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Militants Shot Down Syrian Military Helicopter Near Saraqib (Video)

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Militants Shot Down Syrian Military Helicopter Near Saraqib (Video)

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A few moments ago, forces led by Hayat Tahrir al-sham shot down a Syrian military helicopter (reportedly Mi-8) near the town of Saraqib in the Syrian province of Idlib. The incident took place amid an intense fighting between the Syrian Army and Turkish-backed militants in the area.

The situation is developing.

Militants Shot Down Syrian Military Helicopter Near Saraqib (Video)

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Militants Shot Down Syrian Military Helicopter Near Saraqib (Video)

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Militants Shot Down Syrian Military Helicopter Near Saraqib (Video)

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Islamic Power

i think the most quiet one right now in syria (USA) is going to do something stupid

Damien C

Well you have to admit they rarely do anything smart! So stupid is a fair guess

Zionism = EVIL

The SAA pilots are brave, but should not be using a sub 110 knots old MI-8 at such low altitudes. Let the Russians hammer the headchoppers with SU-25 Frogfoots as they are flying tanks and not easily downed.

klove and light

spot on

Zionism = EVIL

SAA has over 40 operational Gazelle and a dozen Hinds MI-24 which are better suited for COIN. MI 8/17 is basically a utility helicopter and has no protection.

Álvaro Sarmento

SAA should use L-39 armed with rockets for COIN. They are faster and can evade enemy AAA easily. Russia can supply them very cheap and fast to Syria.


Using western made weapons and crying Allahu Akbar. No my friend hardworking engineers and technicians are akbar.

Islamic Power

who gave them the knowledge to invent stuff?


Since the introduction of the rules of the holy Koran, there was no new invention anymore from the Arab countries. Medicine, astronomy, mathematics are all things, which happened before the Koran was adopted. Just a coincidence?

Zionism = EVIL

However, Koran did bring headchopping, covering women into mobile Ninja walking tents and floggings back in fashion :) Back to the future in Arabia I guess.

Islamic Power

you can stay ignorant unless you do your research peace




Western civilazation. The enlightment era, where the first real scientists for the first time did dare to challenge religious dogmas and religion itself. Secular societies made that possible. Societies, build up on national identiy, where solidarity was lived between citizens, enabled them to develop their interests and strenghts, their intellect. A scientific community, that still fights to this day to live the old spirit of collaboration. Societiys based on rationality instead of religious dogmas. The seperation of religion and politics to be exact.

That is the main reason, while most middle east countries are not able to develop and even fall back into even more archaic mindsets. Sectarian mindsets (Takfiri), tribalism, and the same mindset as 1400 years ago are the reason. When you live with a mindset of nomads 1400 years ago, then you live in a time buddle, without any real progress at all. And with Islam being a religion that does not seperate between religion and poltic, and even dictates even the smallest things to its societies, this is bound to no change. Such a religion can not be reformed. As Mustafa Kemal understood. Iran is an exeption to the rule for the following reasons: Having the most developed and high culture of all the middle east still alive, having had a secular period, which even though it was a horrific dictatorship, still showed some good sides of a modern society to its people. Then the US cold war against Iran, which pushed it to develop for its survivial, which is the biggest developmental push a country can get. Plus the Iranian society is not fundamentalistic, and is according to neutral polls, the most western leaning middle east society (Even though Donald damaged that too). So it is either live with Islam, or other fundamentalistic religions in a time buddle, and cut contact to the rest of the world, forbid technology (like you Jihadist and other fundamentalists preach), or overcome your archaic mindset, loose the fundamentalism, reform islam, accept all other religions and atheists as equal human beings, and build secular societies. Its only one things or the other. Just like the Saudis can not buy themselves progress. They are still only a tribe, only with too much money for their own good. All those skyscrapers and buying western influence wont help, when their so called country will break down. You have to decide. Follow the teachings of some dude who was likely shizophrenic, and thought god talks to him (There are millions on earth like him even today, but they are in psych wards). Or loose this religion, the sectarianism, the tribalism. I know you feel superior (just like the US), and you can not understand why those “unbelievers” are more successfull, and you live in shitholes. Either your god hates you, or your god does not exists.

Islamic Power

Islam is the Truth . Whereas you base your belief on theories and bias. i skipped through your essay and noticed most of it is nonsense that you based off of what youve been taught rather than self research and experience.

Quran عَلَّمَ الۡاِنۡسَانَ مَا لَمۡ يَعۡلَمۡؕ‏ (96:5) taught man what he did not know. ~

~. That is, man originally was absolutely illiterate. Whatever of knowledge he obtained, he obtained it as a gift from Allah. Whatever doors of knowledge at any stage did Allah will to open for man, they went on opening up before him. This same thing has been expressed in the verse of the Throne (Ayat-ul-Kursi), thus: And the people cannot comprehend anything of His knowledge save what He Himself may please to reveal. (Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 255). Whatever man looks upon as his own scientific discovery was, in fact, unknown to him before. Allah gave him its knowledge whenever He willed without his realizing that Allah by His grace had blessed him with the knowledge of it.


Wow. You even admit you did not read my comment. Yeah, save yourself from truth. Inside you know, that the BS ideology of an animal fucking shizophrenic is the only thing that holds together your broken soul. Copy pasting from Jihadi brethen is no argument, but a declaration of your intellectual emptiness. Creeps like you need something higher to fix their broken self esteem, but regardless what fucked your childhood up, believeing in delusion does not help. As it will not help your brothers who blow themselves up to bits, all so Erdogan can play big man in Idlib. But go on an trust that the US will attack Russia and hope for atomic war. I dont need to repeat who delusional that is.

Islamic Power

Why should i read ignorant bias when you won’t even do fair research

And what’s this bestiality fetish people keep talking about, up your insult game lol


Like iranians, wanting to kill americans and driving GMC cars ….


At least their missiles that destroyed American bases were made by them. Even jihadi panties are made my people they are so eager to kill.


made from western materials. iran is not able to produce electronical products. no chips, no processors.


Not unless you count Russia and China as West.

Free man

The helicopter was shot down by the Turkish army. AlQaeda claim that they did it, but it was beyond the range of their manpads.

Islamic Power


Zionism = EVIL

Proof is in the pudding.

Islamic Power

lol ok bro

Islamic Power

could be turkish weapons

Free man

I don’t think the Turks will take responsibility. But this is already the second day a Syrian helicopter was hit. The Turks have not previously delivered long-range anti-aircraft weapons to their militias, as promised to Russia and the United States. I expect more helicopters to be hit by the Turks in the coming days.

Zionism = EVIL

Touche, you are seeing the light now. It is the Turkey arseholes that are fighting in Syria now. The AlCIAda have no functioning manpads, perhaps Tampax pads.

Free man

You vomit your stupidity again. Evil Psycho Zio.

Zionism = EVIL

Sorry to hurt your sensitive butt again Jew boy :)

Free man

“Sorry to hurt your sensitive butt again Jew boy :)” – It indeed make sense that this is what you do to the kids in your neighborhood (during the leaves from the nuthouse). Evil Psycho Zio.

Zionism = EVIL

You just confirmed that you are Jew pedo like your idol Epstein you dumb fuck :)

Wolfgang Wolf

base model without any upgrades… not very healthy to fly during daytime over camelfucker territory…


There are roumors that the rebells found some abandoned SAM systems yesterday…Wonder what they will find next? Some Yildirim or some BORA?

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Bill Erdogan.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Is this the end of my dream and the start of a nightmare or am I just imagining the worst, is this just a glitch in the matrix and nothing to be concerned about, or are the gatekeepers about to lock all the doors and make life hell for the SAA and SAAF, I have a very bad feeling.

Was it too high to hit with a 2.5 km or 3 km ceiling MANPAD, I don’t think it was, in 2018 HTS hit a Russian Su-25 hit with a MANPAD and brought it down, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence this chopper has been downed just as the Turks arrived, no coincidence at all, the Turks already deployed AA systems in Idlib last year and I’ll bet quite a few more arrived in those 200 or 300 vehicle convoys over the last few days. And for anyone old enough to remember,

24 November 2015 – A Russian Sukhoi Su-24M was shot down by a Turkish Air Force F-16 near the Syria–Turkey border, with both sides arguing about the actual position of the stricken aircraft, either hit on the Turkish or Syrian side of the border.

And at the time the media was asking the military commanders of many nations, the US included, would you have shot down the Russian pilot if the same situation occurred over your countries airspace, they all said no they wouldn’t have, every one of them said they realized the pilot had made an error of just a few metres and wouldn’t have attacked him for that, but the Turks did at the first opportunity, just sitting there waiting to push the button the moment he accidentally crossed into their territory. I just thought I’d mention that, I’ve been reading too many posts saying the Turks wouldn’t dare, LOL, maybe those posters are too young to remember. And while I’m on the subject of Turkey not giving a f–k about Russian military might, have a look at syrialiveuamaps and look at what the Turks are doing to the Russian occupied territory around Tall Rif at, that’s where the Russians have bases of operations and conduct regular patrols all the time, but the Turks are hitting that area with their artillery constantly and have been for over a week, they did have a break for a dew says but are back into it again full steam ahead.


US shot down that SU24 in 2015 and pressed the Turks to accept responsibility. That is my opinion.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s not correct I’m afraid, I remember very clearly what happened, it was pure and simple a revenge killing by Erdogan. Putin had been bombing Erdogan’s ethnic brothers the Syrian Turkmen in Latakia for weeks and Erdogan had been warning Putin to stop, Putin didn’t stop so Erdogan stopped him, that’s what happened. Don’t be confused by the NATO rhetoric used to de escalate the situation, the US couldn’t warn about the Russians flying over the Turks territory because the Russian weren’t supposed to be flying over Turkish territory, it was an accident he overflew his route and you can’t warn anyone about that happening. 3 weeks before that incident the Turks managed to get the Iranians and Russians to draw up a new UN resolution that would really help the Turks a lot, and yet Erdogan killed the Russian pilot despite the fact Putin had just done Erdogan a massive favour 3 weeks prior.


There is plenty of fake information in your statement.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re joking, are you accusing me of adding fake info, read some news stories from the actual time, my assessment and depiction of events is 100% accurate, and there is no disputing the facts, they’re all public knowledge. Some of my fellow SF readers and commenters are proving themselves to be totally devoid of any real facts or knowledge, you constantly call people like me liars when you don’t even have the simplest idea about what the real facts are. I suggest you exclusively use official Russian news sites to confirm all the info I just provided in my comment, go to archived news stories from the time period, see for yourself what the Russians had to say about who was responsible. Find a few videos of Putin’s reaction too, he was livid. What is really starting to amaze me about many of my fellow SF posters who don’t like my comments, is that even when I post official Russian government or government institutions statements or link their sites to verify my comments, people still dispute the facts and call it fake news, EVEN WHEN IT’S FROM THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, JUST HOW DUMB CAN SOME PEOPLE BE, YOU DON’T EVEN LISTEN TO THE SIDE YOU’RE BARRACKING FOR. What do you think is fake in my info?


So fake information in your statement are: You said that SU24 flew over Turkish teritorry, that is not true. SU24 was with Syrian borders when it was shot down by NATO forces. Evyrone knows NATO is ruled by US. NATO shot down Russian aircraft and that means NATO was NOT trying to de-escalate the situation as you stated. There is a strong possibility that Turks would not risk downing Russian plane, which sugests 3 posibilities: 1. SU24 shot down by US forces and US presured Turkey to accept responsibility. Both US and Turkey are using F16 from that same base. 2. SU24 shot down by Turkish forces on US orders 3. SU24 shot down by Turkish pilot, who would later participate in anto Erdogan US organized coup, suggesting this pilot was paid and ordered by US forces to shot down SU24.

Dont you think Russia has political resons not to publish all their data regarding this? After all Putin did manage to remove Turkey from close US satelite state orbit which would not be possible if Russians published that they are aware of the posibilities stated above.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If you want to argue that the moon is actually square go ahead, all the facts are on the internet for anyone to appraise from a multitude of sources, so pick your favoutite and have a look. You know you’re the first and only person to ever suggest it was actually the US who attacked the Russian jet, if you don’t believe what the Russian and US radar and satellite data shows us please elaborate and show us all your new evidence, because as EveryonelsBiased has already said,

“An opinion is just that. An opinion. But the truth is already out there, and confirmed by all sides. Only point where both sides not agree was, if the downing was premeditated and consciously decided by Erdogan.”

The Russian pilot had previously strayed over Turkish territory several times before the Turks actually attacked him.


So your point is that my opinion is opinion but your opinion is the truth, right?

Nope Russia side actually published information that the incident happened in Syiran airspace and SU24 did not violate Turkish airspace. You better check the sources.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

This is what I copied and pasted in my original comment,

“24 November 2015 – A Russian Sukhoi Su-24M was shot down by a Turkish Air Force F-16 near the Syria–Turkey border, with both sides arguing about the actual position of the stricken aircraft, either hit on the Turkish or Syrian side of the border.”

And this is the wiki info,

“A Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter jet shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24M attack aircraft near the Syria–Turkey border on 24 November 2015.[1][2] According to Turkey, the aircraft was fired upon while in Turkish airspace because it violated the border up to a depth of 2.19 kilometres (1.36 miles) for about 17 seconds after being warned to change its heading 10 times over a period of five minutes before entering the airspace.[3][4] The Russia Defence Ministry denied the aircraft ever left Syrian airspace, counter-claiming that their satellite data showed that the Sukhoi was about 1,000 metres (1,100 yd) inside Syrian airspace when it was shot down.[5] The U.S. State Department said that the U.S. independently confirmed that the aircraft’s flight path violated Turkish territory, and that the Turks gave multiple warnings to the pilot, to which they received no response and released audio recordings of the warnings they had broadcast.[6][7] Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan pointed out that Turkey had the right to defend its airspace.[8] Russian president Vladimir Putin said that the U.S. knew the flight path of the Russian jet and should have informed Turkey; two U.S. officials said that Russia did not inform the U.S. military of its jet’s flight plan.”

And you responded with,

“US shot down that SU24 in 2015 and pressed the Turks to accept responsibility. That is my opinion.”

You’re the only person in the world with that opinion, not even the Russians say that, but you’re entitled to your opinion. And as to whether or not it was shot down on the Syrian or Turkish side of the border, I tend to believe the US satellite data and Turkish radar data over Russia’s data in this particular instance. US satellite data shows the Russian plane over Turkish territory but the Russian satellite data doesn’t, but since they’re not taking real time video footage and instead just taking still frame photos every 5 minutes, it’s virtually impossible for the Russians to say the US data is incorrect and theirs is right, the Russians might not have even captured an image of the Russian jet over Turkish airspace, the luck of the draw meant the US did though. But if what you think is correct and the Russians are telling the truth, why the hell did they let the Turks get off so lightly, it means the Turks shot down a Russian plane with absolutely no legal justification and more or less got off scott free, fair enough Putin couldn’t complain too loudly if the Russians were at fault and I can understand him only taking the measures that he did to punish Turkey, but if there was no legal justification Putin should’ve reacted way more forcibly than he did.


An opinion is just that. An opinion. But the truth is already out there, and confimred by all sides. Only point where both sides not agree was, if the dowing was premeditatet and conciously decided by Erdogan. Turks say no, but Russian proof has been released some weeks ago. Was posted also here on SF if i recall correct. It was Turkey, and Erdogan in person. And as i said, proof was released, case is long closed.


long story but i basically agree i wonder if they want to try use this oppertunity to drive out the kurds from there because they are not under the american umbrella like in east syria.

And they make for a convenient proxy target to send the cavemen after as a diversion for direct confrontation with the SAA-Russians.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Kurdish ALF who operate out of Russian controlled territory have been making life hell for the Turks and their proxies in Turkish controlled territory, and the Turks always retaliate with their artillery every time the ALF attack them, but since the SAA operation in Aleppo City began, the Turks have been pounding Russian territory daily, there was one break of a few days but apart from that it’s been a continual bombardment. It would be virtually impossible for the Turks to attack and evict the Kurds from the Russian held territory, the Russian would be caught in the crossfire and I don’t think Erdogan is that stupid, nearly stupid enough but not quite. But last week some of the Turkish proxies did besiege a town in the Russian held area but were unsuccessful at taking it, but I doubt they did it with Turkish approval, I think it was just bravado from the terrorists to prop up sagging morale and embarrass the Russians at the same time.


RIP Brigadier General Sharaf Issa and Sharaf Ali,

Their bodies are being dragged around by turkish orcs..

Expect to see a lot of turkish accidents..


erdogan is desperate for succes so he gave the headchoppers longer range manpad, he would probably supply them with nuclear suitcase bombs if he had his way.


Erdogan asked NATO and EU to support his efforts in idlib.

Yanks already told, they are full behind their NATO partner in Syria.

So, this is clean answer for dreamers, that Turkey want to leave NATO.

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