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Militants Surrender More Battle Tanks, Missiles And Other Equipment To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

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Militants in southern Syria have continued surrendering military equipment, including battle tanks, and weapons, including guided missiles, to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), according to photos and videos appearing online.

According to a video released by ANNA News, the militants have surrendered at least 11 US TOW missile launchers, 17 TOW missiles, dozens of Bulgarian Fagot missiles, several improved Malutka missiles with two launchers as well as other weapons. The video also shows two Shilka self-propelled vehicles, 4 BMP-1 armoured vehicles and seven battle tanks.

The weapons surrender is ongoing amid a rapid advdance of the SAA along the border with Jordan. MORE HERE

Militants Surrender More Battle Tanks, Missiles And Other Equipment To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

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Militants Surrender More Battle Tanks, Missiles And Other Equipment To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

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Militants Surrender More Battle Tanks, Missiles And Other Equipment To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

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Militants Surrender More Battle Tanks, Missiles And Other Equipment To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

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Militants Surrender More Battle Tanks, Missiles And Other Equipment To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

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Militants Surrender More Battle Tanks, Missiles And Other Equipment To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

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Militants Surrender More Battle Tanks, Missiles And Other Equipment To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

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Militants Surrender More Battle Tanks, Missiles And Other Equipment To Syrian Army (Photos, Video)

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Don’t register them you fools! Ship them (well the smaller stuff) to ‘freedom loving people’ in Jordan.

Promitheas Apollonious

I hope the Syrians put them in good use, freeing, what is left to free, of their country.

khilafah BaQiya Bi iz nil LaH

You are too late it is nearly two days old info first posted on the ISIS southfront https://i.imgur.com/ZnWmMWh.png

Promitheas Apollonious

too late, for what kid?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

I had that 3-4 days ago on my pinterest boards so I must have better sources than you hasbara trolls.


Perhaps Hezbollah would like some of the weapons as well :)

Promitheas Apollonious

I am sure they will not refuse them if offered.


It would be rude not to give them some presents :)

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well they can use that in Latakia against Turkish outpost at Morek which is illegal. Sultan Erdogan has just made himself Executive President and now wants to think globally,lol.

Zionism = EVIL

Thank you France for arming the headchopper cowards, now the MILANS can be upgraded and re-engineered in Iran and used against the Zionist scum.


As Israel see these new developments of SAA so the child butcher Netanyahu can tolerate it, no way.

Jan Tjarks

Question is, who pays for all these weapons, they are not cheap. Rebels usually have no access to weapons, beside a foreign power is helping them. Which powers are these and which companies profit from the weapons deals?

Let’s talk business.


American Tax Payers pay for these weapons so that IsraHell doesn’t’ have to open their wallets. It’s very important to IsraHell that America pays for the job of clearing the Middle East for the Oded Yinon Plan for Greater IsraHell. http://smoloko.com/?p=3308 That’s what American Taxpayers and soldiers are for: To die for IsraHell. So all these weapons are the weapons that American sent to Terrorists so that IsraHell doesn’t have to pay for it. Most of those weapons aren’t even out of the plastic yet. Good score Syria. Well done. Don’t give them back until aggressors need to ‘see’ the ‘sharp pointy end.


Lot’s of them were unaccounted dollars which supposedly not to be spent for material purchase of the recipient for they’d then enter the economic system. They can print or magically add the numbers in secret bank accounts. Back in 2011-2012 there are trends of making money online but the money they made can’t be cashed out and has to be spent within the internet itself.

Jan Tjarks

The moment the cash bubble hits the real markets the system is done anyway. TZhis is the reason why there are so many secondary ‘financial markets’, in order to play the game with nothing for as long as possible.

Question only is, when the systems will be confused by their own masters who created them, because at one point they don’t understand them themselves anymore. That moment a single mistake can bring down the whole system. But we already see the preperations in the background for the day X.


Jews banks and usa-taxpayers.

Jan Tjarks

I don’t think it is jews, I would say greedy people abusing their powers.


Wow, that’s quite a haul. Free supplies for the SAA :)

j. jaxson

thank god Syria will remain Syria. Good job Saa,Hezbollah and Ussr.


Whenever they captured these huge cache of weapons i imagined someone pulling their hairs out for the money and efforts they wasted.


Looks like 3 T-55s with various makeshift add-ons and 1 fairly advanced T-72. I can’t make out the the last three.


4 T-72s and 3 T-55s in various configurations, and one recovery vehicle.

Brad Isherwood

How much suffering and costly Valor battle occured,…..because Assad had a shitty gov and Idiot Officer Corp?

The Takfiri under whatever label they went by acquired 100s of Syrian Army tanks/mechanized. Entire Arsenals. .. The CIA and NATO spec opps only need drop in and organize the looting. The Takfiri get Real time SAT coverage and tactical support ….the SAA get pummeled more.

Putin shows up in 2015, The great Saviour shows up years later. . Iran…has Ballistic missile, …SeaCobra attack Helicopters fitted out with TOW missiles.

Did we see any of that?

No…it was a war where one side fights with its hands tied…

Israhell …who % created ISIS,…and % leverage US/NATO to plunder Syria, Gets to keep the Golan which UNSCRS demand they leave and return to Syria.

Does Putin/Lavrov effect Their leverage that Netanyahu comply ?

No…..it’s party with the looters and have them over to Moscow on a day symbolic to the Sacrifice millions of Russians who gave their lives fighting Fascism .

In the End. …it’s Allways just about the $$$ Money.

Syria is another genocide with certain others walking away…..counting their Take $$

matew ivanson

stinky bastard traitors, they sold themselves for a shit handful of Assad and Iranian money, Mossad will find them and killed them together with their wives and children, traitors FSA commanders cowards run to Jordan but the will die in Mossad bomb explosions when they lead children to school

khilafah BaQiya Bi iz nil LaH

You https://i.imgur.com/2yiJFRt.jpg


The Al-CIADA and Israeli terrorists propaganda, rubbish.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The guy on the left is alive and the one on the right is dead ,so what is your point?

Mine has been made so stick that in your Jihadi Hasbara Ass and pound sand!!


Quite a bit of hardware there folks. How did they get it? Cmmmmmmm? USAID maybe?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Now all the border is controlled by SAA and they are prepping for Yarmouk Basin since they are flanking ISIS there as they sent elite fighting regiments to the area. The SAA is also looking at taking Jisr al sughour in Latakia should be interesting with Idlib next as this has been admitted by Russia in all ongoing negotiations. Syria has a great man in General Kamal Ayash, the FSA plucked his daughter’s eye out and killed his son and he still refused to defect. This man worked hard in negotiating the surrender and reconciliation in Daraa “they asked him to forgive and he said I forgive…” Daraa has moved forward in it’s process of reconciliation. The SAA controls more than 72.4% according to SOHR.


Some pretty good Hardware that hezbollah will be able to use against Israel. Thanks to us United States.. this is working out pretty good.


Mostly old Soviet weapons, more than likely taken from the SAA earlier in the war. Although the presence of the TOW shows that these Rebel were connected to allies of NATO at some point. Due to the kaleidoscope of groups and names and ideals and affiliations there are a million ways those rockets got there. Although it is strange we’d give a TOW instead of a Javelin to a militia, so don’t take everything here at face value.


This is incredible and scandalous …….. Israel-USA-NATO providen this huge amount of weapons to terrorists with the Jordan-Turkey-Qatar-Saudies help. Someone needs to write a book and make some movie about all of this and the liars (Israel-USA-NATO) for human being not to forget never this.

Getinet Kifle


The NEXT BIG BLOODY BATTLE GONNA BE IDLIB Unless SYRIAN/RUSSIANS come with better deal with the head choppers fleeing to there since freeing Aleppo etc

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