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MARCH 2025

Military Porovcations: Kiev Regime Forces’ Strikes Injure Children In Eastern Ukraine (Photos)

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Military Porovcations: Kiev Regime Forces' Strikes Injure Children In Eastern Ukraine (Photos)


On May 7th, the Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled the village of Sakhanka in the Donetsk People’s Republic.

Five civilians were injured in the attack, including two children, a representative of the DPR in the Joint Center for Monitoring and Coordinating the Ceasefire told reporters.

“Today, at 11:30 (Moscow time), the armed forces of Ukraine opened fire on the village of Sakhanka. Five people, including two teenagers, were injured as a result of shelling,” the agency’s representative said.

According to him, the victims were taken to the Novoazovsk central district hospital, where they received first aid, after which several wounded were taken to the republican trauma hospital in Donetsk.

In total, the Ukrainian Armed Forces violated the ceasefire 14 times throughout that day only.

Those injured in Sakhanka were engaged in the restoration of the monument to the heroes of the World War 2 when they came under fire. The project fell approximately 30 meters away from them.

Three more civilians were injured near the village of Golubovskoye in the Luhansk People’s Republic. They were bringing coal to the village. They were fired upon by the Ukrainian Armed Forces with an anti-tank missile. All of them were hospitalized.

Below are photographs of the children that were injured in the Sakhanka incident. There is also a video.

Military Porovcations: Kiev Regime Forces' Strikes Injure Children In Eastern Ukraine (Photos)

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Military Porovcations: Kiev Regime Forces' Strikes Injure Children In Eastern Ukraine (Photos)

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Military Porovcations: Kiev Regime Forces' Strikes Injure Children In Eastern Ukraine (Photos)

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Military Porovcations: Kiev Regime Forces' Strikes Injure Children In Eastern Ukraine (Photos)

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Military Porovcations: Kiev Regime Forces' Strikes Injure Children In Eastern Ukraine (Photos)

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Military Porovcations: Kiev Regime Forces' Strikes Injure Children In Eastern Ukraine (Photos)

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Just three days earlier, on May 4th, the Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled the village of Aleksandrovka. Three children were injured as a result.

“Today at 17:35, UAF opened fire on Aleksandrovka. Within 15 minutes, 30 shots from BMP-2 were fired at civilian homes. As a result, three children, seven and ten-year-old girls who were at home at the time of the shelling, were injured at the address Gorky St., 368a,” the message said.

At the time of the COVID-19, and amid loud calls for peace, even from the side of the Ukrainian Government, actions such as these continue, with civilians being very clearly and openly targeted by the “patriotic” Ukrainian Armed Forces.


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US is now directly involved in killing civilians, so it is time to march into Kiev, which is Russian territory-Kievan-Rus.

cechas vodobenikov

this despicable nazism is funded by USA and Canada—indeed US and Canadian fascist militaries train and fund Nazi Ukrop battalions, Azov, Praviya Sektor, etc —they r cowards—they only use artillery and illegal phosphorous weaponry obtained from their amerikan nazi allies–they recall debaltsevo…the Ukie special forces were humiliated by volunteer battalions, Sparta, Varya, Essence of Time

Zionism = EVIL

Canadians are devious Americunt arselickers and controlled by Jew parasites too. They like Australia, also report to the Rothschild House of Windsor uber leeches.

Jens Holm

All You dont like and understand, because Ýou are forbidden to know us are Jews and zionists too – dont forget that.

We stel Ypu oil. We even take it up for You and pay for You just living like lazy beduins drinking tea served by You second wife. Wife number 2 is only there because of the oil money taken up by hard work by westerns.

Your biggets expectations seemes to be that You men are above anybody else including Your women once made by Alabama from clay.

But its not like that here. Men and women gains respect and honor for what they actualy do and not by some amputation below.

If true, I feel fine being contrrolled by Jews. According to GDP I make 55.000 dollars a year. I dont need more. What should it be? Some bathtub full of oil or a bag of sand from Al tanf.

And there we go again. Rotchild wine and Cigars are the best, even You are not the main reaosn for we drink and smoke.

Maybee You should use more smoke and alcohol in Your medical care. Maybee Muhammed had an off day, when he was told about. That can happen for even the best.


Australians not homosexual/incestr/gay orientated unelect ex leaders like abbott and turdbull aka phaedo/soros isis glory regime yes,Thankfully we ousted the facist regime, The truth is though we loath nazis + infact on our national teorrist list,call them prouts,huns and in the cia/usa cases septics,So don’t you think for a minute we fell for the mh17 in real commonwealth governance the official verdict by our feds,not fake soros funded creep,but rather commonweath of ausatralian concluded russia and the east could not have dome it,thus real evidence that embarrassed the fk out of turdbull and the media whom incests did all their power to dismiss the truth as the none event!

Also being in reality anti nazi,there were several locals who infact fought with the rebels who were questioned,but nothing happened because of law to self defense there ye you soros we smashed some of your fuckers n you mess with truth,it will devour you incest to oblivion,nuff fkn said,fk the bandeira fags,only soris trills praise kweer canuckd and cia/democratic vile,utter evil murder children for pelosi,biden+ co shame on the rada!

Jens Holm

The problem is the only chose is between communisme and fascisme added neo´nazis.,

It seemes You dont know Ukraine has a great tradition for many many nazis. Ehen Hitler arrived 2 divions of Ukrainiens asked for fighting Communisme.

Those did remember how they were handled by Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky.

If I was an krainian, I would not try to join or rejoin a collapsed system replaced by the same kind of people, which was Leaders before.


Whats to choose fascist socialism of the far reights,incest hitler,no wonder people gone all fked,atleast stalin ended the war and brang many decades or reasonable peace! like ot or not asshlogged the nazis were too thick to consider compromise,serves them right,Tell me assflogged how many countrys did communist/communitys hit on other nations and killing tend on millions of peoples after stalin fixed cia/beta/suicide maggots? You know the real problem is capitalism is too complex for your facist ideology/nwo/cia!

No wonder you failed,all of you proded incestive wannabe + lgbtq disordinance, but in this case it’s just another smokesvccreen to let bisen/soros+ co off the hook!

Wayne Nicholson

Canadians support them because of the millions of Ukrainian immigrants living in the prairie provinces who have the power to swing elections. It’s a hugely influential lobby. The current liberal government has thin to none support on the prairies so they suck Ukrainian balls just to have some leverage in the region.

liana sammartino

yes, I agree, but the conservatives would do the same and NDP does not have a clue in foreign policy…

Black Waters

A bunch of nazis supported by the U.S gestapo.

Ashok Varma

US also uses worse than Nazi tactics of indiscriminately killing civilians.

Zionism = EVIL

The Jew cunts and the dumbass Americunt cowards are using their favorite war crime of killing and maiming civilians, especially targeting ethnic Russians. The holol peasant dumbasses are total Jew control as their little pimp of a “president” is a comedian who takes direct orders from his Zionist masters. Russia has been too lenient with these hohol scum and should just flatten the bastards.Ukraine will always be part of Russia as its soul and history is Russian, going back to the advent of Orthodoxy a millennium ago.

So-called Ukrainians are the fake element of Hollywood created Jew version of history like the Zionist occupation of Arab Palestine. They live in a country with a complex history and a polyglot composition, Crimea, 80 percent of whose population is Russian, became part of Ukraine only in 1954 , when Nikita Khrushchev, a Ukrainian illiterate fuckwit by birth, awarded it as part of the 300th-year celebration of a Russian agreement with the Cossacks. The west is nominally Catholic; the east staunchly Russian Orthodox. The west speaks Ukrainian a corrupted dialect of Russian; the east speaks mostly Russian. Any attempt the Talmudic destabilizers in Ukraine to destroy Russian Orthodox culture —as has been the pattern — would lead eventually to a total civil war or break up. To treat Ukraine as part of the Jew instigated an East-West confrontation would scuttle for decades any prospect of peace in Europe or the world. The Talmudic evil must be stopped in Ukraine like its Nazi predecessors.


khazars conversely cossacks are very industrialised peoples,not their fault ukraine was going great untill the cias/khazars barged their way back in finally in 2014,aka talmudicheads?

Jens Holm

It look like “Russians in Idlib”


So you make a joke out of it? Shame you incest,shame on your family,shame on you nazitards!




Ashok Varma

Russia needs to reclaim Ukraine like Crimea before it becomes a NATO base for aggression.

Jens Holm

Crimea was a part of a big trade.

The Tatars should have the right to come back to Crime. They should have their own state. . They never liked Russians with or without the Russian cousins of Ukraine.

Next Turks will claim it back. And there we go again. None asked the Tatars and they even was figting to the last soldier.Tjetjenia same thing. Causcasus at leat ditto twice.



Crimea is christian orthodoc and very minor representation,infact greeks lived there like in odessa ages ago!

AM Hants

Remembering 75 years ago, the defeat of fascism and the Nazis. Russia remembers tomorrow. Russia who lost 13 million in WWII, out of the 26 million the Soviets lost.

Back in 2014, the people of Crimea, voted to return home to Russia. For some reason upsetting the Nazi branch of the Atlantic Council. Remember, back in 1944, when Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt met up in Yalta, Crimea, Russia, to discuss the de-nazification of Europe, de-militarisation of Germany and setting up the UN based on self determination/will of the people.

Move forward, Nazis taken over NATO and Ukraine. EU Army, with Germany in control of the EU Forces and UN denying the people of Crimea self determination, despite the UN Charter being based on it.

Whilst remembering the defeat of fascism and the Nazis, 75 years ago, there was an article over on Stalker Zone, remembering the actions of the Nazis, in a small village in Ukraine, back in 2014.

Why do our leaders fully support the Nazis, over in Ukraine?


Official soviets lost were infact 7 million,to hell with satans lie,I believe in the victors government! not some kweer historian trying the hype the numbers like we all see todays<except its much harder to lie nawafays isnt it? fk yeah,look up recently released ww2 top secret usa files they are there,by the way the british+ historians and press are amongst the greatest liars in history personally the more cultures mains lie the worse off they are to defend themselfs why? Cursed be thy cursed,in so much as believeing in they lie magkes the person only react se'low!

AM Hants

Must admit, apart from Sunday matinee films, to being ignorant of both World Wars.

However, now believe we were seriously played.

No nation came out of it well and no nation/culture’s suffering was less or more worthy than others.

Although, saying that, I find it difficult to get my head around Russia’s losses and how the world ignores the sacrifices they made.

Do believe I will be watching Russian Victory Parade of 2014 tomorrow, together with the video of the Immortal Parade.

johnny rotten

A nazi country led by a jewish president, incredible – only on paper – but true !!!

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