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Military Overview 18+: Targets And Results Of One Of Most Massive Russian Attacks In Ukraine

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Military Overview 18+: Targets And Results Of One Of Most Massive Russian Attacks In Ukraine

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Over the past week, from December 23rd to December 29th, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched 5o combined group strikes and 1 massive attack with missiles and UAVs on various facilities of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex, military airfield infrastructure, warehouses, as well depots with artillery ammunition, unmanned boats, weapons and fuel for military equipment. The Russian Ministry of Defense declared that all targets were successfully hit.

The last and most massive attack took place on the night of December 29 and lasted for several hours until morning. Kiev claimed that 158 missiles and drones were launched on various targets in Ukraine, including 36 Geranium UAVs and 90 X-101 missiles. 27 drones and 87 X-101 were allegedly shot down by Ukrainian forces. 5 Kinzhal and 14 ballistic missiles, were allegedly not intercepted. The figure provided by the Ukrainian military could never be trusted. Surprisingly, Ukrainian officials did not declare that all drones and missiles were destroyed by almighty Ukrainian air defense forces. Meanwhile, the headlines of the MSM are covering heavy damage to various facilities throughout the country.

Footage from all Ukrainian regions and various open sources confirm that Ukrainian air defense failed to repel another massive attack and even worsened the damage, killing civilians in failed strikes of air defense systems, not to mention that the Ukrainian military is blamed for intentional strikes on their own civilians to inflict the maximum damage and accuse the Russians of genocide.

Thus, Ukrainian officials only admit damage to some not working industrial facilities and civilian buildings, hiding the real losses of the Ukrainian military and damage to the military-industrial complex.

According to preliminary analysis of open sources, successful strikes on the following military facilities were confirmed in various regions.

A series of explosions thundered at the Yavorovsky training ground in the Lviv region, which became a famous hub for foreign mercenaries travelling to Ukraine and their military equipment. The barracks of the Army Academy in Lviv were also destroyed by the strikes. The facility was also likely used for accommodation of the Ukrainian and foreign military. The local officials confirmed strikes in at least three districts of the region, including Drohobych, Stryi and Yavoriv, where ‘critical infrastructure facilities were damaged.’ Presumably, military bases of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were among these ‘facilities’.

About a dozen of strikes were reported in the capital. Secondary detonation confirmed destruction of some military warehouses in the Podolsk district in the city. Several explosions thundered in the area of the Borispil airfield, where foreign air defense systems were deployed. The local authorities only confirmed damage to some civilian facilities. For example, the mayor claimed that the Lukyanovskaya subway station was damaged by Russian strikes. However, he did not clarify that the real target was likely the building of the Artyom rocket plant located near this station. The facility is used for the production of missiles and UAVs for the Ukrainian military.

Ukrainian air defense provided the local authorities with precious footage of damage to civilian buildings in the city. The media are full of videos of destruction in different cities, including in the capital, but hided the proof that the civilian buildings were hit by Ukrainian air defense forces:




The same reports came from the Odessa region. Ukrainian air defense systems were filmed failing and the missiles hit civilian houses in the densely populated areas. The local sources claimed that in the morning, debris from a rocket shot down over a residential area fell on an apartment building. At least two civilians were reportedly killed in the city.

As a result of new wave of precision strikes, the port infrastructure in the Odessa region was heavily damaged, as well as Ukrainian military bases in the area of Belyaevka on the western outskirts of the city and air defense forces in Fontanka on the eastern outskirts. The local authorities confirmed damage only to some closed industrial facilities.





The deployment of air defense systems in the residential areas in the city also resulted in more damage to some civilian building in Dnepropetrovsk. According to preliminary reports, the local maternity hospital and the shopping center nearby were damaged. However, the real target there was a military base used for the permanent deployment deployment of Ukrainian forces.




Several dozen explosions thundered in different districts of Kharkov. Local authorities reported damage to industrial enterprises, warehouses and a tram depot, which has repeatedly been the target of Russian strikes. According to some local reports, one of the targets in the city was Ukrainian military hospital in the Kiev district of the city. Footage from the city also confirmed damage to the Malyshev tank factory.



Military Overview 18+: Targets And Results Of One Of Most Massive Russian Attacks In Ukraine

Strike on the tank plant in Kharkov is largely declared to be an attack on a civilian house

Military Overview 18+: Targets And Results Of One Of Most Massive Russian Attacks In Ukraine

Strike on the tank plant in Kharkov is largely declared to be an attack on a civilian house

Military Overview 18+: Targets And Results Of One Of Most Massive Russian Attacks In Ukraine

Strike on the tank plant in Kharkov is largely declared to be an attack on a civilian house

Another infrastructure facility was reportedly damaged in the city of Zaporozhie. In fact, Russian missile hit the technical base of the Armed Forces of Ukraine:

Military Overview 18+: Targets And Results Of One Of Most Massive Russian Attacks In Ukraine

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At night, the military airfields in Starokonstantinov (Khmelnitsky region) and Mirgorod (Poltava region) came under another attack. Any damage to the facilities is yet to be confirmed.

More explosions were reported in Kherson, Mykolaev, Krivoy Rog, Konotop, Kirovograd, Vinnytsya, and the Rovno, Ternopil regions.



The massive Russian attack miraculously resulted in minor casualties. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, about 12 people were killed and 75 others were wounded. The number can be compared to the number of lives claimed by regular Ukrainian attacks on Donetsk alone in one day. This fact confirm that the Russian military does not target civilian infrastructure but the losses are caused by the unprofessional operation of Ukrainian air defense forces. Moreover, the fact that most of the civilian buildings hit by Ukrainian missiles were not inhabited raise suspicions that the strikes could be launch intentionally to provide the media with impressive footage of destruction.

The Russian military has not been launching such massive missile strikes on the Ukrainian territory for several months. Obviously, this was revenge for the recent attack on Feodosia in Crimea, as a result of which Storm Shadow missiles destroyed a large landing ship. LINK

The large-scale attack on New Year’s Eve also pursues important strategic goals. The Kiev regime usually orders major military provocations during the holidays in an attempt to gain more media hype. While Kiev is better at fighting in the media, the Ukrainian military is also forced to escalate the battles on the ground, launch somel strikes on Russian rear areas and declare at least some victories at any cost in order to dedicate them to some important holidays. As Kiev ends 2023 with heavy losses and defeats on the ground, it is expected to undertake some bloody provocations to at least somehow please the public; but the heavy blow they suffered as a result of the Russian attack is likely to shackle the hands of the Ukrainian military for a while and prevent any escalation.


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from rt 28 dec, lavrov says in gaza israel pursuing similar goals to russia!


read the article again instead of lying and misquoting to justify your juice slaughter


removing nazi in ukraine somewhat similar to removing hamas from israel—daniel amerikan hillbilly like nazi


fuck around, find out. sucks to be jewkrainian

Malcolm Z

population cannot take videos of russian attacks otrewise they face 10 years jailed… in fact they are hostage in its own country ruled by nazi maidan regime


this is a way to escape from conscription.


eu and american taxpayers will see tax hikes to pay for all the damages when the globalists announce control of their own countries but they may be third world by then.


ukraine confirms all missiles and drones were destroyed when they hit their targets


“the number can be compared to the number of lives claimed by regular ukrainian attacks on donetsk alone in one day”….not to mention the daily toll of children in the other khazar abomination in occupied palestine. the khazar disease must be cured and the ongoing destruction and denazification of the evil natostan is the way to do it. z all the way to the end of the evil eussr.


if memory serves me well, west claimed that the russian military is inferior, that sanctions work, the russian mic can’t make basic electronics, that they are running out of missiles assembled from western electronics that cannot be replaced because no others can produce it, including china. where is that rhetoric now ?

Last edited 6 months ago by huhu

i understand they don’t even have enough rifles for all their soldiers and that they have to share them and pick them up from fallen comrades before them as they advance on the impenetrable ukrainian defences.


i think it’s a bit hypocritical to say that the collateral damage was due to the incompetence of the air defenses. what should they do then? let it go? another moment of hypocrisy is trying to convey the idea that only one side hits civilian targets. both sides hit, perhaps both sides target military targets, but if they hit civilian targets this does not cause the slightest discomfort for both authorities. as we say here…¨and follow the boat…¨ anr saudações br


gurble guk? derp.


amnesty international confirmed the ukrainians misuse gladly their own population as human shields.

Jean Paul France

in this war, russia advances on the ground (although very slowly and with many losses on both sides and serious destruction of cities that will have to be rebuilt), but without a doubt the most spectacular blows are from the ukronazis-nato, which is a propaganda and moral victory for them. in this aspect, russia’s inability to report its blows with satellite photographs is incredible…with the space heritage it received from the ussr!!!


the ukrainian blows are mostly spectacular only due to western media presentation, they would else be quite cheap and often useless.

Jean Paul France

in the entire war, absolutely no objective achieved by russia in revenge for the serious blows of ukraine and nato has achieved the same relevance. this leaves russia as a weak country that can be hit very hard and with impunity without symmetrical responses.

Last edited 6 months ago by Jean Paul France

which relevance? the market in belgorod? i think they will lose the rest of sympathy in the west with such “blows”. also “moral victory” : the media will get a lot of work to sell it as a relevant target and to convince the people we are on the right side. no really , it looks like dying ukronazi junta shooting desperately some easy targets

Jean Paul France

sorry guys, i just… i just, i’m feeling lonely in my grandma’s basement, i want a little attention, please!!!

Franklin Hilliard

i admire putin and the russian decision not to respond with civilian attacks after getting hit by ukraine. keep hitting their military support system and eventually they’ll crack.

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