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Military Overview: IRGC Launched Massive Strikes On US, Israeli, ISIS Forces In Iraq And Syria

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Military Overview: IRGC Launched Massive Strikes On US, Israeli, ISIS Forces In Iraq And Syria

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On the night of January 16, 2024, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) launched massive missile attack on the territory of Iraq and Syria. The IRGC officially claimed responsibility for the strikes and declared that the ballistic missiles targeted US and Mossad bases in Iraq.

The attack was launched in response to the bloody terrorist attack in Kerman during commemorative events dedicated to Qassem Soleimani on January 3, 2024. LINK Then, ISIS claimed responsibility for the explosions; but Tehran claimed that American and Israeli intelligence agencies were behind the terrorist attack.

In response, Iranian ballistic missiles hit spy centers and areas of gatherings of ‘anti-Iranian terrorist groups’, including the centers of the Israeli Mossad.

Iran used kamikaze drones Shahed-136, Fateh-110 or Fateh-313 and the latest Kheibar Shekan missile systems in the attack.

Local sources in Erbil report at least 8 missile strikes.

Military Overview: IRGC Launched Massive Strikes On US, Israeli, ISIS Forces In Iraq And Syria

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Military Overview: IRGC Launched Massive Strikes On US, Israeli, ISIS Forces In Iraq And Syria

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Launch of the missiles:



The targets in Iraq included:

  • the HQ of Mossad in Erbil and the private residence of a local businessman linked with the Mossad.
  • reportedly facilities near the US military base at Erbil airport;
  • reportedly the U.S. Consulate in Iraqi Kurdistan;
  • reportedly the local headquarters of the Kurdish security service.




Military Overview: IRGC Launched Massive Strikes On US, Israeli, ISIS Forces In Iraq And Syria

The headquarters of Mossad in Erbil

The US State Department claimed that none of the US facilities were damaged, no military and civilians were wounded as a result of the attack in Erbil. This is a routine message published by US officials in Washington. No victims from the US military were confirmed, although the Iraqi press claims that several ambulances were spotted heading to the US consulate and military base. The facilities suffered heavy damage.

Military Overview: IRGC Launched Massive Strikes On US, Israeli, ISIS Forces In Iraq And Syria

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Local sources also report the death of Peshraw Dzeyi, whose residence was one of the targets during the night attack. The Kurdish businessman was owner of Empire and Falcon Group companies. He was closely associated with the Israeli Mossad. He reportedly participated in the training and financing of Mossad spies who carried out intelligence and terrorist missions in Iran. The businessman also played a key role in the supply of oil to Israel.

After yesterday’s missile strike on Erbil, Iraq recalled its ambassador from Iran.

Military Overview: IRGC Launched Massive Strikes On US, Israeli, ISIS Forces In Iraq And Syria

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In Syria, targets included terrorist facilities in Idlib province. According to the Tasnim news agency, the IRGC’s missile strike last night on terrorist positions in Syrian Idlib was the farthest missile attack by the Islamic Republic of Iran in its history. Some of the strikes were launched from Khuzestan, and the missiles flew about 1,100-1,200 kilometers to the target.

The pressure on the US military is growing throughout the Middle East. Since October 17, US military bases have been attacked more than 150 times. The Houthis continue missile and drone strikes at the ships in the Red Sea. And Iran is increasingly pushing US out of Iraq. Biden’s team is desperately asking Baghdad to strengthen the security of its facilities; but the Iraqis, on the contrary, demand a withdrawal of US troops.


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excellent retaliation

Mossadists Go KABOOM!

good work iran. we all know by now that israel is in bed with isis


and paid for by murika from day 1 as its street hoodlums of choice in the levant etc. documents were leaked confirming this fact many years ago.


not to mention phone video of us apache helicopters escorting isis convoys from iraq to syria

Mossadists Go KABOOM!

the kurds are the ukrainains of the middle east, its no surprise why the anglo zionist vermin are reliant on these gypsies, who cannot goverm themselves like ukrainians


well, that’s it then. defending their allies in their own country. lindsay and her gang are going to have some fit over this. whose civilians are us forces protecting in some random country against their will and their people’s will?


launch of 4 khaybar shekan missiles from southern khuzestan. 4 launches from kermanshah to erbil. 7 launches from east azerbaijan to erbil. 9 launches additional launches towards takfiris & isis in syria.

you see how smart they are… ego clowns (israel+us) going to down play it and their puppets going to say it was nothing. this was the biggest attack by iran (irgc). iran didn’t say this attack was for x or y…


that the arabs double standard for the sake of $.their never help own brothers like in palestine.their rather kill own brothers just to please usa and britain.who are isis arabs who control them saudi,bahrain,turkey,usa and britain and france.iran should never trust putin never wait for putin just kill nato terorist.putin plays two way game.


iran is coward, shooting only places where no


..where no usa troops are stationed. for real revenge iran would have to hit us al-asad airbase & us balad airbase in iraq, us al tanf-base in syria, and us green zone in baghdad. that’s the places which need to be targeted & hammered with medium & large rockets, missiles, mortars etc. 24/7. that’s the places where you kill usa&uk high commanders, generals, colonels etc. not some fancy unimportant pro-usa mudhuts in erbil kurdistan part of iraq.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
Peter Jennings

hopefully the worlds warmonger will leave the region and then everyone can get back to their petty squabbles. once the invaders are gone, iraq, syria, libya, etc, need to devise ways of keeping them out. the usual trick of sending proxy terrorists to perform ‘regime change’ is now well known.


the pedo cabal will sacrifice everyone on the planet before they let go.


oops! yahya sinwar going nuts already!


i used to protest against the evil nazis apartheid israel. now i chose to denounce the evil iranian empire


why are you saying it now? under this report?

1. you are a zionist bot, “i used to protest against the evil nazis apartheid israel.” do you know how many times i find zionists, indians and kurdish gang say this before bm-ing russia, china, iran, hezbollah, or houthis?

2. piss off, no one care what you think lapdog. come up with new copy-paste ffs, that is from 2010-2011.

No love for 1776!

quite posing, it’s you allah is satan

Donald Moore

it is well known that no us or israeli military can be killed in battle. they are immune to explosion, fire, gun shots or any type of weapon per the us and israeli governments!


…but they can fall off a boat or have their chopper malfunction…

No love for 1776!

i said the iranians were tracking.


why didnt they hit israel? thats the vipers den


and this strike is a final ‘1200 km range’ warning, as well as being an unambiguous reply to jb who only 2 days ago claimed to have reached some kind of imaginary understanding with tehran.

finally a heavily armed state goes toe to toe with murika’s middle east mafiusa. are you watching how it’s done, rus?


very impressive these missiles reached their targets without being intercepted, a great demo of iranian technology, shows they are not to be trifled with.


nothing better than starting the day with some good news of dead kikes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Xythras

this is my last comment under this article. you know the drill.


it looks the guy on the photo has the same hairdresser as berlusconi


great, only mistake they made was not hitting that us base.


viva the axes of the resistance.


treba búšiť do okupantov z usa a to bez prestávky!!! treba ich vyhnať, alebo zlikvidovať!!! svetu mier!!!

R. Ambrose Raven

that barking from the kennels is the dogs of war scenting blood. they hear in all those bangs the gradual joining of dots. once again russians would do well to be grateful for the (in this case, military) legacy of the soviet union. clearly the ussr was more than the sum of its parts. nor should those who believe that god is on their side need weapons – tell them to charge the machine-guns trusting in the divine; let them live their faith.


magnificent work by iran! the puppet government in baghdad is a total disgrace! they do nothing to stop us and turkish occupiers but now they bark against iran? feebleminded cowards! zionists received a painful blow this early morning, great day for the rest of us.


the puppet government was installed because usa& iran made a deal. that’s the shame ! the shame iran did. instead of helping the sunni resistance in iraq, they finally backstepped them, and made a deal with the usa. usa is allowed to keep bases and oil-robbing companies there – and therefore iran is off the – attack next-list of the usa empire”.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

but as always usrael cheated iran and iran is still on the list as prime targeted. the deal simply bought iran some time. but was bought by enslaving iraq to the us invaders. irans hate against saddam and his loyalists was greater then their aversion against usrael – hence now we see us troops and companies still on the ground in iraq – and

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

that’s due to iran’s backstabbing of the iraqi resistance resp. bachstabbing groups like islamic army in iraq, al-rashedeen army, 1920 revolution brigades, jaish al-naqshabandia, jaish abu bakr as siddiq, jaish al mujahideen, jaish ansar al sunnah etc. etc.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
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