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MARCH 2025

Militants Suffer Major Losses In Northern Hama – Reports

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Militants Suffer Major Losses In Northern Hama - Reports

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The Syrian Center Military Media announced on Friday that over 500 militants belonging to Haya’at Tahrir Al Sham, US-Backed Jaish Al Ezzah and allied militant groups were killed in the last 48 hours by the Syrian Arab Army and it’s allies.

Pro government sources also claim that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) destroyed 3 tanks and 10 vehicles belonging to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in northern Hama on Friday.

The SAA and local National Defense Forces units and the Tiger Forces continued their advance in northern Hama. Governmetn forces captured the Al-Shliout checkpoint north of Mahardah town and Zor Al Masaliq north of Khatab town.

Militants Suffer Major Losses In Northern Hama - Reports

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Russian Su-34 bombers targeted HTS reinforcements and fortifications in Suran that remains under the militant control.

It’s expected that in the next 24 hours the SAA will launch an attack to recapture Suran and to restore all points lost to the militants in northern Hama in March.

The SAA may also look to expand its control in the Hama countryside and even to capture some towns in the southern Idlib countryside. Many reports claim that Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is weaker than ever in Idlib now because of major losses in Hama. However, only developments on the ground could confirm these reports.

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John Brown

Yes strike Idlib from HAMA, Aleppo and Latakia now in a 3 pronged offensive, when the terrorists supplies are low and manpower depleted from this HAMA offensive. Don’t give any of those retreating from HAMA time to rest, rearm and dig in.

Gregory Louis

The SAA could’ve finished off Latakia awhile ago but they didn’t if they did it would’ve put more pressure on militants but oh well at least the SAA and co. are pushing in Western Aleppo


Sealing the eastern border matters more.


They tried to at the time but when they got too close to the Turkish border they were engaged by Turkish artillery. Just like the Afrin Kurds were when they tried to take Azaz.


Yes, also N Latakia is very rugged terrain and close to Jihadi supply lines.

Daniel Castro

Next time russian they should bomb those turkish artillery, war goes both ways, turks better get out of Syria.

Behold a Pale Horse

Return fire then.


The Syrian army is a broken shell of what it used to be, straining to fight on too many fronts. As we see currently with this Idlib offensive, which basically put the SAA’s offensive towards Tabqa on hold. You want it to fight a NATO country too? Just like Damascus only used harsh language to protest against the Turkish invasion of Northern Syria there’s not much it could do against the Turkish shelling. Only an idiot fights a war on multiple fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots fights a war on twelve fronts. Assad is not that idiot.


It’s obvious that these terrorists are just the leftovers from aleppo and other places within syria…

It was good strategy to “make peace” with them and eject them to idlib. Now that they are out in the open, they make great Sukhoi food…



How can Sultan Erdogan be persuaded that sending FSA terrorists armed with US TOW and also his de facto support of Al Nusra is rather a bad idea for Turkey? Are the British still training the FSA terrorists in Idlib ? The British Defence Minister still thinks he is fighting a war with Soviet forces :) He is a prat.

Hanny Benny

turkey regime is the mainly backer of the jihadistic terrorism. erdoKhan also threatens europe with terror before some days


THIS IS THE NEWS I WANTED TO HEAR! It appears that HTS is suffering many casualties from arty and airstrikes. SAA if making the Jihadi dirtbags pay for their Hama offensive. Hows it feel to be on the receiving end of the TSO-1’s? N Hama may be TO HOT for them to handle. :D


hahahha they should just give up!


This would be nice. I prefer that HTS /FSA trash be destroyed on the field of battle. Looks like they do not care for SAA/RU firepower on this front !! Jihadist morale will also take a hit after this defeat.


I agree. I wonder is only turkey funding HTS? Or Saudis too?

Hanny Benny

calipHell goes to hell..


Was the single captured Uber Invincible T-90 of Doom used by Al Nusra that spearheaded their advance finally destroyed? It popped up quite regularly in the news posts for a while, but hasn’t recently.


i hope so! i wonder how the hell they captured it anyway


From the Aleppo battle I saw the Vid. I think a tow was Used and the crew left but the tank was still repairable


Ah thanks, well at least the crew survived, tanks are replaceable, their lives not so much!


Like how tanks always get captured, things got to hot for the crew and they abandoned it.


hahahahha i love it, especially in the first video that one soldier was about to cross the street then saw the truck coming and quickly got outta the way



Rodney Loder

Colonel Cassad reported out of about 12000 terrorists 2000 are now deceased, he’s usually pretty accurate, one thing is for sure al-Nusra is not saving up their people for the victory parade.

DJ Double D

I agree with you. Ever since I bumped into Colonel Cassad, I have been his regular. There is this sense that the Guy talks and writes the Facts.

Rodney Loder

Orthodox Christians, I think they never got over losing to the Bolsheviks, the reason they did of course was that they wanted everything the way that it was, no land confiscations no change to the Feudal Order at all, now they haven’t changed, and they hope Putin will bring back the Tsar when the World adops a new Conservative System, but I’m glad their on our side.

DJ Double D

Let them feel the Heat! and Erdogan – the Shame!

Gabriel Hollows

When will these goat-fuckers understand that bunching up in large numbers without having air dominance is SUICIDE? They made the exact same mistake when they were Jaish-Al-Fatah in Western Aleppo. Use horde tactics and gain a few villages, then get bombed to ashes by airstrikes and artillery. It’s like they can’t think beyond medieval Jihad tactics.

Ho Pw

No more green buses. Surrender or Die!

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