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Military Overview: Russian Army Takes Control Of New Stronghold In Kharkiv Region (Videos, Map Update)

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Military Overview: Russian Army Takes Control Of New Stronghold In Kharkiv Region (Videos, Map Update)

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The Russian army continues expanding the zone of its control on the frontlines in the Kharkiv region. The Russian troops are advancing on a vide front of dozens of kilometers, grinding Ukrainian defense in different areas. In their turn, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are heavily shelling residential areas in the Russian border regions, including settlements in Belgorod and Kursk regions.

In the western part of the Kharkiv front, Russian forces secured their control in the captured settlements and approached the main Ukrainian stronghold in the area. Fighting is already ongoing on the outskirts of the town of Liptsy. The Ukrainian military equipped a fortified stronghold on the outskirts of the town, mainly on the dominant heights east of Liptsy. In the case of Russian assault on Ukrainian military positions on the heights, the Russian military could take fire control of the outskirts of the large industrial city of Kharkiv. Thus, Russian artillery could easily shell the Ukrainian military in the city.

Ukrainian servicemen flee from their positions near Liptsy:



Czech MLRS Vampire destroyed in Liptsy:



Another Russian offensive is ongoing in the area of Neskuchne, where Russian troops crossed the border and are expanding the zone of their control in the fields. No Russian victories were reported in the village of Neskuche itself in the recent days.

Russian servicemen evacuate civilians from Volchansk:



In the eastern direction of Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are securing their flanks amid the ongoing battle for Volchansk. According to the latest reports from the battlefield, the Russian army took control of the village of Staritsa located on the southwestern outskirts of Volchansk. Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense declared the full Russian control of the village of Bugrovatka located nearby. This Russian victory supports the ongoing Russian assault on Volchansk.

Heavy battles are ongoing on the heavily damaged streets in the center of the town. Russian troops continue the mop up operations on the northern bank of the Volchya River, pushing Ukrainian servicemen across the river, the bridges over which are destroyed. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are still holding their control of the southern outskirts and several buildings in the center of Volchansk. The town is defended by various professional units of the Ukrainian army, including fighters of the nazi battalions. The transfer of several additional units of reinforcements allowed the Ukrainian military slightly reducing the pace of Russian advance in the town.

Footage from Volchansk shows the heavy damage to the town:

The AFU destroyed the hospital captured by Russian forces in the center of Volchansk, presumably with several JDAM-ER munitions:



Military Overview: Russian Army Takes Control Of New Stronghold In Kharkiv Region (Videos, Map Update)

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Military Overview: Russian Army Takes Control Of New Stronghold In Kharkiv Region (Videos, Map Update)

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Military Overview: Russian Army Takes Control Of New Stronghold In Kharkiv Region (Videos, Map Update)

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Military Overview: Russian Army Takes Control Of New Stronghold In Kharkiv Region (Videos, Map Update)

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Military Overview: Russian Army Takes Control Of New Stronghold In Kharkiv Region (Videos, Map Update)

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merc french fries

from monday on zelensky is not the president of nazi ukraine. the country 404 which has the audacity to call himself democracy should held a new presidential election as provided by the ukrie constitution.

Last edited 5 months ago by merc french fries
Escalating to Armageddon

ukraine hasn’t had a legitimate president since 2014.

did you hear that moron blinken announce that no elections will be held until all of pre-2104 ukraine gets to vote?

Escalating to Armageddon

well, they had one in 2010, the cleanest election ever said the osce, and you – blinken et. al., overthrew it. plus the one in 2014 was boycotted by the donbass and russia tried its best with minsk i and; ii to bring it back into the ukrainian fold while you tried your best to undermine it and succeeded, so by your own words, you blinken, are supporting an illegitimate government, guitar-strumming idiot boy. capisce?

Last edited 5 months ago by Escalating to Armageddon

poroshenko has publicly admitted that his presidency was not legitimate. angela merkel has admitted that she was behind the coup in ukraine in 2014. orban was present at the nato summit in 2008, where the usa and germany decided to take over ukraine. interview on orban’s own website. in 2010, the ukrainian people voted wrongly and the west staged a coup.

jens holmchuk

i want be prez ukraine–i senile faked retired potato farmer

Dansk Marmelade

i heard your wife has more 1000 euro shoes in her closets than imelda marcos. is this true?

Dansk Marmelade

the ukrie constitution is like the western rules-based order. it’s flexible.

Double-Edged Sword

any future wars by the west the russians and other countries will be allowed to provide weapons to the locals to defend themselves including strikes deep inside enemy territory. arming, financial aid and military intelligence for targeting will also become more frequent.


you can be guaranted that the entire western world and western controled media, ngo’s, courts, un, osce will see a russian or chinese support of any country against us/ nato agression as a crime against humanity and demand sanctions against those who support the defenders in that case.

jens holm

not very maestral. not to be impressed, potato frams, fro pommessfrittess. all we likes them in the burgers, coubagge not.

evjenski holmchuk

this is my service dog id–to hide from zelensky conscripting me in burger military

Crocus Shooting Gallery

more orcs were eliminated today…best money usa has ever spent…heheheh


why do you call the ukrainian cannon fodder “orcs”?

Dansk Marmelade

because orcchuk too hard to say for americano advisors


for the us and friends all slavs are orcs or subhuman cannonfodder but dont tell that to the domesticated houseslavs they might get upset.

evjenski holmchuk

due to frequent rape by uncle hans i control diarrhea w diapers

evjenski holmchuk

why only inferior burger amerikan species allow me to immigrate? cuz i as stupid? no cuz i senile nazi retired potato farmer


the he wants to with switzerland try and force and ultimatum on russia. zelensky needs to get get off the crack and take a look who’s winning on the battlefield!

Dansk Marmelade

crack’s a great comfort blanket. keeps reality at bey. i mix it in all danish marmelades for domestic consumption.

Last edited 5 months ago by Dansk Marmelade

the russians are gradually and steadily taking ground while what the ukrainians are doing, shooting at civilians, is like throwing a tantrum with no battle field effect.

Dansk Marmelade

it’s in orcchuk genes. hit easy targets first, ignore the rest. anarchist’s cookbook must read for ukroterror brigades.

Last edited 5 months ago by Dansk Marmelade
S. Adams

using big city names: kharkiv for the headline. ok yes, finally advancing after grinding down years of built-up defenses. kharkiv province. not the city. it’s one salami slice closer to hanging ellenski by his ankles. i think the ukr’s will do that, as the italian’s did before. or it could be a berlin/kiev nazi reproduction.

S. Adams

no escape to south america for ellen. but hitler actually lived his life in paraguay or bolivia. it’s basically documented now the u-997. the internet says no hard evidence. but i’ve seen plenty of images and documents. people who claim to be the relative of some high up nazi that lived in south america, and look there’s a picture with hitler, his wife and their uncle. or ellen will have to live in a compound for the rest of his life.

Last edited 5 months ago by S. Adams
Dansk Marmelade

inside kharkov are multiple thousands of quiet civilians waiting for opportunity to cut heads off orcchuks and play football in streets.

S. Adams

so we agree on some things. haha!

tom crocus sawyer

why sociology cal; us amerikan hillbilly mean bitter—i never refuse nice mulatto homosexual


putin lies of not taking over kharkiv encourage britain,france and usa to use russians speaking ukrainian civilians as shield and continue bolgorod attack.biden,macron,sunak,erdogan and scholtz are all snakes.

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