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UPDATED: Military Overview: Russia Won Battle For Avdeevka (18+)

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UPDATED: Military Overview: Russia Won Battle For Avdeevka (18+)

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UPDATE: Russian forces took control of the Coke and Chemical Plant and the Himik districts, which were the last strongholds where the AFU could hold some defense

Ukraine officially recognized its defeat in the battle for Avdiivka. On the night of February 17, the new commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Alexander Syrsky, announced his decision to withdraw troops from Avdiivka.

In his turn, the commander of the Ukrainian Tavria group, which is operating in this direction, General Tarnavsky, said that the AFU “continue to restrain the enemy and hold the line,” apparently retreating. Although just a day ago he assured the public that the situation in the city was under control.

Zelensky also confirmed the surrender of Avdiivka, allegedly “to save the lives of soldiers.” The Ukrainian leader believes that the Ukrainian armys has fulfilled its main task – “exhausted the Russian forces.” Of course, the Russian army suffered heavy losses in the battle for the city. However, despite Zelensky’s lies, the Russian army was fully prepared to continue full-scale battles for the city.

UPDATED: Military Overview: Russia Won Battle For Avdeevka (18+)

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In fact, while Kiev is trying its best to convince the public that the loss of Avdiivka is not critical, the situation on the battlefield obviously confirms Ukrainian defeat in one of the most strategically important strongholds in the Donbass.

The AFU had no chance to maintain control over the city, and the decision to withdraw units from the almost surrounded Avdiivka was much too late. The decisive moment in the battle for Avdiivka was the breakthrough of Russian stormtroopers south of the Coke plant and the cutting of the Ukrainian garrison into two parts, which predetermined the rapid collapse of the Ukrainian defense almost two weeks ago. Having cut the Ukrainian grouping in the city, Russian forces have already taken control of significant territories and logistical routes in the fields to the west of the city. There are only a couple of kilometers between the positions of the Russian forces in the north and south. The claw was almost closed. The Russians control all the routes in the Avdiivka area.

Russian forces have already approached the nearest settlement where the retreating Ukrainians could hide, Lastochkino is already half in the gray zone.

Thus, the AFU may only dare to escape from the city through mud in the fields under heavy Russian fire. The Ukrainian command is not able to organize a safe exit of its units from Avdiivka, so in reality this is not a withdrawal but an escape.




UPDATED: Military Overview: Russia Won Battle For Avdeevka (18+)

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Including the reinforcements recently transferred to Avdiivka, there are reportedly about five thousand Ukrainian servicemen almost blockaded in the city. They were ordered to withdraw from there to “more advantageous positions.” But at the moment, not all of them understand how to perform the order and survive.

As a result, the main part of the AFU garrison, blocked in Avdiivka, is trying to resist. Some try to break out of the cauldron in different ways, but most of them are either destroyed by the Russian military or blown up on the minefields.




Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering en masse. Only in the last 24 hours, before the decision to leave the city was announced, about 300 Ukrainian servicemen laid down their weapons. The captured Ukrainian military claim that there was no order to leave the positions, only some groups, leaving the wounded, try to escape from their positions, but not everyone succeeds.

The city is littered with corpses. Unable to get out of the city safely, Ukrainian soldiers abandon their wounded comrades.




The reports by the servicemen on the both sides confirm that the AFU suffered the heaviest losses just over the past day during the retreat. According to preliminary estimates, the total Ukrainian losses (killed, prisoners, died of wounds) will reach 80% of the entire garrison deployed in Avdiivka.

The Ukrainian command is lying about the desire to save the lives of Ukrainian soldiers. The inevitability of losing Avdiivka has been obvious for a long time. And in recent days, Ukrainian losses have skyrocketed due to the collapse of Ukrainian defense in the city.

UPDATED: Military Overview: Russia Won Battle For Avdeevka (18+)

Zelensky near Avdiivka in December, 2023

But hypocritical Kiev could not declare the withdrawal a day earlier, even if it costed the lives of thousands of soldiers. Obviously, Kiev’s Western patrons needed to mitigate the defeat. That is why Kiev was waiting for Navalny’s death in a Russian prison and the Munich Security Conference, where they could get the maximum effect from the last Navalny’s ‘media bomb’ .

While Zelensky was accusing Putin of allegedly murdering Navalny, and all the MSM, US and European leaders were busy threatening Russia with response for allegedly “killing the main freedom fighter,” thousands more Ukrainian men were wounded and killed in the Avdiivka cauldron.

UPDATED: Military Overview: Russia Won Battle For Avdeevka (18+)

killed Ukrainian servicemen

Despite the fact that the most active part of the battle for the city is over, there is still the large mop up operation and securing of urban area ahead. There are several pockets of resistance left in the city, including the Himik microdistrict and a large residential area in the southeast of the city.

The Ukrainian command is also silent about the fate of the Ukrainian fortress – the Coke Plant. Nazi Azov fighters from the 3rd Separate Brigade of the AFU are still blocked there, and their safe exit from the territory of the plant is no longer possible due to the combat situation and Russian fire control. Ukrainian military sources also do not recognize the loss of the fortress. Most likely, the Ukrainian Nazis will continue to hide in the basements of the plant, as they did in Azovstal in Mariupol. From a military point of view, this should slow down the Russian advance to the west. However, the main goal is to create another image of heroic Ukrainian defense.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are withdrawing from the region of Avdiivka to the fortified positions to the west of Avdiivka to the Semenovka-Berdych line. 

UPDATED: Military Overview: Russia Won Battle For Avdeevka (18+)

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UPDATED: Military Overview: Russia Won Battle For Avdeevka (18+)

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The battle for Avdiivka was the first major battle won by the Russian Armed Forces in 2024. The most heavily fortified and strategically important stronghold the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the outskirts of Donetsk has fallen. For 10 years, this stronghold has been the scene of fierce confrontation. For 10 years, the Ukrainian Nazis terrorised Donetsk civilians from there.

Today Ukraine has admitted a shameful defeat; but while Kiev continues its media war, the fighting in Avdiivka continues. The Ukrainian military is surrounded. Most units could not leave the city, which means there are few options left – either to surrender or be completely destroyed.


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Pedo Joe CIA Hoe

bratuka, turn your weapons, kill your command and the cia instructors who kill you. reclaim the country, negotiate peace with your big russian brother. do not die for cia globohomo western values. they care not for you and only want minerals. brat we welcome you home to the motherland. to russian victory!


these bstardz have murdered thousands of donetsk resident with the endless shelling. they deserve their fate. no sympathy, just keep killing these filthy roaches at every opportunity. traitors to the ruski mir, every last one of them.

Pedo Joe CIA Hoe

our brothers are being forced to fight for corrupt oligarchy who cuck to pedojoe dollars. azov, prava sector, kraken and other nazi bands all need die. we must save our precious slavic blood. most who committed crimes of the past are dead. kill all cia mercs, send them home to their families in pieces.


he’s right. keep slavic ukro as pow. use them as labour force or as exchange money. give cia’s minions to the “specialists” of the fsb….. pray for a ukrainian mass surrender and a end of the bloodbath.


the foolish pawns of the ziolensky regime and the west who don’t now surrender—be it upon their heads the alternative fate


there’s only (one) kind of justice for traitors and their infiltrators. 👎🐍🐀💩⚰👍✌🇬🇧🍻🇷🇺


traitors to humanity is more like it.

never forgive, never forget.

Pedo Joe CIA Hoe

glory to the motherland!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Pedo Joe CIA Hoe
No love for 1776!

bravo! 👏 onwards russia 🇷🇺 to glory!

No love for 1776!

where the fuck is that little lgbt soldier boy tomsawyer at?


holt sich einen runter

Icarus Tanović

do you still have something to laugh about, idiot?

andrew davis

so this is your tactical reply


how very sad that hundreds of thousands must die for the financial gain of a few deranged, psychopathic scum. white against white…..the fckn jooooos must be celebrating.


more identitarian rubbish. there’s literally nothing to differentiate you from ukretards or jewish supremacists. thanks for derping.

Captain Crunch

blackrock needs more slaves. back to 1800 and indentured servitude in ukraine is good for america. they tried it in russia 30 years ago with no luck but they found it works just fine in ukraine. ‘we need mules and fools, not thinking folks.’

Last edited 1 year ago by Captain Crunch
James Hodgkiss

good news, where next? london?

Joseph Day

who’d want england. no value whatsoever. just nuke the lot


flattening the financial center city of london (j town) might be the deal.

Last edited 1 year ago by Thomas
Pedo Joe CIA Hoe

in your clown world cia paid cuck copium hopium fantasies kurwa. slay all cia nazi scum…!

Stop neo-Nazism in Europe

good news. just keep going ! the truth is on the rf side.


when von paulus surrendered around 10.000 germans kept on fighting for another month because they understood it was the end anyway. here it is possible for mobilized troops to survive or are they brainwashed too much?


that is not historically accurate. the germans in the cauldron lost communication between two final groupings some time, i believe, in january ’43, and the two groupings broke down into further isolated pockets, starved, frozne and out of ammunition, that generally surrendered when the soviets got to them.

London bridge is falling down

nah, they’re pulling off their white underwear as we speak and hoisting them on sticks, they’re in such a hurry to surrender.

No love for 1776!

damn those d.is must of really fucked you up.


nato’s shame will resonate all over the world. russia challenged nato and beat them at their own game. the same can be said for the european union particularly germany, france, poland and let’s not forget england. sanctions over sanctions that are actually destroying them instead of russia and will never admit defeat. only through elections will the people get rid of those fake so called leaders.


elections ? voting for who ? they all work for their same masters : the jewish bankers


jewish bankers can only control corrupted politicians and that is proven throughout the world as many, even with a controlled central bank, refuses to play western games or bend over because of threats. they have many others like epstein inviting famous people but more so politicians to have them on film with minors. today, russia changed the game hence why so many countries are looking to join brics.


russia has not changed the game. russian oligarchs have their loot in us dollar assets, as they have since ’91. the only thing russia has done is to demand an arrangement in which nation states are less controlled by the us empire. it takes two to tango: an aristocratic class and a financier class, with one hand washing the other.

Joseph Day

elections. buhahaha. a revolution. hang em all

London bridge is falling down

yep, do a ceaucescu on them all.


i totally agree, and i’m sure we will see that day. nothing can stop what is coming…nothing! 👍✌

London bridge is falling down

nato = paper pussycat


its not over yet. russia still has to close and clear out the pocket without letting the nazi vermin escape.


they are getting everything they deserve….. may they r0t in heii.


hell, even hell won’t take them. let them rot in the gutters where they lay.


“zelensky also confirmed the surrender of avdiivka, allegedly “to save the lives of soldiers.”

right, pretend slav suddenly cares about ordinary ukrainians…

London bridge is falling down

bojo the bozo called and told him “‘don’t surrender! we’ll send a seamstress to stitch you up in no time.”


usually bojo is to busy knocking out children rugby style during charity fundraisers…

Captain Crunch

maybe the brits can rent them out to the ukies in a few years when their hair grows in, to mop up all the blood daddy vested upon the hapless nation.

Captain Crunch

off camera he was ranting ‘let them all die! they have forsaken me’, in a very convincing hitler imitation.


yeah sure. ‘save their lives’. that’s a good one.


you are so sad, it’s funny 🤣


ktorí nezložia zbrane do dnešnej polnoci tak tých už nebrať do zajatia!!! zvolili si to sami. s banderovskými fašistickými sviňami treba jednať tvrdo!!! smrť fašistickým okupantom!!! mor ho!!! svetu mier!!!

M. Paraplu

dúfajme, že títo sú poslední a ostatní môžu konečne zamávať bielou vlajkou, aby sa krajina mohla vrátiť do ruska.


the president of ukraine zelensky is jewish, the prime minister of ukraine shmygal is jewish, the leader of the president’s party in parliament arakhamia is jewish, the head of the president’s office yermak is jewish and on and on. why would any orthodox christian slav die for these psychopaths who orchestrated this war and hate white people?


and the oligarchs, who were paid by the anglo-saxons to start and operate their private armies, are of the same tribe.

Captain Crunch

wasps and trotskyite neocons allied in an unholy alliance with ukronazis. it boggles the mind.

Captain Crunch

it’s no wonder then that they act like a bunch of bolsheviks, but with a twist – a palace guard composed of banderite neonazis.


bravo, va asteptam la dunare

London bridge is falling down

i thought it was 250,000 they lost and now they’re being routed from avdiivka.

then i woke up.

Trudy Obrigado

tomsawyer never woke up. i’m surprised he even is allowed wifi in his asylum ward. very lenient mental hospital.

Captain Crunch

i think it’s all that lsd he took years ago. the effects for acid poppers can be permanent.


bandera served as a useful tool to indoctrinate the military to do the dirty work for their western masters. zelensky is nothing more than a coked up cockroach mouthpiece for those spineless cowards in the eu and us to send waves of ukranian fodder to the killing fields. it would be sad if we even cared about the uruks, but they chose to stand and die under a nazi banner. take note eu citizens this fate awaits you unless you turn against those parasites who will send you the kill zone.

Icarus Tanović

what a bull!


zelensky, little prick you have played your part in this along with us and britain pushing the buttons of destruction and evil you parasites.


must be a bot or being paid per the letter!


lazy ukrops just lying around like it’s siesta time. no wonder they’re losing the war.

Boycott USA the world's bully

video 2 is similar to the south vietnam army on the run in 1975 when north vietnam invaded. the yankees had gone home and even refused south vietnam request for air support.

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