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MARCH 2025

Militants Launch Large-Scale Attack At Positions Of Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib (Photos, Map)

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Militants Launch Large-Scale Attack At Positions Of Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib (Photos, Map)

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On February 4, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) and several groups of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) launched a large-scale attack at positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) west of the town of Abu Duhur in the southeastern Idlib countryside.

The HTS-linked news agency Iba’a claimed that HTS and TIP fighters had managed to recapture the villages of Tell Sultan, Ras al-Ayn and Baris from the SAA. However, Syrian pro-government sources said that Ras al-Ayn and Baris had nevernever captured by the SAA in the first place.

Militants Launch Large-Scale Attack At Positions Of Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib (Photos, Map)

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From its side, sources close to the Tiger Forces said that several positions inside the village of Tell Sultan are still under the control of the SAA. The sources also reported that over 25 fighters of the TIP and HTS had been killed by the Tiger Forces around Tell Sultan.

Meanwhile, warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces conducted dozens of airstrikes against the vehicles and gatherings of the TIP and HTS in the southeastern Idlib countryside, according to pro-government sources. Over 30 fighters of the two radical groups were reportedly killed in a single Russian airstrike on Tell Tuqan north of Tell Sultan.

HTS and the TIP likely launched the new counter attack to take advantage of the SAA decision to halt its operation in Idlib governorate. The SAA took this decision in order to boost its operations against ISIS in the northeastern Hama countryside.

Photos of HTS and the TIP counter attack in southeastern Idlib:

Militants Launch Large-Scale Attack At Positions Of Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib (Photos, Map)

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Militants Launch Large-Scale Attack At Positions Of Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib (Photos, Map)

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Militants Launch Large-Scale Attack At Positions Of Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib (Photos, Map)

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Militants Launch Large-Scale Attack At Positions Of Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib (Photos, Map)

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Militants Launch Large-Scale Attack At Positions Of Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib (Photos, Map)

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Militants Launch Large-Scale Attack At Positions Of Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib (Photos, Map)

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Militants Launch Large-Scale Attack At Positions Of Syrian Army In Southeastern Idlib (Photos, Map)

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Fuck you HTS your time has come to an end almost done, more or less you will be a small pocket in that Idlib and there will be no exit to run,not even your Turkish bodies will not be able to save you,

You can call me Al

I think and hope that sums it up rather well.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Whenever you hear about anyone saying Iran is lying about ISIS going to Afghanistan, point out to French telling of French and Algerian Jihadis in Afghanistan in AI Monitor.

You can call me Al

Much appreciated thanks.

svenne svensk

The only problem left is how to stop them leaving syria through turkey and into Europe. I would feel a lot better if the Saa secure the borders against turkey in that latakia area. This will proberbly be hard because the turks will use their artillery to prevent this


Its fine for me if they come to the EU, the Syrians need a break from the US proxy terrorists. Let us Reap what we have Sown.

When people wring their hands as Europe descends into Takfiri violence I will be able to say ‘ I told you so ‘ :)


I’ve been telling them for years but they just won’t listen – now Germany and Italy are destroyed, it’s too late

You can call me Al

I hate to defend either of these Countries, but it isn’t over yet. Bide your time friend, the back lash is on it’s way.


Germany and Italy are scandalously occupied by the US/GB since 1945 Tell me what do you eat, I will tell you who you are ! Luckily Junk-Food is driving American fat with high-blood, diabetes, and cancerous sick !

Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II http://www.voltairenet.org/article187508.html


In effect the People have got what their corrupted governments used the Peoples taxes to pay for. The Cultural Annihilation of Old Europe that is being replaced by barbarians.

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

You know, the whole “grave mistake” with the “refugees” (I’ve checked a camp in my capital once, and sow no Syrians there – literally not a single anthropological feature of Syrians – half of these guys even had Asian eyes – have no idea who these guys were…) isn’t a mistake at all. And in the same time this “crisis” is not designed to bring Islamic Republic of Europe, but United States of Europe, emerged from a great civil war, that will, at least the Architects believe so, cause “the melting pot” effect on, otherwise, heterogeneous national preferences of EU member states’ population. That’s the project, not self-destruction but real, hardcore (not softcore as today) dictatorship from the Brussels never-ever-elected-birocrat-caste.


europe already and will pay for it. to prevent it you european need to topple your current pro immigrants government

jerry hamilton

I wish we could. Any and all ideas how to are welcome. I don’t actually have a problem with immigrants. The problem is the government.


It’s the Warmongers shameful Governments who have to be toppled, particularly the US, GB, and France… Europe has to go out urgently from NATO since it exist ! US GO HOME !

Refugees isn’t a problem, they are US/Zionists and mainstream medias victims, just vomiting !

Seventy years of harassing political establishment and people of Europe

by Andrey Fomin

Contrary to appearances, the decision of the United States to investigate a possible Russian aid to anti-European parties is not intended to protect Europeans from foreign interference. This is quite the opposite. For 70 years, Washington controls the West European politics prohibiting all forms of genuine democracy. http://www.voltairenet.org/article190171.html

Astar Roth

They won’t let them pass, don’t worry. And SAA will surely secure border.

Jim Prendergast

The SAA have estblished fire-control. This is a lose-lose situation for the terrorists. If they attack they move toward zeroed artillery. If they try to regroup they will be open to air-attack.

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

Hey guys! What do you mean exactly by term “fire-control”? Some years ago, I checked the term on wikipedia and some articles found via google… but I would love to read your (not only Jim, who ever feels competent may jump in) summary view on it. I wonder, if we all have the same picture in our heads when read/write “fire-control” . Thanks!


It means you have both observation and direct fire weapons within range such that you can open fire on any enemy movement without having to actually occupy the ground. For example if you have both visual and field of fire onto a road junction 1 000 meters away you don’t need to set up a blocking position at the junction itself to stop enemy deploying through the area.

Astar Roth

That’s right. There SAA have large numbers of Gvozdika self propelled artilery. Just that, doesn’t count other weapons.


Most effective fire control employs a network of weapons systems – for their part the mechanized infantry units also contribute to fire control with ATGM’s for controlling roads in direct visual range up to 4kms, and jeep and truck mounted MRLS systems for both direct and beyond visual range rocket artillery barrages.

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

Great explanation man! Thanks! Now, I’ve also recalled what confused me back then (when searched the web for the term): targeting subsystem (of a vehicle, e.g. tank, APC … etc) is also called fire-control (at least in my language, not sure for English) so it made semantic conflict with contextual meaning I’ve picked up reading news here. Thanks again!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The regions were under HTS control but SAA has fire control over their positions, currently their attacks were repelled and SAA took towns of Tal Sultan and Al-Mushayrifah in the night attack.


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Marcos Edder

Fuck the turks, HTS, ISIS, al-nusra, USA and ISRAHELL.


Let them come! They more they attack now, the less there will be left to kill later on.

Astar Roth

Let’s burn them with Napalm!


the turks arm those shits?

Vince Dhimos

HTS is the group that downed a Russian plane yesterday. The Russians are hopping mad and will rout you bastards. BTW, HTS was once Al-Nusra and early on they had received arms from the CIA. http://www.newsilkstrategies.com/news–analysis/formerly-us-backed-jihadists-shoot-down-russian-fighter-jet

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They claimed it but it’s their other wing Jaish al-Nasr who has US ATGM and MANPADS Pentagon Pets.

Mahmoud Larfi

Didn’t you notice that since the start of the war, Nusrats and affiliates have always had the greatest losses during this sort of counter offensive. They always bite the bait.. won’t they ever learn ?

Astar Roth

They’re drugged psychosis psychopathic maniacs. All wahabies behaves that way. America lost hug3 number of manpower, and that can’t be repaired.


They are higher than high.



Syrian government should make it compulsory for each and every citizen to do one year military job. Syria should provide them necessary military training. According to 30th July, 2017, the Total Population of Syria is 20 million. If Syria organize and train just 1,000,000 of these, so then its far enough. Syria needs at least one million military strength. 100 fighter jets like Pakistani JF-17 and some 20 Russian SU-35. Short and long range missiles and nuclear weapons for their defense.

Weak defense mean invitation of aggression. Look to Israeli terrorists on daily bases Israel butchering dozens of Palestinians and the Washington and UN cannot say any thing to Israel because they have long range missiles ICBMs and nuclear weapons. —————————————————————————————————————————————


The day Syria gets nuclear weapons, be sure Israel and the US will do preventive strike just before



Pakistan Aeronautical Complex making fighter jets JF-17 block-1 and block-2.

Washington played 60 years with Pakistan. Before in 1970 Pakistan position was worst than Syria and Iraq but when they understood that nobody is sincere to help them then by their own efforts they have developed first nuclear weapons, then missiles and then their own fighter jets JF-17 block1 and block-2. Now Pakistan does not ask for weapons from US and when Pakistan need then they ask from China and Russia. In fact Pakistan has freed in 1998 when they have done nuclear weapons tests and developed their own missiles and tanks etc. ——————————————————————————————————————-

Astar Roth

Pakistan gets its rocket engines from North Korea.


I don’t know that North Korea can supply so many rocket engines to other countries because Iran and India also making missiles and rockets.


If you go to Pakistan , you will see that the cost of nuclear power came at the price of the common people . They like the Bangladeshi’s are lucky to make $ 2 US dollars a day , and they feed a family of ten with that . All government monies have gone to the military since its independence . Go there , look , it will break your heart .


I have seen on youtube and you also watch on YouTube. You know better than me that how many people in UK and US are sleeping in the streets but still they give US$20 billion each year to Israel to keep killing civilians in Palestine’s. Israeli terror is the largest terrorist headquarter in the world that each year killing thousands of civilions in Palestine and you know who are Israel 11% of total Palestine that illegally migrated from Europe then of this 11% illegal migrants very tiny part that is 9% are Jew and 91% are nonreligious which are brutal killers.

Brad Isherwood

Assad and Putin and shitty Iran have had years to organize a standing Army for Syria. Iran. …they never put any of their Cobra Attack Helicopters with TOW in,..or any mechanized brigades. Russia obviously failed to Lead in organizing a Air mobile Tactical for Syria. SAA can do nothing but drive up into pre set ATGM and dialed in arty kill zones.

I hope Iran has better response when the Day Empire shows up on their doorstep. Or it will be shooting fish in a barrel.

Assad has a charade support public who pile in be the 100,000s for street support parades.

These are the same sheeple who did Nothing when Takfiri/ISUS occupied their cities,,.. From Raqqa to Druze trash on Golan who suck Israhell you know what …and for nothing.

SYRIA……Maybe they deserve the shit kicking they are getting.

Russia and Iran …..why are they even in country. …..Neither kicks in for the big won.

It’s some Masonic/Globalist game and wink wink. … Putin/Lavrov talk about Syria’s Sovereignty. ..

This is a sick joke…

John Brown

Brad Israelwood everything you say is wrong because the SAA is wining big everywhere while racist supremacist Israel and its slaves ISIS, Al Qaeda, the SDF and the USSA are losing everywhere.

Brad Isherwood

Your lame remarks will play large with the minions on this forum who can’t admit that Russia/Iran offer limited push back vs Empire as it wars in Syria.

Putin never shoots down an Israhell Jet or US. Iran rushes like a Donkey in heat for Boeing Airliner contracts… ..after years of humiliating sanctions.

My Father’s. …Mother …..was White Russian. They migrated from Russia to Bavaria…then Zweibruken. …then North America. Before WW 1.

I was spared a life of misery and war at the hands of the fugging Jews and Globalist Bankers who genocide millions in their arranged Insanity.

Bolsheviek Jews who murdered the Czar and gutted Russia are mostly in place except A few Putin ran off.

Israhell will never occupy more Mid east land and greater @ss pump world, They can’t even subjugate the Palestinians.

Eventually. …the Palestinian/Muslims will turn on Platform shoe Midget King of Jordan And Lunatic House of Saud.

Afterwards. ….Israel gets over run… No YHWY. ..No Mossiach save their asses at 11:59

Putin and grinning Leaders of Iran are huge disappointment. ..

Maybe more resolved leaders emerge for each country .

Maybe the Jews get run off for the 81st Time !! : )


Your second comment is much more positive than the first , so that in itself is very good . “Limited push back vs Empire” is much better than no push back . “Putin and grinning leaders of Iran are huge disappointment” , and OK they are not perfect gods , but they are trying and persevering . The forces of darkness are daunting and powerful , but at least in this point in time , the Light is overpowering that darkness . You are a very powerful mind Brad , by maintaining a creative view of what we can do , we create the positive future . We , all of us need to find a way to redirect those bankers and their insanity , and the Lunatic House of Saud . More than that I always enjoy your comments , thank you .


Brad, would it not be better for you if you wrote a few lies for Nancy Pelosi to read out ? She needs help in Libtard Land and your fantasies fit the bill perfectly.

Astar Roth

That’s right brother.


The syrian army is still stuck in 1970s and was extremely poorly equipped and trained…due to corruption of government. Many factors came into play like defections..poorly disciplined conscripts collapsing at the sight of battle is what almost led to fall of current regime. Hezbollah and Russia are the only reason why Assad is still in power. Putin is there because of the Russian base….that’s pretty much it.Iran i defending the puppet government of Damascus from falling and one pro USA government emerging… (or jihadist state which is a threat to Iran)

Brad Isherwood

Yes… Yet the commitment by Russia and Iran in suspect now after 6 years and 100,000+ Syrian men chase skirts on motorcycles. Last year a Over 50 yr Brigade of Syrian Geriatric were graduate with photo opp.

I understand the resolve of those who cheer for Assad,Russia and Iran.

Iran is actually the trickster in the room. If Syria falls. …they are next, And to be honest. ……Iran’s commitment in this war has been weak.

Iran’s shitty offshore bank account Mullahs pine for Boeing Airliner contracts. After decades of humiliating sanctions… They rush like a Donkey in heat for the US contracts.

If there was NO Internet. …probably would not know about Iran’s 40 IQ stupidity ….and Grovel before Empire.

Jews got this planet by the balls. …

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Peckerwood! You always spout the same nonsense you CIA troll all in the name of US/CIA wanting to be drug pushers and suppliers. Just don’t be surprised if Israel starts something they can’t finish and they are left to fend for themselves.


Cock SUCKER terrorism


US has already 9 military bases in Afghanistan and wants to build 10 more military bases in Afghanistan. Before 2010 there were several US military bases in Pakistan now US has no military bas in Pakistan. Before 1979 US had several biggest military bases in Iran to keep eye on Middle East, Russia, China and Pakistan but after Islamic revaluation in 1979 US lost all those military bases in Iran.

So US created chaos in Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Georgia by different brand terrorists and took the control of some parts of Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and have created about 9 military bases in each country to keep eye on Middle East, Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran. —————————————————————————————————————————

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

lol i read on AMN this was fake news by jihadis and that the towns they claimd they captured they were already in control of

Carol Davidek-Waller

Assad must go 5.0? The FSA and other All Qaida groups get US support.

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