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Militants In Northeastern Syria Are Being Armed By U.S.: Russian Reconciliation Center

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Militants In Northeastern Syria Are Being Armed By U.S.: Russian Reconciliation Center

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The weapons that militants in Syria are using against Turkish troops and civilians are entering northeastern Syria from Iraq with the “direct participation” of the United States.

This was announced by the head of the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria in Syria, Rear Admiral Oleg Zhuravlev, cited by TASS.

“The US command in the region is intensively saturating the territory east of the Euphrates river with weapons and ammunition. Since the beginning of 2020, 13 military convoys have arrived from Iraq to Syria, which included over 80 armored vehicles and more than 300 trucks loaded with various types of weapons, ammunition and materiel”, Rear Adm. Oleg Zhuravlev said in a daily briefing.

According to Zhuravlev, against the backdrop of a difficult humanitarian situation and settlements being constantly shelled by militants, as a result of which civilians are injured and killed, the civilian population in northeastern Syria has to flee their homes and move to territory controlled by the Syrian government.

“About 23 thousand Syrians, most of whom are families with old people and children, have passed through the al-Salihiya checkpoint near the city of Deir ez-Zor since the beginning of 2020,” said the head of the Center for Reconciliation.

He also recalled that since February 17th, checkpoints have been operating in the settlements of Bjarez, Maarret-en-Nuuman and Habit, for the passage of civilians from areas controlled by armed groups of the Idlib de-escalation zone to territories controlled by the Syrian government forces, through which on February 18th, 177, 171 and 35 people, respectively, passed through.

Rear Admiral also informed that the Russian military police continued to patrol a number of routes in the province of Aleppo.

“All activities within the framework of patrolling <…> took place in accordance with the approved plans, without incident,” he said.

Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused the troops of the Syrian government and the Russian military operating with them in attacking civilians and shelling the Turkish military.

This statement was made after five military personnel were killed during shelling of the Turkish post in the Syrian province of Idlib.

Erdogan refuted the words of the Russian Defense Ministry, saying that the reason for the escalation of the conflict in Idlib was Ankara’s failure to fulfill its promises.

The Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also said that Turkey is not fulfilling its part of the Sochi agreements. The last agreement between the countries, concluded in October, called for the cessation of operations in northern Syria, as well as the creation of de-escalation zones in the provinces of Idlib and Aleppo.

Meanwhile, the US, if the reports are true, is attempting to consolidate its grip on Syria’s oil fields, with its troops, as well as by arming groups to protect them, even against the local population.


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Another perverse situation there, it reminds me the Turks: same style. But Kurds are bound to loose for being a minority in so called “Kurdistan”. They can’t succeed, they will need SAA to protect them against Erdogan, and so they will have to renonce to their “Sovereignty”, sooner or later. Remember Kurdistan was a Isareli project to cause unrest with Turkey. History will judge Israel and its US puddle with deep opprobrium and despite. Politically.

Zionism = EVIL

The Jew fucks are a cancer for the region and the world.


I will say KURDS, TURKS and JEWS are the same mafia race:)…

Zionism = EVIL

100% simpatico. You are a rare smart guy here and understand the big picture.

Jens Holm

You are very unsmart.

Jens Holm

Which misguided childcarecenter has You escaped from.


Well, just recongnize that underneath kurds, turks and jews, you can find this dishonest spirit inherited from jews, that’s it, that’s my point of view. Instead of wondering about childcarecenter matters, bring something to the community

Jens Holm

Do You repair or make shoes.

Actually I have written 57000 comment here. At least some might be HQ.


Actually you look at yourself in a mirror…Soorry to cause you frustration with my comment:)

Jens Holm

No wonder so here see You as bugs. If You are too many its about exterminatioon is fine or dont care.

Zionism = EVIL

This is hardly news, the dumbass Turkey cowards are using the shithead Paki template of using their own soldiers in mufti as terrorists. 90% of the so-called “rebels” in the squeezed Idlib terrorist pocket are now Turkish military cannon fodder and that is why the arseholes can’t fight and either surrender or run away. The moronic Turkeys thought that Syria is Afghanistan 1980’s and Russia is USSR and there will be groundhog day. Not likely to happen. Russian airpower is precise and the SAA has now revamped into a well motivated COIN force with many allies. You guys can save my post for future reference, EVERY INCH OF SYRIA WILL BE LIBERATED, NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES!


Breaking News Turkey seems determined. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a886e633925e3679760c896b23b45cf3e2b0f79ab71a0f9d8cefa3ca6ab83f6b.png


What does it say Chaos?

Zionism = EVIL

Fuck off Jew scum.


Stop being racist. Don’t make comments personal,make sensible comments.

Zionism = EVIL

You a Jew too, then fuck off too arsehole. Dumbass Jews are not a “race”.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Another new account (Feb 17, 2020) this ‘breaking news’ crap is so overused by Jacob and all his clones.

Arch Bungle

Iron Zionist and his bum chum jake321 work in pairs upvoting each others comments on the forums and making the same meaningless, personal and belligerent comments. They’re either the same account or part of the same hasbara team.

Shlomo Shekelstein

I guess they are paid per post or something, no other explanation why they spam 1000 retarded comments every day… Jake the Jackass has 50.000 comments (and all of them are complete garbage).


Damn, that would be a plus to my having fun if I also got paid.

Arch Bungle

In that case I take great pleasure in bankrupting the colonial state of Israel. Come on, Jake321 – ask for a pay raise. The sooner your handlers go broke the sooner you can do something you’re better suited to – like flipping burghers at mickey-D :-)


Nahhhhhhhhh…neither and none of the above. You guys are just a bunch of snowflakes needing your safe space.

Arch Bungle

“Nahhhhhhhhh… Nahhhhhhhhh…” Where’d they teach you to speak like that. English, man, not animal noises!


Obviously, you don’t speak English as your first language. But you’re not bad at it.


And if both your parents were human, you might even be part of the human race.


He ain’t racist but rather rebuking incest spawn infestive lie disorder aka satan. nice spin but in the end truth always has the last say,personally i like disinformation most particularly when it’s always ineffective and utterly useless!


great idea – just sensible comments. thus- the illegal settlement called israel needs to be terminated and the jews occupying the palestinian state need to be terminated once and for all. the world shan’t tolerate that the jews murder, steal and lie on a continuous basis and is operating an ethnical cleansing program aimed at decimating the palestinians to zero and is operating concentration camp Gaza a la hitler’s directives and likewise aimed at decimating the palestinians to zero and is operating the lebensraum program, again a la hitler’s directions and aimed at making the palestinians that survive gaza and the ethnical cleansing program landless and finally the jews are stealing the gas found under palestines seabed and are, like all thieves, attempting to sell it to the nearest fence, which would happen to be the european union.

and finally and to the heart of the matter – the holacaust is a jewish invention and it is vastly exaggerated by the jews under which pretense they can kill, steal and lie with abandon and not one western country dare to say stop, enough is enough.

so after the specification above, I actually find it sensible to call them ‘murderous thieving and lying jew scum’! trust you agree.


logical and general interpretations. Not personalized. No comment is made on a person.I suggest you reconsider.


So get to it already. Your suicide vest and Darwin Award await.

Arch Bungle

“Jew” is not a race, it’s an ideology. That fuckwit Rusty Iron Zionist makes personal statements all the time, he deserves the same in tern.


The Idlib movement is only a matter of time.


Great! don’t start the party without us, in 2 more weeks there will be a new patriotic Israeli PM in power.


incest spawn of brussels khazar/nazi,never!


Do you talk about yourself you little roach? be careful not to be squashed under my boots.

Arch Bungle

We look forward to seeing him trashd by Hezbollah. Like olmert and bibi before him.

Arch Bungle

… besides, the IDF has no capability to take on the SAA in a ground war. All it can do is air war, and that won’t be a capability you’ll have for long. Your idf goons can’t take on hizbullah on the ground how can they take on the SAA?


The SAA, Hezbollah and IRGC can all fight us combined, they will just lose faster. Bring it on :)

Arch Bungle

“We didn’t know what hit us,” one Maglan soldier told a reporter. The Special Forces soldiers were stunned by the volume of gunfire and the doggedness the Hezbollah fighters. Another Maglan reported, “We expected a tent and three Kalashnikovs—that was the intelligence we were given. Instead, we found a hydraulic steel door leading to a well-equipped network of tunnels.” By the next morning, the Maglans were virtually surrounded. It was reported from northern headquarters that “the commander of the IDF’s northern sector, Lieutenant-General Udi Adams, could barely believe that some of his best soldiers had been so swiftly trapped; neither could the chief of staff. ‘What’s wrong with the Maglans?’ Halutz demanded to know. ‘They are surrounded,’Adams replied quietly. ‘I must send in more forces.’”4 From underground bunkers and tunnels, Hezbollah fighters in and around Maroun al-Ras fought back frantically. As the battle intensified, “We didn’t know what hit us,” one Maglan soldier told a reporter. The Special Forces soldiers were stunned by the volume of gunfire and the doggedness IDF was forced to throw more forces into the fray. Soon, tanks from three Israeli brigades entered the fight, along with the Egoz unit from the Golani Brigade, an engineer battalion, and Battalion 101 of the Paratrooper Brigade. On 19 July, a Hezbollah antitank missile killed five Egoz soldiers as they sought shelter in a house. At the same time, numerous IDF tanks were hit by Sagger antitank missiles, wounding many of the tank crewmen.

“They’re not fighting like we thought they would,” one IDF soldier said. “They’re fighting harder. They’re good on their own ground.”

In fact, Hezbollah’s tactical proficiency bewildered the IDF. Hezbollah was not simply hunkering down and defending terrain, but using its small arms, mortars, rockets, and antitank weapons to successfully maneuver against the IDF.


The only problem is that we sent in just 10K soldiers to the battle, so we couldn’t backup some units that needed reinforcements. I hope you are aware of the fact that next war we can (and will) send up to 150,000 soldiers, wiping out every village or a city that dares to shoot rockets.

Arch Bungle

10k?!!! Against 1 part time brigade of hezbollah running on the cheap???


150 000 ground soldiers to Lebanon means 150 000 dead men. You couldn’t win in 2000 or 2006 with ground forces. You can’t fix it by simply pissing more lives down the toilet.


Still, they had many more casualties, and they have been quiet since 2006.

“On 27 August 2006, Nasrallah said in an interview with New TV that the abduction of the two soldiers did not cause the war. It only advanced a long planned war for a few months. But he added: “If there was even a 1 percent chance that the July 11 capturing operation would have led to a war like the one that happened, would you have done it? I would say no, absolutely not, for humanitarian, moral, social, security, military, and political reasons. […] What happened is not an issue of a reaction to a capturing operation… what happened was already planned for. The fact that it happened in July has averted a situation that would have been a lot worse, had the war been launched in October.”[310]”

Arch Bungle

No they did not. Hezbollah lost roughly the same number of fighters as the IDF. Unless you mean civilian casualties.


lol “civilian casualties”, they count their deaths as civilians deaths to hide the true numbers. Anyway you asked how we stop rockets on Israeli cities? easily man, unlike 2006 this time we will just destroy every village the dares to do it, with or without civilians in it. Maybe when they have couple of hundreds of thousands of dead, they will rethink about killing Israeli civilians.

Arch Bungle

The IDF counts civilian casualties as Hezbollah casualties. Even women and children. Hezbollah doesn’t hide their casualties, the cant because if Islamic law. Besides, the IDF are known liars. Sure, that helped a lot when hezbollah kicked the idf out of Lebanon twice in the last 2 decades. Besudes, rockets are launched from everywhere not only villages. Besides, if you start attacking villages and civilians, you’re just recruiting for Hezbollah. Your defeat is guaranteed as children who lose their families become devoted resistance fighters.


Just carpet bombing and CBU’s take care of the edge you mistakingly think Hezbollah has. Try to focus.

Arch Bungle

It didn’t work at all in the last two wars. Try again, loser.


If you missed it, those were not wars and no one won or lost. And that was a different time with different Israeli and US governments. But you sure seem to want to have others test their luck.


But you said Hezbollah keeps getting recruits from the civilian population. So they are fair game, I guess.


You still don’t get it that if Hezbollah is as stupid and suicidal as you would them to be, good chance there won’t be much left of Lebanon and Hezbollah who will make such pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor if need be. So big man, go join your heroes and get your Darwin Award.


Whatever works. And it sure worked to defeat Syria three times before.

Arch Bungle

Not gonna happen. Turkey knows it’s going to get cooked in a ground war with the SAA around idlib, especially without air support. Especially when their observation posts are being held hostage by the SAA. Turkey will squawk a lot but do nothing.

Shlomo Shekelstein

They say you are a dumb fag ?

Jens Holm

Its a great USA succes. Syrians again only are enemies of themselves even they kill foreigners too.

Assads even are helped to kill as he wish and destructed buildings and infrastructure is not, where he and the Baathists live.

The poor continue top continue to pay the price well supported by someone like You. .

The many killed ones might be a good think. Assads for decades as in Iraq and Iran has not been able to create a single jobs apart from undertakers and farmers making flowers.


blabla erdogan!!

Concrete Mike

Wont change a damn thing, gtfo of syria.

Jens Holm

Nice seeing Sabkal al Jabul is fiull of water, but Assads probatly has eaten all the birds. The salt factory seemes to be ok on my guugle map –


CNN incest spawners fake news,map is close,nowadays you know disinformation is fine, truth has finally caught up with them,the lot of them,leaving them for dust in their wake!


The news is true, it is confirmed on all news channels and news websites.

Arch Bungle

All the propaganda news and propaganda websites.

Arch Bungle

Turkey always “seems determined” but turkey always ends up capitulating.

Nasty Animal

give these fkin chimps 50 abrams and they will still get wiped

Jens Holm

Yes, the need is more like anti aircraft missiles.


What’s the point,if they are too dumb to use or worse yet inability to reach ruafs, incest spawner wannabes are way outta truths league,night of day difference=game ova! The best bit about parity the tyrants set their teorrists (proven,not fake) to hit on mainly unarmed and very lightly armed syrian police,to their advantage,so now its retribution! nothing they can do about it either,what god wan’t god gets,all liars are doomed to fail!!

Jens Holm

Ha ha. No wonder USSR collpased trading Assads with weapins for no oil:)

USA many years ago started to help Al Kaida against Assads as long as they stayed locals only. His comments is like Russian high tech. Russians has it too – and invented it too.

As I recall it rich arabs was the main supporters in money, but of course Russians just as Assads not even mention its arabs against against arabs even Syria is not even a narabic country and millions are Puttin and Assads.

Saudis hardly ever are arabs in those contexts. They are Whabits.

Its so funny. Russia has given Nato Turks a loan, so they can buy russian missiles.

I allow me to write Assads and Russians were very, very, very, slow i they afcanced agains unamed troops.

So good morning sunshine. Send the Admital a camel or dromedar, so the Russian navy can oprate better having water in bottles only.


Whats the problem incest your tyrannys nose outta joint,too bad you kweers are doomed! Why i never respond to liars,there’s no need is there hato,truth responds too fast for hatos!

2 shekels worth:


Oillandia soon to declare independance from Syria.Good luck to Russians geting payed.Lol

Samuel Vanguard

i knew this since the beginning of civil war Jihadists are Nato,Turkey Gulf,Israel and US backed.


Yes, indeed, only it is not a civil war, it is an attack and an invasion.


two new contributions on these h´thread, adi and chaos, both very new so it’s a fair guess to assume that they are from the joke321’s leper colony or from tel aviv with other words.


Not from Sunny California which hasn’t had a leper colony for a very long time.

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