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Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading “Conspiracy Theories” That Target U.S. Military

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Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military

Military.com joined The Hill, McClatchyDC and The Daily Beast in their joint effort to spread a “groundbreaking” Oxford University study arguing that SouthFront among few other websites targets “US military personnel and veterans with conspiracy theories, misinformation, and other forms of junk news about military affairs and national security issues.

Let’s look at what Military.com writes in its article entitled “Russian Propaganda Targeted Vets, Troops via Social Media: Study” (source):

Russia has exploited social media networks to target current and former U.S. military personnel with propaganda, conspiracy theories and other misinformation, achieving “significant and persistent interactions” on Twitter during one month last spring, British researchers found.

The Oxford University study, which traced the reach of three websites known to have shown ads and posts linked to the Russian government, adds a new dimension to revelations of a Kremlin cyber campaign aimed at undermining Americans’ trust in democracy during last year’s U.S. elections and helping Donald Trump win the presidency.

“We’ve found an entire ecosystem of junk news about national security issues that is deliberately crafted for U.S. veterans and active military personnel,” said Philip Howard, a professor of internet studies who led the research. “It’s a complex blend of content with a Russian view of the world — wild rumors and conspiracies.”

The study found that Russia’s communication inroads with the military community on Twitter “are not presently very deep,” and that it has had more success gaining influence through Twitter than Facebook.

The researchers sought to map how social media amplified the impact of the websites that sprang up over the last four years:

  • Veteranstoday.com, which in late 2013 began publishing content from New Eastern Outlook, a geopolitical journal of the government-chartered Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Veteransnewsnow.com, a sister site that started posting information from the Moscow think tank Strategic Culture Foundation during the same time.
  • Southfront.org, which was registered in Moscow in 2015 and soon partnered with Veterans Today.

Politico first reported last June about Russia’s recent military targeting, describing how Veterans Today mixed advice for veterans on how to find jobs and pay medical bills with headlines such as “Ukraine’s Ku Klux Klan — NATO’s New Ally.” It said that while the United States confronted Syrian leader Bashar Assad, a Russian ally, over chemical weapons attacks on Syrian children last spring, the site carried a story headlined: “Proof: Turkey Did 2013 Sarin Attack and Did This One Too.”

Mike Carpenter, a former senior Pentagon official who specialized in Russian issues, said the three websites all “appear to be Russian fronts, given the high degree of Russian content.”

“(T)hey bill themselves as providing ‘alternative points of view,’ similar to Russian propaganda channels like RT and Sputnik,” he said.

Facebook disclosed last month that a company tied to a Russian “troll farm,” whose operatives spread misinformation, set up fake accounts that bought 3,000 election-related ads. It said 75 percent of the ads, which the company said may have popped up in the Facebook newsfeeds of as many as 10 million people, focused on divisive issues such as immigration, gun rights and gay rights.

The Kremlin’s global “active measures” campaigns have showered disinformation on democracies around the world since the Soviet era. But newer social media tools have enabled the explosive growth of networks dedicated to distributing false and misleading news.

The Oxford study categorized 12,413 Twitter users and 11,103 Facebook users whose social media messages referred to or carried content from one or more of the Russian-linked websites from April 2 to May 2, 2017. The researchers used sophisticated modeling in an attempt to examine how Twitter posts and “likes” of Facebook posts broadened the effects of junk and phony news on the three sites, sometimes directly connecting the recipients with Russian trolls.

“On Twitter there are significant and persistent interactions between current and former military personnel and a broad network of Russia-focused accounts, conspiracy theory-focused accounts and European right-wing accounts,” the researchers concluded.

The interactions are an indication that the messages are being noticed and may have some impact.

In the networks reaching vets and active-duty troops, the researchers wrote, both liberals and conservatives were drawn to posts on the websites that laid out supposed conspiracies, including some pointed at the U.S. government.

The researchers noted that they couldn’t track all of the relevant content, in part because the limited data publicly available from Twitter and Facebook does not include fake accounts that the two companies detected and closed.

Twitter and Facebook declined to comment on the study.

Carpenter said that under President Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin’s propaganda machine “has become very good at targeting specific demographics and subgroups within American society, with tailored content in order to sow discord and undermine trust in government.”

He said the “information warfare” meshes with Russian “spear phishing attacks” — attempts to compromise the emails of U.S. service members and military contractors.

“This is further evidence of the Kremlin’s holistic effort to try to get inside the minds, computers and communications of our forces to steal information on things such as the locations and deployment schedules of specific military units and to conduct psy-ops (psychological operations) against our troops.”

Howard, who has tracked Russia’s use of social media to circulate propaganda in dozens of countries, and research colleague Bence Kollanyi, wrote in an op-ed in The Washington Post that their studies have been handicapped because of the lack of cooperation from Twitter and Facebook.

“No doubt, Twitter and Facebook have higher-quality data on all this,” they wrote. “They certainly employ some of the best network analysts and data scientists in the world. Yet it has taken an FBI inquiry, congressional investigations, nearly a year of bad press and pressure from outside researchers such as us to dislodge some examples of Russian interference.

“The next step should be open collaborations that explain network effects and help restore public trust in social media.”

Meanwhile, The Hill repeated the “revelations” about SouthFront’s work clearly linking the project with the alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election in its “OVERNIGHT CYBERSECURITY” (link):


–RUSSIA TARGETED U.S. VETS IN SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN: Russia targeted U.S. military personnel and veterans in an information campaign last year by spreading messages on social media networks that promoted Kremlin propaganda as well as conspiracy theories, according to a new study. The Oxford University study found that three websites with Kremlin ties — Veteranstoday.com, Veteransnewsnow.com and Southfront.org — engaged in “significant and persistent interactions” with the U.S. military community, McClatchy reported Monday.“We’ve found an entire ecosystem of junk news about national security issues that is deliberately crafted for U.S. veterans and active military personnel,” Professor Philip Howard, who led the research in the study, told the newswire. “It’s a complex blend of content with a Russian view of the world — wild rumors and conspiracies.”

To read the rest of our piece, click here.

–GOOGLE, TOO, SOLD ADS TO RUSSIA: Google has discovered it sold tens of thousands of dollars worth of online ads to Russian-linked actors trying to influence the 2016 presidential election, according to The Washington Post. The Post reported that the ads cost less than $100,000 and were deployed on a variety of Google’s platforms, including YouTube, Gmail and in search results. People familiar with the ads told the outlet that the ads do not appear to originate from the Internet Research Agency, the Russian “troll farm” that Facebook said had purchased $100,000 of political ads on its platform through fake accounts. “We have a set of strict ads policies including limits on political ad targeting and prohibitions on targeting based on race and religion,” a Google spokeswoman said in a statement. “We are taking a deeper look to investigate attempts to abuse our systems, working with researchers and other companies, and will provide assistance to ongoing inquiries.”

To read the rest of our piece, click here.

The Hill describes OVERNIGHT CYBERSECURITY as a “daily rundown of the biggest news in the world of hacking and data privacy.”

SouthFront supposes that these tireless efforts of the mainstream media could be seen could be seen as a recognition of the joint efforts of experts and volunteers involved in the project.

One of the most interesting facts is surely that SouthFront has achieved all this groundbreaking influence on US foreign and domestic policies with a monthly budget of about 5,000 USD. It’s hard to imagine what could be done were the project to collect 6,000 USD or even more.

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Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military

Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military

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Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military

Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military


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Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military



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Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. MilitaryMilitary.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military

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Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military

Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military

Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military

Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military

Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military

Military.com And The Hill Contribute More Efforts In Accusing SouthFront Of Spreading "Conspiracy Theories" That Target U.S. Military

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Everything they said in their “study” could very easily describe the us government’s own shenanigans around the world. Other countries see the world differently and they dont want to be forced into a submissive state where they lose everything because the us needs to force the value of the dollar by way of war, deceit, murder, you name it. Mr trump said it himself, “do you think the us is innocent?” When speaking about “others” murdering and forcing their will on weaker countries… Peace please. Im tired of always seeing the same shit spewing out of news outlets..


Funnily enough there was a documentary on TV this evening about the general hysteria in the UK during the 1st year of war in WW2 , with phantom German parachutists appearing from nowhere, spies all over the country and general government propaganda intended to stir up the population so as to better control them by fear.

Fear is the greatest driver of Human Emotion.

That a small media company like South Front with an avid and open minded readership has been targeted in this way is an indication of US impotence. Funnily enough I have noticed that some of the suspected US trolls have been quiet recently. They are hardly very proficient ‘ word smiths’ anyway :) Perhaps this current US disinformation campaign is a Plan ‘C’. Its surely crap if it is :)

In the London Times today a list of British interviewees to RT , including politicians from all party’s and pundits of all persuasions was printed. Ironically this list is intended to smear these people by revealing how much they were paid in expenses, speaking fees etc. The BBC and ALL other MSM media outlets do the same thing. All this list will have done is to create an interest in RT and many thousands, even tens of thousands of Times readers will likely ‘search and ‘click on RT’. When they do ,those readers will find a News Chanel for adults that also broadcasts documentaries and interviews with educated spokespeople from all around the globe.

It seems that this latest US assault on thoughtful peoples intelligence and is the latest in a long line of ‘Failed Talking Points and Narratives for cretins ‘. Or ‘Fucking Morons ‘ as Rex Tillerson would likely describe them :)

‘ Everyone’s a village idiot, including the President ‘. :)

Jens Holm

Yes, britts were hiding all cards they had in the beginning of WW2, because they had almost none.

The became experts in it too and not only invading for Calais by Patton.


They had the City of London, the World leader bar none of deception and intrigue.

Ostap Bender

And they wonder why people from their ex colonies call GB a “Perfidious Albion”…

Just google the term or click: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfidious_Albion

Charlie rad

Yes total bull by Globalist Jihadi UK . Hillary friends still hoping to force her into WH. I guarantee you ALL , we would TAKE UP ARMS to defend TRUMP. 85% of Military & 65% or more of Citizens with GUNS & training. POLLs are ALL Lies. Globalists Cia are terrified SOROS is still hiding in QATAR. Their time is ending. Nukes were the only thing keeping us cautious. Not anymore. You’ll see why soon. MAGA. World Peace


What and where is the evidence behind this accusations ?


An undisclosed source Sky :)


None needed! It’s what the Empire dictates.

Jens Holm

Well, You might go down to the small ones too. They do the same in %.

Tommy Jensen

True. There is small evidences. A single comment here in the comment section allowed by SF was the cause of US military being humiliated and hit in their butt by a kalibr missile in Syria, KGB was reading this comment on these pages and gave the idea to Putin and thus SF undermined the US military by its disrespect for innocent American citizens lives and America´s ability to defend freedom. The devil is in the small ones and this for certain was a small devil causing big big harm to US as we Americans were humiliated.

Jens Holm

Thats how free speech also is. It has influence from smaller countries as well as in small things.

Jens Holm

there are many, many and both ways. Its like oppinions – false or true – by newer trend in media has become too overwhelming.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The exceptionally violent US and their slaves, minions and lickers do not need “evidence”. Anti Russian RACIST hysteria is the new religion.


The Democrats and their evil witch Hillary cannot face the fact that the American people saw through their lying ways and elected Trump. Seeing through the progressive medias never ending attack on Trump and defeating the 1%’ers evil witch is an event I am proud of my people doing. I must brag now… Hillary’s evil empire included 90% of the media Americans were allowed to see, No matter where we looked the media would be lieing about Hillary. You might remember the ‘election polls’ claiming a Hillary landslide, while You tubes videos of the candidates rallies showed almost bare high school auditoriums for Hillary while Trumps events were massive, with cheering Americans. Out in California, the black shirts wearing masks were allowed to attack Trump supporters with clubs, while the police stood down and did nothing and the ‘NEWS’ couldn’t decide who started the fighting, “the guys with the clubs or the ones with the blood on their faces.” I am proud of my fellow Americans for seeing through this thick fog of lies and defeating their evil witch who screamed, time after time, “Assad” must go.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The election of Trump as POTUS was a massive event for the awakening of the American people. Will Trump let them down??? It does not look good, does it?

Charlie rad

Wrong. Actually TRUMP & we TRUE AMERICANS who hate foreign interventions. Are on the winning side. They have thrown everything at Trump he’s still here. The US coalition in Syria is DEEPSTATE, France, & QATARI & other scum. US ARMy -Marines were pilled months ago . Trump cut off funding.More good surprises to come.Macron is about to get lynched As is Merkel. So far , so good. We are about to have a real Civil war. Vegas was a start. For real with-in next 3 weeks. Pray we win. Worlds fate is on the line. No MORE Globalists.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Thanks for the info, Charlie. Las Vegas was really frightening and something does not smell right, but I am far away in London. My question to you is this: exactly when will Trump meet with Dana Rhorabacker to expose the EVIDENCE that will destroy the the Russian hacking farce? What’s stopping him? Dana’s conclusions on this massive Democrat LIE will destroy those warmongers forever. Stay safe.


I believe most Americans don’t care what their government does (or don’t think they can do anything about it, aside from voting) – as long as the Mall’s open.

The other forty-five percent thinks it’s all just great.

Jens Holm

The most strange is, that Your can get candidates like that at all.

To me Hillary was during many years a well descriebed person, but to me by that a high tech super nr 2, which now and then should be taking in here ears.

Its very har to me that any normal person should vote for Trump at all.

You can only improve next time. If You do the same next time, You canonly make America strong by using more pepper.


So what? They acting like new kids crying for mama destroying the old Oxford prestige. Well my dears: I’m not fun of the Russian doctrine, I’m not fun of Putin or Erdogan and I will never be, I allways suspected some links, direct but most probably indirect, between SF and GRU and So what ?! I like to read them. Better than reading the Oxford and others shit for which I pay too much taxes for results like Charlie Hebdo. Who the heck are those Oxford perempted kids s..king the James who Bondes to judge me for my tastes ?


Its naïve to think that your side is any less evil than the opposite. Human nature is to be selfish and believe what you want to believe, whether its Russian, American, European or Chinese propaganda its still biased to their respective side. The difference here is that those that don’t realize the fact that they consume propaganda are the worst of the ignorant masses. I find that readers here are more willing to accept that fact and then make a decision. I find that readers on MSM are much less likely to accept that they consume propaganda. They don’t even want to think it, while completely believing the other side is propaganda. Quite the recipe for non-American ideals and fascism. Its becoming a fanaticism, I have a coworker with a 1 year old daughter that is dressing her child as trump for Halloween. Ya that could just be one dumb girl but I wouldn’t find it impossible to find this style of humorous fanaticism to be persistent among those that still believe. Completely anecdotal and marginalized event but it makes me think.


More rep, even “bad” rep, is good. The more they talk about Southfront, the more people know about Southfront, which is good.

Moussa Saab

It worked with the Pepsi ad in someway… 0_o


The SOLUTION is simple – Southfront should tell the accusers TO PROVE what they state with Objective, Verifiable, Credible LINK SOURCES. The more ,the better.

Anyone can ACCUSE but proving what they say is something else and when they are required to PROVE, that usually ends their accusations !

Zainab Ali

zio satanic lapdogs (like oxfeet) are a majority in the world … majority in number signifies big number of losers in hell too … no such thing as gaining victory against God


Yup, in stead of drooling along with the inmates in the new open and free range asylum, the uISISa MSM and all their ugh…… sources, and skip the butt holes in W10, Goolag, Intel chips where they have an back door in the zine of an door used in barns, huh, CIA/Mossad, anyone, hacking their way to create news, only lacks that this are printed on SITE, har, har, har.

The second issue must be more like, whom the f…. cares, an 6 month long whining contest, have been ongoing, where new spins and angles are pooping, sorry, popping up, by the week, and Russia is doing everything. And an Trump, whom have managed to chop of limbs in an breath taking tempo, made the Imperial banana republic to an sausage stand, delivered so much nonsense, whom on earth will believe anything coming from, people I guess have never read an entire book in their life time, knows nothing, other than repeating moronic propaganda to an world whom just sits an have their jaws dropped.

Its like an kinder garden on steroids.

The third, is facts, and history, combine this two, and the uISISa is been exposed, finally, for what it always have been, an imperial war mongering nation, whom have an economy based upon war fare, cannon boat diplomacy, yeah, might is right, and when Syria, after years is ending, the lies they have served about ISIS, witch we never believed initially anyway, since some of us still have an brain capable to go back in time, shit heads, and Syria, like Libya was the tipping point, from then on, you did it your self, and now fully exposed.

The flushing of the Iran deal down the toilet, again, whom the f… cares, this two terror-states have done what they want for decades, anyway, UN or not, and to me, UN is out of the equation, rotten to its core, and totally irrelevant, been an whore for the Impisses, again for decades. Despicable creeps all of them.

Since then, the hype of the Russians have drowned whatever was left of credibility, and again, the Russians haven’t lied, and been frank, honest and followed the initial plan, and that is giving benefits thru and builds the fundamentals for trust witch should be taken further thru more talks and long term deals, but again, I guess the uISISa don’t know what we talk about, at all, do you, shit heads.

God they are pathetic. I bet the devil is using old Zpignjef Brez., as an turbo fan in the owens, hehe, the poor schmuck must be rotating in warp speed by now.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk_dRzaBoUM A modern man. Amen.


Jens Holm

US is new in this game an become as such because of the Nazis. Next was because of Stalin.

In 1938 USA had 400.000 soldiers incl. the national guard. They couldnt tranport themselves by cars and didnt have importnt weapons. They had non tranport fleet as well as transport fleet for their soldiers.

So You only see USA as a Superpower by the last 77 years and because the helped a lot of Marchall planes afterwards.


The owner of one of your domains (southfront.net) was, at some point, Alena Chugleva, Secretary of the Omsk-based “Organizing Committee of Patriotism in Journalism”. The Organizing Committee is partnered with Putin’s United Russia party and the President’s Administration.

Can you explain why this is? Please be transparent.


lol, it’s /u/DownwithAssad. U shure get around. With your maybes, and probablies, some says, one suspects yaddida yaddida. Transparent you are not.



Are you from the Kremlin Stooge?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

So every domain name that people use has a similar usage as this has been happening since they started domain names or you just some walking idiot , get over your childish suspicions.

CNN now is saying Pokemon Go has been insinuated in this Russia gate nonsense , so what’s next are you worried that Vladimir Putin the Squirtle on U, after he Pikachu (peek at you) !!


So lets assume your worst case position , its ,” Putin’s Propaganda Press ” . It may be , but at least you can get some news . Really , don’t you get tired of , “the Russians did it ” . The Russians may have irons in the fire , but they are not accountable for America’s internal decisions and actions . The real problem , is the American government/media is keeping its citizens uninformed , and this is just another example .

Jens Holm

If the US citicens are uninformed, they are just like many else. I see many here only knowing and critiseizing CNN(&BBC news) as if there were only those and all agree with them too.

Besides that middle east is only one among many conflicts in the world and among many in the muslims hemisphere. You cant expect 320 mio. followers of all that in USA as well as in other countries.

Those 320 mio. do have their own problems too. Obama Care, Trump with walls and contraseption, Hurricane hidden area as well at statues of General Lee incl. na´zis and KKK.

You have none of those exept You also see Trump is not to rely on.


Even if its true so what? The articles are examined on their merit and that is why this place is so popular. We know almost 100% of world media is owned by lying jews wanting to spread genocide and global destruction and are using their luganpresse as a vehicle to drive it. In this regard Southfront is actually in the frontline trenches fighting against Evil incarnate. Id rather listen to a Russian woman than a jew anyday but no matter what the story is ill evaluate its merits in light of the current geopolitical context and make my own decisions.


There is no such thing as a media source without biased. Otherwise they wouldn’t be writing. Humans are inherently biased, therefore their creations must be biased. SF and alternative news readers are possibly more likely to remember and implement this fact in their quest for news.


SF always stands ready to answer. First, we would like to draw your attention to similar assaults on our project that started about 2 years ago, and were not at that time supported even by the mainstream media. Because these accusations were utterly absurd. As to the “transparency,” SF has never promised to be “transparent” and we have repeatedly explained why. 1. Southfront.net is just a domain. It has never been operational. SF always says that the project unites many people from around the world. Yes, some of them are from Russia. Unfortunately, a contribution of our Russian part of the team decreased over a year ago. 2. As to the “organization” you mention, it has never had a connection to SF, not even an indirect one. However, we asked our volunteer about it, considering your “high interest”. It’s a non-governmental organization created about 6-7 years ago in Russia. It didn’t conduct any activities apart from a single local event. Our volunteer was a part time worker at this event. 3. SF once again confirms that our team includes some Russians that participate in the project as individual persons. 4. SF is ready to provide even more info) With help of our Russian team members, SF has used Russian services to register a part of the project’s resources. You quite correctly pointed this out in your comment. This fact is used as a core argument by Politico and other “conspiracy theorists”. However, even they do not go so far as to criticize SF for having nonexistent links with an obscure NGO that existed many years ago. Sincerely yours SF Team


Thank you very much for responding, SF team.

Regarding your use of Russian hosting services and such, this is perfectly normal. I am not criticizing that whatsoever.

What I meant by my question is who exactly is Alena Chugleva? Is it just a coincidence that Ms. Chugleva also happened to be a secretary of an organization aimed at creating “patriotic” media platforms for Russia? Forgive me if this sounds accusatory, but SF is certainly pro-Russian. Further, when looking at this organization online, its members have a high degree of participation in the armed forces and military intelligence, precisely the sorts of topics SF focuses on. Is this also a coincidence?


Please, read this carefully: “First, we would like to draw your attention to similar assaults on our project that started about 2 years ago, and were not at that time supported even by the mainstream media. Because these accusations were utterly absurd. As to the “transparency,” SF has never promised to be “transparent” and we have repeatedly explained why. 1. Southfront.net is just a domain. It has never been operational. SF always says that the project unites many people from around the world. Yes, some of them are from Russia. Unfortunately, a contribution of our Russian part of the team decreased over a year ago. 2. As to the “organization” you mention, it has never had a connection to SF, not even an indirect one. However, we asked our volunteer about it, considering your “high interest”. It’s a non-governmental organization created about 6-7 years ago in Russia. It didn’t conduct any activities apart from a single local event. Our volunteer was a part time worker at this event. 3. SF once again confirms that our team includes some Russians that participate in the project as individual persons. 4. SF is ready to provide even more info) With help of our Russian team members, SF has used Russian services to register a part of the project’s resources. You quite correctly pointed this out in your comment. This fact is used as a core argument by Politico and other “conspiracy theorists”. However, even they do not go so far as to criticize SF for having nonexistent links with an obscure NGO that existed many years ago.” Once again, we want to emphasize that as we know this organization did not work at least 6 years and the person that you had referred was its employee for 2-3 months. In Russia, a secretary is a employee situated in outer office. The person who sits there, pushes papers and makes coffee. In general, it’s strange that accusing SF of the pro-Russian position, you surprise and blame that among the SF’s volunteers there are people with pro-Russian views.


Don’t know about the other sites; but Southfront for the most part is only about as guilty as many other sites in occasionally repeating unconfirmed stories. Problem Easily solved by a little tighter editing.

But that is a widespread problem with war reporting of the Syria War.

Obviously a lot of stories in the US MSM have been think tank sponsored fake stories during the war touting the moderate rebel Turkish/Qatari Propaganda.

Moussa Saab

Is there anyway we can reach out and criticize them?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The way to do that is @state department on twitter.com


By ‘sharing’ the truth !


SF claims to be a site for Independent Thinkers, though it clearly has a Pro Russian, anti-American bias. I easily see through the clever headlines and journalistic spin in many of the the articles. If one is a truly independent thinker then they will also see the same thing. If one is a conspiracy theorist then they will gravitate here as well. The troll farm is alive and well at Southfront! But it’s still my favorite site and some of the posters here are very insightful. I hope SF does well and keeps the good articles and maps coming.


Why the hate dude are you blaming others for what your comment makes you out to be Conspiracy Theorist and troll. There must be a reason why the fake spin on everything, someone take away your candy at the kiddie lot and you’re mad about it, don’t take it out on everyone else.


SouthFront has repeatedly been accused of being pro-Russian propaganda, anti-Erdogan propaganda, pro-Trump propaganda, anti-Russian propaganda, pro-Iranian propaganda, pro-Assad propaganda, anti-Assad propaganda and so on. In reality, SF provides facts, analysis of the facts and points of view of the project’s participants.


I agree, Facts and Maps are what has held me here. Thank You Southfront for being a ‘truth beacon’.


The facts and analyses are superb and downright compelling at times. It’s why I’m here and why I’ve been here such a long time. This excellence (fortunately or unfortunately) also makes the perfect sugar coating for the spoonfuls of bias and clever suggestion that I speak of. Also, not all facts are necessarily presented, especially if they appear to undermine the Russian side of the conflict. In the fog of war, no one fights the perfect fight. To say there isn’t journalistic spin SF……come on now. But that’s fine! You can only be a product of your contributors. And in a world where intelligence agencies are capable of (almost) anything, I’d stop short of believing SF is a state-sponsored project targeting military veterans. I just think they gravitate here because of the content. Hopefully I’m right. Keep up the good work!


The MSM are doing nothing but shooting themselves in the foot when they mention sites like South Front. Be careful what you Wish For! More Traffic and Maybe a switch of sides.

Jens Holm

I think its a big problems in most medias – some more and some less. We sometimes hardly can see facts and act with benefit by those.

Some here propose, that artcles as Yours has to put exactly who the writers are and who they are or might work for -As well as giving sources for all controversial opinions.

Im sure this take time. As an often disagreement with the articles comming here, I mainly have no problems and can see most of the bias at once.

So an important step also is to learn all to put the right filter for the very diffrent sources and make people read more then on about at once, if there is any doubts.

My only critisism about the articles here is, that some of those 200% russian friendly or US unfriendly are filled with timewasters of the worst. The risk is – like fx me – I only read half of it, and by that loose the few spread out good points in the end of it.

So I would say to southfront, that You sometimes should back to the authors and make them reduce in numbers of words and I will more and also being in risk being manipulated more.


WELL DONE SOUTH FRONT (and others)!!! If you weren’t having an effect, none of this would be happening! It is a good time to share RT, Sputnik, SF and others on Bookface and other sites as much as possible.


Cool more readers and donators for Southfront :D

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Well done, Southfront. The US/EU/NATO/GCC gang “leaders” and “free” media are peeing in their collective pants. They look more ridiculous and stupid day after day of this childish anti Russian RACIST hysteria.


I think ii’s avery good thing to target US military conspiracy. First, the European Community is a plan achieved by the CIA, in order to turn these countries into potential new “US influence territories”, and curiously it seem that WW2 was a great help for that. It’s like ISIS and Al Qaeda that come from the Muslim Brotherhood in great part supported by western counstries, ans obviously the US. Thanks to that US military pretend to save the Middle East from something they have been supporting themself. So I’m sorry: There is “NO CONSPIRACY THEORY”, only facts! “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness,” Isaiah5:20

Eskandar Black

This is a really pathetic attempt at discrediting interesting content. Southfront was beginning to pick up customers, so people got nervous, took a shot at your reputation.


When liars claim that you are false, what is the logical conclusion? Congratulations SF.

Lazy Gamer

I read the times when Kings and churches would burn everything printed which was not to their liking or contrary to their teaching. I cant believe here in this future age the same thing is going to happen. And from a “democratic country with respect for human rights” no less.


In the “Land of the Free” …. Codoh.com/Amazon Mas-Bans Dissident Materials https://codoh.com/library/document/4266

Nigel Maund

Well well well; more so called fake information from the NWO controlled British aimeed at stifling free speech and debate over the very poorly reported Syrian conflict in the Western MSM. The UK study is a tissue of lies and deceit cloaked under the veneer of credibility of NWO controlled Oxford University. Hence, the so called study is another exercise in misinformation and obfuscation.

The fact of the matter is that the US – NATO Proxy Armies for the ZIBC (the Cabal) have been delivered a comprehensive defeat in Syria by the SAA, Iran, RuAF and Henzbollah and the Zionist don’t like it one little bit. Well, too bad how sad! Any defeat meted out ot the evil NWO Globalist Cabal is welcomed by those amongst us who wish for a free and equitable society free of war and destruction with the preservation of nation states and their cultures. However, this view of the planet has no place in the Cabals “weltanschaung” (world view) where they are outright fascist dictators of the very worst kind making the Nazi’s look like amateurs.


You might notice the issue of TRUTH does not enter their accusations. Very much like the Democrats during the 2016 elections, only the speaker or the source was questioned, the truth holds very little weight and the ‘half-truth’ is the click bait headline they will use.


WOW, USA does not need conspiracy theories, USA-Israel-NATO are just what they are. “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.”


Crowdstrike – in it’s untiring search for Putin’s cyber goons – has noticed that South Front is on the cutting edge of the narrative nobody safe and free should have to hear. Not only that it is ‘regurgitated’ by Veterans to-day and other shill;s for the Kremlin.

Congratulations all round! – you’ve derailed an exercise in real ‘democrazy’ and you’re dividing divided nation that was busy doing something else. .

Next time, they’ll ‘discover’ the ‘threat’ increasing through the nefarious deeds of the Saker and Global Research,


Dear friend, could you provide a link to Crowdstrike’s report? It’s intersting to see it.


Here’s one article (VOA) referencing Crowdstrike’s work. Simple Google searching has lots of hits.


Would love your thoughts, please comment.x