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Military Situation In Area Of Palmyra On March 1, 2017 (Syria Map Update)

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The Syrian army and the National Defense Forces have liberated the Palmyra Triangle, a strategic crossroad west of the ancient city of Palmyra which had been controlled by ISIS terrorists.

This map shows the military situation in the area of Palmyra on March 1, 2017:

Military Situation In Area Of Palmyra On March 1, 2017 (Syria Map Update)

Click to see the full-size map

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Solomon Krupacek

al busairi crossroad is more important than al mahr


Busayri crossroad is a deathtrap, flat terrain surrounded by numerouns mounts, a logistical and tactical nightmare to hold, no wonder SAA command is reluctant to move toward it.

Solomon Krupacek

i know. and in opposite to you, i know, that the take of crossrad means automatically take the hills. therefore is important. saa is tupid, they should have already block the whole jordan border. and thid is the first step. road 90 is much more important than palmyra.


You can’t put your finger in a hornet’s nest and expect no injury, SAA don’t have the manpower to:

1- Engage mountain operations against multiple foes (look at the map: ISIS + “rebels” here)

2- Maintain checkpoints and tactical reserves ready

3-Supply those troops (from Palmyra, any supply convoy is vulnerable to flanking attacks from the desert and from the mounts, from Tiyas AFB, it’s manageable only if you control mountains, see point 1)

ISIS attacked from Huwaysis in december, there are roads connecting this area to Raqqa and the Euphrate valley. The only valuable ressource along road 90 is the Khunayfis Phosphat Plant, which is already destroyed by RuAF strikes.

Solomon Krupacek

MUST have manpower. if they dont have soldiers, should give up dreams about united syria.



Solomon Krupacek

because road 90 is essenial parllel ros to palmyra. and also therefore, that this stap finally allowe to block the jordan border. there are only few settlements. from jordan and turky come the jihadistst. third, there would be briter territory controlled by government. would be not so easy cut it.


On the other hand if the SAA manages to take the road to Al Salamiyah and all the terrain west of it, it would not only secure more SAA frontline north of this sailliant, but also south of the Road of Life towards Aleppo. Seems like a worthwhile investment.

Solomon Krupacek

like in december…


Mistake on map next lebanon border Pas de vert normalement


PROTIP to SAA: Please don’t lose Palmyra again.

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