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Militants Mark 6th Month Of Demilitarized Agreement By Shelling Civilians Deep In Govt-Held Areas (Videos)

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In the afternoon of February 16, radical militants stepped up their attacks on civilian in northern and northwestern Hama shelling the towns of al-Suqaylabiyah and Masyaf. According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), this new rocket attack injured at least three civilians.

Earlier, the militants shelled the residential areas in the towns Mahardah and Salhab along with a nearby power plant. These attacks marked the 6th month of the Russian-Turkish demilitarized zone agreement, which failed to achieve any of its goals.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) responded to these new attacks by destroying three positons of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in the towns of Qalaat al-Madiq, Hirsh al-Qasabiyah and Maarrat al-Nu’man.

In an attempt to maintain the demilitarized zone, Russia and Turkey reached a new agreement few days ago. According to Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Russian and Turkish forces will carry out joint patrols within the zone under the agreement.

Local observers doubt that the militants will comply with the new agreement. The continues shelling indicate that the militants are actually planning to escalate the situation, likely due to the lack of any serious military response.

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ohhhhhh what a surprise…..but thats not ok…..they are in a demilitarized Zone….ohhhh but again ..russia wants no Military campaign in idlib, because as Putin has mentioned dozens of times ” the Agreement works” ohhhhh all is good ..all are happy…and russias Partner in idlib Turkey ohhhh how nice of Turkey supporting the jihadi Groups from day 1 to this day…but all is good and all are happy….ohhhhh well Isis sold a couple of Million Barrels of stolen syrian oil to Turkey, but all is good and all are happy…ohh….. so nice of russia and Turkey ohhhhh well yes a Little russian plane shot down here and there by TAF ohhh but all is good and all are happy…ohhhh and the Zionist evil satanics attacking SAA day in and day out ohh yes a Little mistake here and there a russian plane gets shot out of the air ..but all is good and all are friends..



Off the subject but just out of interest; Erdogan and Assad used to be friends but that came to an abrupt halt when Erdogan found out that Mrs. Assad called Mrs. Erdogan a pig hence the animosity. I read it some where some time ago.

Mustafa Mehmet



Fuck you and your Allah this militant doesn’t have God they have satan on their side

Tom Tom

Yes, but, the U.S. military industrial complex is controlled by satan so you have satan fighting satan.

J Roderet

It is only a matter of time before these Idlib al-Queda terrorists join John McCain in hell.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Supposedly HTS are the real bad boys of the bunch, but they shell the civilian areas under SAA control far less than Erdogan’s old crew does. You know the ones Erdogan didn’t invite to join his NFL army because they’re all just too insane, and HTS doesn’t want them either, they’re even too insane to join HTS, that speaks volumes as to just how bad these people are. They slit 10 year old boys throats, eat dead SAA soldiers livers, trample the bodies of dead female civilians, just some of their insane acts. If you had a mad dog and a rabid dog, which of the 2 would be the most dangerous, I think the the rabid dog would be, but if they attacked together, I’d change that to the mad dog. I’d personally go for the rabid dog first and hopefully killing that one quickly would be enough to scare the mad one away. The SAA should do the same and start on Erdogan’s old crew first, they seem to be the most rabid of the 2 main groups left in Idlib. syrialiveuamaps reports that the NFL [Erdogan’s forces] are also attacking the SAA too, but they shouldn’t be.


Russia is still protecting Turkey and its terrorists on Idlib zone, hummmm.

Gregory Casey

The sooner those vermin are exterminated the better for all of humanity.

Gregory Casey

When the Agreement between Turkey & Russia was reached 4 months ago it was hoped, on the Russian-Iranian side that these and all of the other assholes would melt across the border with Turkey and assume or resume life in whatever hole they originally sprang from but, unfortunately, Brother Erdogan, Chief-Stolen-Oil Salesman and War Profiteer hasn’t kept his side of the bargain and has allowed these vermin to dig in while forgetting that before the Syrian War the local population was less than 2 Million and is now somewhere between 2.5 and 3 million ……… the increase consisting of the vermin and their women and children and camp-followers. Meanwhile, however, these scum continue to have lots of weaponry and ammo together with little missiles and, therefore, I’m wondering whether the Turks on the Border are allowing only one-way traffic …….. that is to say, in accordance with the Sochi Agreement in a sense but being in complete breach insofar as all traffic is entering Syria from Turkey bringing food, weaponry and whatever else those sleazeballs require. I think Mt Putin should have a few further words with Mr Erdogan with the default position being a sudden and terrible carpet bombing of the Fugger positions throughout Idlib Governorate and West and N-West Aleppo.

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