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- 20 soldiers and 2 police officers were killed in clashes with the Taliban in the Aqcha district of Jowzjan province, according to local sources;
- According to the Taliban, clashes between the movement and government forces are ongoing across 19 provinces: Kunduz, Jowzjan, Baghlan, Nangarhar, Wardak, Khost, Logar, Balkh, Kapisa, Badakhshan, Faryab, Farah, Zabul, Herat, Kandahar, Helmand, Uruzgan, Badghis and Nimroz. The Taliban claims that 180 pro-government troops were killed or wounded in the recent day only;
- The Taliban stormed government forces’ positions in the Aqcha district of Jowzjan province. The attack was repelled.
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