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- At least 12 people, including seven civilians, were killed in Taliban’s attack on Kandahar police headquarters on July 18. Security services claimed that the attack was plotted in Pakistan;
- Heavy clashes were reported in the Aab Kamari district, Badghis province. According to pro-government sources, over 25 Taliban members and 30 pro-government fighters were killed;
- 4 people were killed and 16 others were injured in a bombing in Kabul on July 19;
- 23 civilians were killed in NATO-led attacks in Badghis and Helmand provinces, the Taliban claimed;
- On July 18, 17 civilians were killed in a drone attack on the Musa Qala district, Helmand province, the Taliban claimed;
- A Taliban insider killed 5 soldiers and injured 9 others at a checkpoint in the Nahri Saraj district, Helmand province, the Taliban said.
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Surely with all the innocent civilians dying, this must be a war crime by the US !!?.