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Military Recruiters Worry America’s Youth Are Too Fat Or Dumb To Enter Service

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

A recent report in military news site Task & Purpose highlights that military recruitment could soon slump nationwide in large part because America’s youth are too fat or in other cases too dumb to fight.

Going back a number of years this has been an increasing concern expressed by a growing chorus of both active and retired military leaders. It was also weeks ago expressed in a Dec.17 letter to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller signed by almost 800 retired admirals and generals.

They warn that over 70% of young Americans between 17 and 24 can’t make into military ranks because they are “too poorly educated, too overweight, or have a history of crime or substance abuse.”

Military Recruiters Worry America's Youth Are Too Fat Or Dumb To Enter Service
“Full Metal Jacket” jelly doughnut scene


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Great Khan

hahahahaha Great Khan say that long time ago….most fat Amerikan are mamtu….too fat and toooo stoopid…Jew make them more dumb with Hollywood and burger king,,,hahhahahaha mishi mushu….


Peter Moy

Holy smokes!!!!! Out of a perverted sense of curiosity I have a question: “What is the actual tonnage of this amphibious beached whale?” Let me guess, he’s also a tank commander who can’t walk or waddle too far because of bad feet. He must create instant fear when he enters a mess hall. I see a future as a sumo wrestler for this German Maus tank wannabe.


They fight inside as sjw ,BML..etc.


Zionists have already lost the war. Russia, China, Iran and others… should be patient only and resist on any kind of provocation and pressure. Victory is already in their hands.

Potato Man

Most of young stupid Americans kids don’t want to be in military after they been to army….but the same time they don’t have any skill. All they hear is BS and all they see is BS…so what they gonna do? stay in army or get fuked trying find a real job, and no one wants some one who been in military just look up how many of their “great” soldiers murder their friends or their families.

Just Me

Average American is a loudmouth, ignorant boorish imbecile brought up in a isolated brainwashed environment of Hollywood and Bilderberg chest thumping “exceptionalism”. Most have never traveled, learnt a language or even been exposed to someone from a different culture or religion. The Jew media intentionally keeps the “white Americans” in a fantasy world on a 6000 calorie junk fast food diet and cheap thrills Hollywood fantasies. Only now with thousands dying in streets from lack of even basic medical care and China’s rise, even these fat, dumb idiots are realizing that US is a third world failed state.


cechas vodobenikov

please donate generously. now 3 million amerikan families live in extreme poverty, 1 million homeless per under-reported fake US data. for only 300 rub. per month u can sponsor a fat amerikan child and help purchase needed diabetes medicine, buy shoes so they can attend an antifa preschool where transgender teachers educate them to obtain jobs in BDSM porn industry. today 60 million amerikans are food insecure–they are desperate for fries/burgers. your help may save a dirty shoeless amerikan child from depravity and illiteracy. all currency accepted except hryvniya. Send to Ulitsa packuda 666, durakistan, ukraine

Harry Smith

Most of them are overweight because they don’t have access to quality food. Cheap food is full of hormones and untested chemicals.


I think most of the are overweight because they are cooped up indoors playing games, with very little exercise and play time as children growing up. Yes the food is a big factor too,

Rafik Chauhan

so zionist slowly killing Americans from withing to rule them forever . zionist made sure this American doesnt rise against zionist rule US goverment . US is on ddeath bed

Joao Alfaiate

Bring back the draft. Good for America’s snowflakes and good for the world as there would be no more wars of choice.


Since when sis Amerikkkan military start worrying about people being “too stupid” to join them? They’ve always wanted such candidates, brainless human drones to follow orders. It’s more the case being too smart to join their zionist armed cult that serves the richest 0.5%.


The film Full Metal Jacket is divided into two halves – training and combat. Now the first half deals with training – but specifically the film’s focus on the overweight, misfit, character was actually all about ‘McNamara’s Morons’, aka Project 100,000. In 1966 US Defense Secretary Robert McNamara was struggling to fill the conscription numbers, to mobilize enough competent US men into military service, for the projected Vietnam War manpower requirements. So McNamara dropped the existing aptitude and fitness requirements for entrance into military service. These had previously been based around what was deemed the minimum average aptitude and capacity for a competent soldier. So now men that were previously deemed below the average requirements, were suddenly being drafted in large numbers, to make up the shortfall, and were called New Standards Men, or more commonly, McNamara’s Morons, and McNamara aimed to fill the manpower shortfall with 100,000 of them. The then President, Johnson, tried to sell the whole episode, politically, as a social and economic opportunity, a way forwards for the under-educated and/or under-achieving – but the whole policy was heavily criticized in years afterwards, both in social and military terms. You all know the saying,…those that ignore history, are doomed to repeat it…

Peter Moy

Being fat, dumb, lazy, inhaling unhealthy food and having a lack of motivation are life choices. Nobody has a gun to your temple and forces you to live that way. This concern by the retired admirals and generals is a crock of horse dung. If there aren’t enough bodies to fight endless wars, then the Einsteins and geniuses just hire private contractors at an even higher cost.


Why fight for a regime that has the American people’s worst interests at heart? Fuck em, if everyone stopped joining the US military, the globalist scum in Washington would be powerless.


What do they mean fat?!?


Icarus Tanović

Don’t forget McNamara’s morons.

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