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Militants In Southern Syria Handed Over 20 Battle Tanks, 13 Armoured Vehicles To Government Forces: Russian Military

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Militants in the southern Syrian provinces of Daraa, Quneitra and al-Suwayda have surrendered a large number of military equipment and weapons under a reconciliation deal reached with governemnt forces, the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria announced on July 14.

According to the Center, since the start of the implementation of the deal militants have surrendered 20 battle tanks, 13 armoured vehicles, 6 anti-aircraft automatic guns, 13 anti-aircraft guns, 29 mortars, 3 artillery pieces, 83 shoulder-launched anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade launchers, 55 heavy machine guns and 301 automatic rifles.

The July 14 statement added that over the past 24 hours militants have surrendered 7 battle tanks, 6 armoured vehicles, 2 artillery pieces as well as other weapons and equipment.

Militants are set to surrender more wepons and equipment in the coming days.

Militants In Southern Syria Handed Over 20 Battle Tanks, 13 Armoured Vehicles To Government Forces: Russian Military

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Militants In Southern Syria Handed Over 20 Battle Tanks, 13 Armoured Vehicles To Government Forces: Russian Military

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Militants In Southern Syria Handed Over 20 Battle Tanks, 13 Armoured Vehicles To Government Forces: Russian Military

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Militants In Southern Syria Handed Over 20 Battle Tanks, 13 Armoured Vehicles To Government Forces: Russian Military

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Richard M

SAA being resupplied by FUKUS!

Empire's Frontiers

If only they can get the smell out.


Damn Deir Ez Zor Was almost the biggest from weapons caches, after SAA defeat ISIS they found so many weaponry and equipment, I was astonished, there pictures to watch them with days, but in south Syria yet again I am astonished by the amount of weapon gained from Ghouta, to the border of Syria, too damn many though. It turns out all supplied weapons from US, Israhell,UK, France,Saudi Chopheads,Jordan,Bulgaria and many others in the end all that goes to SAA, thanks to all idiots that supplied all these weapons SAA its very thankful now to shave them up in the A*** of Daesh or whoever wants it.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Still pulling weapons out of Deir ezzoir no stop right now every second day large stockpiles.


Yes I know that.

Bill Wilson

Oh bullshit. Most of that haul came from captured SAA bases and units that abandoned equipment when retreating.


Yea right all the weapons were government weapons right, as the American supplied TOWs and million other weaponry sized, UKs, French, are you fucking blind man, scroll back or type the word Weapons Seized in the search bar in SF page and see how much and what exactly is been seized. LOL


Russia wins in direct combat, and in negotiations. Their rod of iron is heavy and inflicts a lot of pain.


Those weapons look like they’ve been sitting right where they are for years. Not surprising given the men who captured them lack the expertise and stuff to keep them in repair and in use.

David Parker

Men who captured them or the men to whom they were given? I agree parts are very expensive and that stuff is probably a bitch to work on without a proper maintenance facility with overhead cranes and pits.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Most are just distressed to look old but still in some countries arsenals and can never get that new vehicle smell and look out of them interiors are mint!


Th OT-64 is a unibody design that could be modified with a lifted suspension, life support systems and converted to electric drive for off planet work.

The surface of Mars:



Mars Opportunity Rover:



Mars residence:



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“The privately-funded venture, announced in September 2017, aims to send a cargo mission to the Red Planet by 2022. SpaceX’s ultimate objective is to plant the seeds to put a human colony on Mars. …

SpaceX’s BFR rocket system is expected to have capabilities for interplanetary travel, and be fully reusable. A flight will cost less than the initial Falcon 1 flights, which Musk pegged in the $5 to $6 million range.”

– Elon Musk, speaking at SXSW, projects Mars spaceship will be ready for short trips by first half of 2019 –



Space X BFR Rocket:



There’s a Falcon heavy payload rocket on the way to Mars now with an electric vehicle on board:

“SpaceX’s recently launched Falcon Heavy payload – which included a Tesla car – is expected to pass Mars by around October, although there’s no official public estimate.

Tech mogul Elon Musk – who heads up SpaceX – says his Interplanetary Transport System (ITS) could manage the journey in just 80 days.

Musk’s firm is spending tens of millions of dollars on the project each year, and expects it to cost more than $10billion (£7.2billion) overall.

It’s expected that most of Musk’s engineers will be working on ITS by the end of 2018, with the end goal of colonising Mars.

SpaceX currently expects to send its first cargo mission to Mars in 2022, with a human mission mooted for 2024.

Excitingly, Musk believes that his ITS ship will eventually be able to manage the Earth to Mars journey in just 30 days.”

– How long will it take to get to Mars, how many light years away is it and what was Elon Musk’s latest SpaceX launch ? –



Falcon heavy payload rocket:


David Parker

Send Elon Musk to Mars! Please! Quickly.

David Parker

And this has what to do with terrorists turning over equipment they couldn’t maintain?


It has to do with upgrading the OT-64s shown in the article for other uses.

David Parker

That equipment is heavy steel and you propose modifying it and shipping it to Mars? Not my tax dollars! Only ultralight equipment is feasible for that trip. Actually sending anything to that dead planet is a waste of money. I am all for research, but that place is dead and will not support life. It is too far from the sun for starters. The whole Mars orgasm is the hope some evidence of living things can be found there. That would be a big boost for the “Theory of Evolution” which is foundering badly these days as it becomes more evident a living self-reproducing cell cannot be synthesized.


With rockets it would be a slow go, with over unity electricity production and mass cancellation anti gravity technology Mars can easily be developed into a livable environment. A 120 foot diameter disc craft with one floor allocated to freight can move 500 tons at 500 pounds a cubic yard per trip. And make the round trip in a small fraction of the time that a rocket would take. One load would be enough to put self sustaining habitation on Mars.

David Parker

Yup, I had forgotten all about “over unity electricity production” and “mass cancellation anti gravity” and “self-sustaining habitation” working on a dead planet.

The aliens used to do that right here, they could distil moonshine and ship it past the BATF. I plan to build one of those self-sustaining habitations back there in the woods someday soon as I get my over unity electricity producer working again. We used a mass cancellation anti gravity unit to haul heavy stuff out of the woods. I think we called it a D-8 Cat. Those mass-cancellers were good for building roads too.

Mars, great realty opportunity, first ones there could probably homestead the whole planet and subdivide. But that’s a lot of miles on the mass cancellation anti gravity unit: You wouldn’t get much of a trade in after the second trip. Yep, tanks on Mars. That would help with pesky claim jumpers. I wonder how long the undercarriage would last in Martian sand? Parts are going to be a bear, I can see it right now. You can’t just walk into an Ace hardware store and pick up parts for a mass cancelling anti gravity unit or an over unity electricity producer. Window and door seals on the self-sustaining habitation probably aren’t a common stock item at Ace either.

Those are nice pictures of your place. Looks a little dry to me, how do you get the potatoes to grow? How long have you been living there?


An 8 hour flight carrying 500 tons of freight is a day trip. Mars has ice caps like Earth. So water is available and the atmosphere is CO2 which converts to O2. It reaches 68 F at the equator. Over unity electrical units aren’t currently open source and neither are field drives. But that doesn’t mean that they’re not being built and used non open source. It makes mining as economically viable there as it is here.

David Parker

Yeah thanks. I should dust off Heinlein and Asimov and Clarke. Somewhere I missed a connection.

Eight hours to Mars? Not bad but kind of a bear with no rest stops I imagine. Did you pee in a jar and hold the number two until you got to the sustainable habitation?

How long have you been back? Are you back to pick up barbed wire and fence posts? Last I checked, there aren’t any trees there, not even for fence posts. Electric fences are the way to go, but as dry as the ground is there, you are going to have to string two wires for sure to keep the stock in.

How long before your next trip?


If your world view doesn’t included government and private sector sequestered technology, and you’re happy with looking at life with blinders on, it’s your life. Judging from your perverse obsession with bodily functions, you’ve got some maturity and rationality issues to deal with.

David Parker

Are you saying your shit doesn’t stink or that you don’t shit?

It’s a problem for us earthlings on long trips. Our astronauts have been wearing diapers for decades because the facilities aren’t so good. They also claim eating the dehydrated food messed up their digestive system. Also, don’t forget, us earthlings have to breathe and the air better have some humidity or it’s real bad for our sinuses and lungs. Of course, I will take a west coast level of humidity over a Dallas, Texas or Memphis, Tennessee level of humidity.

How do those rational issues taste? Are those just issue C-rations? Being a carbon-based organic creature makes it tough to travel in space.


You’re an obnoxious head case.

David Parker

How do you figure? I am only speaking from experience. I have been on lots of long flights across a lot of water looking for people who broadcast an SOS. After about the first eight hours, a relief tube becomes a necessity. On really long patrols, you discover there is a reason for that head aft. Unlike you, I can’t get my mass cancellation anti gravity unit to start, so I haven’t been to Mars. Maybe its flooded and the plugs are wet, I don’t know but it won’t fire. Ever had that problem with yours? Anyway, I think you misjudge me. My wife says I am too social, but never obnoxious, I am a happy drunk. By the way, what is a “head case”? Does yours come off or something so you need a box to store it? How do you see to open the thing? I don’t see how that works at all, it’s weird, like the “Return to Oz”. Does removing your head count as a bodily function?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

We have Aluminum alloy products like posts and concertina wire with 16 gauge fencing wire , we have it all as we find the sand is not at all different from here.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That’s Ok, I am opening up a “Space Hardware” store you know my motto “Home of the Alien Friendly Hardware store”!

David Parker

I been needin’ some of that.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Maybe Elon Musk will do it with your tax dollars he is a Chupacabra you know that they cast funny spells or maybe that’s Mole-rats?!

S Melanson

Looking at the condition of the equipment, I would hand it right back.

Leon Auguste

True lol

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