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Military Overview: Ukrainian Counterattacks Withering Away In Kharkiv Region

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Military Overview: Ukrainian Counterattacks Withering Away In Kharkiv Region

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Ukrainian frontlines are inflamed by heavy battles. The intensity of Ukrainian counterattacks in the Kharkiv region is decreasing, while the Russian army launched offensive operations in new direction, advancing on the Donbass frontlines.

The border areas in the Kharkiv region remain one of the most difficult battlefields in Ukraine. Bloody battles continue along the entire line of contact in the region, including on the main bridgeheads near Liptsy and in the town of Volchansk. In recent weeks, pushed by Kiev’s political impotence and need to demonstrate any victories to its NATO patrons, the Ukrainian military was ordered to launch massive counterattacks in the border region. They only allowed the AFU to slow down Russian advance but not to stop it. As a result, the exhausted Ukrainian reserves were depleted in heavy battles.

Military Overview: Ukrainian Counterattacks Withering Away In Kharkiv Region

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HIMARS destroyed in the Kharkiv region:



According to the latest reports from the front, the intensity of Ukrainian attacks has decreased both near Liptsy and in Volchansk. Several Ukrainian units were reportedly withdrawn from the areas near the village of Glubokoe to the rear for their staffing due to the losses. At the same time, the intensity of battles has decreased in the center of Volchansk. Ukrainian forces that were surrounded in multistorey buildings are now busy evacuating the wounded across the Volchya river under heavy Russian fire and drone strikes. The AFU also failed to repel the Russians from the territory of the aggregate plant that they took under their control.

Military Overview: Ukrainian Counterattacks Withering Away In Kharkiv Region

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Ukrainian FPV drone destroyed:



In recent days, the Russian army has launched offensive operations in the area of Toretsk located in the border between the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. The Armed Forces of Ukraine deployed there were captured by surprise. Russian attacks were launched when Ukrainian units launched the rotation. As a result, the Russian army rapidly expanded the zone of its control. Ukrainian military sources confirmed that Russian forces destroyed Ukrainian strongholds and approached the village of Pivnichnoe. According to the latest reports, the Russians took control of the local pumping station and part of the railway. Over the past day alone, they advanced about 2 kilometers deep into Ukrainian rear. At the same time, Russian forces are advancing towards the town of New-York.

Military Overview: Ukrainian Counterattacks Withering Away In Kharkiv Region

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Failed attempt to storm Russian position:



Heavy fighting is underway in the village of Sokol in the Avdeevka region. The AFU are in control of the western outskirts and the center of the settlement, losing NATO armored vehicles. Russian forces achieved significant breakthrough north of the village, towards Yevgenovka. The Russian military went to the rear of the AFU garrison in Sokol, approaching Ukrainian retreat. The Russian Armed Forces are also attacking Novoselovka Persha from several directions.

North of Ocheretino, Russian forces are expanding the zone of their control around Novoaleksandrovka.

Russian forces achieved new gains on the southern flank of the Avdeevka direction. In Karlovka, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are pushing the AFU away from their positions on the northern and southern banks of the water reservoir. Battles are ongoing in Yasnobrodovka, where any manoeuvres of the AFU are complicated by the water reservoir. Russian forces are also expanding the zone of their control north of Umanskoe.

No significant changes were reported on the frontlines in other directions, where the Russian army maintains the military initiative.


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what are the official numbers of the russian causalities in this war ? it’s a real question.

Ramses II

nobody counting. as long as babuschka get cash by vladolf everybody is happy!


russian casualties are between 400 tsd and 500 tsd. ukr claims ru losses to be around 515 tsd but that’s roughly 100.000 too much, but 400 tsd sadly is very close to the facts. waste of life russian (and ukr with around 150 tsd too) big waste.sf of course not reports that ru kharkiv offensive is a big ru failure and that the ru forces there are on full retreat and even partially trapped & encircled & surrendering in the hundreds there.


its is a big waste of human lives and all of this because both sides are controlled by jews jews control both the west and the east and this wa r is created by them to mutualy destroy eachoter so they can have a world of their own with loyal noahide goyim servants. its time to wake up go to rum ble and bitchute watch scott roberts its the jews stupid

Last edited 4 months ago by Awakend
Woe is UA

boy, you live in a real dream world. where’d you get those numbers, the warsaw weekly weedwacker?


just divide the casualties of ukraine by 10


unfortunately real casualty figures are not being released by either side. if they released the figures then it would discourage others from joining the meat grinder. the ukrainian losses are certainly higher than the russians, but there are likely hundreds of thousands of deaths on each side. hundreds of thousands of people died over who rules eastern ukraine.


54k soldiers most off them where wagner

Last edited 3 months ago by piet
Blue collar voice

too much waste of lives and time. just cut the head of the nazi snake in kiev and the war will be over in a matter of few days


geen verspilling, juist besparing….indien ze deden wat je voorstelt, zou nato teveel van haar wapens en materiëel blijven behouden….door zorgzaam te werken zorgt de rus er nu juist voor dat er in geval van escalatie met open betrokkenheid van nato er minder weerstand (ergo eigen verlies zal dus stukken lager liggen) te bespeuren valt.


total rubbish. the “head of the nazi snake” is not in kiev. the war will last as long as the ukrainians continue to fight on behalf of their us owners.

NATO is laughing at you

hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha ahaha


elect a jew to rule over you?

this is what they deserve.

V2 for Victory

that’s the way to handle fpv threats: shot them down before they could reach you!


in novoeksandrivka is importantly expanding south and south east to take next everything south to the railroad. this will strengthen the flank and help with the offensive south of the railroad. most of the second line of defense has been confronted or smashed in this area. vozdyvzhenka is only small hamlet to smash in north east of novoeksandrivka and beyond that is major hub an supply highway for chazev yar, new york, kostnavynivka. expect major battle to hold back russians at all cost.


not much life left in the ukrainian army and soon no life at all in speedster zelensky. the ukrainian end is nigh. lets include mrs zelensky in the ceauscescu conclusion of this sad affair.

Woe is UA

“lets include mrs zelensky in the ceauscescu conclusion of this sad affair.”

you’ll have to pull her out of the neiman marcus fitting room first.


the russian offensive in volchansk and lipski seems very dangerous to me if it remains halfway. the enemy has a large city as a safe rearguard, (kharkov), while the russian troops are in the middle of the countryside, much more exposed to enemy fire.


the same thing happened in kyiv, so i don’t really understand how the mistake can be repeated, unless russia has many reserves in the area and takes advantage of a certain proximity to belgorod. but only if you take volchansk and entrench yourself very strongly can you succeed.

Woe is UA

the afu itself is withering away like dillweed in a hot sun.

NATO is laughing at you

hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha ahá

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