


Lavrov is actully aiding terrorist in the Syrian war. His in bed with Hezbollah and IRGC and his talking about terrorist. His literally a terrorist himself for standing with them. Hezbollah and IRGC can’t be covered by the ceasefire for being TERROR BLACKLISTED ORGANISTATION on the UNSC


No he’s not aiding teorrist,not unless they’re gonna fkem,if they don’t pull their finger out,

the worse aids are eu-epp-cia-soros-mi6-zionazi palestine and deep state irgc/hezbolla/nwo? Well such have done nothing to help syria,before putin intervened in 2015,dig it! Lavrov has proven credentials,the others have only proven to be sock puppets of cia/nwos!


You are speaking as if you a Russian bot rather than human.

What credentials they are fighting side by side with international recognized terrorist organistation such as Hezbollah and IRGC while calling HTS terrorist who are actully not AQ and everybody knows that they split from them. While barking terrorists all day long. That is just extremely stupid if you ask. They are playing double game and have zero creditibility. They are involved in brainless adventure and unnecessary from all angles

Concrete Mike

Oh boy an al nusrah apologist.

You are playing the double game here, it is you supporting al nusrah, a worldwide banned terrorist organisation.

You are a cancer to our species, and we will eradicate you and your friends.


Bla bla you can get pressed as much as you like nor Will you ever find me as an apologist. I am saying how it is. I am not playing double game here. No such nonsense is needed HTS is listed on the blacklist but they are different entity not AQ thats just a fact

Concrete Mike

Bullshit, HTS’s goal are the same as aq, install a sunni caliphate and kill all the rest.

That is clearly not what the people of syria want, otherwise they would not have resisted against you barbarians for 9 fucking years.

Your downplaying of HTS’s role in the terror chain of command is pathetic.

You are an AQ apologist, a filthy goat fucker supporter.

Tell that to your mother, how your supporting religious nuts that keep women locked up like a dog!!!

Assad is the lesser of 2 evils, i dont give a flying fuck how you paint your picture, that fact has been clear to me since april 2012.


You are speaking alot of nonsense. So you are now saying the people fought them for 9 YEARS before they didn’t want them? Another hypocritical statement.

NOBODY COULD HAVE STOPPED THE REBELS EXCEPT FOR RUSSIA where are the civilians? They stood with the Rebels. All the Red Zone is under Russian control. As far as I am concerned Putin is the de-fecto leader of Damascus which Makes Assad a puppet. The Rebels won the Civil and then Syria got invaded by Russia to save Assad.

The people have already spoken loud and clear. A weak leader who can’t survive without a foreign power keeping him there won’t last long nor will his supporters in that country maybe they will survive in the short-term but not in the long-term

Concrete Mike

Syria is for all Syrians, not just the sunni salafist rebels, that do include a shitload of foreigners.

As far as im concerned your a zionist shill, coming here and stirring up shit.

The people never stood with jabhat al nusrah, because their terrorists, thugs working on behalf of the west.

I read a paper in 2013 call war on the cheap, in foreign affairs magazine. The gist of it goes like this, america wants regime change in syria, but public opinion refuses to send troops over there, aka boots on the ground. So the concept of hiring local forces(mercenaries, terrorist whatever) , showering them with cash guns and intel was in full force in syria then.

This was never a civil war, this was a western sponsored invasion to replace the syrian governement.

Get your head out of the sand boy, holy fuck.


Assad lost to the Rebels FSA and allies period that tells you everything. This was never a civil war but an invasion

Ricky Miller

Only in neoliberal minds, living in denial. Even at it’s height most Syrian civilians sided and lived in government areas. Yes, that’s right. Central Aleppo, Damascus and all of the coastal cities as well as the most populated neighborhoods of Homs all remained loyal to the Syrian state.

John Wallace

Yes it was an invasion. An invasion by troops paid for by America but fortunately Russia , Iran and Hezbollah and Palestinians came to the aid of their friend to turn the tide against the scum and save the people of Syria.

Concrete Mike

Assad never lost shit to FSA, they are were and forever will be trash. SAA had a very hard time against jabhat al nusrah and ISIS, mostly because the terrorists were benefiting of an immense western military support, especially live intel, be it drone or satelite.

If it was an invasion, why do you mention FSA and allies? FSA is internal, you cant “invade” there!!!

But the hundreds of thousands of takfiri terrorists imported into syria, they were the invaders.

Yall a bunch of crusaders. Go the fuck home!

Boris Kazlov

So Syrian civilians are moderate rebels bombed by Russia and SAA, have you seen the civilian joy after liberation of Aleppo? Only a chicano imbecile can be that stupid.

Ricky Miller

Only if the greater evil is following the UN Charter. Syria’s government is the legitimate authority in Syria and is the only institution in country who holds international recognition and a seat in the UN General Assembly. Russia responded to an official request by a government, you know, those people responsible for law and order and employing police and all that necessary fluff. Anyone else in Syria not there in coordination with Syria’s Damascus government is in violation of signed and ratified treaty committments that were created by way of the Atlantic Charter and Roosevelt’s four points. The Syrian rebels failed in their initial uprising, btw. It wasn’t until other states facilitated the arrival of tens of thousands of foreign jihadi fighters and armed them to the teeth that the rebellion began to enjoy widespread success. Russia merely righted the scales and allowed the Syrian government a chance to fight back against the forces arrayed against them by five major powers and Qatar, including the pinnacle quad of NATO: the United States, Turkey, France, and the U.K. Here you are whining about Russia’s response while dismissing the original crime that led to de-stabilization in the first place.

Concrete Mike

Of course the snake would dismiss jabhat al nusrah, he is their little bitch.

Ricky Miller

Tell that to the thousands of people they’ve executed without civil authority or trial. I invite you to go spew your B.S. to Christian and Druze villages in Syria that Hezbollah defended 2014-2017. Tell them how Hezbollah and HTS are the same. Hope you can run fast.

John Wallace

A rose by any other name is still a rose. Time for you to go smell one or two.

Boris Kazlov

I am a true Russian bot, my country knows terrorists having fought a war with them. Worst rogue nation is USA, supported by imported shit like you.

Ricky Miller

If you can’t figure out the difference between HTS, a branch of Al-queida and Hezbollah, an organization that targets military and jihadi forces than you are lost. As in no moral compass. I’m not shia and have no great love for Hezbollah but I do recognize the difference between trying to defend a people, and trying to subjugate others. Jihadis do the latter and Hezbollah and IRGC do the former. And Russian forces wouldn’t be in Syria having to work with either if the U.S. and the U.K. as well as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, had followed the United Nations Charter and declined to involve themselves in Syria’s internal affairs by giving weapons, money, vehicles and training to jihadi street gangs, including thousands of foreign fighters.


What you didn’t realize is that he talks about terrorist organizations recognized by the UN (United Nations).


UNSC = Is the United nations. Hezbollah and IRGC ARE blacklisted as terrorists organisations in the UN (United nations) His been singing an empty song all this time

Concrete Mike

But dont bad mouth al nusrah though, because they are OUR terrorists.

Peice of shit get out of here!!


Now you accusing me of praising someone while I did not I am objective. You should get out of here yourself

Concrete Mike

Ive been here since the start son. You didnt praise AQ, but by shitting on russian diplomats like you just did, kinda gives away where your sympathies are.

IRGC and Hezbollah were invited by the legal syrian government. Jabhat Al Nusrah was NOT invited.


Who invites terrorist organisations while claiming to fight terrorist organisations.. What kind of idiotic behaviour is that

Concrete Mike

Listen, i dont have time to give you a history lesson.

If your too stupid to see how that terror list has become politicized, i cant help you.

If you cant see how “impartial” organizations have become politicized, like the OPCW, i cant help you.

Just because americans call someone a terrorist does NOT make them a terrorist, america is the #1 supporter of terrorists to this day!

Your argument is idiotic, because you have ZERO idea of what is really going on.


No America is not the only who said they are but several countries have designated them terrorist in the UN. now Piss off

Ricky Miller

But not in a resolution that needs consensus to pass along with no vetoes. Hezbollah existed and exists because Israel invaded and occupied Lebanon with American support and weaponry. You are claiming that there was a certified vote in the UNSC when there is none; just the usual suspects saying the usual things at a UN venue. It’s still not a resolution.

John Wallace

That by your own admission shows that it wasn’t the UN or the UNSC but individual countries that declared designated them as such. Oh big shock America , Israel and Saudi Arabia were amongst them Oh big shock they are also member states of the UN. Even bigger shock Palestine, Taiwan, Kosovo , Abkhazia, Northern Cyprus, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, and South Ossetia are the only countries that are not members of the UN. So to even say UN member countries as proof shows how incredibly naive you are. Stupidity and ignorance know no bounds with you. So stay here and get laughed at all day every day or slip back under your rock , your choice , I don’t care. I can always use a laugh , .

Concrete Mike

Morron, america has the lead in regards to politicizing terrorism, a cunt hair in front of israel.


Hi is little retarded :) Nor Hisbollah, nor IRGC are designated as terrorist groups by UN or UNSC..


Any link that support your affirmation that IRGC is listed as terrorist group by the United Nations?


Is not.. that retard is just too stupid to understand wiki.. apart from being totally uninformed about what is going on in global politics..

Ricky Miller

What kind of idiotic behavior is it to arm Sunni jihadi groups in pursuit of foreign policy goals? Russia cannot afford to let UN Charter regime change violations go completely unanswered time and time again. And thousands of these foreign jihadis are from Chechnya and Dagestan, inside the Russian Federation. No way Russia is going to leave them unmolested in a NATO created safe space to later come home triumphant and busy plotting new Beslan school shootings and bombings and more subway attacks like Volgograd. If the FUKUS powers really wanted Russia to stay out of it they should have been more selective during the hiring process.

Boris Kazlov

Anda a la puta que te pario, chicano inmundo.


They are not sunshine :) i bet you dont even know what UNSC means lol..


You are acting like a 3 year old with this post…

United Nations Security Council


Hezbollah and IRGC are not blacklisted as terrorists under UNSC sunshine :)) Not even according to UN sunshine :)) You obviously know horseshit of what you talking about and doesnt even know meaning of the words you are using.. Why dont you go to impress some teenage girls with that easter egg of yours?


I rest my case



You have rest ur head.. but forgot where sunshine :)) Hezbollah – 12 countries (not designated as a terrorist by UN or UNSC) IRGC – 4 countries (namely USA, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain – not designated as a terrorist according to UN or UNSC) Apart from you being evidently retarded and unable to read page you have posted here – you were saying?

Ricky Miller

Anyone who cites wiki is not to be taken seriously. There is no UNSC resolution that designates Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. Not IRGC either which is why the United States has done both unilaterally, on their own.

Ricky Miller

In fact Hezbollah’s political wing has offices in Europe. How can a terrorist organization operate freely in rented office space if they are designated as terrorist by the UNSC? You make crap up because you are over-exposed to MSM.

John Wallace

Hezbollah : Argentina,[5] Bahrain,[6] Canada,[7] Israel,[citation needed] Japan,[15] Malaysia,[16] Paraguay,[41] Saudi Arabia,[95] United Arab Emirates,[95] United Kingdom,[12] United States[13] Read the list and where does it say the UN has designated Hezbollah a terrorist organisation. Those are the COUNTRIES that have sided with the US . No where does it say THE UN so yes you proved your point. Stupidity , in fact so stupid you use as proof something that does exactly the opposite . Get a brain and although an Easter egg head is an improvement it is still not good enough. Idiot.


Since you have failed to understand, let me help you use logic. IRGC is the military wing of a sovereign country. How can the UNSC designate a country’s military a terrorist organization?

Ricky Miller

In what resolution?


UNSC hasn’t recognized Hezbolla or IRGC as terror organizations. You need to get your facts straight.


Both are regcognized. Try to do some research


No there not and if you did your research before posting you would know it. Since it would be in official documents you should be able to post them or name the resolution but you can’t since they doesn’t exist.


you are being childish. You are denying stuff in the face of reality


Now that your arguments doesn’t hold you try to attack my person by calling me childish. I can understand that reaction since your statements isn’t true and it should be clear to you as well if you looked it up.



There you have it. It’s like saying red is blue. Your argument level is infant level


Now you post a link with information that disproves your claim. Your claims are still wrong according to that source.


obvious troll is obvious


What are you talking about? Did you even look at the link you posted? It doesn’t state the Hezbollah and IRGC are recognized terrorist organizations by UNSC (UN) as you claimed. Are you trying the lamest troll attempt in history or didn’t you read the source you posted?

Concrete Mike

Lavrov knows what terrorism is, he dont need a dictionnary lesson from you.

You think UNSC is an objective organisation now?? Since when?

Dont beleive anything americans say, where are the iraqi wmd’s 15 years later?

Fighting in Syria is necessary, to stop the americans full spetrum dominance scheme.

You must enjoy living in a fascist world, I do not.


:)))) Somebody replaced ur head with the Easter egg – you should file a complain …

Boris Kazlov

Nothing worse than a chicano, he is deluded thinking he is in the best country in the world

John Wallace

Why would he complain when he is intellectually improved by it.

Boris Kazlov

CENTCOM has beenbranded a terrorist organizatioin, this time accurately.

Ricky Miller

No dumbass. Hezbollah and IRGC are not terrorist organizations. In fact, IRGC is part of a state security apparatus and both organizations stand for defending shia communities from outsider attacks. These attacks against the Shia, especially in Lebanon but also Iraq, Bahrain, Syria and Saudi Arabia, happened yet the UNSC did nothing to enforce international law on the perpetrators of cross border and human rights violence. These organizations exist to take the place of a functioning system of international security, at least for this particular community and Russia works with them only as they work toward Russia’s goals in Syria, namely; to defeat regime change, especially cynical regime change attempts by arming jihadi street gangs.


Get them neo-liberal european maggots fake turkmen out first,the sooner they are eliminated,the sooner all the barking from fake stream media ends once an for all,no point letting them get away with it! Get the facist maggots out of syria,extradite the maggots to libya like the gulens and isis,haftar to finish off theb job once and for all,now that’s what i’d call poetic justice,serve the tyrants well,just send them to haftar the grim,he’s good,he’ll fix ’em all fot good,c’mon russia,syria,ask erdo to help thus redeem his!

Tim Williams

Russia giving the TURKS 24 hours to get out of the way … THOR’S HAMMER is going to be dropped on the RATS …

Concrete Mike

Really? I hope its true, this madness needs to stop.

Tim Williams

grab some beer and popcorn …

Concrete Mike

Im having a hard time with beer lately, but i got a.6pack on hand regardless, i can suffer, it will.be wurf!


source ?

Kerd Siken

Did you dream about it? Turks won’t leave until the YPG and Refugees probs are solved. Russia Can’t do nothing about it.

cechas vodobenikov

u r stooopid…if this were true why did ergdogone crawl to Moscow to beg Putin for charity after Russian sukois sent 50 turk soldiers to Allah? lol

Kerd Siken

Just watch the video, erdo says thank for invited to putin


It’s time for Russia to start negotiate with these sunni extremists a concerted relocation to Raqqa governatorate. Its not possible to push them into Turkey any further, unfortunately. But it is not possible not to control the borders with Turkey either.. . those who comply will be awarded, those who do not will be dealt with by the SAA

Tim Williams

just kill them … they had the chance to leave, now face the consequences


Russia is kind and has to give them another option

Tim Williams

they were given the options … time is up

John Wallace

How many times do you need to tell a Leopard not to eat humans before they listen.


“The militants of the terrorist groups took advantage of the respite, recovered, reequipped” — wait a moment, when people here predicted that exactly this would happen, we were lectured that we just failed to appreciate Putin’s latest masterstroke with the green-bus deals.

I don’t think I’m crudely baying for blood here. Reconciliation is fine, if it means the moderates surrender and verifyably put down their weapons for good. To the ones that refuse, well, hope the virgins are still virgins when your number comes up. To which extent does “Russia’s long game” mean it practice that it tries to prolong the Syria war as much as possible?

Concrete Mike

Yes we knew al nusrah was going to rearm, as they were never part of the ceasfire deal.

What the deal states is that Turkey must forcibly remove al nusrah, thats the deal.

Will Turkey follow through on this agreement? Probably not, as they are not homogenous, no matter what deal the snake erdogan signs, his subordinates will not listen. Its the same with the americans.

Its like there is another entity out there calling the shots, some kind of supranational state.

I will still applaud the russians for all the good work they do, they are trying their best out of a shitty situation, the whole west is cockblocking peace in syria right now, it must be infuriating.


Even up to the highest levels, there seems to exist some kind of mental block against seeing the West for what it truly is and does. I don’t necessarily believe all the stories circulating about the origin of Covid-19, and yet I have to wonder: what was China doing letting American soldiers letting in for those army games? That’s your enemy; it’s a security risk. China has so much trouble keeping the orcs out of Taiwan, and here you were just extending them an invitation into your home.

John Wallace

Yes but countries have all sorts of games with each other to claim victory which is better than shooting each other. In hindsight perhaps a bad mistake but if this spread was intentional then another method would have been used either by a touring group or sporting group . As for a security risk China would have plenty keeping eyes on every single member of those visiting well aware that one or more would have been tasked with spying.

Kerd Siken

Zao an, I have friend sfrom Taiwan, they don’t like Mainland. I agree about keeping the west out of Taiwan.


Wanshang Hao, just to clarify: I’ve been on both sides of the Strait, and find much to like on both sides in spite of any faults. Taiwanese distrust of the mainland is only natural given the size differential. But if you give the yanks a finger, they’ll immediately start building bases which will be de facto immune from Taiwanese law, and then stuff them full with spying facilities, radars, and before you know it nukes. Afterwards, TW will be a Cold War outpost like Ukraine, and like Ukraine without any real possibility left to change that fate.

Bottom line, I think letting the orcs in would be bad for the mainland and bad for Taiwan.

Kerd Siken


Astrid Watanabe

“…stories circulating about the origin…..” http://www.globalresearch.ca is pretty convincing, pursuing the thread from many angles. In the beginning I was incredulous, but then I remember when I first read about the US supporting the terrorists I also felt devastated. I learned that through reading Mike Flynn’s warning about our Foreign Policy – and look what they are doing to him now.(not that I think he is an angel)

Kerd Siken

You did not mention about older agreement with Russia, They have to take out YPG from N-Syria. So Russia keep your promise first.

Bobo Voxar

lot of problems for them.. Lybian resorts and airport are bombed,EU vacations is closed,no money,SAA behind their asses,Sauds are fighting each other, oil thefts are without profit, russians flies over heads,drones recording their intercourse with goats… just horrible to be turkish jihadist…

Assad must stay

haahhahahaah recording intercourse too funny


Give Turkish terrorists public deadline to put their Islamic state terrorists in line..

Tim Williams

they have been given the deadline … they have rejected it … kill them


Kerd Siken

They can’t.


Anyone who has issues with the ceasefire will have to get past Turkey.. Sit down kids before you all get slapped by Erdogan. Pay some respect. O’ peasants of Southfront

Concrete Mike

Oh fuck off from your ivory tower, stupid goat fucker!


I don’t do Animals.. cheap A$$ PIG fxcker.. But won’t mind doing your sister. Throw her my way. She could re-discover a lost ancient orgasmic level rarely reached since the dawn of mankind


Don’t nobody think Russia was stupid in reaching a deal with Turkey. They knew what they were doing. Now when the Russians strike, the Turks will have to stay away cuz they have no reason to get involved


Just because there was some demonstration against the Russians dosen’t mean the ceasefire is broken. It’s fine I am sure there will be patrols in the future. dealing with these protesters is nothing big deal for turkey. The same happened to Turkey when they are doing patrols in Northeast syria and belted with stones on couple of occasions

Kerd Siken

Yes we have, Refugees.

Concrete Mike

The same refugees you use to blackmail europe with??!!!

Oh what a great humanitarian you are!!!

Im glad my country took 30k syrian refugees, i now know how you turkish goat fuckers used, abused and terrorized them.

You can shed your crocodile tears elsewhener, we aint idiot neoliberals here.

Kerd Siken

30K VS 4M are you joking, you selfish Bast@@rd.

Concrete Mike

Like im the canadian government that decides how many we take in?

What the fuck are you retarded??? Im glad we took some in and wish we could take more, so you shitheads would stop tormenting them, sadly most of my countrymen do not feel the same as I.

Your governement needs.to stop the terrorists in idlib, so SAA can secure rest of country. Simple as that.

Kerd Siken

SEcure? Saa is the one that causes refugees with bombing everything insteed of bombing terror only.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

But they can’t strike the terrorists without hitting the Turks as well now, the Turks and terrorists are intermingled.

Tudor Miron

All goes according to plan. Turkey proves ones again that they are unable (unwilling) to fulfill their obligations (RuFM is simply underscoring it). Next step – when SAA is ready than another chunk of Syrian map becomes red.


It will be after Damascus and Aleppo has fallen

Tudor Miron

Go take your meds. Don’t be late with it next time – obviously you can’t afford it.

Kerd Siken

Nice Fairytale, long time no hear.

Tudor Miron

Harder trolly, harder. You got to earn those shekels. Also I would suggest that you don’t look/compare Syrian maps of 2015/16/17/18/19 and 2020 – reality could cause a serious blood pressure rise to your kind.

Kerd Siken

Hmmm sound interesting, What about losing 40% of Syrian lands with your mighty Russia/Iran/Hez and A55head.

Concrete Mike

Thats still 60% you sorry goat fuckers wont get.

You aint so tough, all your doing is hiding behind american skirts.

You talk all tough now but 3 weeks ago you were getting your ass whooped, and rest assured you will get your ass whooped again goat fucker.

Kerd Siken

Strange answer, I though Turks push US away from N-Syria borders or was it you :))) Hmm you seems to forgotten what the drones did to you :))) hahaha, now go eat some lolipop

Concrete Mike

Did you forget what we did to the drones afterwards?

I bet the SAA is ready for your drones now.

I wiĺl add these drones strikes were in direct support of jabhat al nusrah, im glad to see you are proudly wearing that badge of “honor”.

No need to worry about the north east right now, its jabhat al nusrah that needs to die.

Kerd Siken

Saa said they hit 3 drones but in real they hit only 1. even 3 is not much at all.

cechas vodobenikov

Turkish duplicity has earned them nearly as much hatred by civilized peoples as have the self uglified amerikans…..even NATO abandoned them, EU rejected them and now they r losing in both Syria and Libya….perhaps they can try to invade Armenia? of course they won’t; 5000 Russian troops will obliterate them should they try


If Assad breaches the Ceasefire it’s his own doing and probably the end of him. I would love to see them doing that

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

God Bless Russia

Al Balog

Party time soon. Can’t wait for more of the green on the map to turn red. Russia and Syria are ready ?. Translated the article from Italian:


Moscow: Al Qaeda-linked militants reorganize to launch major counter-offensive in Idlib

The Russian Foreign Ministry said militia groups in the Idlib de-escalation area have rearmed themselves and are preparing to launch counterattacks against the Syrian Arab army, highlighting the need to eliminate and hold them accountable

The Russian foreign ministry raised the alarm in a statement quoted today by the Russia Today website : “Large armed formations belonging to various terrorist organizations, including Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham and Hurras Al-Deen, which continue to use the ideological principles and terrorist methods of al-Qaeda are gathering in the Idlib region. ”

Despite this warning, however, armed groups have yet to refrain from launching major attacks.

A source from the Syrian Arab Army told Al-Masdar that jihadist groups are still present south of the M-4 (Aleppo-Latakia) highway, but there have still been no major attacks.

The Russian army gave Turkey more time to force these militias to leave their posts south of the M-4 highway; however, if they refuse to leave, the Syrian army will resume its offensive.


Did miliitans signed the Russia-Turkey agreement ? I don’ think so. So, why do they have to complain the such a agreement ? If they did through Turkey signature… that is even worst for Russia because Russia is recognising Turkey as terrorists representative !! Instead of stopping Turkey invasion to Syria for good, it looks like Russia is helping Turkey and its terrorists with these ceasefire agreements.

Fuckturkius Sraloukranius

Russia now have any right to eliminate all those scums and free Idlib from the subhumans supported by the US

Kerd Siken

Are you a frustrated greek without money?

Assad must stay

wow what a shocker, lets hope this is the last time russia believes turkey can control its headchoppers, but im not too hopeful at this point anymore

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“According to the Russian side, the provocations were planned by radical gangs not controlled by Turkey.”

LOL, what a lie, Russia used to say the Turks controlled all the radical groups, ALL of them, but all of a sudden now they don’t, LOL LOL. Liars. …..

“According to it, “the Turkish side has been given extra time to take measures to neutralize terrorist groups and ensure the security of joint patrol of the M4 highway.”

LOL. And the Russians gave the Turks 2 years worth of Astana agreements to do the same thing, 16 broken agreements later and we’re going for number 17 now, LOL LOL, Liars. …..

“Joint patrols should not only ensure the safety of the movement of civilians along the M-4 highway (Latakia-Aleppo), which is important for Syria, but also become a guarantee of preventing the resumption of armed conflict in the region.”

LOL. Any civilians crazy enough to use this highway will find out it’s a bandits highway, no amount of patrols will be able to keep it safe, people will be willfully robbed and murdered the whole length of the highway, and not just the pro Assad civilians, the terrorists will murder and rob their own as well.

But armed conflict is the only way to get rid of the 15,000 foreign Jihadists that still live in Idlib and Latakia, if the SAA don’t fight them how are they supposed to get rid of them, are they supposed to live there in Idlib and Latakia forever, or are the Turks going to invite them to come and live in Turkey. LOL LOL, Liars. …..

“So far, it’s not proving effective.”

LOL, Gee I wonder why not, is it because pigs can’t really fly, despite the fact we were told they could, and by the very same people who told us they couldn’t fly just a few weeks ago, before the new ceasefire was announced. LOL LOL, LIARS.

The ceasefire agreement isn’t really a ceasefire agreement at all, it’s actually a stalemate agreement, buffer zone still means the same thing it did in the past, and it used to mean a material that is used to keep 2 other different materials from interacting with each other, that’s what this buffer will do to, keep the SAA and Turks from interacting with each other. If the US had told us all the same thing about the new ceasefire agreement, and assured us all that pigs could actually fly, most of us would’ve called them liars, but most of us didn’t do that when the Russians told us pigs could fly, and the Russians told us they could because the new ceasefire agreement said they could, LOL, how ludicrous, only God could tell me that and I’d believe it. The Russians aren’t really stupid at all, they know there’s no way in hell that a pig can fly, and they aren’t really expecting them to, they just want us to believe they can, that way they get to absolve themselves when they can’t provide the outcome they say this new ceasefires achieved, which in reality is nothing but a stalemate.


Of course.. Bad, bad Russians.. Bad, bad, Putin.. Bad, bad Russian army – is only getting in the way of SAA isnt it? Without them SAA would already freed all of the country and kicked Turkey, USA, Israel and Klingon’s in the process…Bad, bad Russian diplomacy – is only getting in the way.. Without them Assad diplomacy would already banned and kicked Turkey, USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia from United Nations right?

You should stick to the “LOL”..

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You might like being lied to and treated like an imbecile but I don’t, why can’t they just tell the truth, why push this BS story that’s nothing but a feel good fiction, they’re telling more lies than the Turks usually do. If you believed that nonsensical ‘M4 is soon to be liberated story’, and now this subsequent excuse for not actually implementing it, you’re practically mentally retarded or as gullible as a 10 year old. So what did Putin do for Syria, you have your slant but here’s mine.

Putin failed to help Assad put down the civil uprising when it first began, and that’s despite the fact Assad asked him for help, and despite the fact the Russian military recommended that Putin should, but Putin said it was an internal domestic matter the Syrians could deal with themselves, and look how that turned out, Putin should’ve listened to his own experts and helped Assad, none of this would’ve happened if he did.

And then with Isis running amok next door in Iraq, and with all the warning signs that Isis was soon going to invade Syria as well, what did Putin do to stop them, NOTHING AT ALL, NOT ONE DAMN THING. and look what Isis did in just a short amount of time, brilliant preparations from Putin, they stopped Isis dead in their tracks, oh hang on, no they didn’t. So Putin negligently let’s Isis into Syria which then gives the US and Turkey the excuses they needed to do the same thing, absolutely brilliant, the Turks and the US cavalry charging in to save the helpless Syrians, what a brilliant look for the Russians that was, LOL, you’re bragging about his achievements are you kidding me.

And then in June 2018 the Israelis and the US start saying they have no problem with Assad staying in power, and they also tell the rebel fighters not to resist Assad’s campaign to recover Daraa and Quneitra, and when Assad does recover the southern territories and moved to Idlib to do the same thing there, Putin made the first Astana agreement with Erdogan stopping the Idlib campaign dead in its tracks, more brilliance from Putin.

But the most disloyal thing that Putin ever did was to draft that resolution 2254 with Iran and Turkey, he may as well have stabbed Assad in the back that time, and for 5 years Assad had to put up with that dead crow tied around his neck, maybe that’s why Assad accepted his enemy the UN’s proposal the very same day they made it, it at least they helped him stop the Turks taking over Syria politically, but the Iranians and Russian were fully prepared to let Assad go under to keep the Turks happy.

So Putin’s legacy in Syria is just one failure after another, the Russian diplomacy you claim as being helpful, caused all the things that shouldn’t have happened in the first place, he shouldn’t have let in the Jihadist, and he shouldn’t have let Isis in, and he shouldn’t have let the US in, and he shouldn’t have let the Turks in, fixing up failures isn’t really an achievement at all, just a terrible legacy of fixed failures. One man’s treasure is another man’s trash, lift your head out of the garbage, Putin’s the moron who believed he could tame Erdogan’s wild ambitions, no one else was stupid enough to believe they could, and they were right, no one can, least of all Putin. What you lawd as Putin’s achievements are in fact all failures, if he’d done the right thing in the first place none of this would’ve happened, no Jihadists, no Isis, no US, and no Turks.


What a load of crap :) I wont even reply to all that crap you wrote – i wont waste my time:

“Putin failed to help Assad put down the civil uprising when it first began” – there was no civil uprising at all! Syrian war trough proxy was planned long before 2011 and executed by the active support of Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, USA and lot of other countries! If you dont know that, than you may as well write long stories for some kids magazine..

So mingling with that setup would get Russia in direct confrontation against all west in Syria (another Afghanistan)- and we talking about year 2011 (not 2014, 2016, or 2020). Russians know that very well, so i call your assumption that “Russian military recommended that Putin should” – a direct lie.

Second: Putin at that moment was on the position of prime minister of Russia – so he was in no position to order military action at all (you cant get even a simple facts strait)

Third: it was a year before another election in Russia with USA and the west actively pursuing a “majdan” in Russia – if Putin would do that ( if he could), he would not win election for a third term as a president, Russians would get another Afghanistan in Syria and who ever would win election would pull military out and Syria would have lost till 2013.. You buddy dont know shit about the bigger picture and global politics :) Fortunately, Putin is way above your silly thinking and planning…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“there was no civil uprising at all! Syrian war trough proxy was planned long before 2011 and executed by the active support of Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, USA and lot of other countries

No matter how you define it, civil uprising, proxy war, Putin failed to help Assad put it down, FACT.

“So mingling with that setup would get Russia in direct confrontation against all west in Syria (another Afghanistan)- and we talking about year 2011 (not 2014, 2016, or 2020). Russians know that very well, so i call your assumption that “Russian military recommended that Putin should” – a direct lie.

Lol, so Russia isn’t in direct conflict with the west in Syria now, and what exactly are the SDF doing, just keeping the seat warm for the Russians. And you do remember it was the US who paid Osama bin Laden to create the Mujahideen, who then ousted the Russians from Afghanistan and let the US in, that was Soviet Russia’s biggest defeat ever by the Muslim extremists, so why compare Syria to Afghanistan, I fail to see your point.

And I read all the Russian news back then, and the only member of the Russian government or military saying they shouldn’t put Russian boots on the ground was Putin.

“Second: Putin at that moment was on the position of prime minister of Russia – so he was in no position to order military action at all (you cant get even a simple facts strait)”

You’re obviously not Russian and also obviously too young to remember, when Putin’s last term as prime minister was about to end he reorganized the Russian political system, he switched most of the prime ministerial roles to presidential roles and vice versa, then he ran for President. So stupid back then as prime minister Putin did have all the relevant authority in exactly the same way he has now as President, I’m surprised that being a pro Putin supporter you didn’t know that, so it’s you who can’t get a simple fact straight. And he just recently pulled another swifty too further increasing his political life even longer.

And your last point is total nonsense.

The facts are, An uprising/sponsored civil war was allowed to escalate to the state it has now. Isis were allowed a foothold into Syria due to inaction or ignorance by Putin, which then gave the US and Turks the excuse they needed to intervene. And Putin signed 3 seperate MOU’s with the Turks giving them permission to occupy Syrian soil. And Putin conspired with Iran and Turkey back in 2015 to bring about resolution 2254, the most harmful piece of paper the Syrian’s ever had to deal with, please explain how that piece of trash was helpful to Assad. I used to curse the UN for years about that resolution until one day I found out who actually drew up the resolution and proposed it in the first place, Assad’s 2 greatest allies Iran and Russia, and Syria’s biggest enemy Turkey. So how did giving Turkey so much say in the rewriting of the Syrian constitution and the subsequent electoral process help Assad in any way, it didn’t, that’s why he refused to sign it for 5 years. But his sworn enemy the UN offered to amend the Turkish/Russian/Iranian resolution and minimised Turkish and US involvement in the political process, and Assad accepted the new resolution the same day it was offered. And I keep saying it over and over again, The Turkish/Russian/Iranian resolution was rejected for 5 years, ASSAD DIDN’T DO WHAT IRAN AND RUSSIA WANTED HIM TO DO, BUT IT TOOK JUST ONE DAY FOR HIM TO ACCEPT THE NEW UN AMENDMENTS [and the UN was never Assad’s friend], there’s only one explanation for that, the UN deal was a much better deal for Assad.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

As I always assumed, Erdogan only used that truce to recover and rearm his useless soldiers and terrorist puppets. And once that objective has been fulfilled, under the same orders of the Erdogan, they will be looking for any silly pretext to overturn the ceasefire as soon as possible and try to achieve what they could not, and neither will not succeed again on the ground in Syria.

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