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Military Reporter: Debates On Necessity To Destroy Ukrainian Infrastructure

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Vladlen Tatarsky is military reporter from the Donbass. In 2014 he joined the People’s Militia in Gorlovka, served in the Vityaz regiment of the LPR. Today Vladlen Tatarsky is back on the front line, as a special military correspondent.

In his video report on July 20, he explained that it is necessary to destroy strategic infrastructure facilities in order to fulfill the tasks of Russian military operations, up to use of tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, and ongoing debates on this issue in Russia.

This is a direct translation from Russian and as such some grammatical anomalies exist. This was done to maintain the integrity of the original message:

Hello everybody, “evening relaxed way”, from the streets of town, I quickly tell you about the situation on the front lines. It has not essentially… It is very easy to tell, since it has not basically changed. Today again they prematurely announced that our troops took the village of Berestovoe, that is in the direction of Soledar, a village that is already in the territory of the Popular Republic of Donetsk. Well, they were too fast, it was not fully taken, heavy fighting is going on there, essentially the same as along all the front line where mutual artillery strikes are being carried out. We’ll, as I promised and declared, all the most interesting events of the summer, and of the second half of the summer, will happen in the South. Today Antonovskij Bridge was very seriously damaged. The transit on it is difficult, they have been shelling it already for two days, it is possible that they will shell it again already today, and in general they will shell it always as long as it will look like that it has still some value. I recall, for those who do not know, that we have a bridgehead on the right bank of the river Dnepr. Our troops heroically conquered a bridgehead at the beginning of the Special Operation, on the right bank of the Dnepr, in the area of Novaja Khakhovka and in the area of Kherson, and actually liberated the whole oblast of Kherson.

It means that there is Antonovskij Bridge where Kherson is and there is Novaja Khakhovka, where a dam is and it is possible to drive across it. There too they are shelling. With the destruction of the bridge our contingent will be in a very awkward situation. Today I hit upon an article by Murakhovskij, the main editor of “The Arsenal of the Homeland”, of the journal, for over 19 years, where he speaks about the importance of the pontoon brigades, of the pontoon regiments, the bridge builders. They apparently started from 2019 to come back into the Russian Army. Before that during the reform they were just cancelled. So, they again began to come back. I do not know, on the whole, about the capacities of the Russian Army as far as pontoons are concerned but anyways it is a very hard activity. Crossing on pontoons is even more vulnerable than crossings on bridges. I know, as it is an obvious thing, that in the headquarters they know about such issues and the way to solve them. Well, it means what I too was saying: the main events will happen in Kherson and Zaparozhe. Now there will still be attacks on the direction of Zaparozhe and a massive attack on the direction of Kherson. Their task is to beat us out of the right bank of the Dnepr. Please understand that the fighting is not for the Donbas:, today Lavrov as a matter of fact… Well, he expressed what we knew anyways… I recall that Lavrov today said that there has arrived some NATO long-range weaponry. We will fight not only in the area of the Donbass, but wherever and as long as these weapons may constitute a threat for us, in practice over all the territory of Ukraine. The bridgehead on the right bank created inconvenience to Kryvoi Rog, created inconvenince to Nikolaev, to all the area between the rivers, between the Dnepr and the Southern Buga and of course this is a priority target for the attack of the Ukrainian Army who have already trained their military force in Great Britain, fitted them out with NATO equipment and certainly will attack there. Furthermore, here in the Donbass as I have already repeated, they lock themselves to a tough defense as far as it is possible with a territorial defence force. They will wear out their enemy, us, with their tough defense. Well, let us see, the first signs of the Ukrainian offensive are already there: these are the intensive shelling of Novaja Khakhovka. Today they shelled the hydroelectric power plant there, the nuclear power plant too. The nuclear power plant guys! It is interesting to listen to all this on the backdrop of the fact that today I was on the first channel and there were such discussions.

It is obvious that you are supposed to speak to the anchormen following some predetermined settings, according to general lines that are in place. I can affirm that there is no awful censorship at all, there are simply some arrangements. Well, the guests are allowed to express their opinion. I spoke my opinion, Mikhael Deliagin spoke first, I supported him on the topic of the destruction of the infrastructure.

Of course we are against the killing of civilians, but it is possible to destroy the infrastructure, it is possible to destroy and make unusable bridges taken for evil purposes, power stations, aqueducts, make all Ukraine go with the wind, simply throw them in a medieval chaos, this can be done and this way victory is forged. Victory is not forged when they have Internet working, when they have tv, light, water, when bridges and railway junctions are working normally. There Eduard Basurin joined in and evidently he had not listened to our talk from the beginning and started saying that we must not completely destroy Ukraine with carpet bombings and all the rest, the anchorman told him:”I am against the idea that Ukraine would be in ruins”.

I cut them short:”Guys, when there is heavy fighting cities turn into ruins. We have been in Mariupol, we have been in Popasnaja, we have been in other cities and know what the consequences of heavy fighting are, we must not delude ourselves, in short, we must not invent some bullshit,”

In heavy fighting there will be destruction with annihilation of villages and small towns, while big cities will lay in ruins. Kharkov will lay in ruins, Dnepr, Zaparozhe, Nikolaev will be in ruins, it is evident. Donetsk will be ruined. Guys, we are fighting against the world, against all the Western world and they fight with us by the hands of the Ukrainians, they supply all the machinery, all of what’s necessary and because of that we must strike harder. When you are fighting at the same time against several enemies, any fist fighter will tell you, you have to, even though to only one of them, break an arm, a leg, and then tackle another one. Believe me, the Western world have still in their bucket many surprises for Russia where they can create problems for us and we have to disconnect as quickly as possible The Ukraine from this fight, from this global stir. Do we have to throw nuclear weapons? Please do of course, it was time already long ago to throw them. Again I stress that we must not throw them at civilians, we must not use it on inhabited areas, throw them at railway junctions, at bridges, eventually at the decision-making centers, it is not advantageous for us that this war lasts long, we have to “marinate” as fast as possible and get to the point where we can solve other problems. Such issues in The Ukraine drag out because there is favorable ground for the West to begin to create problems for us in Syria, in Karabakh, inside Russia, in all areas, along some borders in Asia, well, very many. We have already Kaliningrad, with Denmark it looks like there is a problem. For these reasons, guys, let us act harshly and with determination. Soon, it means that I do not yet kill the day. Stay on the channel, I will attach the link to the transmission probably in the evening…

In the “evening relaxed way” there will be a link to the first channel. Listen there to Mikhail Deliagin who says very wise things, in general for what reason this stir was organised by the British and Americans, what and which targets they pursue globally. Of course the targets are not just isolated, they are masters of action and with one act can achieve right away several targets. They can kill the hare. It was very interesting, well that is all. We are waiting for developments in the direction of Kherson and also wait for our new location. The enemy will be anyways destroyed, I tell you. Anyways victory will be for us. I wish all to be bright and clear to everyone.


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Muhammad your Prophet

Because that’s what filthy terrorist cockroaches do. They destroy civilian infrastructure when they have nothing else to destroy. It’s a clear cut sign that the terrorist cockroaches are desperate because they have failed to engage their enemy on an even ground.

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Calm yourself you demented kike troll, relax. Chill out Shlomo, maybe pop over to the Rabbi’s house for some foreskin nibbles and a glass of baby blood!

Muhammad your Prophet

That one is particularly repulsive just like the deranged antisemite freak who wrote it.

Muhammad your Prophet

I’ll save it for my personal collection. I collect these things you know, it’s like porn for me. I just read it loud when I am lonely. And I’m always lonely.

Bufford T Justice

Muhammed the troll , brain damaged.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bufford T Justice

Kill yourself you ugly kike.


Let it be clear to everyone that US-led NATO is willing to issue a blank cheque to get this crisis as long as it could take to reduce the number of RF’s servicemen and deplete its firepower in preparation for the inevitable showdown.


Well, the Russians do feel the growing tensions sponsored by the Western bloc which doesn’t come yet to a point where a serious threat comes knocking at its door.. That’s the only time ever we’ll witness the hypersonics in action.


The west should understand that if the Russian conventional weapons run out, Russia would have no other options but to use nukes.


That’s why ukraine is trying to destroy the civilian infrastructure with their fancy himars rockets.


I agree that perhaps Russia must strike harder, but when you hear someone talking about using tactical nuclear weapons you know he is talking bullshit.


NO! He is talking reality.


They will use FOAB first, but just if it is really needed.


If Ukraine would have had nukes and russia not Ukraine would have thrown it in the first moment and russia would have surrendered. And just like with hiroshima and nagazaki the western media would praise it as smart descision to safe millions of people and end the war fast.


Why not? USA used it twice. Actually Russia should have used a tactical nuke on day one in Gostomel. Perfect place, it’s huge, almost no civilians, it’s near Kiev and even no so far away from Chernobyl. Let the degenerates in Washington understand you are deadly serious. You think they would dare to send weapons after that little warning? Instead they keep testing the waters again and again and after mild Russian responses they only grow bolder.

As I can see it Russia had only two options here: go full force or not at all. Instead they chose something between and that’s always the worst option.

Last edited 2 years ago by pharaoh

Spot on . Russia is so extremely attacked by western media that using a few nukes make no difference from PR perspective; it simply cannot be any worse . Anglozionists only understand brute force .


You’re a brainwashed idiot, a mere armchair politico who doesn’t know the utter obliteration that will follow if either side uses nukes. The exchanges will of course escalate: ‘minor’ targets like bridges, bunkers, etc will then lead to the other side doing the same….then central command posts will come next–a major hit killing many high ranking officers will of course demand revenge, and then small cities, and then big cities meaning NYC, Moscow, St Petersburg, SF, LA and then the whole shitouse goes up in flames. Einstein was right: “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” Nuclear winter…no food…total breakdown of civil society…no food….killing each other for cans of beans. That’s what you’re arguing for you idiot.


Slamoron you inbred stupid animal, your monkey parents were idiots (and close relatives). Brainless ass sucker you are not brainwashed, you have no brain at all – just a pile of decomposed feces inside your monkey skull. Fuckin moron. Einstein? Lol don’t make me laugh you braindead moron, only 5 years old gay retards use random quotes from FB to support their lack of argument (and lack of brain). Argumentum ad verecundiam logical fallacy, but that’s too complex for you brainless screaming monkey moron.

First you need to learn to read autistic mentally challenged moron instead of screaming here hysterically like a bitch in heat just because your bf failed to fuck you properly today, moron: limited use of tac. nukes actually lower the chance of nuclear confrontation, moron, extended conflict in Ukraine only increase it. Moron. Understand now dumb moron? No? Uh-oh Slamoron monkey still confused? Dumb, stupid, retarded moron just go kill yourself. Explaining you brainless moron anything is throwing pearls before swine… extremely dumb braindead moronic pig.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r

I know right? Russia just lets them keep sending weapons to Jewkraine with no repercussion, except trying to find them and destroy them after they already get used to kill civilians and Russian soldiers.

They need to use one of those Poseidon torpedoes and wipe England from the face of the Earth.


Yes he’s entirely full of shit and doesn’t know what he is talking about. War always attracts the most vile, lowest elements of society–the ones who want conflagration–even nuclear if it means destroying the enemy. But this is so wrong-headed! An escalated nuclear exchange will mean TOTAL DESTRUCTION on a scale unimaginable. Look at images of Hiroshima or Nagasaki after the bombs dropped–but of 100s of times the scale and magnitude. And USA and Russia are the #1 and #2 biggest arsenals of nukes worldwide. WTF is this idiot thinking!?

eat shit and die

Your gay mouth is full of shit you braindead imbecile. Close that shithole and fucking die chimpanzee.


No one advocated full “nuclear exchange” you silly fool but Russia is fighting for its very survival today, unlike the US in 1945. Americans never even apologized, they still brag how it “saved lives”. If Russia used it in February, or in 2014/5 it could saved many lives. Of course you won’t drop a 100-kilotons nuke on densely urban areas there are plenty other targets. So it is you who is entirely full of shit and have no idea what you talking about.

Max Schmidt

This will depend on the Ukrainians themselves. If hey continue to kill civilians and destroying Russian infrastructure (in Russian soil, like for example in Belgorod), then one day the Russian patience will be over.


The guy is right. If Russia continues to fight this “soft” war then they will end up losing all and they will no longer be a sovereign nation.

Why would Russia’s leaders continue on such a self-destructive path? They are either ignorant or they are just following orders from the Zionist who seem to be controlling everything.

I heard one Russian speaker say that if Russia cannot exist then no one can exist. Was that just more hot air or is Russia going to do what needs to be done on their part.


Ukraine isn’t winning though, they’re doing forced drafts across the board by now for men and women which should tell you that Ukraine is losing an unspeakable number of ground troops. In the next month or so, the cities that Russia already took are gonna have referendums to vote to join Russia, something that Ukraine has no control over no matter what defeatist talking point you spew out. Next, even if Ukraine somehow “wins” the war and claws back all of the territory they lost since 2014, they’ll still be in a permanent debt trap for taking 10s of billions of dollars in weaponry from the United States.

If Russia did what you want and started firebombing Kiev and all major cities in Ukraine with the intent to destroy, not capture but to only destroy Ukraine, far more of the international community would be hesitant to side with Russia with many more civilian deaths on their hands, Ukraine right now is destroying their own credibility because they’ve killed more of their own civilian populace since the invasion than Russia has and don’t even get me started on all of the failed, disastrous counter attacks Ukraine has launched so far against Russia, when your enemy is actively making mistakes, all you have to do is sit comfortably and watch the self destruction. The U.S. is in deep trouble when BRICS eventually launches a new currency to rival and overtake the dollar, and without the United States, Israel is fucked.


Every single BRICS member became sussessfull and rich threw the US System. Do you really see them risking it to try something new? Even Russia was hesitant and would continue to delay the nessecary steps if the west would have not declared total economic war on russia. The west has not declared total economic war on the rest of BRICS so why would they bother throw they wealth away for russia. Russia would not do it for them.

Carlos Marques

They will risk it, because it’s not just for Russia now, it’s for the future of all non-western world (85% of world’s population).

Either Russia wins, NATO is stopped, and there’s a multipolar world with the end of western currency dictatorship, or if Russia loses, then China is next and the whole world loses.

That’s why more countries are entering BRICS and SCO, that’s why African Union and ASEAN and MercoSur don’t give a damn about Zelensky. That’s why G20 now matters much more than ridiculous G7.

The defeat of NATO, the end of dollar, the stopping of Western regime changes and invasions, and maybe even the partition of USA (starting with Texas independence) will make the entire World a better place to live.

No one else wants to be the next Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, Syria, Russia, Afghanistan, Palestine, Serbia, Libya, Nicarágua, Yemmen, etc, as the target of USA/Western injustified and unprovoked aggression, that always starts with economical terrorism (aka sanctions).

Either the New World order is reached, or the “rules based world order” will keep destroying entire countries, like it did with Ukraine’s 2014 NAZI coup, or the Haiti and Sri Lanka debt traps. The Bolivia’s 2019 Fascist coup, or the Euro Zone debt trap. Etc.

It’s not about being pro-Putin. It’s about a better future for all, that can only be achieved with a world wide cooperation based on an anti-Empire motivation. Sovereignty and cooperation, instead of NeoColonialism and threats.

I just hope I don’t have to wait too many years to ser this entire transformation take place. Some say it will take decades, while others think it will be faster. What we all know is that the change has already started, and is unstoppable!


We will see i still think at least some will play both sides to try to get an advantage.


Whoever tried to undermine the dollar signed his death sentence. (I hope Putin lives longer than even Kissinger) I keep hearing about that commodity-backed currency but I don’t see it.

Referendums on territory regarded by the international community as another country’s (a UN vote months ago asked Russia to stop the invasion) won’t be accepted. They’re against international law.

The forced drafts that kill their citizens don’t take place in west Ukraine. Thus Ukraine wins on 2 fronts: preserves the lives of the most fervent Russian haters and creates new fervent Russian haters among the families of the victims.

I do believe it’s a major failed military tactic to let the enemy destroy a very important bridge and then to employ pontoons and ferries. (that will be also sunk thanks to the coordinates provided by US satellites or Ukrainian drones) I don’t know what is Russia doing, but it doesn’t do it as well as it should. The journalist is totally right in saying they need to finish this in order to solve other problems because the West is going to create more problems for them internationally.


That’s what Russians always do, tsars, commies, Putin… they always try to keep some diplomatic channels open and not to burn all bridges (in this case quite literally). Russians start to fight seriously only when the enemy reach Moscow. Only then they realize true intention of their ‘western partners’, and that peace can be achieved in one way only…


NATO have broken every promise made not to interfere in Ukraine. So tactical nukes by Russia are now a given.


In the end “being nice ” doesn’t work you have to act -bin the philosophy-bin the psychology -bin the fine words – Russia is in a war with the USA – there can be only ONE winner- He who ACTS ! Lets get real Canada and the USA have publicly declared they aim to take Russia and partition it and take over its resources – that would be enough for me to say -WAR !!!!

Be the good.

Make sense but what if there is something behind the clear sight.

Karl Pomeroy

I don’t like this guy. I’ve always been pro-Donbass, even ran two websites devoted to their cause (quemadoinstitute dot org, novorossiyadailysun dot wordpress dot com). But if Zakkarchenko were still alive, I don’t think he would have allowed this kind of talk. I’ve never heard of this guy either. If he’s so prominent, why haven’t I? Really a bad news character in my humble opinion.


This guy is actually in the thick of things, it isn’t just talk to him.


The guy is right other than the nuclear weapons,thats bonkers,just wipe out the infrastructure like railways and take the internet down they should also destroy the airports.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cromwell
Michel LeBlanc

Keep the internet on, so much free intel from the ukro orcs and their anglo masters.


If nukes are used NATO would probably give Ukraine an equivalent nuke for every Russian nuke which would be ideal for NATO however the probability of a global war is 100%.


If nukes were used NATO fags would hide in their ratholes and tremble in fear. They wouldn’t dare to send Ukraine a single bullet, except one for Zelensky.

Ed Theman

I agree, there is no way NATO is going to fight a nuclear war with Russia. NATO lives rich and pampered lifestyles of feelings and feminism, helping 3rd worlders, etc. They are not for one second going to fight Russia over a country like Ukraine or bullshit like that when nukes are being used.

NATO has much much more to loose in their more densely populated countries.

I think Russia should call NATO bluff and use those hypersonic tactical nukes and make NATO surrender.

jens holm

you use amerikan LSD too?

Assad Defeated Zionists

That’s how WW2 was won, if German infrastructure and cities had not been bombed to rubble, Germany would have won.


Germany lost against a determined resistance movement. There were partisan formations everywhere in Europe, most of them helped by the Soviet Union.

And this is what Ukraine doesn’t have. Just yesterday, Clownensky signed a decree to arrest everyone accepting a russian passport!!! Can you imagine what the average Joe will feel by being threatened in such a way by the government that should ( in theory ) help and protect him?

Another stupid move is to stop paying pensions and wages in area under russian control. They even stop electricity, water, gas, telecoms.

The ukrainians are slowly seeing the hard truth, they their own government is their true enemy.

This is the wager Russia is doing in Ukraine. And the formation of the first ukrainian-only unit is the first step to a bigger movement that soon will emerge to fight the nazis in power.

Be the good.

More reliable facts. Im agree with you. We are just worried about behind the clear sight. They are master of liar.


Sorry but i only recall resistance in France, Yugolavia, Greece and Poland. The Rest of Europe was all in with the Nazis just like today. Well today only Serbia and hungary is not all in with them. So the nazis have even gained in support.


Your right -over half the German Military and Luftwaffe were fighting in Russia the only time any resistance helped kick out the Nazis was in Ukraine by pro Russian resistance and they spent most of their time killing pro Nazi Ukrainians . I can supply blow by blow Russian action in fighting the Germans all the way to Berlin if required . The Russian women on the front line were very brave.


Exactly. Same scum followed Napoleon, they followed Hitler, now they follow Senile Joe.

But Russians only have Gorbachev to thank for this: USSR lost millions never to allow another Barbarossa, and then he retreated without a single bullet fired…. How the frack no one in the Red army and KGB didn’t kill him is beyond me. The worst traitor in human history. And no, it’s not ideological thing. It’s geopolitical.


The fact that he lives in London is ipso facto proof that he was a Quintus Columnae


He wasn’t alone in doing this, he had advisors! If anyone was a Mossad agent, we’ll never know.


I disagree that Ukraine doesn’t have a resistance movement – every few days/weeks a “collaborator” is blown up in his car, and it’s even in supposedly pro-Russian occupied areas.


Wrong . Germany significantly increased military production despite US/UK bombing campaign. US/UK air bombardment only achieved mass murder of countless civilians and not much else.


The reason German production increased was the several million Russian POW -worked to DEATH.


They abducted people from all over occupied Europe and forced them to work.

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

The western demons have gotten everything they wanted. They have a war where Russians are killing Russians. 10s of thousands are being culled, this is why the Russian government wants to preserve as many lives as possible. They are not fighting the Germans, they are fighting their own people, this is almost a civil war. Putin is doing this right!


If Russia hits Ukrainian cities with their missiles then Ukraine has every right to do the same. Ukraine should target Russian military infrastructures within Russia. This guy promoting and provoking Ukrainians to attacks Russian cities with defending to ruin Ukrainian cities. Ukrainians are smart enough to do the same. In conclusion Russia can not win in long war, because Ukraine is always getting new weapons


Adam Russia is already winning the war of attrition in the long run because Ukraine is in a permanent debt trap to the U.S. that they’ll never be able to pay back, taking 10 of billions of dollars from a backstabbing nation like the U.S. won’t end well for Ukraine. They’ve also lost so many ground troops to Russia by now that they’re doing forced drafts for women too.

As long as the Russians can develop appropriate countermeasures it might be better for them to draw this out a bit. Russian equipment is significantly cheaper for similar specsheets so even where they do have to trade it’s not an econmic loss for the Russians especially against all these shiny modern missiles NATO is dumping into Ukraine, NATO is similarly paying an economic price in many fields that Russia can be selfsufficient in if they aren’t already.

I would prefer, if this is drawn out, for it to be done away from the cities but this is an ideal opportunity to drain the west of their economic, military and human resources while simultaneously gaining real world wartime experience, first hand feedback on military equipment and a better idea of how much the Russian military needs to spend (both in financial and material terms) to maintain a war which will better inform the military budget going forwards, I would not be surprised if there is a fairly significant shift towards expanding and maintaining ammunition stocks and related logistics in the near future.

Be the good.

War is guile and stratagem. Be a smart and always particularly aware.


Nice strawman, asshole. Ukros would strike Russians cities first chance they have, they attacked Russian airports with Tochkas on day 2 and keep attacking whatever then can whenever they can. They keep bombarding Donetsk indiscriminately for 8 years. So you’re full of shit. And contrary to you clueless muppets, western weapons are total garbage. But if they keep supplying Ukros with means to attack Russian cities then Russians should attack western cities, according to your own ‘logic’.


Calm down! We don’t even know who it is with a Jewish face!! Where did he get out? Maybe he is another agent of the Jews?! Jews captured Ukraine, Zelensky said that a big Israel will be built in Ukraine! It is beneficial for them that Russians kill Russians in order to free the land !! They kill Ukrainians and settle Jews. Do not believe me, look on YouTube Jews in Ukraine, I will put you 1 link here!



Last edited 2 years ago by Iren

Tatarsky? Idk who is he. But he is right tho. Back in 1999. USANATO attacked civilian infrastructure in Serbia when they failed to destroy Serbian forces in Kosovo; they attacked bridges with no military value at all hundred of kilometers from Kosovo, electrical grid, tv stations, refineries, even the Chinese embassy. Russia is fighting far more serious war yet they tolerate Ukrainian infrastructure. Why?


Bridges, especially over Dnieper, MUST be destroyed. IMO one of the biggest errors not attacking them in the first week along with so called decision centers including Zelensky’s residency. Why the hell Russians are still debuting about this when even Ukros are destroying their own bridges whenever they can?


Strike the UK missile factories, the army training camps, the airports, the offices and HQ of the weapons PLC, their HQ, to make their shareholders poor and weeping. The UK is the most supportive nation for escalating the war on Ukraine. One reason is that our MPs profit from the SHARES.


Take the Ukrainian internet down along with their TV radio and newspapers.Cell phone towers, could some of these go too?


Russia, take the gloves off or put them on, UP the ante.


There is only one rule in war: kill them before they kill you.


if moron amerikans do not surrender Tatarsky diagnosis will be implemented—bye bye USA…you will not be missed


The fact Putin and his crowd refused to follow the basic military doctrine of destroying your enemies supply lines while guarding your own supply lines caused the SVO to become a complete failure. It was obvious right from the start something was horribly wrong. Russian air power was never used strategically to effect battle field outcomes, the bridges, rail lines, and power stations all remain fully functional at Kiev’s disposal.


To Vladlen Tatarsky and everything he is saying that should have started in earnest by the Russian Federation after the legitimate government of Ukraine was overthrown 8 long years ago!…

TO THE FIRST “TACTICAL” NUKE”$” (https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/russia-and-china-officially-announce-new-global-reserve-currency) that you didn’t mention that is already getting used (https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/putin-turns-screws-gazprom-unexpectedly-halts-another-more-nord-stream-turbine-european-gas)!… That is if Poot-Poot doesn’t cave and by tomorrow “hat in hand” come up with another rescue plan for Germany as it continues to aid and abet open genocide in the Eastern Donbas and demand more energy from Russia at the same time!…


“Motorola” RIP!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt


Yanukovich was a godsend after the failure of the first coloured revolution. Russia should never allowed him to run away, but forced him to stay and fight like Luka. Maidan terrorists should have been crushed with Ukrainian military and Russian spec units like in Kazakhstan. I remember Lwow and WestUkraine threatened to secede back then if the force is used in Kiev. Perfect scenario!

But if they allowed Maidan to happen then intervene during the first Ukro offensive their military was in total disarray. Or at least after the second one when they were exhausted. Or at least in 2020. when the west was obsessed with covid and trump was still in the White House. OR just wait Ukros to attack, let them bleed on Donetsk defenses then finish them. Instead they wasted 3 months on diplomacy while NATO sent shitloads of stingers and javelina and all other crap to AFU.


I remember where I was when I read this https://www.vbirstein.com/the-convenient-death-of-vitaly-churkin/… It really raises the most relevant question to the 99% of “us” (and I mean on this planet) that we aren’t guided by sovereign government(s) but by Central Banks.

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Bufford T Justice

I agree , Putin is making a big mistake by playing nice . He’s got to get more aggressive.


The CQ

Emanuel de Brasil


Kill Schwab

The whole Western world is run by satanic eugenics pigs who will do anything to continue to escalate the situation into a nuclear catastrophe. These self deluded fools are planning on enjoying an earth without people. They deserve to be hunted down and exterminated for their crimes against humanity and crimes against all Life on this planet. President Putin is the boldest politician and leader in Russia since Peter the Great. In a sane world he would be applauded but in clown world they tear him down. Apparently the Creator of all life will be the One who fixes this attack upon Creation. Pray for unity among all people of Good Will.


This commentary proves what I have been saying all along that Russia launched this operation on the basis of FLAWED IDEOLOGY


They thought that they would drive up to Kiev Zelensky would flee and then preform a VICTORY PARADE and that just like Crimea the people would welcome their Slavic Brothers with VODKA and FOLK DANCING

I don’t know WHY this delusional; thinking was allowed to permeate the General Staff but it explains why the Russian Military has performed so poorly

I recall many post asking why Russian allowed the Rail and Road Networks to remain intact why none of the anti armor missile counter measures weren’t deployed why BMPT Terminators weren’t used

Many had pointed this out only to be told that Russia was being tactical and not acting like the US did in Iraq out of concern for civilians

Well this guy was talking about using NUCLEAR WEAPONS against a country (Ukraine) that when I last checked borders Russia.


I say … drop a small nuke on Zelensky and his government buildings in Kiev before he runs to the west when Ukraine falls.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x