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- On May 26, more than a dozen people were killed and wounded in a suicide attack on the Taliban’s defense minister Mullah Mohammad Yaqub Mujahid’s residence in Nangarhar province. Mullah Ya’qub survived the assassination attempt;
- On May 25, more than 44 civilians were killed and wounded by three explosions in the city of Mazare Sharif;
- On May 25, four people were killed by an explosion in the city of Kabul;
- On May 25, forces loyal to Ahmad Massoud reportedly killed 14 Taliban members in the Darad district of Panjshir;
- On May 23, Taliban Deputy Prime Minister Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar announced the signing of a security agreement with the United Arab Emirates to run Afghanistan’s airports;
- On May 21, unknown gunmen killed four Taliban members in the Khaja Ghar district.
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Maybe the USA still flies some drones over Afghanistan and now they bomb just random targets, to create chaos. would not surprise me!