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MARCH 2025

Militants In Idlib Form Joint Operations Room To Fend Off Syrian Army

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Militants In Idlib Form Joint Operations Room To Fend Off Syrian Army

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Most of the armed groups in the northern governorate of Idlib have united forces and formed a new operations room to fend off any possible attack of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies on the governorate, the news outlet Radio Idlib reported on July 29.

According to the pro-opposition news outlet, more than 70,000 militants in Idlib will fight under the command of the new operations room.

Syrian pro-opposition sources said that the new operations room will include Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the Syrian Liberation Front (SLF) and the National Front for Liberation (NFL). Furthermore, al-Qaeda-affiliated groups such as the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) and Horas al-Din will work under the operations room.

Idlib Radio’s claims are yet to be confirmed by any of the armed groups in Idlib. However, such a step seems possible after the recent defeats of opposition forces around the Syrian capital of Damascus, in northern Homs and in southern Syria.

It’s not clear if the new operations room will stick to defensive operations or if it will launch attacks on the government-held areas. Some HTS supporters claimed that the operations room may attack government positions near the Syrian coast. However, these claims sound far-fetched.

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That zoo will eventually fall no matter what.

yudha bdg

That zoo is a group of lions, it won’t fall, Assad’s mercenaries won’t have the guts


They won’t attack it unless they are complete nuts. And if they do attack they will reveal themselves as the most bloodthirsty power hungry murderers. https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyh16wxdPi1qgr491o1_400.gif


Nope! If they do attack..it means money has been passed.


Yeah, we saw your lions during abu duhur offensive.


Nope! I saw them. They seem like lions but at closer look they are really hyenas.


How are You today Mr. Hell Aviv… did the Mossad give you a Desk Job because you weren’t Good enough to join ISIS?

Val Shadowhawk

You had best get that absurd idea out of your head. Your proxy mercs are in a failed operation. Not if but when. Get that through your thick skull, hasbara. It’s over. Syria and her president will get your zionist asses out of her Country in a matter of months if not sooner. Better pack!

AM Hants

Don’t you mean the pussy cat’s cave? Do love seeing them flee, screaming, squealing and sobbing, when they see real soldiers. They act so differently when facing the kiddies and infirm.

AM Hants

Fleeing the scene


ISIS fighter cries like a baby after being captured by Kurdish forces… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Nan1YgQyXE

ISIS rat Surrenders to Peshmerga. English subtitles… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gTF9YOhcSk

Watch ISIS terrorists scream and cry in the face of SAA tanks… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COI2fA7LEdE&t=37s


I suggest you go join your fellow terrorists and get fried.

Richard M

Doo Dah Low Budget, get a real job. Your troll posts are not worth the 50 Cents Mossad pays you!


Ahaha brainwashed zio- trolls. bashar is the zionist puppet you fools

Richard M

Captagon has scrambled your brain, Hafiz.


People of various groups, backgrounds and organisations are now united together under one goal. The Muslim state of Idlib. https://youtu.be/78qMIv5HbfE?t=19s


To be honest, Muslims do not live in the present, but in the past. Muslims mullas always tell the stories how Muhammad defeated an opponent army with 300 men only. But since then, many things happened around the world, but most muslims aren’t aware of those event. They still fancy their past.

Todays muslims are just some bunch of under-educated idiots.


The Extremist Talmudic Wahhabis are the Terrorists… they aren’t Muslims but Devilworshippers…


Maybe in 100 years or in 1000 years, the Saudi Arabia will fall and from that day, the Muslim world will prosper again.


I personally think Saudi Arabia will Fall very soon..the Fight with the Houthis Shows they are Nothing…and the War in Yemen will Bring a lot of Trouble internally with a potential Coup d’Etat…Wahhabistan is Caught in a Spiderweb at the moment…many Muslims are very nice people…it has been the West that has been Corrupting Them & their Leaders the last Centuries…


Regardless of religion, most of the people in the world are nice people. I also think that most of the Muslims are nice too.

I do not blame the west (if I were west, I would have done the same). I blame those so called Arab leaders that letting the west to do so at the expense of their own people, only because of tightening their grip on the power.


They always got Millions of Dollars Bribing Money & Military Support to become such Leaders…That’s why I hope Syria will become a different country after this War….Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan… we need to look forward… Young Peoples in these Countries have their own views towards Religion..they just want their Freedom…the World has become small for that matter…

Peter Jennings

You may not need to wait that long. The suadis are doing such a good job of it.


But it does not mean that the muslims reject modern ways of life or modern technology. As long it does not conflict with the religion everything is fine. Islam solves some of today problems better, than those based on greed and money.


That’s because it’s impossible to reject modern life in 21st century. If they could, most of them would have rejected.

They are benefiting from the technologies invented by the others. They got the same brains from like the others from the nature, but they don’t use it properly. Instead most them are driven by the greed of the luxury in the afterlife.

If Allah exists, he will cast all the muslims in the hell because of wasting their brains in useless stuffs.


You are talking about 90% of the World’s population…They are all driven by Luxury & Greed… it doesn’t matter were they live.. or what their Religion is… TV, Facebook, Google, Instagram tells us who to be, how to behave & what to Believe…that is if you want to be part of it…


I am talking about the greed and luxury of the afterlife.


Ah…the 72 Talmudic Wahhabi Virgins…right? It will be a Big Suprise when they Find out it is a Fiery 72 year old women with Horns & a Tail..


The Talmudic Wahhabi State of The Greater IsraHell Caliphate…Led by the Great Abu Bakr al-Hell-Aviv


No the state of Abu Bakr al-Takfiri is defeated, this one is real.


No more Forcing people to Listen to Evil Leaders or Chop off Heads if they don’t… those days should End…if they keep on trying to manipulate people through Religion or Force… Kick them out…

You can call me Al

You say that, but no offence, WTF were you doing upticking “yudha bdg” above ?.


Because I became a Headchopper.. Rothschild has put some money on my Bank account to upvote Yudha bdg….


I think I hit that button by accident when I upvoted Sephy….my apologies…won’t happen again…srry….I’ll make it up to you…just a second…

You can call me Al

Are you pissed as a fart ?, you are talking to yourself.


Oh yeah wrong button again…srry mate…usually I don’t apologise meself to myself…


Woops, I also hit wrong button, was trying to reply to someone else. Wait a dam second, I’m not even on the correct article or web site! :) How did I get here?

You can call me Al

See you soon.


Just let me know…

You can call me Al

Will do. Split between having a good night + bloody work at the mo. Living nightmare.



You can call me Al

Damn. But at least you have a few bob to buy dinner and copious amounts of wine, vodka, Bacardi +++ !!!!!


Actually it would be a Muslim state of Idlib, province of Israel.


Province of Syria.

Empire's Frontiers

70,000 are ready to fight, they say.


Do a few runs and see what attitude the 60,000 have.

Then consult again with the 50,000 if needed.


They had a joint Operations Room in South Damascus as well I think .

That went well :)


” Operations Room” is OK as idea…. As long as it is a door or window on that Room so that they can escape when SAA and TIGERS arrive to say “hello” to them!

John Whitehot

70K? They are lucky if there is half of that.

King Tudor777

They are not willing to fight, more than half of it will surrender after losing Idlib City.

You can call me Al

Surrender and kicked out of the Country.


Every day… https://youtu.be/QVR6YPgjVqA Its more than 100k now. And im not even including the Idlib cuntryside and locals.

John Whitehot

try this with kindergarten kids and the mentally challenged.


Are you one of them?

John Whitehot

so far no zionist managed to manipulate me. i dream about a humanity made up of melikes. I’m kidding ofc, up to a certain point.

King Tudor777

Let them form any false operations rom, let them form anything they want. And after they solved their problems about forming some stupid organizations that will not work, call on RuAF and let it drops some thousands of bombs alongside the Syrian Forces and other allies. After that let’s see how many of the supposed 70000 terrorists are left. No evacuation and no agreement with terrorists! Bomb them all, victory to Syrian people, no rest for HTS, SLF and TIP!

King Tudor777

https://mobile.almasdarnews.com/article/brave-72-year-old-syrian-woman-fends-off-isis-terrorists-with-ak-47-saves-grandchildren-video/ This is the true Syrian spirit! The Syrians will not give up on the fighting, they will destroy all the Saudi-backed rats!


Please include zionist Israel among the rats backer!

Concrete Mike

Bwahaha we’ve seen the joint operations rooms, good gather your officers in one spot and kalibr them to hell. Make sure to make as much electronic noise possible so we can see you.

yudha bdg

Great, united sunni army,, the SAA will have no chance,


Sunni army led by rats and cowards? Fighting for who? Secular traitor puppet government and greedy bastards? No, the real sunni army will win: https://i.imgur.com/p4Qgoiw.png

New Israel is Muslim

fight the zionist kurds who want to blow up the Dome of the Rock for the jew.

Stop with this stupid Shia vs Sunni.

The Catholics and Protestants fought each other and with in a couple hundred years, they were slaves to the jew.

You can call me Al

Listen you retarded POS, The Iranians and Hezbollah are coming for you and may God bless them all.


It seems you need to be reminded that your friends that are corn-holing each other in Idlib, are losers and surrendered in other battles. What makes you think your corn-holing friends can be victorious now? Once the airstikes and artillery start your bastard friends will be terrified and then dead.

yudha bdg

Airstrikes is nothing to be worried. We will get our SAMs from the Turks and the Yanks


ManPads, (not the ones your men wear) don’t reach 20,000m.


The more those rabid dogs is there in Idlib the merrier ! The more US & Israeli-Jihad bastards will get killed !

The more innocent victims will be revenged !

Julian Clegg

So many different kinds of rat! This might help a bit: Jihadist In-fighting and the Birth of Horas ad-Deen: Syria From Within | Chatham House: http://syria.chathamhouse.org/research/jihadist-in-fighting-and-the-birth-of-horas-ad-deen


Sounds Very impressive Headchopper & Co. .. your Fucktard-Army of Psychopathic Criminals & Mental Fucknuts supported by F.UK.US. & IsraHell is on the Brink of Extinction… it will be a beautiful sight to see the Last of You Cockroaches gasping for Air in their Final Death Throes…Live on YouTube… too Bad they hide all the Movies where you get chopped up these days…

Jim Prendergast

Find the operation room. Surgically remove it.

New Israel is Muslim

It would be better for Assad that Erdogan occupy Idlib and annex it with all the Sunni fighters, than for Assad to make some deal with the zionist kurds to have FUKUS terror camps occupying Syria after the civil war and for Syria to be weak and decentralized. That is exactly what Israhell wants and Assad is falling for the trap.


The kurds getting an autonomous region plays into the Greater Israhell Project. The jews want a zio-Kurdistan buffer state filled with zionist kurds to protect them from Muslims that kurds and jews hate.

Idlib is jew haters fighting jew haters and Netanyahu will cheer the death of as many jew haters as possible.



Peter Jennings

The Syrian admin have expected this after every male, however young, were allowed to keep their small arms when first defeated and evacuated. This time around it will be terrorists families and homes on the receiving end of explosive charges and stray bullets. Karma is funny like that. All the old gang are there probably hoping isreal keep the supply lines open for airdrops. The Golan is next. Isreali talk of security & peace is a ruse. Syria should act now and force the UN to annul annexation.

New Israel is Muslim

These Sunnis need to play a modified Call of Duty. The plot being the IDF are about to blow up the Dome of the Rock and Palestine needs liberating. You are mixed within Hezbollah who are trying to defeat the jew. If you kill enough IDF fighters you save Islam and Dome of the Rock is not blown up. If you start to kill Hezbollah fighters defending Islam, there is a cut screen of a jew running into the Dome of the Rock and it blowing up.

With this video playing as the defeat video. The jew is moving to Greater Israhell and uprooting arabs in Syria and Iraq and Egypt.



Russian Aerospace forces I’ve had some fun with these collective operation rooms. It will be fun watching them target them.


It it comes to Idlib, Russian and Syrian Jets and Kalibr Cruise missiles will turn that place in ash.

ελευθεριος βενιζελος

they were saying the same in daraa…. we will see…

Jozsef Osztronkovics

We hope that Syrian AA will fox them up and send them into zionist hell

Richard M

That’s a Horas of a different color!


If all sunni Islamic groups in northern syria unite, and fight together as brothers, THEN GOD WILLING, VICTORY IS FOR ISLAM!

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