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Military Reporter On Why Russians Are Retreating In Ukraine

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Vladlen Tatarsky is military reporter from the Donbass. In 2014 he joined the People’s Militia in Gorlovka, served in the Vityaz regiment of the LPR. Today Vladlen Tatarsky is back on the front line, as a special military correspondent. On October 3 and 4, he released new videos describing the military situation on the front lines and responding to the question why are Russians retreating.

You may see the full script of the video from October 3 here:

The situation in the Kherson direction remains alarming.

The enemy tried to advance near the Dnieper on Berislav. As of today, as far as I know, the enemy has been stopped, there are artillery duels going on. The enemy is trying to gain a foothold, their “hammered” another wedge into our defense from the north.

The AFU also attacked and want to cut off the upper part of the Kherson ledge. Our troops provide desperate resistance and beat the enemy. I contacted the guys, they say that a lot of Ukrainian soldiers were killed there, this “meat grinder” can be compared to the First World War. They say there are thousands lying there. I understand that not thousands, but hundreds and hundreds of its soldiers Ukraine is losing there.

Further. Near Krasny Liman, the situation is again alarming. Krasny Liman was taken, the enemy is eager for Kremennaya, further to Svatovo. After that, the AFU plan to attack Lisichansk and they will try to “squeeze” everything possible from this success. There is information that troops are being transferred from other directions exactly there in order to develop maximum success there in the direction of Svatovo – Kremennaya.

I confess honestly, I do not justify anyone, this is a shameful defeat under Krasny Liman, a shameful defeat under Balakleya, Izyum, but if you look objectively, even if the enemy will move further, it will not decide the outcome of the war! No way, it will not decide the outcome of the war! Now we will mobilize, stop the enemy and then drive him in the opposite direction, i.e. this is objective, this is a fact! There are no other options there.

Even if they take Svatovo, no matter what they take further, it will not change the situation at the front in any way.

The fall of the Kherson bridgehead will of course change the situation at the front very much. Firstly, we will not have a bridgehead on the right bank. We will not be able to advance on Nikolaev. But one day we will step on it, it will be 100%!

If the enemy liquidates this bridgehead, it is clear that he can leave some purely symbolic units along the Dnieper, and transfer the vacated reserves to those areas where there will be a prospect for an offensive. Of course, I worry about all directions, but Kherson is more important strategically!

Now the most popular conversations are: “Why are we losing?,” “Why are we retreating?,” “Why, why, why?.” In response, various reasons are voiced, this is a lie that the authorities deceive and make unreliable reports… there are a lot of reasons, but the main thing is the system itself! The system criterion should be efficiency. The criterion in the army system should be nothing other than combat training and the ability of soldiers to kill enemies of the fatherland.

If the temperature regime is observed in your barracks, if the APC is correctly painted, if everything is “clear” with the personnel and with any of the fighters there are no problems, if the logs are correctly filled – this is all not efficiency criteria! Yes, this shows discipline, but this is not a criterion for effectiveness.

The criterion for effectiveness is: “Are your soldiers capable of fighting? Are they capable of killing enemies? Are they capable of defeating the enemy while remaining less vulnerable to the enemy?” Here are the criteria for effectiveness! And this includes: combat training, real, not a photo report, not a slider. It’s bad that in the army 2022 there was no slider, he would greatly facilitate the work of many commanders, just so that they release slides: here, please, photos! Do you understand? It’s not necessary!

I wrote about it today, just imagine, I once worked at a mine where we mined coal, mined 500 tons – the guys work well. Did not extract 500 tons – bad! I can’t imagine our mining master just taking pictures of coal and saying we were mining it and just filling out a log. This cannot be! But for some reason, this is possible in our army.

Now many can say: you are slandering the army or something else! In no case, guys, any war and I emphasize it, any war reveals some shortcomings. Whatever the ideal army is, all the same, when the fighting begins, flaws are revealed. This is normal, because we thought so, but it turned out differently.

BUT! The question is different: how quickly can we change anything? We saw a drawback – we need to change. We saw a person cannot cope – we need to change. Where we saw the problem – there we need to change! And if we close our eyes and do not change, then we will lose! For example, we turned a blind eye to problems in the spring, we turned a blind eye to problems in the summer and now we’re retreating, and if we began to solve these problems in March, April, then of course, what is happening now would not be possible!

Imagine our brothers and sisters in Krasny Liman, in Kupyansk, in Izyum again under the fifth occupiers, under the fifth of these animals.. Do you understand the state of these people? Who are no longer young, who have our Russian principles, but they cannot defend themselves, we must protect them! And we cannot do this, we should be ashamed. I’m personally ashamed! For everything that happens, I worry as if I am to blame for it.

Therefore, guys, we need to open our eyes correctly to problems, if we do not carry out reforms in military affairs now, then we will continue to suffer defeats! It’s obvious. I will repeat once again: the problems do not disappear on their own!

Even despite the defeat, the morale of our fighters is high, the guys want to kill enemies, and the guys want to win! They don’t want peace at all cost, they want to win. Yes, it’s hard for them, many are tired, but they do not imagine their future life if Russia suddenly loses in this war. Therefore, of course, everyone has the determination to fight to the end and we will do it!

If we take the history of the Great Patriotic War, there is constantly Stalin, the generals changed something, reformed something. Do not treat the reform of the army as a sacred cow that cannot be touched. No, we will change and everything will be fine and we will win. I just want to cheer you up with this!

Start changing something in your units, in your personal training, learn how to distinguish a tank from an APC, BMP. Master the AGL, master the grenade launcher, do not just pass by and watch: “Guys, what is it and how to approach it?,” “If it is jammed, what to do with it?.”

Start with everyone, everyone must raise the level of combat training and we will definitely win, because Russia has good karma – to win in the most incredible situations!

I have already said many times and I will say again, do you remember Nikita Mikhalkov’s arthouse film, which shows a spider crawling into the eyes of a German, oil spills, everyone explodes. or a mosquito flies into his eye, it doesn’t matter… Now is a difficult time, but do not despair, our Orthodox mosquito, our Orthodox spider will definitely crawl into the enemy’s eye and everything will explode there.

Russia has always won against common sense, contrary to all circumstances, the enemy has always been defeated, and the victory was ours!

I wish everyone everything bright and clear!

On October 4, Vladlen Tatarsky released another video debating on other challenges to the Russian military system. In particular, he once again repeated that the Russian military has to fight the outnumbered Ukrainian Army, inflicting heavy losses to the enemy. Russian servicemen have to defend their military positions being fired by foreign high-precision weapons like HIMARS MLRS amid the constant surveillance by NATO satellite systems and UAVs.

He also raised the issue of the ongoing mobilization in Russia. He claims that he receives letters from servicemen who are undergoing military training before being sent to the front. The servicemen state that in some regions training is not organized at the proper level.

“It is possible to fight with unprepared people, but it is fraught with great losses. People will not be able to perform the assigned combat tasks. Our task is to defeat the entire army of the West, this LGBT community, in Ukraine and eliminate Ukrainian statehood. We need not to defend, but to advance, and in order to advance we need a well-trained army. It’s bad if we learn from blood.”

He recalled that Russia has always won the West. Rare defeats were the result of betrayal.


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Vlad from Romania

NATO is also monitoring with AWACS flying in Poland, Hungary, Romania route and the Poseidon for marine surveillance. Russia is fighting NATO in Ukraine, not Ukrainians.

I wonder how many from AFU speak Ukrainian?

Hairy Pottattooes

None, they are speaking Romanian.

Max Schmidt

and Polish.

Hairy Crotch

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab. 💙💛💙💛💙💛🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

I stand 🖕 with Ukrainia

Last edited 2 years ago by Hairy Crotch




Vlad from Poomania

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab. 💙💛💙💛💙💛🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

I stand 🖕 with Ukrainia

Last edited 2 years ago by Vlad from Poomania

Izrsrael will..telaviv


I remember his video a few months ago he said “something must be done urgently, we need mobilization, we need to bomb their infrastructure…” but nothing was done.


Thats the point,what would take the pressure of those guys is a Ukraine wide bombing campaign including Kiev,all the main infrastucture including airports,Russia should have been able to take Kharkiv months ago,its right on the Russia border,they have not deployed enough forces since day one.

Miki Miric

Taj sovjetski ološ ima duboke pipke u armiji,braćo otjerajte Šojgua i te kretene bolje je imati Kadirova nego deset korumpiranih pijavica koje samo lažu našeg Putina


Shoigu je ministar obrane, njegov zadatak je budzet i modernizacija vojske. Rusi ispaljuju 60 000 granata na dan, kalibri i iskanderi i dalje padaju po ciljevima, i mmnoge druge najnovije tehnologije koje se koriste i testiraju. Drugi par rukava je generalstab, koji da budemo iskreni je bio ogranicen sa specijalnom vojnom operacijom, znaci klasican nacin ratovanja nije bila opcija. Kadirov je s druge strane na vrijeme izvjezbao dovoljno bataljona da se mogu baciti u vatru odmah. Nije svako zlo za zlo, pa cak i ova ogranicena mobilizacija ukazuje na probleme u nekim dijelovima, Rusi ce te probleme rijesiti, cak stovise rijesili su ih. Vjerujem da cemo za dva mjeseca vidjeti potpuno drugu pricu.

Mic Mic Twat from Croatia

no se entienden las pendejadas que dices, seguro que eres ingles, mi recomendacion es que regales tu televisor, no veas noticias, deja las metaanfetaminas, deja de meterte cosas en el ano y preparate para el 2023.

Mic Mic Twat from Croatia

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab. 💙💛💙💛💙💛🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

I stand 🖕 with Ukrainia

Last edited 2 years ago by Mic Mic Twat from Croatia

he said this months ago, but many of us here, like me, and elsewhere told this from the beginning and still many things didnt change and ukro infrastructure, powerplants and supplie routes are all still intact! why? nobody understand this.

Everyone knows it's the Jews.

Hal Turners website reported seeing laser beams shooting up into the sky coming from Belogrod (spelling?). These lasers are to blind American satellites. I think one reason Russia retreated is so their troops are covered by the screen blinding the satellites eyes. This will deny Ukraine from knowing the positions of Russian troops. That is of vital strategic importance. Don’t for a second think that Russia is losing.

Z for Zzzz

They were light pillars, a natural phenomenon. There is no secret weapon.


Can you link me the Hal Turner channel, please. Thank you very much

Hairy Pottattooes

I thought that they are Tesla Coils



Everybody knows it's the Poomanians

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab. 💙💛💙💛💙💛🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

I stand 🖕 with Ukrainia

Last edited 2 years ago by Everybody knows it's the Poomanians
The Crunge

Try saying that in Italian, French or German. Show off more of that intellect of yours.

Miki Miric

Rusija robuje drugom svjetskom ratu,ima nesposobne generale starog kova,prvi koji mora da leti je Šojgu, Gerasimov i sva ta Plejada korumpiranih ološa, tražite pravu obuku za naše momke,ako treba da ginu neka povedu dosta Ukra sa sobom.

Putin is sad

The attack on Kiev was a failure. Large mistakes, big flaws appeared. But Southfront wouldn’t hear of it, they called the retreat a gesture of goodwill. Go on moderator moderate.


Are we switching from “a special military opperation” into an attack on a NATO country because it fired a shot at the Russians??


Once again its pointed out that you cant win a war by not fighting a war. Its old news now but the failure of fighting the war was not an accident.

There are many obvious problems that need to be fixed but none of them matter if you are not willing to destroy your enemies. Until every rail line is taken out every hub and every bridge over the Dnieper this is all nothing more than pure horse shit! It is not war by any means.


Even if you take all ukrainian teritory is not enogh they will be attack russia through poland and other Vasalls eu countries

Georgeous George

No they wont, they West will be done by the end of winter. A new world order is in the making.


Does anybody here know that right before the SMO kicked off China and Russia signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Essentially, a military pact.


Haha, a pact with China, they will do nothing. They will not even supply UAVs.

Barbie Man

There is no war, only land grab operation

jens holm

Verry nice name.

I verry like Barbie dolls and have a big colletion.

Slava Rossyia

You’re right indeed.

Kev not Kiev

XACTLY… Time to take the velvet gloves off and they stay off, until DC is a crater, LA and NY are redesigned into large marinas, like what happened in Lebanon, but 10mt+, etc… But ultimately. We also have to take out our own trash, we need an insurgency to wipe out our ‘controllers’ as well and support the Russians by burning NATO whores and WEF politicians in the streets on live broadcast, no moon landing bullshit, real screams, of real traitors, really ON FIRE!


Ha! now even southfront censors. ffs.


The aim fails. In videos you can see how the artillery pierces the fields but not the pile of vehicles. Drone operators sometimes appear drunk and do not mark targets well. Aviation does not appear, there are no direct videos of its effects. Fix those things.






“Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, was promoted to the rank of colonel general, the third highest command rank in the Russian military hierarchy.” And he said said it was a “huge honor” for him.

Kadyrov said Putin had “personally” informed him of the decision.

“The President of Russia awarded me the rank of colonel general,” Kadyrov said on Telegram. “This is a promotion for me.”

Finally some real men in the Russian Army.

Last edited 2 years ago by Duncan
Dick Von D'Astard

To have allowed the east of Ukraine to have maintained logistical, transport and communication links with the west of Ukraine is total negligence. It is almost as if Moscow wants a civilized war, when war (be it special military operation or whatever) itself can never be that!

The U.S. led Nato planners are not concerned about civility.

AM Hants

It was a special operation, until Novorussia/Eastern Ukraine moved back to Russia. Now the gloves are off and just be patient.

Dick Von Poomania

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab. 💙💛💙💛💙💛🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

I stand 🖕 with Ukrainia

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von Poomania

Putin está destruindo a Rússia, os russos não querem morrer na Ucrânia. Se usar armas nuclear contra Ucrânia, a Rússia vai ser apagada do mapa, USA e OTAN estão com armas nuclear apontada para as cidades da Rússia. .


“Have you ever heard such thing like a merciful war?” – Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke the Elder – 1864 (TV series) For the first time in modern history, the answer to that question is “YES”. the RAF is doing a merciful war!! even now they don’t blow up bridges over dnieper.

AM Hants

Can you translate your comment please?


We need to return our troops to Russia! This is Putin’s war, not Russia’s!

Our country is already huge we do not need to take their land and lose anymore lives


You are wrong, Kyum. This is in fact some sort of russian civil war and it will end in Kiev or Moscow. Any armistice before will just serve both sides to rearme and attack again asap.

Last edited 2 years ago by Paco
Cleaning Time Ju.U.S.

Wrong Goal

WW3 started at least in 2014 with the Zionist Biden-Nuland-Obama coup in Kiev. Ukraine was to be a 2d Ashkenazis homeland as soon as non-Ju Russian-speakers were killed or driven to Russia. Similar to what has & is happening in Palestine. 2014 was the time to take off gloves as Putin now recognizes.

Similarly, WW2 started in 1933 when Jus declared war, not in 1939 when Ju-controlled England, France & Ju.S.A. geared up to kill & die for Jus.

History properly understood, a Special Military Action was the wrong response militarily & for public relations. What was & is called for is a Ju-Coup reversal. NATO, EU, Ju.S.A. are Russia’s enemy & the enemy of their native people.

And please not another “expulsion” since the lesson should have been learned in WW2. 585 previous expulsions gave civilization’s ancient enemy great justification to rally hyper-gullible world populations to support another war…


Amen. From your keystrokes to God’s ears.

Vlad from Poomania

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab. 💙💛💙💛💙💛🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

I stand 🖕 with Ukrainia

Last edited 2 years ago by Vlad from Poomania

… And so , Waiting for November 12-19 … russian army are comming BAD ! Winter is comming.


Russia would be doing pretty good right now if their army wasn’t a hot pile of stinking shit.


You would make less retarded comments if your brain wasn’t a hot pile of stinking shit.


Good, congratulations, a clear, objective and realistic point of view of the war.

Joseph similia

The Sins of Babylon the great have reached clear to heaven. They commit spiritual prostitution in a grand scale. They are being reserved for the day of judgement of Jehovah fiery day. They promote the political agenda of the day to enrich themselves and their paramours. They use political health mandates to forbid the house to house public ministry. What would Jesus do if forbidden to preach publicly. Wouldn’t he overturn the tables of the political money changers that religions have become benefactors and paid off as prostitutes to promote their political health mandates.

All religions have fallen under the spell of recommending health mandates from the political system for their members to get their jab for free, so religions get to collect free cash from the government. Political system of Satan has advanced their mandates through the pulpit of false shepherds. Mis-quoting Romans 13 by ommitting the part about relative subjection. Violating bible the health mandate for Christians in Acts 15:28,29, as if medical science knows better than Jehovah. The only quarantine Jehovah required was for open ulcers with visible flesh in the Mosaic law. Medical science have turned thousands of years of common sense upside down, now they tell us we’re all contagious and force lockdowns and force innoculation with religion as accomplices.

Where’s the watchman that supposed to warn of impending judgements and prepare the faithful for salvation. A faithful slave will only follow the commands of the master. A faithful slave will not call itself ” governing body”, perhaps more appropriately fellow slave because we all recognize Jesus as our Lord and savior will judge the whole world.

Where’s the watchman in regards to Revelation 13 about the sign of 666 and the adoration obedience that the political system will demand. Currently the green pass and vaccine passport has been implemented as a prototype and conditioning of society of what’s coming in the future. Fulfillment of Revelation 13 that no one will be able to buy or sell with out the number of the beast 666.

Are we complying to the truth of God’s word or are we falling in line to Satan system of things.

The Sins of Babylon the great have reached clear to heaven. They commit spiritual prostitution in a grand scale. They are being reserved for the day of judgement of Jehovah fiery day. They promote the political agenda of the day to enrich themselves and their paramours. They use political health mandates to forbid the house to house public ministry. What would Jesus do if forbidden to preach publicly. Wouldn’t he overturn the tables of the political money changers that religions have become benefactors and paid off as prostitutes to promote their political health mandates.

All religions have fallen under the spell of recommending health mandates from the political system for their members to get their jab for free, so religions get to collect free cash from the government. Political system of Satan has advanced their mandates through the pulpit of false shepherds. Mis-quoting Romans 13 by ommitting the part about relative subjection. Violating bible the health mandate for Christians in Acts 15:28,29, as if medical science knows better than Jehovah. The only quarantine Jehovah required was for open ulcers with visible flesh in the Mosaic law. Medical science have turned thousands of years of common sense upside down, now they tell us we’re all contagious and force lockdowns and force innoculation with religion as accomplices.

Where’s the watchman that supposed to warn of impending judgements and prepare the faithful for salvation. A faithful slave will only follow the commands of the master. A faithful slave will not call itself ” governing body”, perhaps more appropriately fellow slave because we all recognize Jesus as our Lord and savior will judge the whole world.

Where’s the watchman in regards to Revelation 13 about the sign of 666 and the adoration obedience that the political system will demand. Currently the green pass and vaccine passport has been implemented as a prototype and conditioning of society of what’s coming in the future. Fulfillment of Revelation 13 that no one will be able to buy or sell with out the number of the beast 666.

Are we complying to the truth of God’s word or are we falling in line to Satan system of things.

jens holm

That is verry big comment. I verry like big things but thats too big.

Joseph similia

Competing world powers

It’s just as the bible said it many centuries ago. Predicted in Daniel chapter 11, the pull and tug of the King of the north and the king of the south. Two great powers on earth both under satanic influence have been battling for centuries, both have the same purpose and that’s world domination exclusive of God Jehovah’s sovereignty. Furthermore, they want people’s worship as Revelation 13 describes.

These two great powers will come to to an agreement of peace the bible prophecy predicts. When the political system thinks they have succeeded in enslaving mankind, the bible says:

” Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. 4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves, 5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness.” 1 thessallonians 5:3-5.

Satan the devil is behind this struggle of the great powers on earth. His plan is similar to the political system objective, ” rule or ruin”. Diabolical objective is to distract people from the real source of peace and good health, which is no other than God’s kingdom- Revelation 11, 13, and chapter 21.

The Universal issue is: ” who has the right to be rightful sovereign of the earth and universe”.

It’s not really about jabs from pfizer, it’s about total control of the Earth’s inhabitants in whatever means possible and strangle all aspiration and hope of God’s kingdom and it’s rightful ruler for the earth , Jesus Christ appointed by Jehovah God.

We need to pray for God’s kingdom to come soon and judge these beastly powers that disdain Jehovah’s appointed king in heaven, none else but Jesus Christ.

“Your will be done on earth as in heaven, your kingdom come.” Matthew 6.

Please God comfort these people and give them hope. Let’s Pray for them and help them.

There will be a time as Revelation 21 says, ” The tent of God( Jehovah) will be with mankind… And will make everything new.. death and sorrow will pass away, no more mourning or outcry.”

Like Jesus told the evil doer that hung on the stake beside him, ” you will be with me in paradise”. Yes, right here on earth as God intended in the garden of Eden.

Pray for God’s will to be dy here on earth as it is in heaven and his kingdom to come. Jehovah have mercy on all.

The Saint

I have seen many decent comments removed, but the 3 year old writing about his holes still has his comments there. It’s as if SF wants to appeal only to demented children.

Pro Russia from Germany

What does decent mean? NATO propaganda?

The Saint

The territory must be retaken using all weapons at Russian disposal.

They need to tell Ukraine to withraw within 24 hours or their formations will be completely destroyed using tactical nuclear weapons, and when they do not withdraw, to do just that.

Edit: In fact, no warning should be given as Ukraine will disperse forces. All warnings have already been issued and the next step is to destroy the Ukrainian formations using tactical nuclear weapons.

This is what those weapons are for.

Russia are fighting Nato forces who are on Russian territory, you cannot get more doctrinal for the use of tactical nuclear weapons than that. Get it done.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Saint

The crazy ass Russians won’t even blow up bridges and rail yards let alone use tactical nukes.

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