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Militants In Southern Syria Claim Their Air Defense Units Targeted MiG-23 Of Syrian Air Force

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Militants In Southern Syria Claim Their Air Defense Units Targeted MiG-23 Of Syrian Air Force

An illustrative picture released by militants

The Central Southern Operations Room of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) claimed on June 25 that its air defense units had targeted a MiG-23 jet of the Syrian Air Force near the village of Busra al-Harir in the southern Syrian province of Daraa.

It is unclear if the MiG-23 was shot down or just damaged. The video below video allegedly shows the aforementioned warplane:

Busra al-Harir is currently one of the main hot-points at the frontline between government forces and militants in the area northeast of the city of Daraa. MORE HERE

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leon mc pilibin

ISIS ISRAHELLI air defences more like it.But they wont last long.


In the video, the FSA “democrat” never stop of repeat the usual mantra.


In Southern Syria Israeli migrants have MANPADs. Therefore, SAA and their allies must take care.

Brother Ma

“Control room “and “air -defense “my backside. They are just turco- controlled/funded and uncle -sam green-lighted Rag-headed cutthroats with US -given SAM missiles masquerading as patriots! Ha!


stop with those bs manpad stories….manpads are ONLY USEFULL engaging planes at no level higher as 3000 meters.period.and at that maximum altitude level 3000 meters the success rate is a meager 10%.

Hong Ying 6(most modern chinese manpad) max range 6km, max altitude 3000meters Mistral 3(most modern french manpad) max range 6km max altitude 3000 meters Starstreak(most modern uk manpad) max range 7km max altitude 3500 meters Misagh 2(most modern iran manpad) max range 6km max altitude 3000 meters SA-24(most modern russian manpad) max range 7km max altitude 3500 meters FIM-92 stinger(most modern us manpad) max range 6km max altitude 3500 meters

those maximum ranges and altitudes are highly INEFFECTIVE…for the most modern us manpad for instance the FIM-92 Stinger the “effective combat range” is a meager 4km.


manpads are great against helicopters but highly ineffective against war planes…that does not mean a war plane cant be shot down..but only if it travels at very very very low altitude and the man pad operator fires of his missile at very very close range


That plane is a light support-plane for the infantry, The common idea of TITO and Ceausescu to produce an identical cheap plane (subsonic) that can operate in mountain-regions and crush insurgents opposed to their governments.( The Romanian was called IAR-99) Reminds more the first US-planes built AFTER the copy/paste of the Me-262 -jet (Hitler) Th plane in the image isn’t MiG-23 (see up here how a MiG-23 looks like)

John Whitehot

it’s really sad that the depicted plane is actually a L-39 Albatros and not a MiG-23, while the one in the video does not give out any signal to have suffered a hit. It may very well be a high flying plane with condensation trails.

the state of jihadist propaganda is at the lowest point. Israel should spend more money in helping the ragheads to invent better lies.

Wise Gandalf

Uruguay-Russia 3-0. First good team kicked their ass. I was right, that the russian performance is not enough. You should apologize, big football specialist! :DDD

John Whitehot

are you out of your mind? apologize for what?

Wise Gandalf

You know.

John Whitehot

if you wanna talk football head over another billboard. perhaps you ‘ll learn the difference between wingers and inside forwards.

Kell McBanned

Its Solomon, out of his mind would be about right


The video shows a normal high altitude contrail. The give-away is the perfectly white vapour and no indication of fire anywhere. Comparison to, for example, the Russian Su-24 that was shot down a few years ago will make the difference abundantly clear. It would also not be the first time in this conflict where a contrail is shown as evidence of “damage”.

John Whitehot

it’s how propaganda works. it exploits technical ignorance among people to inject them with political themes.

jihadist propaganda moreover, it’s among the lowest quality ever produced, because it’s targeted towards a type of persons that are easily convinced by using an underlying feel that “God is with them”.

besides, in these years it has worked somehow: Israel convinced muslims to kill each other in “sectarian wars”, instead of uniting behind the Palestinian cause.


here is the true news about this incident mig 23….hit by 23 mm anti-aircraft autocannon…….pilot and plane made it safely back to base. period.


That isn’t a Mig-23, it’s and old crap from the ’60s– (training and infantery-support, I guess some Tito-Yugoslav- Ceausescu-Romanian for infantry-support: https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/europe/images/iar-99-image02-s.jpg This is a MiG-23: https://theaviationist.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/MIG-23-Libya.jpg


Its al old pic in the headlines…..an Aero L-39 Albatross

Dušan Mirić

No it is not Orao, it is L-39 Albatros from Czechoslovakia. Besides, the photo is described as illustrative photo by militants, and it is similar to those when they recently shot down the same type of aircraft somewhere in Idlib

You can call me Al

Nothing happened.


Well… a little happened: some 70 cockroaches around that MANPAD are dead now, the Russkis pounded them

John Whitehot

what manpad? there’s no manpad, nor a missile launched by a manpad. there’s only bullshit.

You can call me Al

Nice one,



Does this change anything?


LOL!.. Yeah! .. Very much ;).. Tomorrows ASSAD gives up and resigns and the Russians, frightened to death, run out of Syria :)))))))))


The pilot landed safely


It does not matter whether or not the plane was bitted or whether it was a Su-23 or Mig-X. These terrorists and their propaganda can be considered death. Syria army offensive is on and nothing will stop it until total victory over the terrorists is accomplished. Strong Russia aerospace force support and protection guarantees this victory.

Wise Gandalf

SAA is bunch of idiots, that use L-39 as attack plane. It was developed as training plane. Theoretically can be used for some attack roles, but for the pilots is dangereaus, because the defense equipments are absent. Assad riscs the life of pilots.

Daniel Castro

This is war, it is even more dangerous for those in the ground.

Only anglozionist scum think you can go to war without risking your life, they go to war with their minds set in the kiling if innocents, true warriors don’t care about themselves, only the people they love and their country, they go to war to save the innocents.

Wise Gandalf

Ypu have pilot aqfter long years. And only few promile of soldiers can become pilot. This is really stupid thing.

Daniel Castro

In times of war countries won’t spend that much time training pilots, they might use some missions to train rookie pilots instead.

John Whitehot

if it wins wars it’s not stupid.

Syria is winning the war and jewnazis should vent their impotent butthurtness somewhere else.

Kell McBanned

They use what they have

John Whitehot

Syrian pilots are fully aware of the capabilty of their planes.

They are soldiers, hence they perform their duty and execute their orders.

They don’t wimp out like mfking jewnazis who think that wars are fought only by pressing buttons and watching a monitor.

Kell McBanned

Its a jet contrail, the jihadis mustr be in hot water if they are claiming contrails as victories.

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