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Military Power and Geoeconomics

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Military Power and Geoeconomics


Written by Sergei Karaganov; Originally appeared at RG, tranlsated by AlexD exclusively for SouthFront

What changes await the world in the coming decade

The underlying, through almost never mentioned, reason for the unprecedented rapid shift in the global balance of power, including the economy, from the West and from Europe to China and Asia is a fundamental change in the military and political foundation on which the world order is ultimately based on.

The world was “multipolar” until the XVI century, when Europe gained military superiority, which served as the basis of its territorial, political, economic and cultural expansion, the ability to pump the world’s GDP in its favour, to collect a kind of “military rent”. The situation began to change after the acquisition of nuclear weapons by the USSR, later by China, which increasingly began to deprive the West of the opportunity to impose its interests by military force. Russia, insuring the fundamental interest of its security, has become the “midwife of history”, in many ways provided the basis for the current historical shift.


Five centuries ago, Europe began to gain military superiority over other countries and civilisations. Before that, most of the world’s GDP was produced outside the European subcontinent. There, in China, in Central Asia, in the Arab world, in what is now India was the main source of innovation, scientific and technological progress. Gunpowder is known to have been invented in China. Guns too, but the Europeans were more successful in their use. Constant internecine warfare on the crowded subcontinent has forged both the best military technology and the best military organisation.

Military superiority allowed not only to capture, but also to impose favourable political orders, rules of trade, cultural stereotypes. And the flow of resources that went to Europe, then to the United States contributed to the development of science, education, culture, and consolidating dominance in the world system.

At first, the expansion of Europe based on military superiority was simply plunder, then the exploitation of colonies, then the imposition of obviously unfavourable conditions of commodity exchange on the dependent. Later there was “free trade”, beneficial primarily to Great Britain, which had naval superiority and systematically blocked the rival countries. In the mid-twentieth century, the Bretton Woods System was created with the dominance of the dollar in the non-socialist part of the world and Washington’s ability to cover its own budget deficit with the help of the printing press. At the end of the twentieth century, after the collapse of the USSR, this system spread to the whole world. It seemed for perpetuity.

The new military power of Russia did not allow even thinking about direct threats. Hysteria and sanctions went into effect

Military superiority, military force has been and remains a highly profitable investment in purely economic terms. Unless, of course, you start investing excessively in it. This repeatedly ruined countries. The last time, it was the USSR.

Military weakness is almost always ruinous, although defence savings initially appear to be economically viable. Disunity and military weakness of ancient Russia allowed the Mongols for two and a half centuries to put it in a semi-colonial position, sucking resources.

Another example. The Chinese Empire, after absorbing and integrating or displaced by the XV-XVI century the Mongols who conquered them in the XIII century, having defeated the tribes that attacked it from the north-west and calmed down the domination of the Middle Kingdom in East Asia, ceased to pay serious attention to its armed forces. The saying or ancient wisdom “A good man will not go into soldiers” became a national policy. And China paid the price in the XVIII-XIX centuries, when small fleets of Western powers easily smashed weak and poorly organised Chinese troops, imposed unprofitable trade agreements, predatory trade in opium produced in colonial India, mass drug addition.

In the late 1940s, the USSR and later China created nuclear weapons. Big wars became impossible to win. So, it has become impossible to threaten them, including the escalation of conflicts. The era of the end of the military superiority of the West began.

And the USA did not dare to use nuclear weapons in the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Behind Kim Il-Sung’s troops was not only China with the ability to throw hundreds of thousands of soldiers into battle, but also the USSR, whose nuclear power the Americans, fortunately, exaggerated.

Vietnam was backed and helped by two nuclear powers.

The emergence of a balancing factor in the international system has increased the freedom of manoeuvre for many countries. The collapse of colonial empires accelerated. The non-aligned movement was formed.

The reaction to the Vietnam debacle, compounded by the emboldened Arab oil embargo of the 1970s, was Reagan’s policy. Its key component was an attempt not only to restore the American economy, weakened by excessive foreign involvement, but also military superiority, to make the threat of the use of military force to maintain positions in other areas more credible.

It was probably impossible to regain military superiority. But at the historical moment it seemed achievable.

The USSR’s withdrawal from the confrontation, and then its collapse, not only stopped the degradation of the West’s positions, but also allowed it to achieve, as it seemed, the final “victory”.

The dominance of the West in the 1990s and 2000s allowed the huge flow of GDP and other resources from Russia and the countries of the former socialist camp. Taking advantage of Russia’s weakness, it was imposed (and part of its elite agreed with this) unfavourable terms of trade, rigidly forced out of the markets. It came to curious incidents – they tried to dictate domestic gasoline prices to further reduce the competitiveness of Russian products. Already in the 2000s, the EU imposed exports of round timber on Russia, trying to support its timber processing industry and limit the development of the Russian one.

Weakened by the 1991 revolution and demoralised, Russia politically ceased to restrain and balance Western military power. In an effort to demonstrate and consolidate it, the West went to a series of interventions and aggressions – in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya.

They shook up the Russian elite, many of whom believed that Western democracies were more just and peaceful.

Vladimir Putin, who came to power at the turn of the century, still tried to negotiate, manoeuvre, even offered friendship – he was the first to declare his readiness to come to the aid of the United States after the tragic events of September 2001. But the Russian elite was convinced that the United States military superiority is unacceptable, directly threatens the security of the country and the world as a whole. Russia was still poor. But after 2002, when the United States withdrew from the ABM Treaty, thus demonstrating its desire to regain military superiority, a series of decisions were adopted, which, after a decade and a half, led to the establishment of a number of systems designed to end this aspiration. From 2007-2008, a successful military reform was launched.

In 2014, Russia reunited with Crimea and supporting the rebels in the Donbas, put an end to NATO’s expansion to its neighbouring countries. This caused an explosion of hatred in the West. But Russia’s new military power did not allow even thinking about direct threats. Information hysteria and sanctions have gone into play. The west no longer had the opportunity for a tough confrontation.

Another blow to the idea of its omnipotence came after 2015, when Russia pursued by the desire to stop the terrorist threat as far as possible from its borders, to demonstrate its new military power and train its military, came to the aid of the legitimate regime in Syria and helped it survive. At the same time, there was a limit to another type of Western expansion – “colour revolutions”. The Western model of development, geopolitical and geo-economic alignment to it no longer looked as the only option.

Moscow did not pursue directly all these changes. The main goal was to ensure the security and sovereignty of Russia itself, its favourable position in the international system.

But, objectively, with its military, political and moral revival, it has qualitatively changed the balance of power in the world, providing dozens of countries with more favourable conditions for free development, including the use of their competitive advantages, to increase their share of the world GDP. The “rent” provide by military superiority was done away with.

This freedom is the underlying cause of the rage of some Western elites against our country.

It is unlikely that the trend towards degradation, especially noticeable in Europe, will be able to stop the Trump “counter-revolution”. The power wing of the American elite has been trying to repeat Reagan’s “success” since the time of Barack Obama. He, as the Americans have convinced themselves, through tough pressure and the threat of an arms race and the achievement of strategic superiority through the creation of a global missile defence system, “Star Wars”, destroyed the Soviet Union.

Russia’s situation is better now. The people in comparison with the last century are satisfied; the place of the extinct Communist ideology begins to take a more capable state nationalism.

Apparently, it will not be possible to repeat with China the Japanese experience of the 1980s and 1990s, when Japan, taking advantage of its military and political dependence, imposed a revaluation of the yen, quotas in trade and, as a result, stagnation for 30 years. China is independent in military and political terms, can rely on the strategic power of Russia, and it is unlikely that a trade war waged against it (and at the same time against the old liberal trade and economic system as a whole) can qualitatively slow down its development.

The tough Russian policy has begun to yield positive results. But military strengthening needs to be supported by economic growth

Creating a new global order will take time. Until a new foundation is created – it is the military force balance. Until the West adapts to the new state of affairs, and the resurgent powers and civilisations, including Russia, it will not develop – along with the same West – the habits and tools of responsible global governance in the new conditions.

This adjustment has already begun. There are even discussions about the desirability of inviting Russia back to the long-unnecessary “big seven”, talk about the resumption of movement to a common European space from Lisbon to Vladivostok. Russia’s tough policy, which has spurred global macro trends in recent years, has begun to yield positive results. But military strengthening needs to be supported by economic growth. Otherwise, we will be able to “snatch defeat from the hands of victory”, which worked for several generations of Russians, Soviet people, who built a defence shield, then restored the country in the 2000-2010s, and which provides freedom of choice and sovereignty for dozens of formerly dependent countries. And most importantly, peace.

And the common space should be built, of course, but taking into account the past changes already in the Eurasian framework. And on an equal basis, without reliance on military superiority. And the rules for it will be written not in Washington or Brussels, but in Moscow, Beijing, Delhi, Tokyo, Seoul, Jakarta, in the capitals of the leading European states.


NATO is no longer able to function effectively due to the lack of coordination on strategic decisions between the US and its allies. According to French President Emmanuel Macron’s assessment, which he voiced to The Economist magazine, because of this, the North Atlantic alliance “is now experiencing brain death”.

Washington’s relations with Ankara complicate the situation in the block, which was manifested during the recent Turkish military operation in north-eastern Syria.

According to Macron, Europe “stands on the edge of an abyss”, and therefore, “it is time to wake up” and not rely on Washington, which often behaves rudely on defence issues.

The French leader reminded that America, unlike European countries, is far from Russia. Therefore, Macron advised the countries of the Old World to reconsider relations with Russia. In his opinion, building a constructive dialogue with Moscow will help establish peace in Europe and bring back its strategic independence.

 “We have the right to be autonomous, not to repeat US sanctions, to rethink strategic relations with Russia without any naivety”, Macron concluded.

Sergei Karaganov (Research supervisor – Dean of the Faculty of World Economy and World Politics, National Research University Higher School of Economics)

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Finally Eurasia will be free from US/UK warmongers,

a wish dream since Decades !


And yet Eurasia, Europe and North America are still under the controlled of jewish oligarchs who seek to flood all nations with an average IQ of 90 or higher with Third-World immigrants.


The Western Jews will melt down their arrogance with the US implosion….

Kings David and Solomon are at the best fairy tales for tin hat, they never existed !

Israeli Ashkenazi Khazar place is in the US or in Central Asia by Turco-Mongols they belongs !


The Pharisees predate the Khazar’s conversion to Judaism, even the Old Testament (the Torah of the Tanakh) contains many similarities to Talmudic Judaism. Not all Ashkenazi Jews descend from Khazars, plenty of gentile women married into jewish families that immigrated to Europe through the Romans and the Sephardi, whether by choice or by force, as is the case with jews forced into slavery by Romans.


It’s a complicated story !

PERSIA & THE CREATION OF JUDAISM https://www.cais-soas.com/CAIS/Religions/non-iranian/Judaism/Persian_Judaism/Persia_created_judaism.htm ================================================ https://www.haaretz.com/archaeology/MAGAZINE-is-the-bible-a-true-story-latest-archaeological-finds-yield-surprises-1.5626647

Is the Bible a True Story?

Despite feverish searching with Scripture in one hand and cutting-edge technology in the other, evidence backing the Bible remains elusive. But there are some surprising anomalies ============================================ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulan_(Khazar)

Bulan was a Khazar king who led the conversion of the Khazars to Judaism. His name means “elk” or “hart” in Old Turkic. In modern Turkish, it means The one who finds (Bul + an). The date of his reign is unknown, as the date of the conversion is hotly disputed, though it is certain that Bulan reigned some time between the mid-8th and the mid-9th centuries. Nor is it settled whether Bulan was the Bek or the Khagan of the Khazars. ========================================= During the late nineteen century UK invented Zionism and Nazism to avoide the Jews integration in Europe and Colonised the Middle East !


I have the Soviet era archaeological references for the excavations in the lower Volga region (site of main city of Khazars)….I will check the dates based on the physical evidence…this region on the west side still had Indo-Europeans though, including the Alans or Ossetians…who only came to be mountain people with the Mongols (same Ossetians as the 8/8/8 war).

With respect to modern Khazars, did you see the RT article on Kolomoysky proposing the new “Warsaw Pact”…well it could be the Minsk Pact this time. :)


By the creation of judaism taking place in the 5th century BCE, don’t you mean Zorastrianism founded by their prophet Zarathustra? The profile picture that I use is related to the book “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” by Friedrich Nietzsche.

Introduction to Nietzsche: youtube[]com/watch?v=vzRbCrIWURY&list=PLAYxecbGotUyqiNRXY_VrUvF952rLmyNl


UK didn’t create Zionism or “Nazism”, the National Socialists never referred to themselves as “Nazis” either. As Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohamad said, the jews tend to rule by proxy.

They began taking control of Britain in the 17th century with the creation of the Bank of England after backing Cromwell (who lifted the travel restrictions imposed on jews after committing a child of noble birth to ritual sacrifice 400 years before) during the War of the Three Kingdoms, otherwise known as the British Civil War.


I am getting more and more tired about Jews arrogant stories, and Israel colonial terrorisme, racism, fascism, and fundamentalism with permanent lies and abuses !

The best I have found until today about the Holocaust



For Germany. For Germans who still want to be German. For Humanity.

Tell the Truth and

Shame the Devil

Recognize the True Enemy and Join to Fight Him


“Sorrow is knowledge; they who know the most, must mourn the deepest o’er the fatal truth, the Tree of Knowledge is not that of Life.”

—Manfred BYRON

“Books are not memorials of the past,

but weapons

of the present age.”

—Heinrich LAUBE



(Inspired by the description of the condemnation of Louis XVI)

This book spans the time between 600 BC and the present day, and yet is also a personal journey. By re-interpreting some of the defining moments of history, it tells a terrible story of deception and self-deception; of absurd claims substantiated and pretensions realized, and of worthless beings which have suc- ceeded in dominating the planet through their control of an intrinsically worth- less medium of exchange: money.

Read this book, and all the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place.

In earlier times, there existed a people’s movement. It was, on the one hand, a political, on the other hand, a völkisch (ethnic), populist movement. Today, there are no longer any people’s movements, mainly because there are hardly any cohesive peoples left. There exists only the system. The foundation of this system rests on post-1945 re-education, whose symbol is a kind of hologram, that is to say, a projection. According to this projection, Germany and the Ger- mans were guilty of a particular crime against these beings. The system de- mands, among other things, that all people without exception acknowledge this crime as without comparison and pay tribute to it, by humbling themselves constantly before innumerable shrines to its commemoration, and that Ger- many must eternally pay compensation in various ways, sometimes to the sur- vivors of the crime, of which there seems to be an inexhaustible supply, and sometimes by giving U-boats to Israel.

Whoever rebels against this coercion is punished, imprisoned. He is accused of having denied the projection. Although the accusation of denial is nonsense, as one cannot deny what one does not hold for truth, the concept of “denial” has been upheld.

So it’s about a Belief, just as in the 16th century Protestants were persecuted by Catholics. It’s the modern world-embracing, universally-adhesive religion. Projection-deniers must be punished in order to maintain the system.

Those who reasonably ask for an explanation are rejected on the grounds that the projection cannot be judged, as it has already been judged. Its notoriety (“common knowledge”) has been declared, otherwise Germany is innocent. To propose putting the projection on trial, in whatever way, is a step back towards National Socialism; it would be against the concept of the Federal Republic of Germany, because it places the existing order in the dock. After all, the projec- tion could be discovered to be an invention, if it is put on trial, it could be a lie. Or rather it would be considered to be unproven, until its actuality is proved.


But if the projection is declared to be null and void, what becomes of the system?

This is the purest logic. As re-education has undermined all the foundations of National Socialism, the possibility that the principles of this re-education could be fraudulent implies that the system could be guilty and that the era of National Socialism was not as bad as it is incessantly represented to be. So the system’s “justice” requires imprisonment instead of a just procedure; the sys- tem could not afford to allow the tenets of re-education to be called into ques- tion.

So, since the Nuremberg Trials the principal enemy of truth has mutated and evolved to the extent that the German State itself has been compelled for its own sake for 70 years to maintain a hypocritical system, whose exposure would call into question, not only the legitimacy of the entity called “The Fed- eral Republic of Germany,” but also its entire administrative structure as well.

Nearly all Western countries are caught in the same predicament. Even if they are not responsible for this alleged capital crime, they have paid lip service to it since 1945 and may therefore not free themselves from it.

The Author, February 2016



Thanks for the link :)

Yeah there is plenty of info exposing the holocaust, the jews make lots of money from it and use it as a crutch to conceal their criminal cabal.

As for Fascism itself (the British and Italian variety), it shared many similarities with National Socialism in Germany.

Other Third-Position ideologies include:

– The Falange in Spain – The Iron Guard in Romania – Mexican Synarchism – Brazilian Integralism – Shōwa nationalism in Japan (maybe?)



thanks US “Deep Power” destroying the environment and promoting wars only for money purposes…

It’s antipodes of the Swiss Democracy started in 1231(lol) Today Swiss citizen used to vote about at least 30/Year French, maybe 3 every 5 Years. Swiss “Referendum” & “Initiative” are about yearly since 1848 Constitution… All Titles are banned, wearing Medals, Decoration, Costume on the street and any assembly is forbidden… ! But all Medias are 100% Ashkenazi’s with permanent lies and abuses, CIA infiltration is very strong, but unknown by the population often roll in the flour… Independent newspapers vanished into thin air.

Hopefully Russia-China-Iran-Turkey will save the “Free World”

Didn’t forget Mussolini was on MI6 payroll Hitler was elected/promoted thank’s UK King family, Henri Ford, Joe Kennedy, Prescott Bush, Hunt, Harriman and al families..

All South America/Asia Governments/Dictatorships are and were US/Vatican/CIA and said with scorn languages Democracies… US is a plutocracy, UK a constitutional Monarchy, France a Monarchic Republic… ! Sarkozy, Hollande, Macron were CIA elected… Brexit is Steve Bannon Cambridge Analytica… NATO is the US/UK Europe Colonial occupation army Bruxelles was forge by NATO consultants.

Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II by Valentin Katasonov https://www.voltairenet.org/article187508.html

Roosevelt said Somoza is son of the bitch, but our son !

If interested by these thinks, Voltairenet.org is the most reliable site… Global Research News and CounterPunch News too…


If Mussolini was controlled opposition, then I don’t know why he and other Fascists were murdered by Communist partisans in 1943. Hitler wouldn’t have shot himself either, nor is there any conclusive evidence that he escaped to Argentina. If they really were paid agents, they wouldn’t have banned their central banks and jewish bankers like the Rothschilds, Morgans, etc.

David Stein Cole On The Holocaust And Historical Revision:


[Interview w/ Ryan Dawson and Jewish American holocaust revisionist David Cole, later renamed David Stein after Irv Rubin ordered his assassination.]

Michael Collins Piper – Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild & Hitler: bitchute[]com/video/2p1Lv630CsWt/

Adolf Hitler was not a Controlled Agent, he was not a Rothschild: bitchute[]com/video/2hjedifOX2HF/

Adolf Hitler was definitely not a Rothschild Agent – another lie to confuse people. Absolute rubbish: bitchute[]com/video/C1xI98C07YjW/

Corporatism (link in the description): bitchute[]com/video/5uPjIxaaaGsw/

Corporatism in the Fascistic sense has nothing to do with corporate oligarchy, it’s merely a lie perpetuated to spread misinformation on the subject. Fascist Corporatism is virtually the Italian Fascists’ version of syndicalism.

– The Economic Foundations of Fascism by Paul Enzig, 1933. – The N.S.D.A.P. Economic Policy, 1932.


If Mussolini was controlled opposition, then I don’t know why he and other Fascists were murdered by Communist partisans in 1943. Hitler wouldn’t have shot himself either, nor is there any conclusive evidence that he escaped to Argentina. If they really were paid agents, they wouldn’t have banned their central banks and jewish bankers like the Rothschilds, Warburgs, etc..

David Stein Cole On The Holocaust And Historical Revision: archive[]org/details/davidsteincoleontheholocaustandhistoricalrevision [Interview w/

[Ryan Dawson and Jewish American holocaust revisionist David Cole, later renamed David Stein after Irv Rubin ordered his assassination.]

Michael Collins Piper – Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild & Hitler: bitchute[]com/video/2p1Lv630CsWt/

Claims of Hitler Being Controlled Opposition: bitchute[]com/video/OMODdz5Cm2cE/

Adolf Hitler was not a Controlled Agent, he was not a Rothschild: bitchute[]com/video/2hjedifOX2HF/

Adolf Hitler was definitely not a Rothschild Agent – another lie to confuse people. Absolute rubbish: bitchute[]com/video/C1xI98C07YjW/

Corporatism (link in the description): bitchute[]com/video/5uPjIxaaaGsw/

Corporatism in the Fascistic sense has nothing to do with corporate oligarchy, it’s merely a lie perpetuated to spread misinformation on the subject. Fascist Corporatism is virtually the Italian Fascists’ version of syndicalism.

– The Economic Foundations of Fascism by Paul Enzig, 1933. – The N.S.D.A.P. Economic Policy, 1932.

Mimir’s Guide to Political Literature (Introduction): youtu[]be/sSopKb5h9qk


Mussolini was long times on MI6 payroll…. !


Even so, I know of no evidence to attest to that. Not to mention their economic model protected Italy’s economic and political sovereignty from foreign influence, it also functioned as a middle-man between the capitalists and working class to ensure the fair treatment of all employees. If Hitler or Mussolini were foreign agents, they wouldn’t have rejected central banking or sought economic self-reliance.


1945 Sicily “Liberation” was successful thanks New-York Sicilian Mafia, run by the CIA since then. Giulio Andreotti was maybe 30 times Prime Minister or President. When Toto Rina, the Italian Mafia Chief was caught/repented Italian discovered Andreotti was “Capo di tuti Capi”, but too old to be jailed. Just check on google if interested on volitairenet.org there is an excellent GeoStrategist Manlio Dinucci — https://www.voltairenet.org/spip.php?page=recherche&recherche=Italy&lang=en — https://www.voltairenet.org/spip.php?page=recherche&lang=en&recherche=Italy%2FNATO

There is none secret about the US/CIA dominating Italy, Vatican, Mafia, since 1945, and NATO since 1948 with Gladio P2(in Switzerland we had P26) John Paul I was the wrong Pope, assassinated to be replaced by the right one, the Polish John Paul II Don’t expect anything from the mainstream media, but reliable books have been written… ==================================

https://www.voltairenet.org/article190171.html Seventy years of harassing political establishment and people of Europe by Andrey Fomin

Contrary to appearances, the decision of the United States to investigate a possible Russian aid to anti-European parties is not intended to protect Europeans from foreign interference. This is quite the opposite. For 70 years, Washington controls the West European politics prohibiting all forms of genuine democracy. ================================= The is none “Secret” If interested by banks before and after WW2


Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II

by Valentin Katasonov

To mark the 70th anniversary of the Victory against Nazism, we publish a study of Valentin Katasonov on financing of the NSDAP and the rearmament of the Third Reich. The author deals with new documents that confirm the organization of the Second World War by US and UK Bankers, covered by President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, in the hope of destroying the USSR. This study raises new questions that will be addressed in a future article.


The mafia was also banned under Mussolini, until the “liberation” of Italy in 1945. The mafia itself was started by a 33rd degree mason named Giuseppe Mazzini.


M.A.F.I.A. | Mazzini Autorizza Furti Incendi Avvelenamenti (Italian: Mazzini Authorizes Thefts, Fires and Poisonings)


Look at the Spaniards Colonialism in Napoli and two Sicily kingdom lasting from 1280 until 1813 Spanish Colonial Empire was run on that way, modernised and worsen when the US took over. It’s Clergy, Latifundia owners and Politics running all. If going in the Philippines, or Latine Americas, they have the same “idiosyncrasy” sticking in the South Italy, killing’s and robberies Culture…. ! None Cardinal’s didn’t cautioned Dictators coup ! No need to be genius to guess what’s going on in Bolivia or Venezuela today ! Just have a look on “counterpunch news”, “global research news” or “Voltairenet.org” sites and you will have all details, who is doing what, and what for… all these Colonial stories are always the same, run on the same way for the same reasons, to fill-up deep power pockets at any cost ! Peoples and Environment is valueless for them…

If reading Sitting Bull testament, he was already complaining about it !


Neville Chamberlain was quite the “anti-semite” apparently.

“America and the world Jews [had] forced England into the war.” [WWII]

Did he know about Churchill’s escapades with world Jewry at the time?


history[]sfsu[]edu/sites/default/files/EPF/1998_Matthew DeFraga-ilovepdf-compressed[]pdf




The modern perception of Fascism is far removed from the ideology itself, by now it has devolved into little more than an insult, or totalitarianism.

For a more accurate description of Fascism, these links offer source material related to that very subject, and some other material:

Philosophy of Fascism: archive[]org/details/thephilosophyoffascism_20191022

Cultured Thug: bitchute[]com/channel/65ztOo4t23NB/

“Truthfully, in this age those with intellect have no courage and those with some modicum of physical courage have no intellect. If things are to alter during the next fifty years then we must re-embrace Byron’s ideal: the cultured thug.” – Jonathan Bowden

In this day and age, those who are cultured are often meek, and those who are fierce aren’t particularly cultured. An prime example of a “cultured thug” would be someone like Sir Lancelot, knight of King Arthur’s Round Table this widely known story from English folklore.

“The knight is a man of blood and iron, a man familiar with the sight of smashed faces and the ragged stumps of lopped-off limbs; he is also a demure, almost maidenlike, guest in a hall, a gentle, modest, unobtrusive man. He is not compromise or happy mean between ferocity and meekness; he is fierce to the nth and meek to the nth. The man who combines both characters – the knight – is not a work of nature but of art; of that art which has human beings, instead of canvas or marble, for its medium.”

― C.S. Lewis

Tudor Miron

I would say that it happened earlier – have you seen the letters from Ivan Grozny to UK’s queen Elisabeth? “«И мы чаяли того, что ты на своем государьстве государыня и сама владееш… Ажно у тебя мимо тебя люди владеют, и не токмо люди, но и мужики торговые… А ты пребываеш в своем девическом чину, как есть пошлая девица» (c)


I haven’t. Good find Tudor.

I don’t know Russian, is this a good translation (google)?

“And we hoped that you were a sovereign and ruler of your state … It’s important that people own you and not only people, but also peasants trading … And you abide in your maiden rank, as there is a vulgar girl”

Tudor Miron

Peasants trading should read like trading people and that’s about City of London.


Thank you for the correction.


If interested by Malaysia, there you have 155 articles https://www.voltairenet.org/spip.php?page=recherche&lang=en&recherche=Malaysia+&x=0&y=0

In case you understand French, this article show the horrors organisations done to prepare NeoColonialism



1948-1960 : « état d’urgence » en Malaisie

par Arthur Lepic

En 1948, le Royaume-Uni entreprit d’éradiquer le Parti communiste malais avant de donner son indépendance à la colonie, de manière à pouvoir maintenir l’exploitation économique du pays sur une longue durée. Sur ce théâtre d’opération, la Couronne expérimenta les premières méthodes de contre-insurrection incluant le regroupement forcé des populations en « hameaux stratégiques » et la défoliation de la jungle. Un modèle qui inspira les États-Unis du Viêt-Nam à l’Irak.


The jews were causing problems long before they became a religion, as far back as the Hyksos takeover of Egypt in the late 14th dynasty and at least a thousand years prior which some belief is the historical basis for the biblical story of Joseph in Genesis. Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers (the Hebrews), he ended up cheating the Pharaoh into selling them his land to avert a famine that Joseph “interpreted” from the Pharaoh’s dreams. However Joseph and his brothers ironically caused with the apparent intent to take control all of Egypt.

Other than descending from the Hyksos and the Habiru (both were desert nomads who were essentially a collection of bandits, merchants, slave-owners and con-men). there is another interesting theory that jews are also the descendants of individuals who later became known as the Asuras (anti-gods) in Sahatma Dharma (Hinduism), the polar opposite of the Devas since the jews’ behaviour for over 3,000-4,000 years or more share similarities with the malevolent behaviour of the Asuras.

The Real Story of Joseph in Egypt: bitchute[]com/video/ensEhLzjLCmU/

Was Hatshepsut’s Advisor the Historical Moses? youtu[]be/O47_e7DC_Jo

Charles Giuliani on the (((Hyksos))) Invasion of Egypt: bitchute[]com/video/1VqDuwRdCGbN/

More from Charles Giuliani: bitchute[]com/video/IKaL2FF3eYGw/


The jews have taken aspects of other religions, distort it, and make it apart of their own. Noah’s Ark for instance is based on 3 older Sumerian and Babylonian tales, the most well known of these is the Epic of Gilgamesh.

As or Kings David and Solomon, it is theorized by some that they were based on the Egyptian Pharaohs Amenhotep III (father of Amenhotep IV, or Akhenaten) and Thutmose III.


Noah’s Ark is Plagiarized: youtube[]com/watch?v=_um69RqBpSw

The Stolen Canaanite Gods of Hebrews/Israelites: El, Baal, Asherah: youtu[]be/ADikz5rAjJU

Oh the irony of that last one…


I am Atheist since 50 years and it’s fit me perfectly !


Abraham is sanscrit from India… If there is one true word in the Torah, Bible, Quran and the Medias, it’s a “Miracle” (lol) !

10’000 years ago the sea level were 120 meters lower, most were living on the shore lines alike today… Ormuz strait is 70 meter deep… ! Gibraltar, Bosphore, Channel, North Sea, China Sea depth average is 50 meters… then it didn’t exist at that time ! Mediterranean Sea was an inside Sea 200 meters lower… Black Sea was lover too ! Red Sea much narrower, Papua New Guinea was part of Australia, Europe was 40% bigger, on so on… !


Yeah I remember looking into the Younger Dryas event and how it ended the last ice age almost 13,000 years ago, leading to the melting of ice and the polar ice caps, and a rise in global sea levels over the next several thousand years.

North Africa and the Middle East around the time of the ice age and for a few thousand years after was a temperate zone filled with forests and fertile plains. Some hypothesise this may have been a prehistoric inspiration for the Garden of Eden in Genesis, borrowing from earlier stories in the Middle East (Babylonian civilization, etc) that may or may not have been passed down through the generations from Neolithic peoples.

Kitchen layout

The Chinese view globalization as a strength


They’re not at the point yet where they’re opening their borders to almost everyone. Also, only people of a Chinese ethnic origin can legally obtain Chinese citizenship. The only foreign expats who are allowed to live there are people who obtain work visas, Hong Kong and Macau might be an exception.


IQ is a food question !

A child need 10’000 different nutriments to built properly his brain…. Only quality diversified food can provide it !

Heavy metals in the food or water could have dramatic consequences !

Lead produce small violent brains !

Filipino Children’s 10% have 400% too much lead in the blood, it’s Saturnisme Researchers found in the North Pole Ice cap during the Roman Empire was full of lead… Some believe it’s the Roman Empire fall origins ! Water network was out of lead… !


There were several factors that led to the collapse of the Roman empire, they were overstretched and at war with both their regional rivals in the Middle East, and marauding “barbarians” in Europe. Judite subversion was another factor, some believe that Christianity was created with inspiration from Zorastrianism to spiritually subvert the Roman empire and beyond. This corresponded with the slave revolts, many of which were inspired by Christiandom which functioned as an effective rabble rouser to the slaves and underclasses living in and around the Roman empire.

After all, the Toran and Old Testament mandates that the Judites and Israelites destroy all gods and religions that have nothing to do with their own deity and religion.

As for Zorastrianism, I think the Samaritans predate Zorastrianism and the oldest known jewish texts date about a century or so after the oldest known Samaritan texts.


Just be patient with modern scientific Archeology and Genetic


Marxism permeates the modern sciences and unfortunately takes precedence over the scientific method when deemed convenient by the globalists.



What about Ashkenazi Bolsheviks Gulags worst than all can be said or imagined about NAZI’s ?


Bolshevism Was Basically a Jewish Movement – The Historical Facts from Lenin to Andropov

“Stalin had three wives, all of them Jewesses … Svetlana Stalin had a total of four husbands, three of them Jewish. Various authorities allege that (Lenin’s) wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya was a Jewess and that her family spoke Yiddish in the home.”

Heretical Sat, Mar 2, 2019 | 2200 words 15,918 295




Russia Insider Tip Jar – Keep truth alive!

Amongst themselves, the Jews are quite candid about their sympathy for and involvement in Bolshevism.

On 4 April 1919 the Jewish Chronicle: “There is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism.” (Perhaps this explains why the Red Army uses a Jewish star as its symbol?)

Probably the best-known exposé of the Jewish role in the Bolshevik coup d’état was by Sir Winston Churchill, writing in the Illustrated Sunday Herald of 8 February 1920. Churchill wrote “With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of leading figures are Jews. Moreover the principal inspiration and the driving power comes from Jewish leaders.”

Communism was of course founded by Karl Marx whose grandfather was a rabbi by the name of Mordeccai. Marx was given his initial encouragement by a Communist-Zionist by the name of Moses Hess. As founder and editor of the Rheinische Zeitung, the main organ of leftist thought in Germany, he provided Karl Marx with his first important platform. Later, in Brussels, he collaborated with Marx on The German Ideology. It was Hess too who converted to Communism Friedrich Engels, the wealthy textiles magnate who later subsidised Marx from the profits of sweated labour in Britain and Germany.

When the Bolsheviks overthrew the short-lived democratic government in Moscow and St. Petersburg in October 1917, it was a virtual Jewish coup d’état. The most prominent Jewish Commissar was Trotsky, real name Bronstein. He had been married by a rabbi in 1900, and whilst in exile in New York he had worked for Novy Mir, described in the Church Times (23 January 1925) as a “Yiddish newspaper.”

The various reporters and diplomats who were there at the time of the “Revolution” have given evidence as to its Jewish nature.

The widow of the Guardian’s correspondent Mrs. Ariadna Tyrkova-Williams wrote: “In the Soviet Republic all the committees and commissaries were filled with Jews.”

The most detailed description of Jewish influence in the Bolshevik ‘revolution comes from Robert Wilton, the Russian correspondent of The Times. In 1920 he published a book in French, Les Derniers Jours des Romanofs, which gave the racial background of all the members of the Soviet government. (This does not appear in the later English translation, for some odd reason.) After the publication of this monumental work, Wilton was ostracised by the press, and he died in poverty in 1925.

He reported that the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party was made up as follows:


Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew

Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew

Lourie (Larine) Jew

Ouritski Jew

Volodarski Jew

Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) Jew

Smidovitch Jew

Sverdlof (Yankel) Jew

Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew

Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian

Krylenko Russian

Lounatcharski Russian

The Council of the People’s Commissars comprises the following:


President Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian

Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian

Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian

Agriculture Protian Armenian

Economic Council Lourie (Larine) Jew

Food Schlichter Jew

Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew

State Control Lander Jew

State Lands Kauffman Jew

Works V. Schmidt Jew

Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) Jewess

Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian

Religions Spitzberg Jew

Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew

Hygiene Anvelt Jew

Finance Isidore Goukovski Jew

Press Volodarski Jew

Elections Ouritski Jew

Justice I. Steinberg Jew

Refugees Fenigstein Jew

Refugees (assist.) Savitch Jew

Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski Jew

The following is the list of members of the Central Executive Committee:


Sverdlov (president) Jew

Avanessof (sec.) Armenian

Bruno Lett

Babtchinski Jew

Bukharin Russian

Weinberg Jew

Gailiss Jew

Ganzburg Jew

Danichevski Jew

Starck German

Sachs Jew

Scheinmann Jew

Erdling Jew

Landauer Jew

Linder Jew

Wolach Czech

Dimanstein Jew

Encukidze Georgian

Ermann Jew

Joffe Jew

Karkline Jew

Knigissen Jew

Rosenfeldt (Kamenef) Jew

Apfelbaum (Zinovief) Jew

Krylenko Russian

KrassikofSachs Jew

Kaprik Jew

Kaoul Lett

Ulyanov (lenin) Russian

Latsis Jew

Lander Jew

Lounatcharski Russian

Peterson Lett

Peters Lett

Roudzoutas Jew

Rosine Jew

Smidovitch Jew

Stoutchka Lett

Nakhamkes (Steklof) Jew

Sosnovski Jew

Skrytnik Jew

Bronstein (Trotsky) Jew

Teodorovitch Jew

Terian Armenian

Ouritski Jew

Telechkine Russian

Feldmann Jew

Froumkine Jew

Souriupa Ukranian

Tchavtchevadze Georgian

Scheikmann Jew

Rosental Jew

Achkinazi Imeretian

Karakhane Karaim (Jew)

Rose Jew

Sobelson (Radek) Jew

Sclichter Jew

Schikolini Jew

Chklianski Jew

Levine (Pravdine) Jew

The following is the list of members of the Extraordinary Commission of Moscow:


Dzerjinski (president) Pole

Peters (vice-president) Lett

Chklovski Jew

Kheifiss Jew

Zeistine Jew

Razmirovitch Jew

Kronberg Jew

Khaikina Jewess

Karlson Lett

Schaumann Jew

Leontovitch Jew

Jacob Goldine Jew

Glaperstein Jew

Kniggisen Jew

Latzis Lett

Schillenkuss Jew

Janson Lett

Rivkine Jew

Antonof Russian

Delafabre Jew

Tsitkine Jew

Roskirovitch Jew

G. Sverdlof Jew

Biesenski Jew

Blioumkine Jew

Alexandrevitch Russian

I. Model Jew

Routenberg Jew

Pines Jew

Sachs Jew

Daybol Lett

Saissoune Armenian

Deylkenen Lett

Liebert Jew

Vogel German

Zakiss Lett

Although Lenin is described as a “Russian,” in fact he was a mixture of various nationalities. It is likely that he was one-quarter Russian, one-quarter German, one-quarter Jewish and at least one-quarter Kalmuck (Mongol), which accounts for his Mongol appearance. Various authorities allege that his wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya was a Jewess and that her family spoke Yiddish in the home.

A report sent to the British government in 1918 by Mr. Oudendyke, the Dutch consul in St. Petersburg, said that “Bolshevism is organised and worked by Jews.” The report was included in a pamphlet published as a government White Paper in April 1919 entitled Russia No. 1 (1919) A Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia. However, the pamphlet was quickly withdrawn and reissued with various excisions and alterations made.

In the War Records Division of the United States National Archives there is filed a report from an American Intelligence operative in St. Petersburg. Under Record Group 20; Records of the American Expeditionary Forces Capt. Montgomery Schuyler, G2 Intelligence wrote:

“The Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning, guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type.”

Also in the U.S. National Archives are two telegrams sent by American diplomats in Russia. State Department document 861.00/1757 sent on 2 May 1918 by U.S. Consul Summers in Moscow relates:

“Jews predominant in local Soviet government, anti-Jewish feeling growing among population.”

Document 861.00/2205 from Consul Caldwell in Vladivostock on 5 July 1918 describes:

“Fifty per cent of Soviet government in each town consists of Jews of worst type.”

In January, 1924, Lenin died from causes variously described as ‘a heart attack,’ brain hemorrhage’ and ‘syphilis.’ His comrades immediately began fighting amongst themselves to see who was to become his successor.

A relative outsider, Joseph Stalin, came to the fore and purged all competition either by exiling or executing them. Since Stalin was not Jewish, yet nearly all his opponents were, it is often suggested that Stalin was anti-Semitic. This is far from the truth.

Stalin had three wives, all of them Jewesses. The first was Ekaterina Svanidze who bore him one son, Jacob. His second wife was Kadya Allevijah. She bore him a son Vassili and a daughter Svetlana. His second wife died in mysterious circumstances, either by committing suicide or murdered by Stalin. His third wife was Rosa Kaganovich, the sister of Lazar Kaganovich, the head of Soviet industry. Stalin’s daughter (who in 1967 fled to the USA) then married Lazar’s son Mihail i.e. her step-mother’s nephew. Svetlana Stalin had a total of four husbands, three of them Jewish.

Stalin’s vice-president Molotov was also married to a Jewess, whose brother, Sam Karp, runs an export business in Connecticut. Just to complicate things even more, the Molotov’s (half-Jewish) daughter also called Svetlana was engaged to be married to Stalin’s son Vassili.

After the death of Stalin, his successors kept up the tradition, for a report in the B’nai B’rith Messenger relates:

“To show that Russia treats its Jews well, Soviet Premier Nikita Kruschev this week remarked at a reception at the Polish Embassy that not only he himself and Soviet President Klementi Voroshilov, but also half the members of the Praesidium have Jewish wives. Mr. Kruschev made this remark to Israeli Ambassador Joseph Avidar, who was amongst the guests.”

(Kruschev’s wife was yet another Kaganovitch.)

According to a report in The Canadian Jewish News of 13 November 1964 the present Soviet boss Leonid Brezhnev is married to a Jewess, and his children are brought up as Jews. There are a number of prominent Jews in the Soviet government, including Dimitri Dymshits in charge of industry, Lev Shapiro regional secretary of Birobidjan, and Yuri Andropov in charge of the secret police, the KGB. In fact, every secret police chief in Soviet history has been a Jew, from the first Uritsky to the most recent, the murderous Beria. A Jew is also in charge of the Soviet economy – Leonid Kantorovich.

It is a well-known fact that the Bolsheviks were and are financed by Jewish interests in the West.

At a Bolshevik celebration rally in New York’s Carnegie Hall on the night of 23 March 1917, a telegram of support from Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. was read out. The telegram was reprinted in the next morning’s New York Times. Schiff later tried to deny his involvement, but thirty years later his grandson John admitted in the New York Journal-American (3 February 1949) that the old man had sunk twenty million dollars into the Bolshevik cause.

Another Western bankers who poured funds into Bolshevik Russia was Olaf Ashbergof the Stockholm Nia Banken. He remained the Soviets’ paymaster until the late 1940s. The London Evening Standard of 6 September 1948 reported a visit by Ashberg to Switzerland “for secret meetings with Swiss government officials and banking executives. Diplomatic circles describe Mr. Ashberg as the ‘Soviet banker’ who advanced large sums to Lenin and Trotsky in 1917. At the time of the revolution, Mr. Ashberg gave Trotsky money to form and equip the first unit of the Red Army.”

The Bolsheviks also received assistance from Armand Hammer, who still commutes back and forward between New York and Moscow to take care of his business interests in both communities. Hammer’s Occidental Oil Company is at the moment building a 1,600 mile chemicals pipeline in southern Russia. He is also on such good terms with the Soviets that he personally arranges for Soviet art galleries to lend paintings to America.

Another American-based businessman to help out the Soviet economy is Michael Fribourg, who owns the massive Continental Grain Company. Together with the Louis Dreyfus Corporation, these Jewish speculators were able to buy up vast quantities of cheap American grain in 1972, sell it to the Soviets at a vast profit, andcollect an export subsidy from the U.S. taxpayer.

In every other East European country, it is exactly the same story:

In Hungary a Communist revolution was staged in 1919, instigated by the Jew Bela Kun (Cohen). During the three month regime, the country was turned upside down in a reign of murder and terror. Here again, the government was composed almost entirely of Jews. And it was this factor which brought about the regime’s downfall, as the ordinary Hungarians detested Jewish dictatorship. Kun was deposed and fled to the Soviet Union, where he became chief of the secret police, the Cheka, in southern Russia.

It was not until 1945 that the Jews were able to regain control. Three Russian Jews were installed as the ruling triumvirate, Matyas Rakosi (Rosencranz), Erno Gero (Singer) and Zoltan Vas. Both Rakosi and Gero had been members of Kun’s bloody government.

In Germany, the Jews also tried to take over there in the chaos that followed the First World War. Aided by funds from the Soviet Ambassador Joffe, Rosa Luxemburg’sSpartacus Bund attempted to overthrow the government. The revolt was quelled and its leaders Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht executed.

The post-war dictator of Roumania, Anna Pauker, was the daughter of a Bucharest kosher butcher. For a time she earned her living teaching Hebrew. Her father and brother now live in Israel.

Although Tito was the only non-Jewish dictator behind the Iron Curtain in the late 1940s, he was tutored by the Jew Mosa Pijade. According to John Gunther in Behind the Iron Curtain, “He is Tito’s mentor… Whatever ideological structure Tito may have, he got it from the shrewd old man.”

Moscow’s puppet government in Czechoslovakia in the late 1940s was run by another Jew, Rudolph Slansky.

In Poland too, Jews occupied virtually every position of authority in the post-war Communist regime. Prominent among these were Minc, Skryesewski, Modzelewskiand Berman. Jacob Berman gradually eclipsed the others until he became supreme dictator by himself. Also, Gomulka’s wife was a Jewess.

Even in China, Soviet Jews were at work helping Mao Tse Tung. High up in the Political Department of the Red Army in China were W. N. Levitschev and J. B. Gamarnik.

From Let My People Go, Empirical Publications, Northern Ireland c. 1976. Authorship unknown.



Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Critical History of Jews in Russia – a Brief Comment from Ron Unz

” … given the overwhelmingly Jewish composition of the top leadership during much of (the revolutionary) period, it is hardly surprising that “anti-Semitism” was deemed a capital offense (in Russia).”

RI Staff Ron Unz Mon, Apr 1, 2019


Russia Insider Tip Jar – Keep truth alive!

This post first appeared on Russia Insider

This is an excerpt from a much longer article by Ron Unz originally entitled Oddities of the Jewish Religion, which we highly recommend.

We reproduce it here because there is so very little written about this important book, which debunks much of what was taught in the West in the 20th century about Russia.

Throughout most of my life, Nobel Laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn was generally regarded as the greatest Russian literary figure of our modern era, and after reading all of his works, including The First Circle, Cancer Ward, and The Gulag Archipelago, I certainly concurred with this assertion, and eagerly absorbed Michael Scammel’s brilliant thousand page biography.

Although Russian himself, many of his closest friends were Jewish, but during the 1980s and 1990s, whispers of his supposed anti-Semitism began floating around, probably because he had sometimes hinted at the very prominent role of Jews in both financing and leading the Bolshevik Revolution, and afterward staffing the NKVD and administering the Gulag labor camps.


As I roughly see it with neophyte knowledges coming from a autodidact agnostic born Protestant…

At first, everything we are is the past continuity(lol)

Abraham origins is Sanskrit from India… (Almost all European languages are Indo-Europeans) https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/59665/feast-your-eyes-beautiful-linguistic-family-tree

Torah was ordered to be written by Cyrus II to run his Judea Colony.

It’s the Canaanites religion adapted with Zoroastrian believes. Moses is obviously a Hammurabi Code anachronism ! King Salomon, David, and all the Smalah never existed, Jericho and all are fantasist fairy tales ….

Zionist nationalist myth of enforced exile Israel deliberately forgets its history https://mondediplo.com/2008/09/07israel https://www.haaretz.com/archaeology/MAGAZINE-is-the-bible-a-true-story-latest-archaeological-finds-yield-surprises-1.5626647

After 500 years evolution the Torah became obsolete and the Christianisme appears, 500 years later Muhammad did the Quran modernising the Torah and Bible to built an Empire reuniting all Semites Tribes. Some Surat were specially done for the Hebrew

NB: at the Cuneiform, Hieroglyph and Herodotus time, almost everything was written… It’s among the reasons for the Bagdad museum pilfering, and archeological sites hellish bombing by Israel/NATO !


It may also have something to do with evolution.

Argument Against the Out of Africa Theory: prisonplanets[]wordpress.com/2016/08/04/man-did-not-come-from-africa-debunking-the-ooa-theory/

Modern humans (homo sapiens, renamed to homo sapiens sapiens not too long ago) share some genetic lineage from prehistoric human species, such as the Homo neanderthalensis, Denisovans, and others. Whilst most modern humans possess anywhere between 1-5% neanderthal dna (Europeans possess 2% on average), Sub-Saharan Africans possess almost no neanderthal dna at all.

Archaic Admixture in Sub-Saharan Africans: youtu[]be/eeGyDDfoYKQ

Pygmies (or the Bantu) however possess 2% Homo erectus dna, partly explaining why countries throughout Sub-Saharan Africa possess lower average national IQ scores than any other country outside of Sub-Saharan Africa.


EU is part of US/UK/NATO for their European Colony, alike is the Pyromaniac-Fireman Gladio

Refugee tidal wave is a classical Machiavelli receipt on destabilisation purposes !

EU and Europe is the same organised confusion as saying Ashkenazi Khazars are semites to justify Middle East disgusting and Criminal colonisation ! All the Bolsheviks Jews horrors done is hidden by a Nazi smokescreen… ! “Vae Victis” (Bad luck to the losers) said Brennus in 390BC in-front Roma https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Allia

US like it or not, Europe is from Gibraltar to the Oural and Caucasus


There is some news about the human origins incertitudes, but it’s in French… ========================================== https://www.lesechos.fr/idees-debats/sciences-prospective/homo-sapiens-a-t-on-retrouve-le-jardin-deden-1148368#utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=re_8h-20191118

Homo sapiens : a-t-on retrouvé le « jardin d’Eden » ?

Une récente étude génétique prétend avoir localisé la patrie ancestrale de l’homme moderne : c’est dans l’actuel Botswana qu’aurait vécu, il y a 200.000 ans, l’ancêtre commun à tous les êtres humains actuels. Mais beaucoup de paléoanthropologues sont sceptiques.

Sciences & Prospectives

Vanessa Hayes apprenant à faire du feu avec un groupe de chasseurs-cueilleurs khoïsans. Les Khoïsans, qui parlent le « jul’hoan », s’appellent eux-mêmes les « jul’hoansi », ce qui signifie les « hommes vrais ».



Yann Verdo

Publié le 16 nov. 2019 à 14h00

Et si l’on avait retrouvé, grâce aux progrès de la génétique, le « jardin d’Eden », ce coin d’Afrique où aurait vécu, il y a bien, bien longtemps, l’ancêtre commun aux 7,55 milliards d’Homo sapiens foulant aujourd’hui la Terre ? C’est du moins ce qu’affirme une étude parue le 28 octobre dans la reine des revues scientifiques, « Nature » , et menée par une généticienne de l’université de Sydney, Vanessa Hayes.

L’analyse génétique conduit Vanessa Hayes et son équipe à désigner la région située au sud du bassin du fleuve Zambèze, dans le nord de l’actuel Botswana, comme le berceau de l’humanité, sa « patrie ancestrale ». C’est là que, il y a 200.000 ans, aurait vécu la petite communauté d’Homo sapiens dont nous serions tous issus. Cette région aux confins du Botswana et du Zimbabwe, depuis longtemps désertique, est toujours habitée par un peuple de chasseurs-cueilleurs, les Khoïsans, que Vanessa Hayes présente comme les héritiers directs de cette humanité primordiale. Si les Khoïsans sont restés fidèles à ce qu’ils étaient il y a 200.000 ans – le langage à clics dont ils font usage est l’un des plus anciens langages articulés connus -, le paysage autour d’eux a beaucoup évolué au cours de ces deux cents milliers d’années.

En combinant les données génétiques à la modélisation climatique, les signataires de l’étude choc de « Nature » nous expliquent en effet que ce que nous connaissons aujourd’hui comme étant le désert du Kalahari était, il y a 200.000 ans, une région humide et verdoyante. Elle abritait même un immense lac, deux fois grand comme le lac Victoria et aujourd’hui disparu, appelé Makgadikgadi. Les ancêtres des Khoïsans (et de nous tous) auraient vécu dans cette oasis de verdure, sans en bouger, pendant 70.000 ans, jusqu’en -130.000. A cette date, un changement de l’orbite terrestre aurait modifié les conditions climatiques. La pluviosité se serait accrue, ouvrant des « corridors verts » qui auraient permis à une partie des riverains de l’ancien lac Makgadikgadi de migrer – d’abord en direction du nord-est, puis vers le sud-ouest -, donnant ainsi le coup d’envoi à la fantastique expansion d’Homo sapiens sur toute la surface du globe. Les Khoïsans vivant aujourd’hui au Botswana seraient les descendants de ceux qui auraient choisi, il y a 130.000 ans, de rester dans leur ancestral havre de verdure.

Telle est, en peu de mots, la belle histoire racontée par Vanessa Hayes et ses cosignataires dans « Nature ». Pour écrire ce scénario, les auteurs de l’étude se sont appuyés sur l’ADN mitochondrial, ainsi dénommé car contenu non pas dans le noyau de la cellule (qui renferme les chromosomes porteurs de l’ADN nucléaire), mais à l’extérieur de celui-ci, dans ces petites centrales à énergie de la cellule que sont les mitochondries. Contrairement à l’ADN nucléaire, qui se recombine de génération en génération, l’ADN mitochondrial ne se transmet que par la mère. Mais, s’il ne se recombine pas et est donc transmis d’un bloc de la mère à ses enfants, il n’en est pas moins soumis aux mutations aléatoires qui affectent tout matériel génétique et qui s’accumulent au fil du temps. L’étude de ces mutations permet aux généticiens de distinguer et de dater, au sein de l’ADN mitochondrial, différentes lignées, apparues à des époques plus ou moins reculées et identifiées par une lettre et un chiffre. C’est en suivant la piste indiquée par la plus ancienne de ces lignées, dite « L0 », que les auteurs de l’étude ont pu remonter jusqu’à la patrie ancestrale, terre d’accueil de celle que l’on désigne parfois sous le nom d’« Eve mitochondriale » : la seule femme à laquelle nous relierait génétiquement une chaîne ininterrompue de filles jusqu’à la génération présente. Notre aïeule à tous, en somme.

Horloge moléculaire

Une histoire un peu trop belle pour être vraie ? C’est ce que pensent beaucoup de paléoanthropologues. Et ils ne manquent pas d’arguments pour démonter la publication de « Nature ». Sa première limite, et elle est de taille, tient à ce que les auteurs ne se sont intéressés qu’à l’ADN mitochondrial, qui ne représente qu’une infime partie de notre patrimoine génétique (il ne compte que 16.000 paires de bases, contre 3,5 milliards pour l’ADN nucléaire) et qui a la particularité de ne se transmettre que par les mères. « Pour reconstituer l’histoire d’une population à partir des données génétiques, comme les auteurs de l’étude prétendent le faire, il faut prendre en compte la totalité du génome, pas le seul ADN mitochondrial », souligne, agacé, Jean-Jacques Hublin, directeur du département Evolution de l’homme de l’Institut Max-Planck d’anthropologie évolutionniste à Leipzig et professeur au Collège de France. Pour cet éminent paléoanthropologue, l’ADN mitochondrial ne peut donner qu’une vue très parcellaire du tableau des migrations humaines depuis l’apparition d’Homo sapiens, voire nous induire complètement en erreur. Etablir que la fameuse lignée L0 se trouve aujourd’hui chez les Khoïsans vivant au nord du Botswana est une chose ; en inférer que cette région est le berceau de l’humanité en est une tout autre, totalement infondée à ses yeux.

Même réserve chez son collègue du Museum national d’histoire naturelle (et chroniqueur régulier aux « Echos »), Antoine Balzeau. Pour établir leur scénario, les auteurs de l’étude ont rapproché des datations obtenues par deux voies différentes : celles, relativement fiables, fournies par la modélisation climatique ; et celles, beaucoup plus sujettes à caution, calculées à partir de ce que les généticiens appellent l’horloge moléculaire. L’idée à la base de cette méthode est que, les mutations génétiques se produisant à un taux relativement constant au fil du temps, leur accumulation permet de mesurer des durées et dater des événements dans la vie d’une espèce : pour prendre un exemple fourni par Vanessa Hayes elle-même, chaque fois qu’une migration intervient, c’est enregistré dans notre ADN et il est possible d’en retrouver la date. « Le problème, résume Antoine Balzeau, c’est que les calculs d’horloge moléculaire reposent sur des paramètres (taux de mutation, taille de la population, taux de fertilité, etc.) dont les valeurs sont incertaines. Selon les valeurs choisies, la date peut varier de plusieurs dizaines de milliers d’années. » Est-ce alors un hasard si l’analyse de l’ADN mitochondrial indique que les ancêtres des Khoïsans ont quitté le nord du Botswana il y a 130.000 ans, soit précisément au moment où les modèles climatiques de la région montrent que celle-ci a connu un changement de sa pluviosité ?

Plus fondamentalement, il semble que l’étude de Vanessa Hayes aille à contre-courant de la tendance prévalant actuellement en paléoanthropologie. Pour les chercheurs de fossiles, l’heure n’est plus tellement à la croyance en un Homo sapiens qui serait apparu en une seule région d’Afrique à une date donnée (lire ci-dessous). Non seulement se montrent-ils sceptiques quand on leur annonce avoir trouvé le jardin d’Eden, mais ils ne sont plus bien sûrs que ce jardin d’Eden a existé !

« Plutôt qu’un modèle du type jardin d’Eden, on privilégie aujourd’hui un modèle plus complexe, polycentrique », explique Jean-Jacques Hublin, du Collège de France. Le paléoanthropologue s’est fait connaître du grand public en 2017, quand il a montré que les restes d’Homo sapiens primitifs découverts dans le site de Jebel Irhoud, au Maroc, étaient datés de 300.000 ans, faisant d’un coup reculer de 100.000 l’origine de notre espèce. Jusque-là, les plus anciens fossiles d’Homo sapiens connus, datant de moins de 200.000 ans, avaient été découverts en Ethiopie, et une majorité de spécialistes considérait donc l’Afrique de l’est comme le berceau de l’humanité. « Mais, quand nous avons publié notre papier dans ‘Nature’ en 2017, nous n’avons pas cherché à mettre le Maroc en avant, au détriment de l’Afrique de l’est, se souvient Jean-Jacques Hublin. Nous avons volontairement choisi de parler, dans le titre de la publication, de ‘l’origine panafricaine d’Homo sapiens’. Depuis 300.000 ans au moins, Homo sapiens a existé en différents points d’Afrique, ces populations étant, au gré des variations climatiques, tantôt séparées et évoluant alors chacune de son côté, tantôt mises en relation et échangeant alors des gènes et des innovations. » Depuis, ce modèle polycentrique a été très étudié. Le 25 septembre dernier,

une étude parue dans « Nature Ecology & Evolution »

proposait d’appréhender notre passé évolutif comme le résultat de changements dynamiques dans la connectivité, ou flux de gènes, entre des populations humaines dispersées sur l’ensemble du continent africain.

Les plus anciens fossiles d’Homo sapiens connus

– Jebel Irhoud (Maroc). Datés en 2017 de 300.000 ans.

– Omo Kibish (Ethiopie). Découverts en 1967 par le paléoanthropologue kényan Richard Leakey, ils sont aujourd’hui datés de 195.000 ans.

– Herto (Ethiopie). Datés de 160.000 ans.


Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa, scientists find:



Your article is from 22 MAY 2017 !

The one I send to you in French is up today, 16 nov. 2019 but full of incertitudes, still written by top specialists.

I do believe should be patient and wait for new discoveries and keep the question open….


The one you sent was about homo-sapiens being 200,000 years old from east Africa, the one I sent about the very first pre-human from 7.4 million years ago compared to the previous oldest known one from 2 million years ago.

Carbon dating is less accurate in hot climates compared to milder ones.



As for whether the Garden of Eden ever existed in the first place, there are plenty of deserts throughout the world that were once lush forests and grasslands.


Still if there is one truth

in the Torah, Bible, Quran and medias it’s a Miracle !

Continental drift, climate and Earth axe changes is something else !


Good evening Zarathustra, if you didn’t know it already, this is for you !


DNA reveals early mating between Asian herders and European farmers

The finding might rewrite the origins and spread of key cultural innovations and languages

ancient grave

FIRST STEPPES Yamnaya herders from western Asia, four of whom are buried in this grave, started mating with European farmers hundreds of years before launching a major migration into Europe, new DNA evidence indicates.


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By Bruce Bower

FEBRUARY 8, 2019 AT 7:00 AM

Hundreds of years before changing the genetic face of Bronze Age Europeans, herders based in western Asia’s steppe grasslands were already mingling and occasionally mating with nearby farmers in southeastern Europe.

That surprising finding, published online February 4 in Nature Communications, raises novel questions about a pivotal time when widespread foraging and farming populations interacted in Eurasia’s Caucasus region. Those exchanges presumably sparked the geographic spread of metalworking, the wheel and wagon, and Indo-European languages still spoken in much of the world.

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Archaeologists have often assumed that, as early as around 5,600 years ago, Caucasus farmers known as the Maykop migrated north in big numbers, bringing metalworking and early Indo-European tongues to herders who roamed grasslands on the edge of the region. In that scenario, this cultural exchange led steppe herders to develop a horse-and-wagon lifestyle that the nomads later transported to Europe and Asia, along with Indo-European languages, starting about 5,000 years ago (SN: 11/25/17, p. 16). Researchers call those mobile herders Yamnaya people.

Genetic ties

An ancient DNA analysis unexpectedly found signs of mating more than 5,000 years ago between western Asian Yamnaya herders and European farmers, possibly from the Globular Amphora Culture. In another surprise, Maykop farmers thought by many researchers to have dramatically influenced Yamnaya culture left no genetic mark on the herders. The dotted lines represent the suspected spheres of influence exercised by the Globular Amphora Culture and the Maykop people in Yamnaya territory.

The possible intersection of three ancient cultures more than 5,000 years ago


But in an unexpected twist, Yamnaya DNA shows signs of a shared ancestry only with eastern European farmers, not the Maykop people. The genetic analysis, led by population geneticist Chuan-Chao Wang of Xiamen University in China and molecular anthropologist Wolfgang Haak of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, Germany, provides the best look to date at Yamnaya herders’ genetic history.

The scientists analyzed sets of inherited alterations in the DNA of 45 individuals, including four Yamnaya and 12 Maykop, excavated from Caucasus and steppe graves dating to between 6,500 and 3,500 years ago. Comparisons were made to previously extracted DNA from other ancient Europeans, Asians and Native Americans.

A majority of Yamnaya ancestry came from Caucasus-based hunter-gatherers and a minority of Yamnaya ancestry — between 10 and 18 percent — was inherited from eastern European farmers, the scientists estimate. Those farmers may have belonged to Europe’s more than 5,000-year-old Globular Amphora Culture, named for its globe-shaped pottery.

These results indicate that, well before Yamnaya herders made a big-time move to Europe, “there was a sphere of interaction in eastern Europe between people of otherwise very different genetic backgrounds,” Haak says.

Maykop people, on the other hand, inherited about half of their DNA from Anatolian farmers, who inhabited what’s now Turkey, Haak and his colleagues report. That finding further underscores the genetic separation of Maykop farmers from Yamnaya herders, who don’t share any DNA with Anatolian cultivators.

PEAK DIVIDE Surprisingly, Maykop farmers of the mountainous Caucasus region, shown here, left virtually no genetic mark on Yamnaya herders to the north, researchers say.


Evidence of scant mating between hill-dwelling Maykop farmers and steppe-dwelling Yamnaya herders is “a big surprise,” says archaeologist Volker Heyd of the University of Helsinki, who did not participate in the study. Eastern Europe’s Globular Amphora Culture looks like a good candidate for having mated to some extent with Yamnaya people more than 5,000 years ago, Heyd adds.

Migrations of some Maykop into Yamnaya territory, accompanied by the transfer of knowledge and language, still happened, Wang’s team suspects. Occasional migrations north through the Caucasus to Yamnaya grasslands fits a scenario in which the ancient homeland of Indo-European language lay among Anatolian farmers, the researchers speculate. If they’re right, they have resolved one of the thorniest issues in the study of languages. But the long-debated origins of Indo-European tongues remain uncertain.

Maykop people excavated in Yamnaya territory came from a small, isolated population that shows no signs of herder ancestry, contends archaeologist David Anthony of Hartwick College in Oneonta, N.Y. “It just emphasizes that Maykop people chose not to mate with Yamnaya or pre-Yamnaya people.”

Without regular marriages across the two cultures, Maykop people would not have transferred their language to the Yamnaya, Anthony contends. He considers it likely that Indo-European precursor languages originated among steppe herders.

Questions or comments on this article? E-mail us at feedback@sciencenews.org


C.-C. Wang et al. Ancient human genome-wide data from a 3000-year interval in the Caucasus corresponds with eco-geographic regions. Nature Communications. Published online February 4, 2019. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-08220-8.

Bruce Bower

About Bruce Bower




This article regurgitates so many vitriol lies originally devised by Critical Theory, that to call it annoying is an understatement. Completely ignores the devastating impact that Christianity and other Abrahamic religions had upon Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, among other places; as well as the various accomplishments of the Greco-Roman world, or the fact that places which succumbed to Islamic invasion achieved very little under that religion.

Most civilizational achievements originates from Indo-Europeans and there is an abundance of evidence to support it. Unfortunately, there are far too many people on this earth who care more about their feelings and egos than objective reality.

For example: https://prnt.sc/p6luyr

Profs: Scientific Objectivity Reinforces ‘Whiteness’http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=58130

Charles Homer

Here is an interesting look at how the United States plans to win a nuclear exchange:


Our only hope is that saner heads prevail and that Washington steps back from the brink of a war that no one will win and that few could survive despite its beliefs to the contrary.

Tommy Jensen

General Dunford has already said we would win but it would take time. Its not done over night but it can be done. If we wanna save America and our freedom values we have to look on all possibilities………LOL.

Tudor Miron

Karaganov is a joke. He was a “trending” talking head during eltsin’s “democratisation” times. About people like him I always wonder – are they really that naive or do they hope that others are (to buy their BS)? He’s using actual facts historical facts but it gets him to some very shallow conclusions. Deliberately? I don’t know.


Tudor, any views on the Kolomoysky proposal for new pact?

Tudor Miron

Zelensky is his clown. Those who stand behind Trump (don’t mix them with “country level” US establishment that is trying to remove Trump and to double down on usual American policy.) are ready to give Ukraine back to Russia. So that snake Kolomoysky understand that US “locals” will inevitably (sooner or later) loose to their actual employer and is choosing the stronger side. He is doing two things – showing those mentioned above that he deserves their support and keeps working Overton windows – preparing Ukrainian public for inevitable change of direction of politics. Kolomoysky is nobody. Even in Dnepropetrovsk’s chabad he was subordinary to their higher rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky. Who in turn is closer to that level of zio gang that were financing Hitler to murder their own sheeple. At the same time, the law allowing to sell Ukrainian farm land to foreigners passed first reading in Rada. It’s a long and dirty process and very multidimensional. Kolomoysky hates Russia with all his… that lump of snakes that he carry where humans have hearts :) Global level elites have written Israel off long time ago, they are already late on schedule (Remember Kissinger’s words that by 2019 Israel would not exist anymore). Rumors are that those that they will consider as still useful will be moved to Ukraine, the rest they will sacrify as they always did in the course of history (remember – ordinary Jews are nothing other than a tool – willing idiots poisoned with Talmud and Old Testament). To describe all the aspects of their plans is a long story. To put it short – Russia is a wild card. Things didn’t go to their plan and Russia is still here and they desperately need it to stabilize things in the world. At the same Russian civilization is an existential threat to them. They hope to use it as stabilizing factor now and later when Putin is gone they hope that it will fall in their hands (ruzionic elites are ready). But things don’t go to their plan more often than not lately :) There’s still hope for Humanity.


Zelensky the comedian… Reminds me of Ronald Reagan the actor.

Karen Bartlett

Very informative report. Thank God for Russia!

Tudor Miron

Karen, I share your sentiments but this article is very shallow to say the list.

Karen Bartlett

Well, being fairly uninformed, I wouldn’t know. When I was a young mother, I wasn’t interested in this sort of thing- too busy- and now I’m trying to become informed. Thank you for your comment and for the comments you made below. I don’t know a lot of the names or the history, but I support the efforts of Russia now to promote peace. I only wish the US was as concerned with the lives of innocent civilians as is Russia and other sane people.


This article regurgitates so many vitriol lies originally devised by Critical Theory; to call it annoying is an understatement, it helps to keep the goyim in conflict with each other to distract them from the (((real enemyy))). The article ompletely ignores the devastating impact that Christianity and other Abrahamic religions had upon Europe and the near-east throughout the Middle Ages and Renaissance. And what about the various accomplishments of the Greco-Roman world? Or the fact that despite the spread of Islam by the sword and the vast amounts of manpower and resources they took control over, they still achieved considerably less than their pagan adversaries

Most civilizational advancement occurred under Indo-European civilizations, there is an abundance of evidence to support it.

For example: prnt[]sc/p6luyr

The Bronze Age / Ancient History Documentary: youtu[]be/s_OFqGuLc7s?t=865

Anthropology, Ancient History, and Spirituality: youtube[]com/watch?v=YKLygT3H9oI

Profs: Scientific Objectivity Reinforces ‘Whiteness’: informationliberation[]com/?id=58130

Cultural Marxism: bitchute[]com/video/C9V1PlQIyHxl/

Critical Theory: threadreaderapp[]com/thread/1185286151910805504[]html

Culture of Critique: archive[]org/details/CultureOfCritiqueForNormiesPartIIIJewsAndTheLeft_201803


“Here is how “Critical Theory” works…

1. Make false claims or misrepresentations about something.

2. Apply falsehoods in propaganda to stigmatize target (person, idea, identity, etc.).

3. Use stigmatization to delegitimize.

That’s about it.”


[15. This assault was executed via Critical Theory – a method of criticism designed to corrupt the perception of Western values, traditions, and institutions. The more people who perceive these things as oppressive, the more foot soldiers Jews had in their war against the West.

17. This a priori characterization of White majorities as “oppressors” and non-White minorities as “oppressed” is simply an evolution of Marxism, except the bourgeoisie were re-cast as “privileged” White people and the proletariat was re-cast as non-White minorities.

18. Whites were re-cast as the apex oppressors because they are the pillars of these “oppressive” structures and have historically posed the biggest threat to Jewish prosperity. The Frankfurt School was conceived to respond to Fascism, which was also promulgated by Whites.

19. But this transcends race; any traditional element of White society is now oppressive: heterosexuality, Christianity, etc. Even within the White class, men are depicted as oppressive to women. All of this creates revolutionary energy by stoking antagonisms between classes.

22. The Jewish media is now compelling people to sublimate with the “woke” movement. People are encouraged to be part of an oppressed class, and every minority class, whether they are transgender or gay, is directed to attack their prescribed oppressors and system of oppression.

23. This has essentially programmed minorities to see their failures as a consequence of oppression, and the only way they can emancipate themselves from failure, is to emancipate themselves from their oppressors. This is not a system of equality, it’s a system of vengeance.

24. Jews are dangling a phantom “equality” carrot in front of “oppressed” classes, completely censoring anything counter-narrative like affirmative action, biased college admissions, etc. According to Cultural Marxism, tolerating dissent is “repressive” and should be censored.

25. Incidentally, Repressive Tolerance & Desublimation are theories of Marcuse. Marcuse was so impactful, he’s considered the father of the New Left social movement which was responsible for the protests of 1968 & catalyzed the Civil Rights, Black Power, Chicano, & gay movements.

26. Some may say Jews aren’t using Cultural Marxism to bring the West to its knees, but if they’re not chasing Cultural Marxism in name, they’re chasing it in spirit. Whether they’re conscious of this is irrelevant; the outcome is the same: subjugation of the White majority]


A cunning country like the United States cannot be left too strong without a competing power. What they did after the Soviet collapse in the early 90s is quite a lesson. They broke the promise not to expand their power to the east. For balance, the world needs a country strong enough to stop the unpredictable US / NATO move. At least a power that can make the US / NATO think twice before imposing their point of view on other countries. I mean, just look at what they have been doing for almost two decades, regime change, violating international law and so on…..


cunning hehehe -where does that come from – no cunningness in that country whatsoever.

Toronto Tonto

More BS Russia wont be a part of the big picture just like they are now .


This article regurgitates vitriol some lies devised by Critical Theory; to call it annoying is an understatement. Completely ignores the devastating impact that Christianity and other Abrahamic religions throughout the Middle Ages.

Most civilizational advancement occurred under Indo-European civilizations, and there is an abundance of evidence to support it.

For example: prnt[]sc/p6luyr

Nordic Bronze Age: youtu[]be/s_OFqGuLc7s?t=865

Anthropology, Ancient History, and Spirituality: youtube[]com/watch?v=YKLygT3H9oI

Profs: Scientific Objectivity Reinforces ‘Whiteness’:informationliberation[]com/?id=58130

Cultural Marxism: bitchute[]com/video/C9V1PlQIyHxl/

Critical Theory: threadreaderapp[]com/thread/1185286151910805504[]html

Culture of Critique: archive[]org/details/CultureOfCritiqueForNormiesPartIIIJewsAndTheLeft_201803


The identity of the Scythians and other Indo-Europeans tribes of Europe: youtu[]be/IAPc6qY_NsE?t=2443

Aryan Invasion of India: Myth or Reality?: youtu[]be/XSVZB3zJ35I?t=31

“Here is how “Critical Theory” works…

1. Make false claims or misrepresentations about something.

2. Apply falsehoods in propaganda to stigmatize target (person, idea, identity, etc.).

3. Use stigmatization to delegitimize.

That’s about it.”


[13. The Jews at the Frankfurt School set out to increase revolutionary potential by galvanizing more than just the economically oppressed; they sought to unite every oppressed class to bring about human emancipation. What was the target? Western society.

14. Western society has historically been oppressive to Jews, stifling their Judaic rituals and sexual proclivities. Since Jews refused to assimilate, they recruited an army to force the West to assimilate to Jewish values. Thus, Jews were the biggest beneficiaries of this effort

15. This assault was executed via Critical Theory – a method of criticism designed to corrupt the perception of Western values, traditions, and institutions. The more people who perceive these things as oppressive, the more foot soldiers Jews had in their war against the West.

17. This a priori characterization of White majorities as “oppressors” and non-White minorities as “oppressed” is simply an evolution of Marxism,except the bourgeoisie were re-cast as “privileged” White people and the proletariat was re-cast as non-White minorities.

18. Whites were re-cast as the apex oppressors because they are the pillars of these

“oppressive” structures and have historically posed the biggest threat to Jewish prosperity. The Frankfurt School was conceived to respond to Fascism, which was also promulgated by Whites.

19. But this transcends race; any traditional element of White society is now oppressive: heterosexuality, Christianity, etc. Even within the White class, men are depicted as oppressive to women. All of this creates revolutionary energy by stoking antagonisms between classes.

22. The Jewish media is now compelling people to sublimate with the “woke” movement. People are encouraged to be part of an oppressed class, and every minority class, whether they are transgender or gay, is directed to attack their prescribed oppressors and system of oppression.

23. This has essentially programmed minorities to see their failures as a consequence of oppression, and the only way they can emancipate themselves from failure, is to emancipate themselves from their oppressors. This is not a system of equality, it’s a system of vengeance.

24. Jews are dangling a phantom “equality” carrot in front of “oppressed” classes, completely censoring anything counter-narrative like affirmative action, biased college admissions, etc. According to Cultural Marxism, tolerating dissent is “repressive” and should be censored.

25. Incidentally, Repressive Tolerance & Desublimation are theories of Marcuse. Marcuse was so impactful, he’s considered the father of the New Left social movement which was responsible for the protests of 1968 & catalyzed the Civil Rights, Black Power, Chicano, & gay movements.

26. Some may say Jews aren’t using Cultural Marxism to bring the West to its knees, but if

they’re not chasing Cultural Marxism in name, they’re chasing it in spirit. Whether they’re conscious of this is irrelevant; the outcome is the same: subjugation of the White majority]


Karl Marx and Josef Engels privately held racist views.

What They Never Told You About Karl Marx: bitchute[]com/video/mTbFOUtUD49K/

– Sources in the video description.


The identity of the Scythians and other Indo-Europeans tribes of Europe: youtu[]be/IAPc6qY_NsE?t=2443

Aryan Invasion of India: Myth or Reality?: youtu[]be/XSVZB3zJ35I?t=31

“Here is how “Critical Theory” works…

1. Make false claims or misrepresentations about something.

2. Apply falsehoods in propaganda to stigmatize target (person, idea, identity, etc.).

3. Use stigmatization to delegitimize.

That’s about it.”



[13. The Jews at the Frankfurt School set out to increase revolutionary potential by galvanizing more than just the economically oppressed; they sought to unite every oppressed class to bring about human emancipation. What was the target? Western society.

14. Western society has historically been oppressive to Jews, stifling their Judaic rituals and sexual proclivities. Since Jews refused to assimilate, they recruited an army to force the West to assimilate to Jewish values. Thus, Jews were the biggest beneficiaries of this effort

15. This assault was executed via Critical Theory – a method of criticism designed to corrupt the perception of Western values, traditions, and institutions. The more people who perceive these things as oppressive, the more foot soldiers Jews had in their war against the West.

17. This a priori characterization of White majorities as “oppressors” and non-White minorities as “oppressed” is simply an evolution of Marxism,except the bourgeoisie were re-cast as “privileged” White people and the proletariat was re-cast as non-White minorities.

18. Whites were re-cast as the apex oppressors because they are the pillars of these “oppressive” structures and have historically posed the biggest threat to Jewish prosperity. The Frankfurt School was conceived to respond to Fascism, which was also promulgated by Whites.

19. But this transcends race; any traditional element of White society is now oppressive: heterosexuality, Christianity, etc. Even within the White class, men are depicted as oppressive to women. All of this creates revolutionary energy by stoking antagonisms between classes.


22. The Jewish media is now compelling people to sublimate with the “woke” movement. People are encouraged to be part of an oppressed class and every minority class, whether they are transgender or gay, is directed to attack their prescribed oppressors and system of oppression.

23. This has essentially programmed minorities to see their failures as a consequence of oppression, and the only way they can emancipate themselves from failure, is to emancipate themselves from their oppressors. This is not a system of equality, it’s a system of vengeance.

24. Jews are dangling a phantom “equality” carrot in front of “oppressed” classes, completely censoring anything counter-narrative like affirmative action, biased college admissions, etc. According to Cultural Marxism, tolerating dissent is “repressive” and should be censored.

25. Incidentally, Repressive Tolerance & Desublimation are theories of Marcuse. Marcuse was so impactful, he’s considered the father of the New Left social movement which was responsible for the protests of 1968 & catalyzed the Civil Rights, Black Power, Chicano, & gay movements.

26. Some may say Jews aren’t using Cultural Marxism to bring the West to its knees, but they’re not chasing Cultural Marxism in name, they’re chasing it in spirit. Whether they’re conscious of this is irrelevant; the outcome is the same: subjugation of the White majority]

Tommy Jensen

Macron, the rights of France and “major EU countries rights” is a fart in our pants…………..LOL. We gave you Internet, the Cheeseburger, helped Europe against the Nazis, gave Europe QE to survive their unemployment, trained EU countries in medium nukes, and sold you freedom gas on ship for energy. Europe is on our payroll and you owe USA………puta……….and you know that we know that you know it.

The only thing now who can save Europe is to use those middle range nukes we sold in Europe to Nato and trained Europeans to use in a future tough confrontation with Russia. When Europe and Russia have been fighting some years, we will arrive in Normandie again..…….LOL.


Reality check: the Russian economy is about 1/12 of the US economy and about 1/8 of China The Russian economy is smaller than Italy, smaller than Canada, smaller than Brazil The Russian economy is sick, its population is shrinking, Russia lost its academic and scientific advantage, and is now a resource mining based economy like Saudi Arabia Russia is a midget with grandeur delusions Russia still has an effective army and a nuclear arsenal, but with such an economy they will be nothing more than a pile of rust in two decades

Kitchen layout

How’s about a Soviet Reunion, but with neo-czarisn?

Jens Holm

I dont read all that babling non sense.

Jens Holm

No wonder there are so many stupid people in the world.

The loosers of coruse are those, which insist in remaining stupid. Most muslims at thiese sites not even are able top read their own Choran, so how can they understand what make others parts of the world strong.

I You want to waste Your time, then read below.

Jens Holm

Some here even mention its about brainseize and dx pollution. Well, if You hardly dont use it and its programs, it doesnt matter if its big or not.

Almost all here are anti-optimisers only making excuses because they and their aqauintes onost in knowing nothing. Its very visible they not even are learned to learn and bythat are defatists of the worst kind.


Russia has saved Syria We died with You.

Nigel Maund

The Russians have made great strides forward under Putin and they must be congratulated for that. They must have learned the lesson by now that the so called “West” cannot be trusted – EVER!! Beware of their Siren Songs as treachery lies at shallow depth below the skin deep platitudes. Macron cannot be trusted and he’s proven that time and again. Merkel is the same as is the UK’s Johnson. These politicians are puppets of the Globalists who control and own the West. The actions of these Globalist Elites are what matters as the political class is valueless!! The Globalists will do anything to gain World Domination as they have 0% moral compass and decietful, treacherous and duplicitous in the extreme!….. Russia tread carefully!



Bolivia – A Color Revolution – or a New Surge for Latin American Independence?

By Peter Koenig

Global Research, November 17, 2019

Region: Latin America & Caribbean

Theme: Police State & Civil Rights, US NATO War Agenda

Like Túpac Katari, indigenous Aymara leader more than 200 years ago, confronting the Spaniards, Evo Morales was betrayed and ‘dismembered’ by his own people, recruited and paid by the agents of the most destructive, nefarious and murderous dark elite that governs and has governed for over two hundred years our planet, the United States of America. With their worthless fiat-Ponzi-pyramid money, the made-out-of-thin-air US dollar, they create poverty throughout the globe, then buy off the weak and poor to plot against the very leaders that have worked for years to improve their social conditions.

It’s become a classic. It’s being called a Color Revolution, and it’s been taking place on all Continents. The list of victim-countries includes, but is not exhaustive – Colombia, Honduras, Argentina, Paraguay, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil, in some ways also Uruguay (the current left-leaning government is powerless and has to remain so, otherwise it will be “changed”… that’s the name of the game) – and now also Bolivia. – Then there are Georgia, Ukraine, Iraq, South Sudan, Libya, Afghanistan, Indonesia; and the lawless rulers of the universe are attempting to “regime change” North Korea, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua – and on a larger scale China and Russia (I just returned from China – where the Government and people are fully aware what Washington’s intentions are behind every move they make).

In Africa, Africom, the US military Africa Command, buys off almost every corrupt African leader put in place by Africa’s former and new European colonialists, so they may continue sucking the riches out of Africa. These African leaders backed by Africom keep the African population in check, so they will not stand up. In case they won’t quite manage, “they” created the fear-squad called, Boko Haram, an off-spring of ISIS / IS – the Islamic State, created by the same creator, the CIA, Pentagon and NATO. The latter represents the European US-puppet allies; they keep raping Africa and reaping the benefits of her plentiful natural resources, and foremost, make sure that Africans stay subdued and quiet. Those who don’t may easily be “disappeared”. It’s Arica. But, have “they” noticed, Africa is moving, is gradually waking up?

And yes, not to forget, the “developed” and industrialized Europe, where sophisticated “regime change” over the years has subdued a largely well-off population, numbed and made apathetic by endless pro-capitalist propaganda and consumerism – Germany, UK, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, France, Italy, Spain – look what they have done to Greece! – Greece has become a red-flag warning for every EU nation that may dare to step out of US-dictated lockstep, of what might happen to them.

The list goes on with Eastern European EU countries, mostly former Soviet republics or Soviet satellites. They are EU members thanks to the UK, Washington’s mole in the EU, or as I like to call it – the European non-union – no Constitution, no solidarity, no common vision. They are all fiercely anti-Russia and most are also anti-Europe, but are made to – and love to eat and drink from the bowl of the EU-handouts, compliments of EU taxpayers. That’s about the state of the affairs we are in. There is, of course, much more coercion going on, but you get the picture. US interference is endless, merciless, reckless, without scruples and deadly.

Bolivia is just the latest victim. The process of Color Revolution is always more or less the same – a long preparation period. The coup d’état against Evo has been under preparation for years. It began already before Evo was first elected, when Washington realized that after the Bolivian people’s purging of two of Washington’s imposed “stooges” Presidents, in 2003 and 2005, Bolivia needed a respite. But the empire never gives up. That is a golden rule written in their unofficial Constitution, the PNAC (Plan for a New American Century), the writing of which has begun just after WWII, is regularly adjusted and updated, even name-changed (from Pax Americana to PNAC), but is still very much alive and ticking.

The coup against Evo Morales’ Government is not only because Washington does not tolerate any socialist government, and least in its “backyard”, but also – and maybe foremost – because of Bolivia’s riches in natural resources, gas, oil, a long list of minerals and metals – and lithium, the use of which is expected to triple over the next ten years, as it is used in electric cars and batteries. And as we know from the rapidly growing Green Movement, the future is out of hydrocarbon-driven into electric cars. No matter how the electricity is produced and how much environmental damage is done in producing the new flag, but still individual ‘mobility’. As neoliberal economists would say, “that’s just an externality”.

The first of the two US-imposed Presidents at the turn of the century, was Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, also called “Goni”, who privatized Bolivia’s rich hydrocarbon resources to foreign, mostly US, petro-corporations for a pittance. He was “elected” in 2002 against the indigenous, Aymara candidate, Evo Morales. When Goni was disposed of in a bloody people’s coup (about 60 dead) in 2003, he was replaced by his Vice-President, Carlos Mesa, the very key opponent of Evo’s, in the 20 October 2019 elections – who, following the same line of Goni’s privatization policies, was also overthrown by the Bolivian people in 2005. This led to a new election late in 2005 – and that’s when Evo finally won by a landslide and started his Presidency in January 2006.

Bolivia: The OAS and US Help Overthrow Another Latin American Government

What he has achieved in his almost 14 years of Presidency is just remarkable – more than significant reductions of poverty, unemployment, analphabetism, increase in health indicators, in national reserves, in minimum wages, pension benefits, affordable housing – in general wellbeing, or as Evo calls it, “living well”.

That’s when Washington decided to step back for a while – and regroup, to hit again in an appropriate moment. This moment was the election three weeks ago. Preparation for the coup intensified a few months before, when Bolivia’s Vice-President, Álvaro Marcelo García Linera, told the media that every day there were reports that US Embassy agents were interfering in the country’s internal and local affairs.

The manipulated election in 2002 is recorded in an outstanding film, “Our Brand is Crisis”, a 2005 American documentary by Rachel Boynton on American political campaign marketing tactics in Bolivia by Greenberg Carville Shrum (GCS) – James Carville was previously President Clinton’s personal assistant – the documentary.

Then, like today, the coup was orchestrated by the CIA via the “legitimate” body of the Organization of American States (OAS). The US Ambassador to the OAS openly boasts paying 60% of OAS’ budget – “so, better don’t mess with us”.

Less than a week before the October 20 election, Carlos Mesa was trailing Evo Morales with 22 against 38 points. Under normal circumstances it’s is virtually impossible that in a few days a candidate picks up that much of a difference. The election result was Mesa 37% and Morales 47% which would give Morales a first-round win, as the winning candidate needs a margin of ten points. However, already before the final tally was in, the OAS, the US and the usual puppets, the European Union, complained about election ‘irregularities’ – when the only irregularities were manufactured in the first place, namely the drastic increase in Mesa’s percentage from 22 to 37 points.

Evo declared himself the winner on 20 October, followed immediately by violent anti-Evo riots throughout the country, but mostly in the oil-rich Santa Cruz area – home of Bolivia’s oligarchs and elite. The protests lasted for about three weeks during which at least three people died, when last Sunday, November 10, Evo was “suggested” by the military brass, supported by the OAS (US) to step down with his entire entourage, or else. He resigned, because he wanted the riots to stop and his countrymen to continue living in peace. But violence hasn’t stopped, to the contrary, the opposition has become fiercer in their racist attacks on indigenous people, targeting them with live ammunition. The dead toll as of today has reached at least 20.

President Morales asked for, and was granted political asylum in Mexico. The Vice-President, Alvaro Linera, and most of Morales’ cabinet members followed him to Mexico. The President of the Senate, Ms. Adriana Salvatierra, also of the MAS party, according to the Constitution, would have been the legitimate interim-President. But she was also forced to resign, and so were Victor Borda, the leader of the Chamber, and Rubén Medinaceli, First Vice President of the Senate. They all had to resign. In total some 20 high-ranking officials of Evo’s Government took refuge in the Mexican Embassy in La Paz, before they flew to Mexico.

Evo has since said he wants to return to Bolivia, to be there for the millions of his supporters. Yes, still a sizable majority of Bolivians support Evo and his Movement towards Socialism (MAS). There is a mass of peaceful unarmed Evo supporting demonstrators, growing every day. They are being brutally beaten by US trained and “bought” police and military forces. Indeed, the commander of Bolivia’s armed forces, Williams Kaliman, served in earlier days as a military attaché at the Bolivian Embassy in Washington. During that time he was secretly ‘recruited’ to be trained by what then was called the School of the Americas, and which is now the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, located at Fort Benning near Columbus, Georgia. Apparently Kaliman was not the only one of high-ranking Bolivian military and police officers having been subjected to this torturer and coup plotter training.

On Tuesday, 12 November, an extraordinary session of both chambers (Deputies and Senate) of the Plurinational Legislative Assembly (Parliament) was convened, to officially accept President Morales’ resignation, but the representatives of the Movement to Socialism (MAS), which are the majority in both chambers, did not attend because they were told by the opposition that their safety and that of their families could not be guaranteed. As a consequence, Parliament had suspended its session due to the lack of quorum.

Nevertheless, Jeanine Añez, an opposition senator, declared herself interim-President, and even though her nomination is illegal and unconstitutional, the Constitutional Court confirmed the legality of the transfer of power. But who could blame the judges of the Constitutional Court? They want to be on the right side of the fence, now that the Americans are soon expected to rule the country. Ms. Añez is from the right-wing Social Democrat Movement (not to confuse with MAS = movement towards socialism), and she is known to be fiercely anti-Morales. If her coronation looks and sounds like the one of Juan Guaidó in Venezuela, it is because her self-nomination is like Juan Guido’s, a US-supported farce. Washington has immediately recognized Ms. Jeanine Añez as (interim) President of Bolivia. She, as well as Carlos Mesa, have been groomed to become the next Bolivian leaders, when new elections are held – probably sometime in January 2020. Especially, Carlos Mesa is well known as a US-supporter from his earlier failed stint at the Bolivian Presidency (2003 – 2005).

Earlier, Jeanine Añez, tweeted, “I dream of a Bolivia free of satanic indigenous rites, the city is not for the Indians who should stay in the highlands or the Chaco”. That says it all, where Bolivia is headed, unless – unless another people’s revolution will stop this nefarious course. Ms. Añez apparently has since removed the tweet.

One of the internal drivers of the ‘golpe’ is Luis Fernando Camacho, a far-right multi-millionaire, from the Santa Cruz region, where the US have supported and encouraged separatism. Camacho, a religious bible fanatic, received support from Colombia, Brazil and the Venezuelan opposition – and, of course, he is the US henchman to lead the ‘coup’ internally.

As Max Blumenthal from “The Grayzone” reports,

“When Luis Fernando Camacho stormed into Bolivia’s abandoned presidential palace in the hours after President Evo Morales’s sudden November 10 resignation, he revealed to the world a side of the country that stood at stark odds with the plurinational spirit its deposed socialist and Indigenous leader had put forward. – With a Bible in one hand and a national flag in the other, Camacho bowed his head in prayer above the presidential seal, fulfilling his vow to purge his country’s Native heritage from government and “return God to the burned palace.” Camacho added “Pachamama will never return to the palace,” referring to the Andean Mother Earth spirit. “Bolivia belongs to Christ.”

Still, there is hope. Bolivians are known to be sturdy and staunch defenders of their rights. They have proven that best in the overthrow of two foreign-imposed successive Presidents in 2003 and 2005, “Goni” and Carlos Mesa respectively. They brought their Aymaran Evo Morales to power in 2006, by an internationally observed, fully democratic election.

There are other signs in Latin America that things are no longer the way they used to be for decades. Latin Americans are sick and tired of their status of US backyard citizens. There is movement in Brazil, where Lula was just released from Prison, against the will of Brazil’s fascist also foreign, i.e. US-imposed, Jair Bolsonaro. Granted, Lula’s release from prison is temporary, but with the massive people’s support he musters, it will be difficult for Bolsonaro to put him back in prison – and preserve his Presidency.

Social upheavals in Chile for justice and equality, against a racist Pinochet era Constitution, violently oppressed by President Piñera’s police and military forces, have lasted for weeks and will not stop before a new Constitution is drafted, in which the protesters demands are largely integrated. That too is a sign for an awakening of the people. And the enduring resistance against North America’s aggression by Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, are all positive vibes for Bolivia – not to be trampled over.


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Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; RT; Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st Century; Greanville Post; Defend Democracy Press, TeleSUR; The Saker Blog, the New Eastern Outlook (NEO); and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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